St. Francis County Biographies
USGenWeb Archives - St.Francis Co, Arkansas  <b><font size="+3"></b><center>HISTORY OF ST.FRANCIS COUNTY-1954 Biographies-G to Z HISTORY OF ST.FRANCIS COUNTY,ARK. 1954- TIMES HERALD PUBLISHING CO.
COPYRIGHT-With Permission- History of St. Francis County, Arkansas, 1954; a narrative historical edition preserving the record of the growth and development of St. Francis County, Arkansas, and chronicling the genealogical and memorial records of its prominent families and personages.-Chowning, Robert W-GEN 976.791CH
Following are persons of interest mentioned in this interesting book. Go to Index to see the title page! Other pages are available by request. See page in left part of the listing. The pages online are shown on Index, they are large and take a long time to open, you can download as jpg! Index of the History of 1954:INDEX More BiosBIOS A TO F-from Index 1954 and Alpha Listing BIOS M TO Z=WORKING-Alpha Listing Only Note:Bios of others than those in the History of 1954 are shown here too! August.9,2012- 555 ENTRIES Letter G to Z PAGE-LAST OR BUSINESS-FIRST-MIDDLE-PREFIX-MAIDEN-DATES-CEMETERY IF KNOWN-NOTES 10-PICTURE - GADBERRY - EMMITT - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT-CAPT. I 10-PICTURE - GADBERRY - LEON - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT-CHIEF 46 - GADBERRY - THOMAS - - - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:CHARTER MEMBERS: THOMAS GADBERRY 13 - GAINES - N. - P. - - - - CORONER 1890-1892-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY - GALLAWAY - M. - C. - COL. - - BIO - Capt.James Fussell, was married on Nov.1,1880 to Miss Lucille Gallaway, daughter of Col M.C.Gallaway, statesman and Nestor of Memphis journalism. He founded the Memphis Avalanche, later he purchased the Memphis Daily Appeal, The Memphis Avalanche-Appeal united with The Commercial in 1894, resulting in the Commercial Appeal. He remained it's editor until his death at the age of 78. Four children blessed this marriage, Fannie, Annie (later Mrs.E.P.Taylor), James and Lucile (now Mrs.Burk Mann), of whom three survived their mother, who died in 1894. On Mar.1,1897 he married Miss Elizabeth Randolph. 144- PICTURE - GANDY - OSCAR - J. - Sr. - - BIO - Oscar J.Gandy Sr. was born in Smithdale, Ark., on July 16,1902, son of Charles S. and Charlotte (Homewood)_Gandy, and a year later came to St.Francis county with his mother. His father met an accidental death on Dec.10,1901. He has been a successful and respected citizen of the county, operating a store in Colt, and farming 500 acres together with two rice wells. He also has 90 head of Polled Hereford cattle. A graduate of the Forrest City High School, he studied at the Victor G.Blue School of Navigation, Norfolk School of Business Administration, Norfolk, Va., and the Navy Signal School, Hampton Roads, Va. He joined the Navy on Sep.27, 1923, and was assigned to the U.S.S.Bobolink Mine Sweeper, saw duty during the League of Nations Disarmament Program. He was honorably discharged on Sep.26, 1927. On Apr.29,1928, he married Miss Annie Grace Hamilton, daughter of Dewitt and Mae (Waldrep) Hamilton of Forrest City, and to this union has been born a son and two daughters; Dorothy Louise, now Mrs.Donald T.Williams, with one daughter, Toni born May 17,1953; Rose Marie, married to Joe Burch, farmer of Hughes, with a daughter, Malinda; and Oscar J.Gandy Jr., born Jul.21,1932 who married Martha Sweet, a son, Oscar Gandy III born Jan.15,1954. Oscar Jr. is working on the farm with his father. Mr.Gandy is a member of the Methodist church, Lions Club, and the Arkansas Real Estate Brokers Assoc., and the Arkansas Insurance Association. He has served as state representative from St.Francis County from 1938-1940, and from 1936-1940 he was a Committeeman of the Farmers Home Administration. He was a director of the Woodruff Electric Coop., and was also involved with the Shearin-Wright Motor Co. 30 - GARDNER - RUSSELL - - - - - Town of Hughes: Residents SEE HUGHES 13 - GARRISON - C. - R. - - - - COUNTY CLERK 1933-1941-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY - GATES - ANNIE - VIRGINIA - MRS. - RUSH - 4 - 10 1906 7 28 1995 FPARK 1504-NEXT TO DAVID GATES-BELIEVE THIS TO BE DAUGHTER OF DR.JOHN RUSH-[From History of St.Francis Co., 1954-Times Herald Publishing Co.] Born near Mayview, Mo., Dr.Rush was the son of the late Joel G. and Annie (Brigg) Rush. He moved to this county in April 1896, and began practicing at Colt, moving to Forrest City in 1900, where he had an office in the Dyer building on Front Street. It was in 1907 that he built his home, which included his office at 300 North Front St.. He has lived there ever since. Dr.Rush married Miss Cora M. Peak, daughter of James and Belle (Langdon) Peak of Lexington, Mo. , on April 24,1901. Their children include Frances Marian, who is Mrs.E.T.Slaughter of Dallas, Tx.; Anne Virginia, Mrs.David Gates of near Forrest City; and Stella Mae, who is Mrs.W.B.Rich, Jr. of Forrest City. 135-PICTURE - GATES - JACK - - - - BIO - No other business in Forrest City can surpass the record of unselfish public service rendered year after year by the owners of the Gates Bros.Lumber Co. The story of this successful lumber firm and of the personal lives of the two Gates brothers, Meyer and Lem, is as interesting and is typically American as any related anywhere in this book. It is abundant in joys and despairs of two brothers of the family who gave his life for his country in World War II. It all began here years ago when the late Jere Gates has an opportunity to buy the East Arkansas Builders Supply which he was managing at the time. He and his brothers, Meyer, then of Memphis, and David, local farmer, started the Gates Bros. Lumber Co. in 1938. For five years Jere worked hard to make the business a success, then came World War II, and in 1943, Jere joined the Army, and took an active part in the famous Battle of the Bulge. As a First Lieutenant, his 3rd Army heavy artillery battalion was used in the final battle to pinch off the deep German penetration. He survived this battle, but was killed later near the Czech border when a hidden mine exploded. The son of Meyer, Jack Gates is the purchasing agent for the firm today. He married the former Shirley Ann Forbes of Miami, Fla. They have one son, David Lainer. Jack attended Forrest City High School, University of Arkansas, State Teachers College, and the University of Florida. 135-PICTURE - GATES - JERE - - - - BIO - No other business in Forrest City can surpass the record of unselfish public service rendered year after year by the owners of the Gates Bros.Lumber Co. The story of this successful lumber firm and of the personal lives of the two Gates brothers, Meyer and Lem, is as interesting and is typically American as any related anywhere in this book. It is abundant in joys and despairs of two brothers of the family who gave his life for his country in World War II. It all began here years ago when the late Jere Gates has an opportunity to buy the East Arkansas Builders Supply which he was managing at the time. He and his brothers, Meyer, then of Memphis, and David, local farmer, started the Gates Bros. Lumber Co. in 1938. For five years Jere worked hard to make the business a success, then came World War II, and in 1943, Jere joined the Army, and took an active part in the famous Battle of the Bulge. As a First Lieutenant, his 3rd Army heavy artillery battalion was used in the final battle to pinch off the deep German penetration. He survived this battle, but was killed later near the Czech border when a hidden mine exploded. 135-PICTURE - GATES - LEMUEL - - - - BIO - No other business in Forrest City can surpass the record of unselfish public service rendered year after year by the owners of the Gates Bros.Lumber Co. The story of this successful lumber firm and of the personal lives of the two Gates brothers, Meyer and Lem, is as interesting and is typically American as any related anywhere in this book. It is abundant in joys and despairs of two brothers of the family who gave his life for his country in World War II. It all began here years ago when the late Jere Gates has an opportunity to buy the East Arkansas Builders Supply which he was managing at the time. He and his brothers, Meyer, then of Memphis, and David, local farmer, started the Gates Bros. Lumber Co. in 1938. For five years Jere worked hard to make the business a success, then came World War II, and in 1943, Jere joined the Army, and took an active part in the famous Battle of the Bulge. As a First Lieutenant, his 3rd Army heavy artillery battalion was used in the final battle to pinch off the deep German penetration. He survived this battle, but was killed later near the Czech border when a hidden mine exploded. In 1945, Lemuel Gates and his attractive wife, the former Christine Turner of Osceola, Ark. came to Forrest City to take his place in the firm as Secretary Treasurer. They have two fine girls, Lynette and Christy. Lem served three years in the U.S.Navy, two were spent as Yeoman First Class on Destroyer 490 on convoy duty in the Atlantic Ocean. He attended high school in Lonoke where he was born, and later Mrs. Wylie's Office Training School in Memphis. He is a member of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, Boys Scouts Committeeman, the Lions Club, and the King-Beazley American Legion Post. He is also a Mason. 135-PICTURE - GATES - MEYER - - - - BIO - No other business in Forrest City can surpass the record of unselfish public service rendered year after year by the owners of the Gates Bros.Lumber Co. The story of this successful lumber firm and of the personal lives of the two Gates brothers, Meyer and Lem, is as interesting and is typically American as any related anywhere in this book. It is abundant in joys and despairs of two brothers of the family who gave his life for his country in World War II. It all began here years ago when the late Jere Gates has an opportunity to buy the East Arkansas Builders Supply which he was managing at the time. He and his brothers, Meyer, then of Memphis, and David, local farmer, started the Gates Bros. Lumber Co. in 1938. For five years Jere worked hard to make the business a success, then came World War II, and in 1943, Jere joined the Army, and took an active part in the famous Battle of the Bulge. As a First Lieutenant, his 3rd Army heavy artillery battalion was used in the final battle to pinch off the deep German penetration. He survived this battle, but was killed later near the Czech border when a hidden mine exploded. When Jere entered the service, Meyer came to take over as President of the corporation, and has been one of the most civic minded citizens of his adopted Forrest City. Meyer Gates, and his charming wife, the former Dora Schulte of Memphis, have always been active in religious, civic, and social affairs in Forrest City. He has been active in the Lions International, and the local Lions Club, the Presbyterian Church, Masonic Lodge, Chamber of Commerce, Boy Scouts, County Polio Chairman, and the Crowley's Ridge Square Dance Club. They have one son, Jack, who is now associated with the firm as purchasing agent. 13 - GATLING - JOHN - - - - - TREASURER 1921-1927-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - GATTEN - J. - A. - - - - MAYORS OF COLT:J.A.GATTEN 129-PICTURE - GIBBS - WILLIAM - - - - BIO - The persistent energy, resourcefulness and pleasant personality of William M.Gibbs II, has distinguished the St.Francis County Farm Bureau Insurance Agency as a pace setter in the field of record breakers. In June 1949, St.Francis County farmers were first able to purchase the insurance for their need. He was born near Ft.Smith, educated at Fort Smith High School and then attended the University of Arkansas until in 1943 to 1946, when he served in the 103rd Infantry as a machine gunner, with action in the Battle of the Bulge. After World War II, he returned to the University where he received his B.S.Degree in agriculture and business administration. After graduation he came to Forrest City with his wife, the former Sara Jo Morehead of El Dorado, daughter of a Methodist minister. They have one son, William M.III, and a daughter, Sara Ellen. Mr.Gibbs is a member of the Legion, Young Business Men's Club, Chamber of Commerce, and Country Club as well as the Methodist church. 123-PICTURE - GIBSON - ED - - - - BIO - The modest owner of Gibson Wholesale Meats is Ed Gibson, who has worked long and hard to make his business a success. He was first partners with Walter Priddy, which began in Marianna in November, 1946 as Gibson-Priddy Wholesale Meat Dealers. In October 1949, Mr.Gibson bought out his partner, and the business has grown now with 14 employees, 5 trucks covering 7 counties. Mr.Gibson was born at Boydell, Ark., son of W.E. and Annie (Simpson) Gibson, now of Hamburg. A graduate of Dermott High School, he attended Monticello A & M and Arkansas State Teachers College. In May 1941, he joined the U.S.Army in World War II, served three years overseas in the European Theatre, before his discharge on Nov.5,1945. On Apr.14,1946, he married Miss Neva Buchanan, daughter of Virgil and Myrtie (Helsley) Buchanan of Santa Paula, Calif., and to this union has been born two children, Neva Jean and William Paul. He belongs to the Methodist church, the King-Beazley American Legion Post, and was a member of the Rotary Club. 13 - GILBREATH - GUS - - - - - CITY OF COLT ADMINISTRATION IN 1954:GUS GILBREATH, CITY RECORDER - GILLIAM - J. - M. - - - BIO - Some of the long time employees of the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill are G.B.Rucks, cashier and office since 1922, and J.M.Gilliam, seed buyer since 1924. Another well known figure at the mill from 1906 until his retirement in 1950 was A.A.French, who advanced from millwright to General Superintendent. 12-PICTURE - GILLIAM - JAMES - - - - - (PICTURE 1900 CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM THE CHOCTAWS) 80-PICTURE - GOLDSTEIN - JOE - - - - BIO - Abe Goldstein and his son, Joe, 28 years ago, in 1926, bought the remaining stock and fixtures of a business known as L.Barnett on Front Street and opened a store that would become one of the finest in Eastern Arkansas. Eleven years later, his father, Abe, moved to Memphis in 1937 after retiring, and Joe changed the store to strictly an exclusive ladies' ready to wear from a department store. In 1949, he moved to the present location on Washington across from Stevens Funeral Home from the Front Street location, now known as the Ford's Food Center which had been opened after changing to a ladies' store in 1937. He and his wife, the former Miss Minnie Silverstein, of Louisville, Ky., run the store now known as Goldstein's Ladies and Misses' Ready-to-Wear. Mr.Goldstein was born in Covington, Tenn. During World War I, he served overseas in France with the 39th Machine Gun Company. The have three sons, Seyman and Jack, now of Memphis, and Edmond, a senior in Forrest City High School; a daughter, Ranelle, now Mrs.James Gilson of Memphis. They have two grandsons, Ross Alan and Stephen Gilson. 3RD LT.35TH ALABAMA REGIMENT-CIVIL - GOODLOE - GRANVILLE - - DR. - - 1 - 23 1857 NA ARKHISBIO Granville Goodloe, M. A., was born at Tulip, Ark., January 23, 1857. He was the eldest of twelve children of the Rev. Dr. A. Theodore Goodloe and Sallie Louise, daughter of Granville La Force Cockrill and Louise M. Turner. Dr. Goodloe was a native of Maury County, Tenn.; was educated at the University of Virginia, took the degree of M.D. at Hampden Sidney College, Virginia, and practiced two years in Bellevue Hospital. Just before the war he settled with his brother in St. Francis County, Ark., and engaged in farming. He entered the Confederate service in April, 1862, as third lieutenant in the Thirty-fifth Alabama Regiment; the same year he was promoted to first lieutenant, for gallantry; he served through the war, and in 1868 entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, as an itinerant preacher, in which he is still engaged. His wife is a native of Tuscumbia, Ala., and a relative of the Cockrills and Hardings, of Nashville; her great-grandfather, John Cockrill, was the first white man married in Middle Tennessee. His wife was a sister of Gen. James Robertson. The subject of this sketch, Mr. Granville Goodloe, was a pupil of the Culleoka Institute (Webb. School) for three and one-half years. In 1873-75 he was a student of Emory and Henry College, Virginia, and from 1875 to 1879 of the Vanderbilt University, where he was the first to take the degree of M. A., May 30, 1879. In 1879-80 he was principal of the Black River High School in Smithville, Ark. In the summer of 1880 he became associated with his classmate, the Rev. E. R. Chappell, as joint principal of McKenzie College, as McTyeire Institute was then called. He still presides over this institution. He is a member of the Methodist Church. CIVIL - GOVAN - DANIEL - CHEVILETTE - - - 7 - 4 1829 3 12 1911 CIVIL WAR Daniel Chevilette GOVAN(1829-1911)Daniel Chevilette Govan was born in Northampton County, North Carolina on July 4, 1829, but was brought up in Mississippi, and attended the University of South Carolina. Joining in the gold rush to California in 1849 with his kinsman, Ben McCulloch, who was also to become a Confederate general officer, Govan returned to Mississippi in 1852, and then moved to Helena, Arkansas, in 1861, where he engaged in planting. Raising a company, which became part of the 2nd Arkansas Infantry, he became the regiment's lieutenant colonel, and subsequently was made colonel of the 2nd Arkansas regiment, and was present in the first day's battle of Shiloh. Sickness prevented his participating on the second day. In the Kentucky campaign, the 2nd Arkansas was in the brigade of General Liddell, and participated in the battle of Perryville. At Murfreesboro, still in Liddell's brigade, Colonel Govan led his regiment and during a part of the day the brigade. At Chickamauga he led the brigade, Liddell acting as commander of a division. He again commanded his brigade at Missionary Ridge and on the retreat, sharing prominently in the timely victory at Ringgold, and winning from his division commander, Pat Cleburne an evaluation as one of the commanders of whom General Cleburne said, "Four better officers are not in the service of the Confederacy.". On December 29, 1863, he was promoted to brigadier-general, his command consisting of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Arkansas regiments of infantry. Throughout the Atlanta campaign he handled his brigade so admirably as to merit favorable mention from his division and corps commanders and from Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, who especially mentioned the gallant conduct of his brigade at Pickett's Mill. On the 1st of September, while Hardee with one corps was holding a position of no great strength in order to protect Hood's retreat from Atlanta, he was attacked by five corps of Sherman's army. Fortunately, the attacks were not simultaneous along the line, and Hardee was able to shift troops to the threatened points in time to repel assaults. About the middle of the afternoon an angle held by Govan's Arkansas and Lewis' Kentucky brigades, troops that had no superiors in the army, were assailed by an overwhelming force. They held to their line until the dense masses of the Federal troops poured over the works, and by force of numbers drove back the brave defenders. A large part of Govan's brigade fought until the dense volume of Federal troops over ran them and took physical possession of the men and their weapons. What was left of the brigade, charging with Granbury's Texans and Gordon's Tennesseans, succeeded in establishing a new line, which was held until night put an end to the conflict. General Govan, captured that day, was soon exchanged and followed the fortunes of the army of Tennessee to the last. He led his brigade through the hardships and disasters of the Tennessee campaign at Spring Hill, Franklin, and Nashville, and in the final campaign in the Carolinas commanded his own and Granbury's brigade, which had been consolidated. No officer of the Army of Tennessee enjoyed to a greater degree than General Govan did, the esteem of his men and of his superior officers.Surrendering with General Joseph E. Johnston in 1865, General Govan returned to his plantation near Helena, Arkansas, where he continued to live until 1894, when he accepted from President Cleveland a post as Indian agent in the state of Washington. The last years of his life were spent in the homes of one or another of his fourteen children in Tennessee and Mississippi. He died in Memphis on March 12, 1911, and is buried in Holly Springs, Mississippi. 89 - GRAFF - LLOYD - F. - MRS. - - BIO - Mrs.Lloyd F. Graff, the competent bookkeeper and office manager of the Forrest City Times-Herald, is the former Eva hall, daughter of the late Edward W. and Mary C. (Becker) Hall, pioneer settlers of Lepanto. Since June 15,1946, Mrs.Graff, wife of Lloyd F.Graff, Parts Manager of the St.Francis Motor Co., has been employed at the Times-Herald. A graduate of the Lepanto High School, Mrs.Graff also attended the Draughon's Business College in Memphis. The Graff's were married Apr.13, 1940. They have two daughters, Linda Faye, and Marilyn Lee. 58 - GRAHAM - W. - S. - - - - Original Board of Directors of National Bank of Eastern Arkansas. 18 - GRAHAM - W. - S. - - - - BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS ORGANIZED 18 - GRAMMAR - G. - H. - VICE PRES. - - - FOUNDED EX-CONFEDERATE ASSOC. FORMED AUG.20,1886 70 - GRAVES - ELOISE - - MRS. - - BIO - Mrs.Paul (Eloise) Graves is a singularly attractive and charming young lady, as co-owner with her husband, and manager of Eloise's Tots-To-Teens Shop, and is one of St.Francis County's best known business women. Since coming to Forrest City eight years ago from Marianna, with her husband, Eloise has made many friends. She was born in Harrison, Ark., is a graduate of Stuttgart High School. She married Paul Graves on Aug.25,1935, and they have one son Paul Chandler Graves enrolled in Castle Heights Military Academy in Lebanon, Tenn. 116-PICTURE - GRAVES - PAUL - H. - - - BIO - Mr.Paul H.Graves became a partner in the Watkin's Cafe‚ in April 1945, with Mrs.Troy Watkins, Sr. and her son, Chandler Watkins. He was born in Dewitt, Arkansas; his parents, W.O. and Ollie Bell (Thomason) graves. After graduating from Stuttgart High School, he was employed by the Wellorth Dept.Store for 13 years. On Aug.25,1935, he married Miss Eloise Watkins. They are the parents of one son, Paul Chandler Graves. His experience in dry goods came in handy for his wife in the Eloise's Tots to Teens Store in Forrest City. He is a member of the Methodist church, the Forrest City Country Club, the Chamber of Commerce, a former member of the Rotary Club and the original Young Business Men's Club. 72-PICTURE - GRAY - HENRY - C. - - - BIO - Mr.Henry C.Gray, a partner in the Broadway Drug Store with William J.Clanton, became a pharmacist in 1920, and a partner in 1946. He had been a partner with his brother, Thomas, and they owned the City Drug Store from 1920 till 1937, when Henry bought out his brother. He operated it alone until 1946. Mr.Gray was born in Forrest City , May 30, 1897, son of the late E.T. and Tula (Paslay) Gray. His maternal grandfather was the late W.H.Paslay, a widely known early settler of Forrest City. Mr.Gray attended Forrest City Public Schools, Quachita College, and later the St.Louis College of Pharmacy. A World War I veteran, Mr.Gray was employed in Little Rock a short time before returning to Forrest City in 1920 to operate the City Drug Store with his brother Thomas. On Jan.3,1918. he married Miss Thelma Fry, a classmate at Quachita, daughter of Mr.D.W. and Mattie (Parker) Fry of Fort Smith, and to this union has been born one son, Dr.H.T.Gray. Mr.Gray is a member of the Baptist Church, Charter Member of the Delphian Club, Lions Club, Masonic Lodge, Chamber of Commerce, Arkansas Pharmaceutical Assoc., and the King-Beazley American Legion Post. 46 - GRAY - J. - L. - - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:CHARTER MEMBERS: J.L.GRAY 46 - GRAY - JAMES - L. - 1ST SGT. - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:OFFICERS IN 1954:FIRST SGT.-JAMES L.GRAY 86-PICTURE - GRAY - JOE - - - - BIO - Thirty-four years of successful drug business operation in Forrest City, and on the corner of Izard and Broadway for 15 years. Thomas G.Gray was born and reared in Forrest City, was a graduate of Forrest City High School, and latter attended Quachita College. In 1920, the Gray brothers had an opportunity to return their home town and purchase the old City Drug Store, then owned and operated by Ed Neal on Front Street, where the Mosely Furniture Co. is located now. For eighteen years they operated as City Drug Store, and in Sept. of 1938, Thomas Gray founded the Palace Drug Store. Mr.& Mrs.Gray are members of the Baptist Church and have two daughters, Mrs.Fred (Jane) McMurray and Ruth Ann, and a son Joe, who is associated with his father in the business. Mrs.Gray is the former Grace Donham of Little Rock. Both father and son are Registered Pharmacist, Joe attended the Univ. of Tennessee Pharmacy School, after finishing high school here. During World War II, he served in the U.S.Army Air Corps, and saw action in the European Theatre and was a sergeant when he was discharged. His wife is the former Marion Powell of Mobile, Alabama, and they are members of the First Baptist Church. 86-PICTURE - GRAY - THOMAS - G. - - - BIO - Thirty-four years of successful drug business operation in Forrest City, and on the corner of Izard and Broadway for 15 years. Thomas G.Gray was born and reared in Forrest City, was a graduate of Forrest City High School, and latter attended Quachita College. In 1920, the Gray brothers had an opportunity to return their home town and purchase the old City Drug Store, then owned and operated by Ed Neal on Front Street, where the Mosely Furniture Co. is located now. For eighteen years they operated as City Drug Store, and in Sept. of 1938, Thomas Gray founded the Palace Drug Store. Mr.& Mrs.Gray are members of the Baptist Church and have two daughters, Mrs.Fred (Jane) McMurray and Ruth Ann, and a son Joe, who is associated with his father in the business. Mrs.Gray is the former Grace Donham of Little Rock. Both father and son are Registered Pharmacist, Joe attended the Univ. of Tennessee Pharmacy School, after finishing high school here. During World War II, he served in the U.S.Army Air Corps, and saw action in the European Theatre and was a sergeant when he was discharged. His wife is the former Marion Powell of Mobile, Alabama, and they are members of the First Baptist Church. - GRAY - WILLIAM - F. - - - - NA ARKHISBIO FATHER OF ELLA E.GRAY-SECOND WIFE OF WILLIAM E.ALLEN-MARRIED in 1888 TO Miss Ella E. Gray, a daughter of William F. and Sarah E. Gray, became his present wife. To their union one child has been born, Willie L 75-PICTURE - GREENE - GARLAND - J. - JR. - - BIO - In a county where agriculture is the major enterprise, the County Agent is one of the most prominent and useful citizens of the area and such is the position occupied by Garland J.Greene since 1945. He moved here from Clarksville, Ark. where he held the same position. Mr.Greene was born in Atwood, Okla., on Jan.21,1907, son of B.L. and Dora Greene. After graduation from the Lead Hill (Ark.) High School, he attended the Univ.of Arkansas, receiving his B.S.Degree in the College of Agriculture in 1933. Mrs.Greene is the former Maxine Martin, daughter of Mrs.(Bert) Martin and the late Mr.Martin of South West City, Mo. They have four daughters and are members of the Baptist Church. 7-PICTURE-129-PICTURE - GREGORY - HENRY - WATT - SR. - - BIO - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-LEADERS-FORREST CITY)-When Henry Watts Gregory, founder of Gregory's Furniture Co., passed away Jan.15,1953, in his widely-known place of business on Front Street in Forrest City, they lost a pleasing personality in the civic, business, and religious affairs of the city. Mr.Gregory, a tall and striking man came to Forrest City in 1920 from Smyrna, Tenn., where he was born Aug.15,1882, son of the late Mr.& Mrs.W.H.Gregory. He spent his boyhood in Smyrna where he received his formal education. He came to Forrest City to form a partnership with George E.Parker, in the Parker-Gregory Furniture Company. Seven years later they mutually agreed to dissolve the partnership, each operating under their own names after that. A member of the First Christian Church, on the Board of Trustees for the Phillips University in Enid, Okla., a member of the Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, Young Business Men's Club, and a former Rotarian. The 15th was significant, as he was born, married, and died on that day. On May 15,1907 he married Miss Whyte Jetton of Readyville, Tenn. Their son, Henry Watt Jr., now an attorney in Pine Bluff, who married Miss Barbara Delle Simmons of Pine Bluff on Oct.30,1937, and to this union has been born three children, Lida, Watt, and Susan. The firm is being run by Mrs.Gregory along with her son, with the assistance of J.D.Gregory and Mrs.Carrie McLaren, who have been there about 16 years. 13 - GRIGGS - J. - M. - SR. - - BIO - (PIONEER-1854)-Great grandfather of Miss Annie A.Campbell, daughter of Miss Jessie (Griggs) who married Silas Calvin Campbell. Griggs township named for him. Her grandfather, also named J.M.Griggs Sr., was an early county judge. JUDGE 1854-1860, 1862-1864-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 7-PICTURE-18-140-141-PICTURE - GROBMYER - ALBERT - JR. - - - BIO - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) STILL OPERATING GROBMYER MARKET EST.1887-Albert J.Grobmyer, born Aug.6,1889, came to Forrest City with his mother to join Mr.Grobmyer. He studied at the local Catholic School, the Crowley Ridge Institute and then Christian Brothers College in Memphis. In 1925 he opened the City Grocery & Market on Rosser St., with his father as a partner; however, when his father passed away in 1931, he consolidated the two businesses on the Washington location as Grobmyer Market & Grocery. In 1909, he married Miss Nannie Evans, daughter of William P. and Daisy (Nash) Evans. Mrs.Grobmyer's grand parents, John A. and Annie (Howard) Evans, were early settlers of this county. They have reared five children; Albert Jr., now a doctor in Memphis and the father of three sons, Albert III, Robert and James; Carrie, wife of U.S.Army Lt-Col. Ernest Philpot of Fortr Hambleton, Brooklyn, New York, and mother of four children, Mona Jane, John, Ginger, Harold Jr., Cecelia, and Nannie Carlen; Meredith of Forrest City, a son, Wayne; and Evelyn, wife of William Cowhig of Greensboro, N.C., four children, William Jr., Michael, Steve and John. 20 - GROBMYER - JOHN - - MAYOR - - - EARLY MAYORS OF FORREST CITY AFTER GROGAN 20 - GROBMYER - LOUIS - R. - PRESIDENT - - - FORMED PLANTERS BANK & TRUST CO. IN 1910 18 - GROBMYER - LOUIS - R. - - - BIO - FOUNDED GROBMYER MARKET IN 1887-Since it was established in 1887, by the founder of the firm, Louis R.Grobmyer, it has two outstanding distinctions, one, it is the third oldest firm in St.Francis County, and second, it has done business in the same location longer than any other in St.Francis County. He was born on Feb.9,1859, in Carrolton, Ky., son of Henry Harmon and Elizabeth (Cassin) Grobmyer. He came to Forrest City in 1887, direct from Carrolton. He operated buying, feeding, and shipping cattle to large markets in addition to operating a meat market, and owned more than a thousand acres of farming land, a 400 acre farm south of Forrest City where he had the cattle. He married Mary Emma Grasmick of Carrolton, on Oct.16,1883, and they reared four children; Leo, Albert, Anna May, and Louis Richard Jr.. He died on March 5,1901. 13 - GROGAN - I. - N. - - - - TREASURER 1868-1872-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - GROGAN - J. - W. - MAYOR - - - WHEN RECORDS WERE BROUGHT FROM MADISON TO FORREST CITY 11 - GROGAN - J. - W. - MAYOR - - - FIRST MAYOR OF FORREST CITY MAY 11,1871 115-116 PICTURE - GROSS - MAURICE - L. - - - BIO - The accomplishments of Maurice L.Gross in the ownership and management of the Gross Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Inc., have been both numerous and outstanding. He moved here in 1934 from Malvern, Ark.. He was born in Erin, Tenn. on Nov.3,1911, the son of J.E. and Julia (England) Gross, later of Texarkana, Ark. After finishing Malvern High School, he studied at Quachita College in Arkadelphia. On July 12,1934 he married Jennie Bell Baker, daughter of Mrs.Louise (Wilkins) Baker of Forrest City and the late W.J.Baker. They have two children, a son, Gene, now a student at the University of Arkansas, and a daughter, Judy, now a student at Forrest City High School. He is an active member of the First Methodist Church, the Forrest City Masonic Lodge #198, and is a 32nd Degree Mason. He is also a member of the Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of the World, Chamber of Commerce, St.Francis County Farm Bureau, the Rotary Club, and the Young Business Men's Club, active in the Boy Scouts. He opened his business on June 15,1934, the Forrest City Cleaners, and on Oct.1,1944, he bought the Moseley's Steam Laundry, moving to present quarters at 303 West Broadway in 1950. 8-PICTURE - GUNN - MARVIN - - - - - (PICTURE 1954 CITY POLICE-FORREST CITY) 46 - GUNTER - BERNARD - - 1ST LT. - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:OFFICERS IN 1954:1ST LT.BERNARD GUNTER 13 - GURLEY - J. - R. - - - - SHERIFF 1864-1872-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - HALBERT - H. - - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK 1858-1868-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 46 - HALBERT - J. - H. - - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:CHARTER MEMBERS: J.H.HALBERT 13 - HALBERT - J. - M. - - - - (PIONEER-1840) SHERIFF 1840-1848-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY - HALBERT - JOHN - - - - - NA ARKHISBIO BIO-Bio- FATHER OF-ANNIE-WIFE OF JAMES L.CALDWELL-He was married November 20,1874, to Miss Annie Halbert, a daughter of John Halbert, a native of Missouri. They are the parents of six children:Willie J., Lillie A., Mary Ann, Henry H., Tennie and James L. 12-PICTURE - HALE - ED - - - - - (PICTURE 1900 CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM THE CHOCTAWS) - HALFORD - W. - C. - - - BIO - Assisting Mr.J.Newell Burns in managing Independent Linen Service Co. of Arkansas, are J.R.Astin, Auditor; Joe Dunn, plant superintendent; W.C.Halford, route superintendent; Andy Whitaker, garage superintendent; Henry Dickson, linen assembly foreman; Jeannie Sossamon, bookkeeper; and Alyne Todd, file clerk. 13 - HALL - JOHN - W. - - - - ASSESSOR 1908-1912-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 33-34 - HALL - - - DR. - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Early Mayors:DR.HALL 109 PICTURE-110 - HAMBLETON - MURRAY - C. - - - BIO - Murray C. Hambleton, well-known farmer, livestock producer, and Executive Vice President of the Mann-Hambleton Investment Company of Forrest City, has ancestry extending back to 1880 when his father came here with Murray's grandfather, O.E.Hambleton. Mr.Hambleton was born in Forrest City, the son of Murray Charles and Estelle (Paslay) Hambleton Sr.. His paternal grandfather, O.E.Hambleton, was County Clerk for four years and his maternal grandfather was Elder W.H.Paslay, who was pastor of the Baptist Church in Yocona community for 31 years, and was County Examiner for several years. After graduating from Forrest City High School, Mr.Hambleton received his B.A.Degree from Furman University in 1927, in Greenville, S.Carolina. From 1927 to 1929 he was with Southern Bleachery & Print Works in Taylors, S.Carolina; 1930-1933, National Cotton Seed Products Corp., Memphis; 1934-1939 Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill; 1940-1946 Erskine Williams & DeMange Lumber Co., Madison; and since 1948 has been a stockholder and Exec.Vice President of the Mann-Hambleton Investment Co. of Forrest City. He also has been Sect/Treas. of the Forrest City Gin Company since 1951, in addition to supervising his farming interests in St.Francis and Cross counties. On Dec.17,1939 he married Miss Mildred Hamilton, daughter of Ed and Ethel (Lancaster) Hamilton of Wynne, and to this union has been born a daughter, Elizabeth, now a student at Forrest City High School. Mr.Hambleton is raising Polled Hereford cattle on his farm, and is a member of the St.Francis County Polled Hereford Association., the Chamber of Commerce. The Hambletons belong to the Methodist church. - HAMBLETON - MURRAY - CHARLES - - - 4 - 17 1871 11 4 1944 CITY BIO-Bio- -The Forrest City Times' Art Souvenir-1905-Page 98:Mr.Murray C. Hambleton first saw the light of day in Fayette Co., Tennessee, April 17,1871. He is the eldest son of Oliver Ellsworth and Mary Ellen (Rhodes) Hambleton. His father Mr.O.E.Hambleton, is kindly remembered by a large portion of the citizens of this county, he having held the office of County Treasurer for four years. He was a native of Virginia, and came to this county in 1880, living here till his death, and his wife was a native of Tennessee, being born near Covington. The subject of this sketch was educated in the country schools of Franks Township in this county, and Bethel College, at Russellville, Kentucky. He began his business career by teaching school for a short time and then clerking. He came to this city in 1880 and has been with several firms before becoming a member of the board of directors of The Fussell-Graham-Alderson Co. and has never missed a day from business. On December 22,1897, he was happily married to Miss Estelle, youngest daughter of Elder and Mrs.W.H.Paslay of this city, and one child, a boy, who was born on May 6,1905, and has been named Murray, blesses their home. 13 - HAMBLETON - O. - E. - - - - TREASURER 1894-1898-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 100-112 PICTURE - HAMMONS - OTIS - PARNELL - - - BIO - Otis Parnell Hammons was born at Bolivar, Tenn., the son of the late Rev.Thomas R.Hammons, now retired Baptist minister, and Lucy (Vaughn) Hammons, who now lives on East Broadway in Forrest City. Otis is a widely-known business man and rice, cotton and cattle farmer. He graduated from Union Academy and then received his A.B.Degree at Union University. He is a graduate of the Jackson School of Business, Jackson, Tenn. He taught school and while doing so, continued his education attending George Peabody College and later the University of Oklahoma, where he obtained his Master's Degree in School Administration. While attending Jonesboro College, he married the former Evelyn Pierce, daughter of W.A. and Rosa Pierce of Los Angeles, Calif. Both were students at the time. In 1934 Mr.Hammons held many positions in education in Oklahoma, when in 1943 he moved to Forrest City. While teaching in Arkansas, he received script in lieu of salary, which he invested in farming land in Poinsett and St.Francis county. He also served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Forrest City Production Credit Association for two years, while his wife who had been teaching high school mathematics and also has an A.B.Degree in music and dramatic art, and also developed a debit for the Life & Casualty Co. of Nashville, Tenn. In May 1945, the Hammons purchased the Bilsky Grocery on Front Street, which they turned into an Oklahoma Tire & Supply Store, and they later opened another store in Brinkley in 1948. In 1952, they closed the Brinkley store and opened Hammons Furniture and Appliance Co.. They have one son, Edward Parnell, now in the seventh grade. They are members of the First Baptist church, he is a member of the St.Francis County Farm Bureau Board of Directors, the Young Business Men's Club, and a former Rotarian and Lion. 89-90 - HAMMONS - THOMAS - R. - REV. - - BIO - HAMMONS BAPTIST MISSION AT PROCTOR JUNCTION-Otis Parnell Hammons was born at Bolivar, Tenn., the son of the late Rev.Thomas R.Hammons, now retired Baptist minister, and Lucy (Vaughn) Hammons, who now lives on East Broadway in Forrest City. CIVIL - HANCOCK - GEORGE - EDWIN - RECTOR - - 8 - 2 1871 11 27 1905 CITY BIO-Bio- The Forrest City Times' Art Souvenir-1905-Page 29:The subject of this sketch was born in Warren County, Kentucky, August 2,1871, and is a son of John W. and Elizabeth Hancock, who were of the sturdy yeomanry of that state, his father being a strong southern man and fought in the Southern army. His mother died when he was but three years of age. Thus he was compelled to learn the lesson of self-reliance when very young. He attended the public schools until the age of fifteen years of age. He entered Union College, at Barbourville, Kentucky, Jan.1,1894, and graduated with honors in 1896. After teaching for several years, he became the minister of the Presbyterian Church Jan.1,1904 in Forrest City. He married Miss Salome Otey, who is a relative of the pioneer Bishop Otey of Tennessee on June 7,1894. One child, Inez Morrell, has blessed this union. -Inscription: RECTOR OF THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD -RECTOR OF THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD 32 - HARDIN - H. - E. - - - - MAYORS OF PALESTINE:H.E.HARDIN 13 - HARGRAVE - R. - H. - - - - (PIONEER-1838) JUDGE 1838-1840-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK 1840-1842-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY - HARGRAVES - OLMON - HALL - JUDGE - - 8 - 24 1912 3 8 1993 MT.VERNON CEMETERY BIO-Bio- HUSBAND OF JEAN FOSTER Hargraves, Olmon H.- Judge-TN Born 24 Aug 1912 Died 8 Mar 1993-NEXT TO LUCY HARGRAVES-JUDGE-6373-Per History of St.Francis County-1954:A modern pioneer in the field of Municipal Law as much as his parents, grand parents, and great grand parents were in the growth of Eastern Arkansas, is Olmon H.Hargraves. Attorney and Municipal Judge, Judge Hargraves has been Municipal Judge since Jan.1,1951. He is the first attorney to be elected to this position. With jurisdiction over the entire county, his court is often crowded with a multitude of divergent cases ranging from misdemeanors and violation of City Ordinances. Under Judge Hargraves' guidance, the lower court has adopted the same rules of procedure and evidence as in higher courts; he has also sponsored the adoption of chemical tests to determine the degree and fact of intoxication of those accused of driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicants. He is active in the community in education of the public in "safe driving manners." Judge Hargraves is the son of Mrs.Lucy (Sanders) Hargraves and the late attorney Solomon S.Hargraves. The Sanders family has been resident of East Arkansas since 1867 and the Hargraves family since around 1850. Born in Forrest City in 1912, he attended grammar school in Forrest City, graduated from Central High School in Memphis, Tenn., attended Memphis State College three years, and received his in 1938 from University of Memphis Law School. He practice law in Memphis two years, enlisted in the U.S.Navy in 1941, was commissioned one year later. He was trained in mine sweeping and sent to the South Pacific for duty. Later he was given command of the U.S.S.YMS 242, a minesweeper, and U.S.S.Harkness, a geodetic survey ship. His ships were in action during the invasions of Guam, Saipan, and Okinawa. His ship was sent to Japan as part of the occupation forces-he was placed on inactive duty in Feb.1946 as a Lieutenant Commander, and returned to Forrest City and the practice of law. He is a member of the King-Beazley American Legion Post, and a former Rotarian. His hobby is local history and photographing his children. He married the former Miss Jean Desiree Foster of Memphis, on May 23,1942, at Laguna Beach, California:to this union were born two sons, Robert Snow, and James Hall, and two daughters, Ruth Eugenia (Chee Chee) and Rosemary. They live at 307 E.Fussell.Born in Forrest City, Arkansas, died in Memphis, Tenn.Lt Cmdr USNAVY WWII. Son of Solomon S.Hargraves and Lucy Olmon Sanders. Parents of Solomon:John L.Hargraves and Missouri A.Jackson. Parents of Lucy:Prof.Joseph Boone Sanders and Lucy Clay (Gwyn) Sanders. 32 - HARMON - HENRY - - - - - Municipal Leaders of Hughes in 1954:ALDERMEN:HENRY HARMON-ALSO CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPT. 75-PICTURE-98 - HARRELSON - FRED - C. - - - BIO - Fred C.Harrelson, who has been a member of the Arkansas Bar since 1940, has established a thriving law practice and title abstract business in his home county, St.Francis and today his name is prominent in those two professional fields, as it was in the life of his late father, Fred F.Harrelson. Fred C. was born Feb.12,1917, son of Mrs.Pearl (Crippen) and Fred F. Harrelson. A descendant of early prominent pioneers of Forrest City. Mr.HARRELSON is the great-grandson of John C.Hill who came to this county in 1852, who will always be remembered in Forrest City history as the man who surveyed the city and for whom Hill Street is named, and his maternal great-grandfather was John W.Crippen, widely known landowner of what is now Crow Creek. After graduation from Forrest City High School, he studied at the Univ. of Arkansas. In 1937, he returned to his home town to become associated with his father in the management of the Title Guaranty & Abstract Co. of Forrest City. He decided to follow his father in the practice of law, and enrolled in evening sessions of the Univ. of Memphis Law School, and after three years became a member of the bar. On Oct.6,1940, he married the popular Dolores Proctor of Wynne, daughter of Don and Mabel (Best) Proctor, and to this union have been born two sons, Dan, born Feb.23,1942, and Keith, born Mar.3,1946. During World War II he served as a member of the U.S.Army from Feb.1,1945, until his honorable discharge on Dec.23,1945 in Khorram Shar, Iran. He is a charter member of the Lions Club, the Arkansas and St.Francis Co. Bar Associations, King-Beazley American Legion Post, and the Forrest City Country Club, and the First Baptist Church. In addition, Mr.Harrelson has farming and real estate interests.In 1885, the St.Francis County Abstract Company was founded Capt. J.G.Stern, a northern man who located in St.Francis County and owned extensive real estate east of St.Francis River. The next owner was N.B.Fizer, lawyer and preacher and father of Mrs.J.G.Sanders. About 1897, Mr.Fizer sold the firm to Mrs. Alice E.Matthews, a sister of John I. Jones and Mrs.A.A.French. both still residents of Forrest City. Mrs.Matthews married S.H.Mann in 1912 and the company was operated by Mr.Mann until his death in 1938. After his death, the company was purchased by Mr.F.F.Harrelson, lawyer and owner of the Title Guaranty and Abstract Company, until 1950 they two companies were operated together until 1950-first by Mr.Harrelson until his death in 1946, and then by F.C.Harrelson and Carroll C.Cannon. In 1950 the firm is owned and operated solely by Mr.Carroll C.Cannon. 98-99-149 PICTURE - HARRELSON - FREDERICK - FLOYD - - - BIO - In 1885, the St.Francis County Abstract Company was founded Capt. J.G.Stern, a northern man who located in St.Francis County and owned extensive real estate east of St.Francis River. The next owner was N.B.Fizer, lawyer and preacher and father of Mrs.J.G.Sanders. About 1897, Mr.Fizer sold the firm to Mrs. Alice E.Matthews, a sister of John I. Jones and Mrs.A.A.French. both still residents of Forrest City. Mrs.Matthews married S.H.Mann in 1912 and the company was operated by Mr.Mann until his death in 1938. After his death, the company was purchased by Mr.F.F.Harrelson, lawyer and owner of the Title Guaranty and Abstract Company, until 1950 they two companies were operated together until 1950-first by Mr.Harrelson until his death in 1946, and then by F.C.Harrelson and Carroll C.Cannon. In 1950 the firm is owned and operated solely by Mr.Carroll C.Cannon. MEMORIAL 2007:Production Credit Assn.-Serving the Forrest City Area(870 295-5267) This firm was organized by nineteen farmers in Dec.5,1933. They were:James Wolfe, G.B.Fogg, D.E.Hoshall, H.O.Harrison, W.W.Draper Sr., Frank S.Fogg, J.R.Collier, James De Rossitt, F.F.Harrelson, Elbert Stough, N.L.Graves, Robert Levitt, E.M.Hadley, James R.Young, Reece Young, and A.B. Young. He was an attorney for 35 years in Forrest City, born Feb.15,1884 near Warren, Ark. An orphan, his education was financed almost entirely by his own efforts, and graduated from Warren High School, Hineman University School, Monticello; taught school, becoming Principal of Riverside High School, North Little Rock. While teaching, he studied law and in 1911 received his L.L.B. Degree from the University of Arkansas Law School, Little Rock. He practiced law briefly in Warren, then in May 1912, began a private practice in Forrest City, specializing in abstract and title work, was owner of the Title Guaranty Abstract Company, now owned by his son, F.C.Harrelson, attorney. Mr.Frederick Floyd Harrelson represented St.Francis County in the General Assembly two terms, was author of Harrelson Highway Law, 1923, which act was the beginning of the Arkansas State Highway System; was City Attorney, President of the Arkansas and St.Francis County Title Associations, the Arkansas Bar Association, First Baptist Church. He was married to Pearl Crippen, great granddaughter of J.C.Hill, who surveyed and laid out Forrest City and for whom Hill Street was named. He died Sep.18,1946, survived by his widow; son, F.C.Harrelson; 2 daughters, Mrs.C.C.Cannon, Mrs.P.A.Clarke, and four grandchildren. 20-PICTURE - HARRELSON - MARY - VIRGINIA - MISS - - - PICTURE PICKING PEACHES - HARRIS - JULIA - G. - MRS - - - NA ARKHISBIO MOTHER OF JULIA G.HARRIS, WIFE OF EDWARD BONNER-IN 1869 was married to Miss Julia G., daughter of Elijah and Julia (Ray) Harris, 128 - HARRIS - A. - L. - JR - - BIO - A.L.Harris Jr., of Merchants Specialty Company, or Sonny as he is best known, was graduated from Forrest City High School and then, in 1943 enlisted as a Naval Aviation Cadet. He received training at the University of South Carolina and the University of Georgia before World War II ended and he was discharged on Oct.1, 1945. He graduated from the University of Arkansas with a On Mar. 26,1949, he married Miss Marilyn Causey, daughter of W.S. and Mary (Boren) Causey of Forrest City., and to this union have been born three sons, as named above in his father's bio. He is a member of the First Baptist Church the King-Beazley American Legion Post, and the Chamber of Commerce. Probably Aubrey Lee. 128 - HARRIS - A. - L. - SR - - BIO - It was 18 years ago that A.L.Harris Sr. started a small tobacco, candy and notions business, which is now one of the most successful wholesale grocery and feed businesses in Eastern Arkansas. The Merchants Specialty Co.,Inc., with its 15 employees, 3 outside salesmen, and 9 trucks is an important business in Forrest City. Mr.Harris is President; A.L.Harris, Jr., Vice President; Mrs.A.L.Harris, Sr., Treasurer; and Mrs.Dorothy Mitchell, Secretary. In 1941, he bought the Hodges Coal Co. from Mrs.Samuel Hodges, and operated it under the Harris Coal Company. Mr.Harris moved here in 1906 from Advance, Missouri. He was born in Richlieu, Ky. the son of J.W. and Mary Elizabeth (Boucher) Harris. He attended Crowley's Ridge Institute in Forrest City. For 15 years he was plant superintendent of the old Arkansas Trim Co. here, and then from 1932 to 1935 owned and operated the Harris Grocery & Market. In 1936 he joined with Mr.Huckabee in starting the Merchants Specialty Co. During World War I, he served from June, 1917, to August 1919, in the U.S.Navy with 16 months overseas duty on the USS Oklahoma, which during World War II was sunk by the Japs at Pearl Harbor. On June 20,1920, he married Miss Pauline Harrell, daughter of F.W. and Lillie (Morris) Harrell of Hunter, Arkansas, and to that union has been born a son, A.L.Harris Jr., and a daughter, Dorothy, now Mrs.Robert Mitchell. They have five grandchildren, A.L. III, John William and Tommy Jo Harris, and Lee and James Mitchell. He is also director of the Forrest City Savings & Loan Assoc. of Forrest City, a trustee of the First Baptist Church and has been a VP of the Rotary Club, and a member of the St.Francis County Election Commission. He is a charter member of the King-Beazley American Legion Post, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and has served as Master of the local Masonic lodge, with a 32nd degree and also a Shriner. PROBABLY Aubrey Lee. 132-PICTURE - HARRIS - ED - - - - BIO - Since 1948, Mr.Ed Harris has done a magnificent job as Secretary-Treasurer of the National Farm Loan Assoc. of Forrest City. He and his wife, the former Frances Devereux, have four children, Frances Ann, James, Rush, and Harriett. 38 - HARRISON - ALICE - - MRS. - - - FORREST CITY LIBRARY:BOARD MEMBERS IN 1954:Mrs.Alice King Harrison 13 - HARRISON - W. - B. - - - - (PIONEER 1838) CORONER 1838-1840-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - HASKINS - T. - E. - - - - TREASURER 1898-1902-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - HATCHER - T. - A. - SECRETARY - - - FOUNDED EX-CONFEDERATE ASSOC. FORMED AUG.20,1886 16 - HATCHER - T. - A. - - - - BUILT AN EARLY STORE IN FORREST CITY 9-PICTURE-133 PICTURE - HAVEN - CHARLIE - NORVAL - TREASURER - - BIO - (PICTURE 1945 CITY COUNCIL-FORREST CITY)-C.N.Havens is of immeasurable assistance to the bank, Planters Bank & Trust Co. as a Director, a position he has held since 1937, because of his former acquaintance with the banking activities of the organization while Cashier. Mr.Haven is owner operator of Haven Hardware & Sporting Goods since Feb.17,1947, and has served as City Treasurer for many years. His store is located in the building formerly occupied by the Economy Food Store. (Later, it was the Economy Furniture & Appliance Co. when Charlie moved next door) With his wife Margaret (Buford), the daughter of the late Mr.& Mrs.Tom Buford of this city, and Walter Prewett, Charles Buford, Porter Heard, and Herman Powell, the store is efficiently operated. A native of Forrest City, he is a member of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, the American Legion, a charter member of the Lions Club, Vice President of the Country Club, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and the Old River Club. He has served as City Treasurer since 1933, a graduate of the Forrest City High School, and the University of Arkansas. Mr.Haven served as a Second Lieutenant in the home State Guard before entering World War II to serve 27 months, part of which was in New Guinea. 9-PICTURE - HAVEN - HENRY - T. - - - BIO - The most youthful but certainly one of the most capable and level-headed Directors of Planters Bank & Trust Co. is Henry T.Haven, who was elected to the Board in 1946 shortly after his return from military service during World War II. His able assistance in the management of a chain of theaters in Forrest City, Brinkley, Marianna and Wynne has played an important role in making the business one of the most successful in the Mid-South. 9-PICTURE - HAVEN - LOUIS - F. - JR. - - BIO - Prominent in the theater business as the oldest son of the esteemed Haven family, owners of the Haven chain of theaters, Louis F.Haven, Jr., as Director of Planters Bank & Trust Co., has gained and retained the confidence and respect of the other officials as a result of his faithful guidance in the varied phases of the bank's financial transactions. He has been a member of the Board since 1946. He, too, has aided prominently in the successful operation of the Haven theaters. 29-30 - HAYNIE - PETE - - - - - Town Officials in Widener in 1954: Marshall Pete Haynie 139-PICTURE - HAYWOOD - READ - C. - - - BIO - Fourteen years ago the bottling plant of the Pepsi Cola and NuGrape beverages made their appearance in this section under the management of Read C.Haywood. In April 1940, they started with only three trucks in an eight county area. Mr. Haywood is the son of R.W. and Rosa (Seymour) Haywood of Haywood County, Tenn. He came here from Brownsville, Tenn., where he had been employed since Oct.6,1934. On Dec.12,1936 he married Miss Lucile Lasley, daughter of Mrs.Mabel Lasley of Memphis and the late John Lasley, and to this union has been born four children: Charles, 15; Winona, 8; James, 6; and Thomas J., 2. Mr.Haywood is a member of the Baptist Church and the Masonic Lodge. 94 - HEDGES - FRED - L. - - - BIO - Paul Chambers was founder of the Hughes Star-Herald, who sold to Mr. Fred L.Hedges, also, of Hughes, and then in 1942 sold to F.M.Causey Printing Co. 33-34 - HEMENWAY - C. - F. - - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Early Mayors:C.F.HEMENWAY 33-34 - HEMENWAY - C. - S. - JR - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Early Mayors:C.S.HEMENWAY, JR. 33-34 - HEMENWAY - C. - S. - SR - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Early Mayors:C.S.HEMENWAY, SR. 81-PICTURE - HENLEY - JOHN - DUNCAN - JR. - - BIO - John and Floy Henley, as owners of Henley's Florist & Greenhouses on South Washington which they bought, previously Gowdy's Florist & Greenhouse, in Jan.1949. Born in Glendore, Miss., the son of John D. and Adelie Lee (Huffman) Henley, he moved to Arkansas at an early age to receive his schooling at Brinkley High School, Hendrix College, and Arkansas State Teachers College, and the Univ. of Arkansas. At one time he was with Coca-Cola Bottling Co. in Little Rock and later in Wilmington, Del. In 1931, he opened Henley Advertising Co. in Conway, Ark. He became an accomplished musician, and was the band director for Conway and Morrillton High Schools, and then the Arkansas State Teachers College, and in 1936, in Smackover, Ark. He came to Forrest City in 1942 as Director of the Forrest City High School band and Choral group. On Mar.26,1924, he married Miss Floy Gwinn, daughter of Will and Jessie (Duke) Gwinn of Conway, and grand-daughter of James and Nancy Duke, pioneer settlers of Faulkner County. To this union was born a son, John Duncan Henley III. He is now Director of the Brinkley High School Band, and married Miss Glynda Maxwell of Osceola, Ark. on June 18,1948, and they have a son, John IV. 147 - HEUSTESS - CARROLL - W. - - - BIO - Carroll W. Heustess was born near Bonair on May 28,1925, son of Charles W.Heustess and the late Ella Mae (Holloway) Heustess. He was a graduate of the Forrest City High School and a member of the First Baptist Church. During World War II he served in the Army, and was stationed at Camp Chaffie, Camp Lee, Va., and Fort Dix, N.Jersey. He had completed four years in the Active Reserved Unit. For a number of years he has been associated with his father in operating the plantation and store on the Heustess place. He was with the Mid-South Cotton Company at the time of his death, June 12,1953, and was attending the Murdock Cotton School in Memphis. 110-PICTURE - HEUSTESS - CHARLES - W. - - - BIO - The life of Charles W.Heustess has been one of successful farming in Yocona Community, south of Forrest City, on the west side of Crowley's Ridge, near Bonair, where he was born May 3,1886, and became on of St.Francis County's prosperous and respected farmers and livestock raisers. He is the son of the late Whiteford S. and Sarah Elizabeth (Mathews) Heustess. He received his schooling in his local community where he has spent his entire life developing and improving the extensive farm lands, 1200 acres, he owns and operates. In 1908, he married Miss Ella Mae Hollewell, who passed away in December 1933. Later he married Miss Lida Nabers. Mr.& Mrs.Heustess have fours sons and two daughters. The following three sons are engaged in farming with their father, Mack, who has one daughter, Ella Claire; Henry Edward, tow children, Ann and Henry E. Jr.; and Paul Marshall. The others are Mary, now Mrs.William G.Oswalt of Forrest City, three sons, Gerald, Glen, and Ray; Willie, now Mrs.Melvin Holder of Memphis, two children, Mariella and Melvin Jr., and Haywood Heustess of Nashville, one daughter, Beverly. A member of the Baptist church, the St.Francis County Farm Bureau, and for many years, a Justice of the Peace for Franks Township. 46 - HEUSTESS - MACK - - - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:CHARTER MEMBERS: MACK HEUSTESS - HEUSTESS - SARAH - ELIZABETH - MRS. - MATHEWS - BIO - The life of Charles W.Heustess has been one of successful farming in Yocona Community, south of Forrest City, where he was born May 3,1886, and became on of St.Francis County's prosperous and respected farmers and livestock raisers. He is the son of the late Whiteford S. and Sarah Elizabeth (Mathews) Heustess. - HEUSTESS - WHITEFORD - S. - - - BIO - The life of Charles W.Heustess has been one of successful farming in Yocona Community, south of Forrest City, where he was born May 3,1886, and became on of St.Francis County's prosperous and respected farmers and livestock raisers. He is the son of the late Whiteford S. and Sarah Elizabeth (Mathews) Heustess. 80-PICTURE - HEUSTESS - WILLENNA - - MRS. - PASLAY - BIO - Sears Catalog Store local manager is Mrs.Ed Heustess, the former Willenna Paslay. 68 - HICKS - THOMAS - J. - - - BIO - The early history of The Herald. it was founded as the Forrest City Times back in 1871, the year the town became incorporated into a town. The Times was published weekly as a six-column newspaper and was recognized as one of the most enterprising papers in the state. The Times changed hands frequently until 1886, when it became the property of Col.Ed Landvoight and his son-in-law, Edwin L. Vadakin for $700, these two country printers who "knew the business from sweeping out to paying off," bought the paper including its good will and accounts from Thomas J.Hicks. In 1904, a momentous occasion was dutifully recorded when the firm of Landvoight & Vadakin was "replenished and greatly augmented by the addition of a beautiful new press of 300 pounds of handset type, a Reliance Drum Cylinder press, complete with steam fixtures, a folding machine, 3-horsepower gasoline engine, etc., and this is the first and only power outfit ever operated in the county." The Herald, founded in 1904, is incomplete but it is believed the paper was taken over at one time by the late Eugene Williams of Forrest City, and then bought by John T.Durst, who later was joined by his wife in the operation of the paper. Mr.Durst formed a stock company in 1919 and purchased The Times to form the Times-Herald. In 1931, he discontinued the weekly publication and started the Daily Times-Herald. In October 1943, Mr.Fred N.McCollum Sr. purchased the paper located on Front Street from Mr.Durst. 114-PICTURE - HICKY - JAMES - HOWARD - - - BIO - Son of Philip Hicky, Sr., James Hicky were together at the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill for thirteen years before the elder retired in 1949. James was born in Eunice, La., and graduated from the Forrest City High School, attended Georgia Tech and then received his B.S.Degree from Louisiana State University. in 1935. On Jan.9,1937, he married Miss Martha DuPuy Lindsey, daughter of R.H.Lindsey and Mattie Pearl (Beazley) Lindsey of Marianna. To this union have been born three children, Martha, Philip II, and Mary Ann, all pupils in the Forrest City Schools. He is a member of the Rotary Club, Country Club, and a Director of the National Cottonseed Products Association. Some of the long time employees of the mill are G.B.Rucks, cashier and office since 1922, and J.M.Gilliam, seed buyer since 1924. Another well known figure at the mill from 1906 until his retirement in 1950 was A.A.French, who advanced from millwright to General Superintendent. 114-PICTURE - HICKY - PHILIP - C. - SR. - - BIO - With predecessors whose history dates back as far as 1899, the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill, a division of Armour & Co., is an inseparable part of the agricultural and industrial history of Forrest City. The first ancestor of the present day mill was the Consumers' Cotton Oil Mill, founded in 1896. It was a branch of a Chicago firm which had numerous other mills in the South and Southwest. The late Edward Roleson was local manager. At that time there were only four mill buildings. It was located on West Davis Street in the southwestern part of the city, continued under the same ownership until 1914 when Morris & Co., meat packers, bought it. Nine years later, the Armour & Co. bought Morris & Co., and have operated since that date as the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill. In July of 1919, a man who was to play an important role in the steady growth of the mill and in his adopted community came on the scene. He was Philip Hicky who retired in 1949 as General Manager of the mill after thirty years service. His death on July 9,1951, was deeply mourned by all who knew him. He was born in Vicksburg, Miss., the son of Philip Hicky Sr. and Francis Virginia (Grey) Hicky of Louisiana. The name Philip Hicky has been in the family since as far back as 1865, and maybe further. The great grandfather of Philip Hicky of Forrest City, at one time owned considerable property where the city of Baton Rouge, Louisiana now stands. He operated mills in Georgia, and Louisiana before coming to Forrest City when he succeeded R.L.Stevenson. He married Miss Gladys Guilbeau of Breaux Bridge, La. on May 16, 1906, and to that union was born three sons, Philip Jr., who died in 1930 at the age of twenty-one; Jerry Hicky, now of Marianna; and James Hicky, now General Manager of the mill. Jerry and his wife Mary Bliss Yancey Hicky, have two children, Preston and Bliss. Mr.Philip Hicky was a charter member and past President of the Rotary Club, Chairman of the St.Francis County USO Fund Drive during World War II, and the chairman of many Red Cross drives. In 1937 he started the Fleurland Orchards on the sloping west side of Crowley's Ridge, north of Forrest City. 29-30 - HIGGINS - JOHN - - - - - Town Officials in Widener in 1954: Treasurer John Higgins 13 - HIGGS - J. - A. - - - - ASSESSOR 1874-1876-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - HIGGS - R. - E. - - - - MAYORS OF COLT:R.E.HIGGS 13 - HIGGS - T. - A. - - - - CITY OF COLT ADMINISTRATION IN 1954:ALDERMAN:T.A.HIGGS 74-PICTURE - HILL - CHARLES - WALTER - SR. - - BIO - The story of the life of Charles Walter Hill, prominent land owner of Heth, Arkansas, who passed on to his reward on Apr.5,1949, is the story of outstanding success by a self made man. Mr.Hill was born in Wynne in Cross County, in 1872, the son of the late John and Betty Hill. All his life. he lived close to the soil for it was his choice and good fortune to be of that essential class of men who have since the beginning of Man, been the backbone of any way of life-a farmer. Besides farming, he was a partner in the firm Hill & Clark Mercantile Store and was part owner of Hill Gin Co. On Apr.15,1931, he married Mrs.Frankie Castleberry of Burnt Cane, Ark. He is survived by his wife and a son, Charles Walter Hill Jr., and a stepson, J.W.Woodson, both following in the footsteps of Mr.Hill as farmers of St.Francis Co., and three grandchildren, Charles Walter Hill III, and Rosemary and Melanie Woodson. 11-16 - HILL - JOHN - C. - SURVEYOR - - - LAID OUT FORREST CITY ON MAR.7,1869-see Frederick Floyd Harrelson. 13 - HINE - C. - R. - - - - TREASURER 1919-1921-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY - HINTON - A. - G. - - - - 1827 1874 ARKHIS Cephas F. Hinton, a prominent druggist of Forrest City, has been a resident of this county all his life. His father, A. G. Hinton, a native of North Carolina, came to what was then considered the wilds of St. Francis County, in 1850, where he died in 1874, at the age of forty-seven years. He had a family of twelve children, six of whom are still living: M. D. (now Mrs. Gwynne, a resident of this State), Frank M. (of this city), Lucretia M., Annie G., R. E. and C. F. The latter remained on the farm until his eighteenth year, when he came to Forrest City and embarked in general merchandising with T. E. Hastings, with whom he was connected as a partner until 1874. Then selling out to his associate he commenced in the drug business, but was unfortunate in having all of his stock destroyed by fire, on which there was no insurance, and later he entered the employ of Fussell, Pollack & Co. Three years afterward he went into the grocery business, and continued it about two years, when he was seized with a desire to alleviate the sufferings of humanity, and the study of medicine occupied his attention the following two years, after which he again entered into the drug business. The high water at that time stopped traffic on the railroad, and the goods which he had ordered with which to commence business, were laid over at Mariana. Mr. Hinton obtained help and loaded his stock on a handcar, which was pushed by hand to Forrest City, and thus was made his second start in the drug trade. He has by strict attention to business and honest dealing, built up a large and lucrative patronage, and now carries a stock of goods valued at $4,000. He was married in 1874 to Miss Mary A. Brown, a daughter of John Brown, and a native of Mississippi. They are the parents of four children: Robert Emmet, Arthur Gordon, William W. and Mary Bertha. Mr. Hinton also owns several hundred acres of land, and is one of the most prominent citizens of the county seat of St. Francis County, having held the position of mayor for seven years in succession. He is a decided Democrat, and a member of the K. of H. Goodspeed's Biography 1884. 13 - HINTON - C. - F. - - - - JUDGE 1892-1894-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY - HINTON - CEPHUS - F. - - - - UNK ARKHIS COULD BE COPHAS Cephas F. Hinton, a prominent druggist of Forrest City, has been a resident of this county all his life. His father, A. G. Hinton, a native of North Carolina, came to what was then considered the wilds of St. Francis County, in 1850, where he died in 1874, at the age of forty-seven years. He had a family of twelve children, six of whom are still living: M. D. (now Mrs. Gwynne, a resident of this State), Frank M. (of this city), Lucretia M., Annie G., R. E. and C. F. The latter remained on the farm until his eighteenth year, when he came to Forrest City and embarked in general merchandising with T. E. Hastings, with whom he was connected as a partner until 1874. Then selling out to his associate he commenced in the drug business, but was unfortunate in having all of his stock destroyed by fire, on which there was no insurance, and later he entered the employ of Fussell, Pollack & Co. Three years afterward he went into the grocery business, and continued it about two years, when he was seized with a desire to alleviate the sufferings of humanity, and the study of medicine occupied his attention the following two years, after which he again entered into the drug business. The high water at that time stopped traffic on the railroad, and the goods which he had ordered with which to commence business, were laid over at Mariana. Mr. Hinton obtained help and loaded his stock on a handcar, which was pushed by hand to Forrest City, and thus was made his second start in the drug trade. He has by strict attention to business and honest dealing, built up a large and lucrative patronage, and now carries a stock of goods valued at $4,000. He was married in 1874 to Miss Mary A. Brown, a daughter of John Brown, and a native of Mississippi. They are the parents of four children: Robert Emmet, Arthur Gordon, William W. and Mary Bertha. Mr. Hinton also owns several hundred acres of land, and is one of the most prominent citizens of the county seat of St. Francis County, having held the position of mayor for seven years in succession. He is a decided Democrat, and a member of the K. of H. Goodspeed's Biography 1884. 17 - HINTON - COLE - - - - - EARLY MERCHANTS -OF FORREST CITY 85 - HODGES - CORRINE - - - - BIO - Miss Corinne Hodges, is editor of the Crowley Ridge Chronicle, and is widely known feature writer of the Mid-South, and contributor to farm and religious publications. She has written hundreds of articles about St.Francis County and its people, and has been published. She started in the newspaper business in Oklahoma City, Okla., with The Daily Oklahoman, then the Times-Press, in Akron, Ohio. During World War I she was in the publications division of the Censorship at San Antonio, Texas; later, served as the first Editor of The Pulse, newspaper of Brooke Army Medical Center, and then co-editor of the 4th Army newspaper at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. She was the daughter of Erle Fleming Hodges and the late Jennie Elise Holloway Hodges. Two of her ancestors were in Goodspeed's History of Eastern Arkansas-her grandfather, Jaber Lawrence Holloway; and a great-uncle, Asa Hodges, United States Senator, who reared her father, after the death of his father, Capt.William Hodges of Aberdeen, Miss. Miss Hodges has a B.A.Degree from the Univ.of Arkansas, and also attended the Univ.Of Virginia, and short courses sponsored by the Universities of Colorado, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. She is a member of the National League of American Pen Women; Arkansas Newspaper Women's Assoc., and a member of the Baptist Church. 7-PICTURE - HODGES - E. - F. - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-LEADERS-FORREST CITY) 18 - HODGES - J. - B. - - - - BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS ORGANIZED 58 - HODGES - J. - B. - - - - Original Board of Directors of National Bank of Eastern Arkansas. 106-PICTURE - HODGES - JAMES - VERNON - - - BIO - Integrity in business is the keynote of the Economy Furniture & Appliance Store, where the owners Vernon Hodges, Floyd Moncrief, and Kyle Woods, live their religion every day and are noted for their courtesy, service, and friendliness. During World War I he served with the U.S.Army, but never left the states. Mr.Hodges has 35 years experience in the furniture business, first with Parker and Gregory; later with Gregory's Store. In 1937, he opened Hodges Hardware & Furniture Co., which was located on North Front St., in 1940 he moved into the old Becker and Lewis Building; then sold out in April, 1946 to Fred Moseley, his partner. In 1947 he opened Hodges Appliance Store. A year later, Floyd Moncrief became a partner, and in 1952, Kyle Woods, son-in-law of Mr.Hodges, joined the firm and the name was changed to Economy Furniture and Appliance Store. Mr.Hodges is the son of Mrs.Samuel Lee Hodges and the late Samuel Lee Hodges, and was born in the Hodges home on North Division, where his mother still lives. He attended Forrest City Schools, and on April 9,1922, married Miss Norma Sellers, daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs.R.E.Sellers. They have two daughters, Mary Bob, now Mrs.Glenn Hammons, and Verna Marie, now Mrs.Kyle Woods. Grandchildren of Mr.& Mrs.Hodges are Cathy Hammons, and Kyle Woods, Jr. Mr.Hodges is a member of the First Baptist Church, served as Alderman from Ward 2 from 1936 to 1941; member of the Chamber of Commerce, and American Legion; leadership in the local District Scout work; and other community affairs. 7-PICTURE - HODGES - LAWRENCE - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 122 PICTURE-123 - HORTON - CLYDE - - MRS. - - BIO - Twenty eight years of faithful and conscientious service as Executive Secretary of the St.Francis County Chapter of the American Red Cross is indeed exceptional and deserving praise by the people of this county. That is the record of Mrs.Clyde (Ruth Griffin) Horton, who also has been local Registrar of the Bureau of Vtial Statistics, State Board of Health, since 1946. Mrs.Horton is the daughter of Mrs.C.D.Henson of Toccoa, Ga., and the late W.V.Griffin. She was born in Newport and later lived in Augusta before coming to Forrest City thirty four years ago. Her maternal great-great-grandfather Robbin Davis was a pioneer of Georgia and her paternal great-great-grandfather, Thadius Griffin, were among the earliest settlers of Alabama. On June 30,1919, in Augusta she became the bride of Clyde D.Horton, son of the late Haveas A. and Cora (Anderson) Horton, widely-known pioneers of the Newcastle community in St.Francis, and to this union has been born a daughter, Mrs.Ruth Logan of Memphis. They have a daughter, Judy Logan. Mr.Horton since retirement in 1950 from the Forrest City Wholesale Grocery Co. is a planter with farming interests in St.Francis and Cross counties. His grandfather, Asbury Horton, came to St.Francis County in 1875 from New Albany, Miss. A graduate of the Augusta High School, she later attended Peabody College in Nashville and there acquired a thorough understanding of higher mathematics which she won a complete Crosley Kitchen, valued at $2300 for her prize-winning entry in a nationwide "Plan-Your-Kitchen" Contest. Mrs.Horton belongs to the First Baptist Church, the Cosmos Club, Business and Professional Women's Club, and the American Legion Auxiliary. He husband, a World War I Veteran, is Secretary of the Lions Club. 34 - HORTON - EUGENE - L. - - - - EARLY SETTLERS OF NEW CASTLE COMMUNITY: EUGENE L.HORTON, ALSO FIRST POSTMASTER 34 - HORTON - HAVEAS - ASBURY - - - BIO - EARLY SETTLERS OF NEW CASTLE COMMUNITY: ASBURY HORTON-Twenty eight years of faithful and conscientious service as Executive Secretary of the St.Francis County Chapter of the American Red Cross is indeed exceptional and deserving praise by the people of this county. That is the record of Mrs.Clyde (Ruth Griffin) Horton, who also has been local Registrar of the Bureau of Vtial Statistics, State Board of Health, since 1946. Mrs.Horton is the daughter of Mrs.C.D.Henson of Toccoa, Ga., and the late W.V.Griffin. She was born in Newport and later lived in Augusta before coming to Forrest City thirty four years ago. Her maternal great-great-grandfather Robbin Davis was a pioneer of Georgia and her paternal great-great-grandfather, Thadius Griffin, were among the earliest settlers of Alabama. On June 30,1919, in Augusta she became the bride of Clyde D.Horton, son of the late Haveas A. and Cora (Anderson) Horton, widely-known pioneers of the Newcastle community in St.Francis, and to this union has been born a daughter, Mrs.Ruth Logan of Memphis. They have a daughter, Judy Logan. 32 - HOSKINS - W. - H. - - - - MAYORS OF PALESTINE:W.H.HOSKINS - HOUSTON - ALFRED - K. - - - - 1814 1879 ARKHIS Hiram Houston is a native of this county, and as he was reared in a locality but thinly settled, his advantages for a schooling were somewhat limited, but these were enough to lay the foundation for his success in life as a farmer, which occupation he engaged in for himself at the age of twenty-two, and now owns 223 acres of fine bottom land on the St. Francis River, seventy-five acres of which are under a fair state of cultivation. He also owns a steam grist-mill and cotton-gin. He was married November 2, 1884, to Miss Annie L. Clark, a daughter of Thomas A. and Susan A. Clark, originally of Kentucky and Ohio, respectively. They are the parents of three children, only one of whom is living: Nannie E. (at home). Mr. and Mrs. Houston belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Alfred K. Houston, the father of our subject, was born in North Carolina in 1814 and died in St. Francis County in 1879, and was a most successful farmer. He married Sarah E. Evans, a South Carolinian by birth, and who was the mother of seven children, four of whom are still living: Margaret E. (widow of Robert Anderson, of this county), William C. (a farmer of this county), Francis M. (also a farmer of St. Francis County) and Hiram (the principal of this sketch). Goodspeed's Biography 1884. - HOUSTON - HIRAM - - - - - NA ARKHIS Hiram Houston is a native of this county, and as he was reared in a locality but thinly settled, his advantages for a schooling were somewhat limited, but these were enough to lay the foundation for his success in life as a farmer, which occupation he engaged in for himself at the age of twenty-two, and now owns 223 acres of fine bottom land on the St. Francis River, seventy-five acres of which are under a fair state of cultivation. He also owns a steam grist-mill and cotton-gin. He was married November 2, 1884, to Miss Annie L. Clark, a daughter of Thomas A. and Susan A. Clark, originally of Kentucky and Ohio, respectively. They are the parents of three children, only one of whom is living: Nannie E. (at home). Mr. and Mrs. Houston belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Alfred K. Houston, the father of our subject, was born in North Carolina in 1814 and died in St. Francis County in 1879, and was a most successful farmer. He married Sarah E. Evans, a South Carolinian by birth, and who was the mother of seven children, four of whom are still living: Margaret E. (widow of Robert Anderson, of this county), William C. (a farmer of this county), Francis M. (also a farmer of St. Francis County) and Hiram (the principal of this sketch). Goodspeed's Biography 1884. 7-PICTURE - HOUSTON - NORMAN - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) - HOUSTON - SARAH - E. - MRS - EVANS - - UNK ARKHIS Hiram Houston is a native of this county, and as he was reared in a locality but thinly settled, his advantages for a schooling were somewhat limited, but these were enough to lay the foundation for his success in life as a farmer, which occupation he engaged in for himself at the age of twenty-two, and now owns 223 acres of fine bottom land on the St. Francis River, seventy-five acres of which are under a fair state of cultivation. He also owns a steam grist-mill and cotton-gin. He was married November 2, 1884, to Miss Annie L. Clark, a daughter of Thomas A. and Susan A. Clark, originally of Kentucky and Ohio, respectively. They are the parents of three children, only one of whom is living: Nannie E. (at home). Mr. and Mrs. Houston belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Alfred K. Houston, the father of our subject, was born in North Carolina in 1814 and died in St. Francis County in 1879, and was a most successful farmer. He married Sarah E. Evans, a South Carolinian by birth, and who was the mother of seven children, four of whom are still living: Margaret E. (widow of Robert Anderson, of this county), William C. (a farmer of this county), Francis M. (also a farmer of St. Francis County) and Hiram (the principal of this sketch). Goodspeed's Biography 1884. 18 - HOWE - - - COL. - - - EARLY LAWYERS -OF FORREST CITY 13 - HUBBARD - J. - C. - - - - CORONER 1951-1955-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 58 - HUBBARD - JAMES - CHARLIE - - - BIO - In addition to serving as automobile sales manager of Wright Motor & Implement Co., James Charlie Hubbard, a native of Forrest City, holds the responsible office of St.Francis County Coroner. Mr.Hubbard is the son of James L. and Erma (Reeves) Hubbard of Forrest City. He was graduated from Forrest City High School in 1946 and for the next five years operated the Red Top Cab Company here. In 1950 he sought and was elected to his first public office as County Coroner, whose principal duty is to determine causes of death in cases where there is a doubt. He has been with Wright Motor & Implement Co. since June 1951. 32 - HUDSPETH - D. - B. - - - - OFFICIALS FOR PALESTINE IN 1954:ALDERMAN:D.B.HUDSPETH 29-30 - HUGHES - CHARLIE - - - - - Town Officials in Widener in 1954: Alderman: Charlie Hughes CO.B-McNEIL'S REGIMENT-CSA - HUGHES - ELIJAH - C. - - - - 1837 9 12 1897 ARKHIS Elijah C. Hughes, of St. Francis County, Ark., is too well known in this vicinity to render a formal introduction necessary, but in compiling a volume of biographical sketches of prominent men hereabouts, the omission of his biography would leave the work incomplete. His farm, which is one of the finest in the county, consists of 2,000 acres of valuable land, with 900 under a successful state of cultivation. He grows from 350 to 450 bales of cotton yearly, 4,000 bushels of corn, and is extensively engaged in stock raising. Mr. Hughes was united in marriage, in 1857, to Miss Martha M. Reddill, and by her became the father of five children, all deceased. He enlisted in the Confederate service during the war, as a member of Company B, McNeil's regiment, and participated in the battle of Cotton. He afterward employed a substitute and remained at home, running his steam mill for the Confederate army. Mr. Hughes is a stanch Democrat, and though not a member of any church is an adherent to the Methodist doctrine, as is also his wife. His birth occurred in Marengo County, Ala., in 1837, he being the son of John and Susan Hughes. When only one year old his parents moved to Arkansas, which has been our subject's residence ever since, with the exception of eight years spent in Shelby County, Tenn. He has served as magistrate in this county for some time, discharging the duties of the office in a highly commend able manner. He is a member of no secret organization. Mr. Hughes lends his support to all movements of a worthy character, and is considered one of the most responsible and influential men of the county, winning by his courteous manner and honesty in all business details, the respect of those who know him. Goodspeed's Biography 1884. 31 - HUGHES - JOHN - J. - - - - In 1919, John J.Hughes of Haynes ( no relation to Robert M.Hughes, founder of Hughes) invested considerable money in town property, building three new brick store buildings and a modern gin. He was the chief organizer of the Bank of Hughes in that same year. The bank failed in 1923 with heavy losses to the depositors. There was quite a bit of rivalry over Mr.Hughes entering business and opening a bank. 30 - HUGHES - ROBERT - M. - - - - HUGHES NAMED FOR HIM--HUGHES=In the 1890's three love brothers came to this area from Senatobia, Miss., and a fourth brother later. Two of them operated stores and bought up some land. The late N.L.Love bought a farm adjoining New Hope Farm. He was amused that his boat landing was named Blues Point, his post office named Happy, and the farm next to his New Hope; so, he named his farm Bright Future, now owned by Hugh Dillahunty. Mr.Love died in 1906 and on May 27, 1907, the heirs sold this farm to a fellow Senatobian, Robert M.Hughes, for whom Hughes is now named. Mr.Hughes had considerable interest around Senatobia and never actually moved to Arkansas. On Jan.1,1910, he bought a half-section of land from L.F.Dunn. Soon afterwards, the Missouri Pacific R.R. started a survey for a "cut-off" from Marianna to Memphis, abandoning the old circuitous route of its predecessor, the Iron Mountain. The survey came through the recently purchased Dunn Place and Mr.Hughes donated the right-of-way for a depot. The railroad stop was called Hughes. Mr.Hughes laid off lots and sold them for homes and businesses from time to time. - HUGHES - JOHN - J. - - - - ARKHIS FATHER OF JOHN J.HUGHES John J. Hughes is the son of John J. and Mary S. (Patrick) Hughes, natives of Georgia and Alabama, respectively, who were residing in the latter State when John J. was born, his birth occurring in the year 1828. Twelve years after they moved to Arkansas and located in St. Francis County, where Mr. Hughes died four years later, his wife surviving him only one year. The subject of this sketch was married in 1855 to Miss Margaret Ross, daughter of James F. Ross, and their union has been blessed by seven children: William S., John J., James L., Robert Lee, Leona, Bertha R. and Cora E. The boys are engaged in the mercantile business at Haynes Station, Lee County, Ark. Leona and Cora are deceased, Mrs. Hughes died in 1873, and two years later Mr. Hughes was married to Miss Fannie J. Ballout, by whom he became the father of three children; Thomas S., Walter E. and Samuel T. Thomas S. is the only child surviving. The estimable wife and mother departed this life in 1885. Mr. Hughes owns 1,000 acres of land, with 550 acres under cultivation, and the numerous late improvements placed upon it indicate the owner's spirit of progress. A comfortable and pleasant home, furnished in a quiet, refined way, show that culture and good taste have not been lacking in his busy career. Mr. Hughes has a gin with a capacity of fourteen bales per day, and he is also engaged in raising stock. In his politics he is a Democrat, and in religious faith a Baptist, though not a member of any church. Goodspeed's Biography 1884. - HUGHES - JOHN - J. - - - - 1828 ARKHIS John J. Hughes is the son of John J. and Mary S. (Patrick) Hughes, natives of Georgia and Alabama, respectively, who were residing in the latter State when John J. was born, his birth occurring in the year 1828. Twelve years after they moved to Arkansas and located in St. Francis County, where Mr. Hughes died four years later, his wife surviving him only one year. The subject of this sketch was married in 1855 to Miss Margaret Ross, daughter of James F. Ross, and their union has been blessed by seven children: William S., John J., James L., Robert Lee, Leona, Bertha R. and Cora E. The boys are engaged in the mercantile business at Haynes Station, Lee County, Ark. Leona and Cora are deceased, Mrs. Hughes died in 1873, and two years later Mr. Hughes was married to Miss Fannie J. Ballout, by whom he became the father of three children; Thomas S., Walter E. and Samuel T. Thomas S. is the only child surviving. The estimable wife and mother departed this life in 1885. Mr. Hughes owns 1,000 acres of land, with 550 acres under cultivation, and the numerous late improvements placed upon it indicate the owner's spirit of progress. A comfortable and pleasant home, furnished in a quiet, refined way, show that culture and good taste have not been lacking in his busy career. Mr. Hughes has a gin with a capacity of fourteen bales per day, and he is also engaged in raising stock. In his politics he is a Democrat, and in religious faith a Baptist, though not a member of any church. Goodspeed's Biography 1884. 13 - HUGHES - H. - W. - - - - CORONER 1943-1945,1949-1951-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 46 - HUGHES CITY COUNCIL - - - - - - PICTURE 38-88-PICTURE - HUTCHINS - ARTHUR - L. - JUDGE - - BIO - FORREST CITY LIBRARY:BOARD MEMBERS IN 1954:Judge A.L.Hutchins-Fifth Chancery District Judge, State of Arkansas. Judge Hutchins was elected since Jan.1,1919, and his term has been characterized by dignity, humility and an avid preservation of the rights of each individual. In 1939, the state legislature saw fit to remove county judges from the Probate Courts and conferred jurisdiction to the Chancery Court. Only two men have presided over this dignified office for the last fifty seven years. Entering his 36th year on the bench as Chancery District Judge on Jan.1,1954, he was born in Benton, Arkansas, Aug.2,1878. the son of Robert Morris and Mary Jemima (Morris) Hutchins. His mother, an accomplished musician, died when Judge Hutchins was only fifteen. He took the big task of looking after the other five children, along with his father, when he was away teaching school. He worked his way thru Hendrix College to graduate with high honors. Immediately afterwards, he undertook a post graduate course in the University of Chicago Law School, until illness and a lack of funds forced him to forsake his law degree for awhile, but in 1910, he was admitted to the bar in Augusta, Woodruff, County. Judge Hutchins married on Sep.1,1904, Miss Ora Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Mr.& Mrs. J.J.Smith of Conway. The couple have no children of their own, but have raised three foster children. The Judge is a Master Mason, Scottish Rite Mason and Shiner, also a member of the Lions Club, and the Country Club. He was on the Board of Trustees for Henderson State Teachers College and Arkansas State Teachers College for eight years each. 13 - INGRAM - G. - W. - - - - CORONER 1886-1888-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY - INGRAM - JOSEPH - L. - - - - 1830 NA ARKHIS Joseph L. Ingram owes his nativity to North Carolina, and is a son of Thomas and Ellen (Covington) Ingram, who also came originally from that State. Thomas Ingram in 1849 removed to Northern Mississippi, where he resided until his death, reaching the age of seventy-five years. His grandfather, whose name he bears, was a Virginian by birth and a wealthy planter of the old Dominion, subsequently removing to North Carolina where he lived until his final summons in 1825, when about eighty-five years old. Joseph L. Ingram was born in North Carolina in 1830. At the age of twenty-seven he commenced business for himself, and the following year was married to Martha Young, daughter of Tandy K. Young. They were the parents of four children: W. C., Martha Y., Eben J. and Lady. Mr. Ingram was engaged in farming in Mississippi from 1848 to 1885. He then removed to Arkansas and located in St. Francis County, where he purchased a farm and is still employed in planting. He joined the Confederate army in 1862 and served two years, then returning to his plantation, which he found in a bad state of delapidation, the crops and stock having been confiscated by both armies. He was justice of the peace for several years while in Mississippi, and also served on the board of county supervisors for a term of years. Mrs. Ingram died in 1888 at the age of fifty. Mr. Ingram is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and of the A. F. & A. M. and also the Knights of Honor. Goodspeed's Biography 1884. 120-PICTURE - IZARD - CHARLES - R. - - - BIO - The colorful writings from the magic pen of Charles R.Izard have delighted thousands of readers, and his columns have been followed with avid interest in the Crowley Ridge Chronicle Newspaper in Forrest City which he found in 1905. An enthusiastic supporter of his home city and county, he always boosted his home by giving free space to promote worthy enterprises. Illness forced his retirement after fifty five years of newspaper experience. He began his career with the Forrest City Times in 1888 as office manager, in 1902 he established the St.Francis County News at Madison, but it was known as the Crowley Ridge Chronicle for which he was widely known. Born in Forrest City, Jan.21,1872, the son of Mark Whitaker Izard, Jr. and Emma (Sullivan) Izard and the grandson of the distinguished pioneer Mark Whitaker Izard, the first territorial governor of Nebraska. It is a matter of record while Arkansas in 1825 had its governor George Izard from South Carolina, The descendant Charles R.Izard was an orphan at an early age, his father died when he was three and four years later his mother died of yellow fever during the epidemic of 1879, leaving two children, Charles and Mary Izard. They were reared by relatives, namely their uncle George Izard, a bachelor; aunt Julia Izard Hemenway and Silas C.Campbell, all deceased but the memory of those relatives is held in high honor and appreciation by many who knew him. In young manhood and until his marriage, he made his home with a kinsman, Mark W.Campbell, and Mrs.Campbell, the latter, whom he called "Mrs.Arnold", was a community mother in helping others, a Mrs.Wiggs in her little world. She became this wanderer's beloved fairy godmother when she willed her home to Mr.Izard's first born. On June 3,1905, he married Miss Mattie Cobbs, daughter of Sedley H. and Nettie (Taylor) Cobbs of Colt, and to this union were born five daughters; Virginia of Fort Worth, Texas; Rachel, now Mrs.Fred D.Troutt, Jonesboro; Mary of Memphis and Forrest City; Sedley now Mrs. J.W.Lipscomb, Jr. of England, Ark.; and Jessie Annette, deceased. The Izard's have one grandchild, James (Jimmy) Izard Lipscomb, who is 16 months old. A 2nd Lieutenant, Co.H. 2nd Arkansas Infantry, in Spanish American War, Mr.Izard was one of St.Francis County's most public-spirited citizens during his active years. He united with the First Baptist Church when he was eleven years of age, with Pastor, Elder G.A.Grammer at that time. 23 - IZARD - CHARLES - - - - - FOUNDED THE CROWLEY RIDGE CHRONICLE IN 1905 11 - IZARD - FLAVIUS - JOSEPHUS - - - - STORY OF CIVIL WAR AT MADISON WITH FATHER, MARK W.IZARD - IZARD - FLAVIUS - JOSEPHUS - DR - - 2 - 9 1825 3 6 1901 FCTIMES 1-6-1899 Yesterday marked the seventy third anniversary of Uncle Flav.Izard's arrival in Arkansas. His parents reached this state on Jan.5,1826 when the present venerable gentleman was less than a year old. There is not now living a single person who was here at Mr.Izard's earliest recollection. He has seen the evolution of this section from a howling wilderness to a populous, prosperous, and highly civilized district, filled with intelligent and progressive people. WAR OF 1812 - IZARD - GEORGE - - GENERAL - - - NA CITY Izard, George (1776-1828) - of Arkansas. Born in England, October 21, 1776. Son of Ralph Izard. General in the U.S. Army during the War of 1812; Governor of Arkansas Territory, 1825-28; died in office 1828. Died of an illness caused by the gout, in Little Rock, Pulaski County, Ark., November 22, 1828. Original interment in unknown location; re-interment in 1843 at Mt. Holly Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Izard County, Ark. is named for him. Izard, Mark Whitaker (1799-1866) - Born in Lexington, Fayette County, Ky., December 25, 1799. Delegate to Arkansas state constitutional convention, 1836; member of Arkansas state senate; member of Arkansas state house of representatives; Governor of Nebraska Territory, 1855-57. Died in 1866. Interment somewhere in Forrest City, Ark. Izard, Ralph (1742-1804) - of South Carolina. Born near Charleston, Charleston County, S.C., January 23, 1742. Father of George Izard. Delegate to Continental Congress from South Carolina, 1782-83; U.S. Senator from South Carolina, 1789-95. Died near Charleston, Charleston County, S.C., May 30, 1804. Interment at St. James Goose Creek Episcopal Churchyard, Near Charleston, Charleston County, S.C. See also: congressional biography - IZARD - JAMES - SHACKELFORD - - - 10 - 1 1828 8 22 1871 CITY MASONIC TRIBUTE OF RESPECT:THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-AUGUST 22,1871:To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Madison Lodge N 1168, Forrest City, Arkansas. The under signed Committee appointed by the lodge to draft resolutions and expressive of feelings of the lodge upon the death of the late brother, James S. Izard, respectfully submit the following, viz. Whereas, in the dispensation His inscrutable in providence, it has pleased the Grand Master of the Universe, to call our late Junior Warden, Brother James S. Izard, "from labor to refreshment, therefore be it." Resolved, That in the death of brother Izard, this lodge has lost one of its brightest ornaments, society one of it's most useful members, and his family an affectionate and diligent indispensable servant. Resolved, That we tender our sympathies to his beloved family and relatives, and assure them that while they mourn the loss of an affectionate and loved member, now removed from their midst, we, too, feel deeply and mourn the loss of a well beloved brother. Resolved, That the members of this lodge wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days. Signed:T.A.HATCHER/F.A.CHERRY/F.DUNN, Committee.PER FAMILY RECORDS:HUSBAND OF MARGARET NANCY BROOKE McDANIEL, CHILDREN:JESSE, WILLIAM H., MARY AGNES, AND NINA B.Mrs.William R.Couch, of Anniston, Alabama writes:James Shackelford Izard, third son of Mark Whitaker Izard and Parmelia Shackelford, married May 20th,1824 at Huntsville, Alabama, was born Oct.1st, 1828, died 1875, buried in Forrest City, Arkansas.James Izard was a man of fine appearance. His daily experience when just about (g---e) as private secretary to his father, when he was Gov.of Nebraska. Agnes Izard, third child of James S. Izard and Nancy McDaniel married John Womack Couch, a lawyer of Selma, Alabama. They had two girls, Lula and Agnes Couch. Family data per Agnes O. Scherer,Anniston, Alabama.Family descendent thru the Couch connection.Thanks Wen! History of Nebraska:1 James S. Izard was private secretary to his father, Mark W. Izard, during the latter's term as governor. He acquired considerable property in Omaha, but left the territory about the time that his father did. He died, some years ago, in Forest City, Arkansas.Kansas, as of February, 1855, boasted a population, such as it was, of 8,601.Under the act of the first legislature the governor appointed Charles B. Smith as territorial auditor, B. P. Rankin, territorial treasurer, and James S. Izard,1 librarian. James S. Izard was private secretary to his father, Mark W. Izard, during the latter's term as governor. He acquired considerable property in Omaha, but left the territory about the time that his father did. He died, some years ago, in Forest City, Arkansas.)FROM WEN SCHERER:Paul,You are certainly welcome for the information and may use it any way you like. I haven't had time to read all you sent, but I have a note on William Howerson McDaniel. He was Nancy Brooke McDaniel Izard's brother. His middle name of "Howerson" was originally Howison, the surname of his maternal grandmother, Ann Wood Howison, who married Landon Calvert. There daughter, Nancy Brooke Calvert, married John McDaniel, and they were the parents of Nancy Brooke McDaniel Izard and William "Howerson" McDaniel. I am a member of UDC, and have proved William H. McDaniel as a Confederate ancestor, along with four of the Izard brothers, including James S. Izard.-MASONIC TRIBUTE OF RESPECT:THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-AUGUST 22,1871:To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Madison Lodge N 1168, Forrest City, Arkansas. The under signed Committee appointed by the lodge to draft resolutions and expressive of feelings of the lodge upon the death of the late brother, James S. Izard, respectfully submit the following, viz. Whereas, in the dispensation His inscrutable in providence, it has pleased the Grand Master of the Universe, to call our late Junior Warden, Brother James S. Izard, "from labor to refreshment, therefore be it." Resolved, That in the death of brother Izard, this lodge has lost one of its brightest ornaments, society one of it's most useful members, and his family an affectionate and diligent indispensable servant. Resolved, That we tender our sympathies to his beloved family and relatives, and assure them that while they mourn the loss of an affectionate and loved member, now removed from their midst, we, too, feel deeply and mourn the loss of a well beloved brother. Resolved, That the members of this lodge wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days. Signed:T.A.HATCHER/F.A.CHERRY/F.DUNN, Committee.PER FAMILY RECORDS:HUSBAND OF MARGARET NANCY BROOKE McDANIEL, CHILDREN:JESSE, WILLIAM H., MARY AGNES, AND NINA B.Mrs.William R.Couch, of Anniston, Alabama writes:James Shackelford Izard, third son of Mark Whitaker Izard and Parmelia Shackelford, married May 20th,1824 at Huntsville, Alabama, was born Oct.1st, 1828, died 1875, buried in Forrest City, Arkansas.James Izard was a man of fine appearance. His daily experience when just about (g---e) as private secretary to his father, when he was Gov.of Nebraska. Agnes Izard, third child of James S. Izard and Nancy McDaniel married John Womack Couch, a lawyer of Selma, Alabama. They had two girls, Lula and Agnes Couch. Family data per Agnes O. Scherer,Anniston, Alabama.Family descendent thru the Couch connection.Thanks Wen! History of Nebraska:1 James S. Izard was private secretary to his father, Mark W. Izard, during the latter's term as governor. He acquired considerable property in Omaha, but left the territory about the time that his father did. He died, some years ago, in Forest City, Arkansas.Kansas, as of February, 1855, boasted a population, such as it was, of 8,601.Under the act of the first legislature the governor appointed Charles B. Smith as territorial auditor, B. P. Rankin, territorial treasurer, and James S. Izard,1 librarian. - IZARD - MARK - WHITAKER - - - - NA CITY First Baptist Church of Forrest City began in 1852, when citizens organized what was known then as Mount Vernon Baptist Church. Members met in a small building near the present site of Mount Vernon Cemetery in northern Forrest City. Though no written records exist, it is generally believed that Mark W. Izard served as the first pastor. It should be noted that Mr. Izard also served in the Arkansas State Senate and House of Representatives, was a United States Marshall, and served as Territorial Governor for Nebraska.Mark W. Izard In 1860, the Mt. Vernon area was in decline, and eleven members of the church transferred their memberships to a Baptist Church at the site of the Evans School. Elder B. F. Thomas became the pastor and served for almost ten years. In 1869, the Evans Church divided into two groups. One group became Forrest Chapel Church; the other became Forrest City First Baptist Church. Members of First Baptist built a frame church at the corner of South and Izard Streets (one record indicates the corner of South and Forrest Streets), and a dedication service was held on the first Sunday in March of 1871.Other early pastors of the church were: J. K. Murphy (1870), W. M. Lee (1871), A. M. Russell (1873), Joseph Shackelford (1876), J. B. Cheirs (1879), G. A. Grammer (1880), W. H. Osborne (1887), J. J. Taylor (1888), G. A. Grammer (2nd term 1889), and J. H. Cason (1891).It was during Elder Cason's term, in July of 1891, church members began discussing plans for a new church. Records indicate that $4000 was raised in two weeks, and in 1892, a new brick church was built at the corner of Washington and Hill Streets (photo). The Educational Building shown was added in 1937. This building became the regional headquarters for Arkansas Power & Light in the 1950s. A Nursery Building was added around 1945.First Baptist Church of Forrest City - 1892 H. R. Moran (1893) of LaGrange served as pastor until R. L. Stanley (1895) was ordained by a special committee. Elder Stanley reportedly organized one of the greatest revivals ever held in Forrest City. He also helped organize a Young People's Union. Subsequent pastors were: Francis G. Boseman (1895), J. B. Perminter (1897), W. J. Robinson (1898), and A. N. Couch (1899).For several months in 1899, First Baptist Church was without a pastor. During this time, services were not held on a regular basis. When services were held, guest pastors were used, and one of the favorites was Elder W. H. Paslay (photo). He was Moderator of the Mt. Vernon Association , a post he held for over 30 years. He was also the County Examiner for several terms. He lived near Wheatley and is credited with bringing many positive changes to the religious and academic life in the area. He preached at different churches right up until his death at age 79 in 1911.Elder W. H. Paslay Pastors in the first part of the 1900s were: J. A. McCord (1901), Milton Hall (1905), J. E. Newman (1906), J. H. Pippin (1907), E. P. J. Garrott (1913), J. R. G. White (1913), W. C. Edwards (1921), B. F. Davidson (1924 photo), E. Rawlings (1926 photo), and Grover Prince (1934 photo).Rev. Grover Prince Rev. E. Rawlings Rev. B. F. Davidson The church began to grow dramatically after World War II under the direction of Rev. Minor E. Cole (1941 photo). The church's first associate pastor, Ira Patishall, was added to the staff in 1947. In 1948, Mrs. Delmar Campbell became the first full time secretary. In 1950, the church purchased land from the Forrest City School District for a new church at the corner of Rosser and Cleveland Streets. Ground breaking ceremonies for the $400,000 sanctuary and educational building were held in October of 1950. Rev. Minor E. Cole Rev. T. K. Rucker became the pastor in 1951 (photo). Services were held in the new church beginning in January of 1952 (photo); formal dedication ceremonies were on April 24, 1955. Church membership had grown to 1260. Sunday School had grown to 17 departments with 76 classes.First Baptist Church - 1952 Rev. T. K. Rucker In- - IZARD - MARK - WHITAKER - - - 12 - 25 1799 8 1866 CITY Birth: Dec. 25, 1799 Death: Aug., 1866 [Edit Dates] Mark W. Izard, second governor of Nebraska territory from February 20, 1855, to October 25, 1857, was born in Lexington, Kentucky, December 25, 1799, and died in August, 1866. at his home in St. Francis county, Arkansas. When quite a boy his father removed him from Lexington to Huntsville, Alabama, where Mark W. was reared to manhood and given a common school education. When twenty-three years of age he was married to Miss Shackleford, a daughter of George Shackleford, whose family was then one of the most prominent in Charleston, South Carolina. Soon after his marriage, in the year 1824, he moved to the unsettled portion of eastern Arkansas, the country then being mostly inhabited by Indians. White settlers soon began to move in, and Mr. Izard became one of the most prominent men of that section. He was elected a member of the first state senate of Arkansas, representing St. Francis and Green counties; was president of the second and third sessions of the senate; was speaker of the house during the 7th legislature; and was re-elected to the senate for the eighth and ninth sessions, his term of office closing January 12,1853. October 28, 1854, he was appointed United States marshal of Nebraska territory, and February 20, 1855, received the appointment "governor for the territory, serving until his resignation, October 21. 1857. He returned to his home in Arkansas. ,where he remained until his death, in August, l866. Mr. T. B. Caldwell, a long-time neighbor ,of Governor Izard. now. a resident of rr('orick, Oklahoma, in a recent letter says: "Mark W. Izard had a good property, and lived an honorable and good life. He was a slave owner,'but was always kind to, and thoughtful of his slaves." One son, James S., was his father's private secretary and also territorial librarian. another son, Van B., who, was a boy, was with his father during his stay in Nebraska, now resides at Forrest City, Arkansas, as does also one daughter, Mrs. R. G. Dye. These constitute the only surviving members of Governor Izard's large family. following are Dr. George L. Miller's personal recollections of Governor Izard: "Mark W. Izard is recalled by me as a prominent citizen of Arkansas, of what might be called the middle class in the days of slavery. I think he was a Baptist preacher at one time, but I am not sure of this. Governor Izard was a man of large and imposing stature. He must have been not less than six feet tall, symmetrical in form, of full flesh, erect carriage, and dignified bearing. His manners were very courteous and affable, and he had a gentle disposition and kind heart. He was a man of strong religious convictions and exemplary habits of life. Governor Izard was much respected by our people. His head was large. his hair. eyes, and complexion dark, and his face full and broad. He was a man of good judgment and experience in affairs, but not as re- markable for intellectual strength as he was for stability of character and ambition to discharge his executive abilities in such a way as to ?b"jt jer,"e tile people of the new land." Not sure he was buried in Nebraska, but this is posted there. May be a memorial.Paul Isbell-November 2006 Burial:Mormon Pioneer Cemetery Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, USA Edit Virtual Cemetery info [What's this?] Record added: May 26 2005 By: Gerhardt Leffler 9 - IZARD - MARK - WHITAKER - - - - (PIONEER-1825) BIO 21 - IZARD - MARY - - MISS - - - DESCENDANTS OF PIONEER FAMILIES IN PICTURE 1954 - IZARD - PERMELIA - - MRS - SHACKELFORD - 8 - 2 1802 8 8 1876 MT.VERNON CEMETERY FROM JULIA IZARD'S BOOK ON IZARD FAMILY:1935DATE OF DEATH IS AUG.19, SHE SPEAKS OF HAVING ALL HER TEETH AT AGE 74 SO PRESUME DEATH 1876 if she was born in 1802 as some other records attest to based on the pastor's name, Joseph Shackleford.A Tribute to My Grandmother, Parmelia Shackelford Izard:Parmelia Shackleford was born in Spartanburg, S.Carolina Aug. 7,1804. Her father, George Shackleford, moved to Madison County, Alabama when Parmelia was quite young. The Shackelford's were among the first families of Virginia and trace their lineage back to 1066, when William the Conqueror invaded England. Today we find them scattered all over the English speaking world. At the age of 20, Parmelia was married to Mark Whitaker Izard, May 20,1824. He was 24 years of age, a widower, with a little girl named Martha. After their marriage they remained in Alabama several months. They moved to St.Francis County, Ark. in 1825 (probably May 1825 since Flavius was born Feb.25,1825) ,when their first child, Flavius Josephus was about three months old. At that time, the country was principally settled by Indians. I have very often wondered how my grandmother survived those perilous early pioneer times, having been reared in an aristocratic home of olden times. She must have been imbued with Spartan courage and indomitable will and energy to have lived in that wild and unsettled region, for she did not see a white woman for many months after coming to Arkansas. I have been told, that at one time, being left alone, with her two small children, saw a large Indian standing near her wood pile, pointing toward an ax and making sighs. At first she was stricken with terror, but then watching him closely, she noticed he was pointing from the ax to the rising sun, and then to the west, indicating the setting sun, and picking up the ax he walked away. That evening as the sun was setting the Indian returned, bringing the ax and some nice venison. After that time frequent interchanges were made. Ten children were born to my grand parents-7 boys and 3 girls--2 boys and 1 girl died at an early age. It was always a real mystery to me how they, under so many difficulties, reared such a large and interesting family, all well educated and in such primitive times. Their children were outstanding in every respect, capable and eminently qualified to take their stand with the best leaders in the whole country. When grandfather received the appointment as Gov. of Nebraska by President Pierce in Jan.1855, Grandmother very wisely decided she would remain at home, feeling her husband being so far away, she would be necessary to her family. In the fall of 1857, he grew tired of his long service in public life, having held some office for more than twenty years, being away from his family much of the time. He resigned as Gov. of Nebraska and came home. He was permitted to enjoy ten years with his loved ones. He died Aug.8,1866, deeply mourned by family and friends who missed his wise counsel. He was buried beside his father, Nicholas Hoffman Izard, in old Mt.Vernon cemetery. Grandmother remained at her home with an unmarried son, George, and daughter Eliza, and two negro servants, Nancy and Mary, who preferred to stay where they had a good home and received kind treatment, after being freed. They were loyal and true and both were splendid servants and fine cooks. Grandmother often invited all of her married sons and daughters and their families to spend the day with her. On those special occasions feasts were prepared. Looking backward now through the dim vista of a long succession of years, I recall those bright beautiful days at our Grandmother's home on the hillside among the most cherished recollections of my youth, as we children chased the butterflies, played games and waded barefoot the pebbly creek that flowed at the foot of the hill, or catching the little minnows in our hands and turning them loose to swim down the flowing stream with the current. I still have a little souvenir of those days, a large double oyster shell found near the creek as we were playing. N FROM JULIA IZARD'S BOOK ON IZARD FAMILY:1935DATE OF DEATH IS AUG.19, SHE SPEAKS OF HAVING ALL HER TEETH AT AGE 74 SO PRESUME DEATH 1876 if she was born in 1802 as some other records attest to based on the pastor's name, Joseph Shackleford.A Tribute to My Grandmother, Parmelia Shackelford Izard:Parmelia Shackleford was born in Spartanburg, S.Carolina Aug. 7,1804. Her father, George Shackleford, moved to Madison County, Alabama when Parmelia was quite young. The Shackelford's were among the first families of Virginia and trace their lineage back to 1066, when William the Conqueror invaded England. Today we find them scattered all over the English speaking world. At the age of 20, Parmelia was married to Mark Whitaker Izard, May 20,1824. He was 24 years of age, a widower, with a little girl named Martha. After their marriage they remained in Alabama several months. They moved to St.Francis County, Ark. in 1825 (probably May 1825 since Flavius was born Feb.25,1825) ,when their first child, Flavius Josephus was about three months old. At that time, the country was principally settled by Indians. I have very often wondered how my grandmother survived those perilous early pioneer times, having been reared in an aristocratic home of olden times. She must have been imbued with Spartan courage and indomitable will and energy to have lived in that wild and unsettled region, for she did not see a white woman for many months after coming to Arkansas. I have been told, that at one time, being left alone, with her two small children, saw a large Indian standing near her wood pile, pointing toward an ax and making sighs. At first she was stricken with terror, but then watching him closely, she noticed he was pointing from the ax to the rising sun, and then to the west, indicating the setting sun, and picking up the ax he walked away. That evening as the sun was setting the Indian returned, bringing the ax and some nice venison. After that time frequent interchanges were made. Ten children were born to my grand parents-7 boys and 3 girls--2 boys and 1 girl died at an early age. It was always a real mystery to me how they, under so many difficulties, reared such a large and interesting family, all well educated and in such primitive times. Their children were outstanding in every respect, capable and eminently qualified to take their stand with the best leaders in the whole country. When grandfather received the appointment as Gov. of Nebraska by President Pierce in Jan.1855, Grandmother very wisely decided she would remain at home, feeling her husband being so far away, she would be necessary to her family. In the fall of 1857, he grew tired of his long service in public life, having held some office for more than twenty years, being away from his family much of the time. He resigned as Gov. of Nebraska and came home. He was permitted to enjoy ten years with his loved ones. He died Aug.8,1866, deeply mourned by family and friends who missed his wise counsel. He was buried beside his father, Nicholas Hoffman Izard, in old Mt.Vernon cemetery. Grandmother remained at her home with an unmarried son, George, and daughter Eliza, and two negro servants, Nancy and Mary, who preferred to stay where they had a good home and received kind treatment, after being freed. They were loyal and true and both were splendid servants and fine cooks. Grandmother often invited all of her married sons and daughters and their families to spend the day with her. On those special occasions feasts were prepared. Looking backward now through the dim vista of a long succession of years, I recall those bright beautiful days at our Grandmother's home on the hillside among the most cherished recollections of my youth, as we children chased the butterflies, played games and waded barefoot the pebbly creek that flowed at the foot of the hill, or catching the little minnows in our hands and turning them loose to swim down the flowing stream with the current. I still have a little souvenir of those days, a large double oyster shell found near the creek as we were playing. N 20-112 - IZARD - RICHARD - J. - MAYOR - - BIO - EARLY MAYORS OF FORREST CITY AFTER GROGAN-When Forrest City, rising on the gentle west slope of Crowley's Ridge, was only a country town of about 1500 souls and only a few buildings were built of brick, Richard J.Izard, a hardy pioneer of foresight, opened the local insurance agency which still proudly bears his name. It was in 1893, now some seventy-one years later, the R.J.Izard Insurance Agency is now operated by Mrs.Zell R.Izard and Fenner Laughinghouse in the Old Planters Bank Building on East Broadway. Mrs.Izard, took an active part in the business when her husband, the founder of the agency, passed away in 1938. A Methodist, she has two daughters living, Mrs.James (Hazel) Mays of Tuscumbia, Alabama, and Mrs.C.F. (Mary) Manly of West Memphis. She has a charming granddaughter, Mary Katherine Plummer, whose mother, Mrs.John (Kathryn) Plummer, has passed away. CIVIL - IZARD - VAN - BUREN - COL - - - NA FCTIMES The Forrest City Times' Art Souvenir-1905-Page 114:Probably the best-known man in St. Francis County is Mr.Van Buren Izard. He was born February 27,1837, and enjoys the distinction of being the first born white-child in the territory of what is now Forrest City. His parents, Mark W. and Permelia (Shackleford) Izard, were among the early pioneers, having located here in 1824. Mr. Izard saw the first light on the site of the old Baptist church on the hill near the cemetery. His father was a noted man. He was twice speaker of the house in the Arkansas legislature and twice the president of the senate, which is an unusual record. By appointment of President Pierce he was made governor of the then territory of Nebraska, and his incumbency was continued under President Buchanan. He was appointed the purchasing agent and made superintendent of construction of the first capitol building of Nebraska at Omaha. Mr. Izard was a large slave holder, and with his help did much to develop this section. He was educated in the private schools of St.Francis county, public schools at that time being an unknown quantity. When the war came he enlisted and was a participant in the battles of Prairie Grove and Helena, besides numerous minor engagements. He was a member of Co.E, McRae's regiment, of the Confederate Army. Col. Izard was appointed by Governor Berry to be Colonel of the militia of the eastern district of Arkansas, and that commission was never revoked. When the troubleness times of 1889 came he was appointed Sheriff by Governor Eagle, and he was a very strong factor in conserving peace of our town and county. He has been a member of the city council at various times from the establishment of municipal government here, and his work on the school board, of which he was a member for several years, was of a most valuable and conscientious sort. On January 29,1859, Colonel Izard was married to Miss Mary Fondren, of Oxford, Mississippi, and five children were born to them. Lena, the eldest, is the wife of Mr.J.W.Williams, the successful merchant of Wynne; Richard J. Izard is a thriving lawyer and insurance man of Forrest City; Kate is now Mrs. E.A.Long, and also resides in this city; Van B. Jr., is in a large mercantile establishment at DeVall's Bluff; Pearl died at the age of four years. CIVIL - IZARD - VAN - BUREN - COL - - 2 - 27 1837 12 13 1921 CITY Col. V. B. Izard, whose name is identified with only that which is good and noble, and who has attained an enviable position in the hearts of the citizens of Eastern Arkansas, owes his nativity to St. Francis County, Ark., where he was born in 1837, being the son of Mark N. and Permelia (Shackelford) Izard. The genealogy of the Izard family is traced to Scotland, whence at an early day the great-grandfather of our subject emigrated to the New England States. Three of his sons afterward settled in South Carolina, and some time subsequent the grandfather of Col. V. B. Izard separated from his two brothers, and located permanently in Lexington, Ky. His occupation was that of a farmer, and he was a gallant soldier in the War of 1812. His son, Gov. Mark W., was born in Lexington, Ky., in 1800, removing from his native State to St. Francis County, Ark., in 1824. Here he was successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits for some years, and also opened one of the first farms or plantations in the county. Mark N. Izard was not a man who attained high intellectually as the result of a collegiate education, for he had scarcely more than ordinary literary attainments. Something besides scholarly accomplishments drew around him hosts of friends in the pioneer days of Eastern Arkansas, it may have been his inborn worth, and intuitive genius. He entered the political field with no other qualifications to recommend, or guide him, than his own broad sense, un-tiring energy and clear judgment. First elected to the Territorial legislature, he served as a member of the Constitutional Convention, distinguishing himself in both cases, and to the credit of his county. He afterward served in both branches of the Arkansas State legislature (two or more times each), assisting first as speaker of the house, and later as president of the senate. While still actively engaged in the affairs of his own State, a candidate for another term in the State senate, an incident occurred which changed the field of his political labors from the State of Arkansas to the then Territory of Nebraska. This was his appointment as United States marshal of the Territory mentioned, by President Franklin Pierce, the first to hold that office. The demise of Gov. Burt, the incumbent of that position when Gov. Izard was serving as marshal, made it necessary that another Governor should be appointed. There were, of course, many aspirants for the place, but Gov. Izard with his usual characteristic originality of method, carried the official news of Gov. Burt's death to the President, and solicited the influence of the then two senators of Arkansas, W. K. Sebastan and R. M. Johnson, to have him made Governor, but they thought action on their part useless. This rebuff, however, did not daunt him. Going in person to President Pierce, after a clear statement of his ideas, he received the appointment to the coveted office. 16 - IZARD - VAN - BUREN - - - - CONCEIVED THE IDEA OF LAYING OUT PLANS FOR FORREST CITY 18 - IZARD - VAN - BUREN - - - - STORY-STOLE COUNTY RECORDS IN MADISON 10-PICTURE - JACKSON - CLAUDE - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 8-PICTURE - JACKSON - CLAUDE - - - - - (PICTURE 1954 CITY POLICE-FORREST CITY) 122-PICTURE - JACKSON - EARL - - SR. - - BIO - For more than a quarter of a century, Earl Jackson, Sr., has been buying cotton from St.Francis County Farmers. It was actually 30 years ago that he bought his first cotton. He now also retails and wholesales planting seed from his office on Cotton row in Forrest City. He is the son of the late George L. and Mollie (Evans) Jackson, and the grandson of the late Mr.& Mrs. Hiram Evans, who were the earliest settlers in the southern part of St.Francis County. The Evans Grove School, south of Forrest City, was donated to the Forrest City Public School District by Mr.Evans. Mr.Jackson was born on the Evans Estate and moved to Forrest City when he was a baby, and has lived at 100 East Cook for more than 50 years. The Jackson residence, at the time of its purchase, was then the only white home north on Rosser Street. His wife is the former Ethel M.Garrett and her parents were pioneers at Waverly in Middle Tennessee. They have a daughter, Helen, now Mrs.A.F.Morris of Memphis, and a son. Lieut.Earl Jackson, Jr., now in Alexandria, Va., who married Sue Davis of Charleston, S.Carolina. They have a grand-daughter, Janice Kay Morris. All of the Jackson family are Methodists. 13 - JACKSON - J. - M. - - - - TREASURER 1888-1890-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 10 - JACKSON - JESSIE - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 108-109-PICTURE - JARRATT - DENNIS - Y. - - - BIO - Dennis Y.Jarratt was born at Stephensville, Texas, the son of Joe J. and Anna (Hackfield) Jarrattt. after graduation from the local high school, he received his B.S.Degree from Texas A.& M. College. He taught school for one year, then was employed by the Soil Conservation Service as Soil Scientist. His soil surveying took him to Paragould, Piggott, Jonesboro, Pocahontas, and Batesville in Arkansas; Culbertson, Montana; St.Francisville, La.; Waco, Texas; and then back to Arkansas in Forrest City, then Little Rock. On Nov.29,1946, he married Miss Ann Campbell, the gracious daughter of William W. and Victoria (Mann) Campbell, tow of the most prominent citizens of Forrest City. Her father, the President of the National Bank of Eastern Arkansas, is one of the most distinguished bankers in the nation. To this union has been born one son, Dennis Y.Jarratt, Jr. In 1948, the Jarratts returned to Forrest City where Mr.Jarratt engaged in farming the Gallaway farm, north of Forrest City. They are members of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian church, and Mr.Jarratt belongs to the Rotary Club and Mrs.Jarratt is active in the La Petite Auxiliary. 13 - JOHNSON - G. - V.C. - - - - SHERIFF 1850-1854-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 9 - JOHNSON - J. - C. - COL. - - - (PIONEER-FIRST STEAMBOAT ON ST.FRANCIS RIVER, NAMED WHEELING) 13 - JOHNSON - J. - C. - - - - (PIONEER-1848) JUDGE 1848-1850-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 8 - JOHNSON - JOHN - - JUDGE - - BIO - (PIONEER-1830) The life of Dr.Robert Edward Oliver, who died at the age of fifty-six, on Nov.14,1938, was one of unusual devotion and the highest dignity in his chosen field of medicine and service to his beloved home community. A practitioner who gained high honors as a graduate of the University of Tennessee Medical School, he will be remembered for his highly skilled and blessed with sympathy for those who suffer. He was born on Nov.5,1882, the son of Edward Palmer and Cordelia Elizabeth (Stout) Oliver of the Newcastle Community. His great-great-grandfather, was Judge John Johnson, one of the most distinguished pioneer settlers of Eastern Arkansas since his arrival in 1824. He was remembered for securing the passage of an act creating St.Francis County. JUDGE 1830-1833-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 7-PICTURE - JOHNSON - REEDUS - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY-DROWNED IN THE CAMP THAT YEAR) 29-30 - JONES - ANDY - - JR. - - - Town Officials in Widener in 1954: Alderman: Andy Jones, Jr. 132-PICTURE - JONES - CHESTER - - - - BIO - As sole owner of Gilbert-Jones Furniture Co., Chester Jones may be one of the youngest furniture dealers in the business, but he has a reputation of outstanding record growth. The predecessor of the firm, the Gilbert Furniture Co. was operated for 27 years by A.B.Gilbert. When World War II came along, he joined the U.S.Army on Aug.10,1942, and was assigned to the 273rd Field Artillery. He saw plenty of action in Normandy, North France, Rhineland, Ardennes, and Central Europe, for which he received the Bronze campaign Stars in the Battle of Ardennes. He was discharged as a Sergeant. Before the war he had worked for the Hodges Furniture Co. After the war he joined the Chambers-Thompson Furniture Co.. On Jan.1,1948 he purchased the Gilbert Furniture Co. Mr.Jones was born in Wynne, the son of Charles H. and Stella Mae (Lincoln) Jones. In 1920, he moved to Forrest City. On June 22,1946 he married the former Mary Frances Satterfield, daughter of Lee and Frances E. (Pettus) Satterfield of the Good Hope community of St.Francis County. To this union has been born one son, Kenneth Allen, and a daughter, Judy Carol. They belong to the First Baptist Church, an he is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, King-Beazley American Legion Post, and is a former Lion. 13 - JONES - J. - H. - - - - ASSESSOR 1888-1890-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 115 PICTURE-116 - JONES - JOHN - I. - MRS. - ALDRIDGE - BIO - Mrs.John I.Jones is a true matriarch, beloved by her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchild. A native of Forrest City, the daughter of W.H.Aldridge, who came to this area when he was three years old from Jasper, Alabama, and Cathrine (Hester) Aldridge, born at Madison, Ark. Mrs.Jones became the bride of John I.Jones, Deputy Sheriff and Tax Collector of St.Francis County on Jan.23,1902. To this union were born two daughters, now Mrs.Adine J.Moore and Mrs.Cathrine J.King, both of Forrest City. The Joneses have four grandchildren, Lieut.J.G.Charles Moore, ( a physician), John Irby Moore, Patsy Moore, and Ray H.Patterson, son of Mrs.King, and a great-grandson, Mark, son of Lieut. and Mrs.Moore. A graduate of Forrest City High School, Mrs.Jones has been active in social, and civic and church circles. Among which were President of the PTA in 1916, and now Custodian and Historian of the Cosmos Club, and a member of the First Christian Church. 13 - JONES - JOHN - I. - - - - TREASURER 1941-1947-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY CIVIL - JONES - NATHANIEL - M. - - - - 1823 NA ARKHIS BIO Nathaniel M. Jones came to St. Francis County with his father in 1832, when nine years of age, the country at that time being a comparative wilderness. He remained with his father until his death, which occurred in 1851, and in 1856 was married to Martha A. Agerton, who has borne five children: Mary C., Nancy, James P., Cleopatra and Senoth. Mr. Jones was born in Lawrence County, Ala., in 1823, to the union of Branch and Nancy Jones, natives of Virginia and Tennessee, respectively. Mr. N. M. Jones owns a farm of 146 acres, with sixty acres under cultivation, and is extensively engaged in stock raising. He is a Democrat in politics, and was a firm adherent to the Southern cause during the late war, serving in the Confederate army throughout that conflict. He is a member of the Baptist Church (as are also all of his family, with the exception of one of the children), in which he has been an active worker. Few men have led a more honorable life or contributed more liberally to the support of religious and educational enterprises than Mr. Jones. Goodspeed's Biography 1884. 34 - JONES - R. - E. - - - - CITY OF MADISON OFFICIALS IN 1954:ALDERMAN:R.E.JONES 32 - JONES - SAM - - - - - OFFICIALS FOR PALESTINE IN 1954:ALDERMAN:SAM JONES 13 - JONES - W. - J. - - - - JUDGE 1860-1862-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 34 - JONES - WILEY - - - - - FIRM OF L.B.JONES & CO. OF MADISON:OWNED AND OPERATED BY WILEY JONES AND ELDRIDGE BUTLER IN 1954 - KEATHLEY - J. - P. - - - - NA FCTIMES BIO The Forrest City Times' Art Souvenir-1905-Page 33:The name of J.P.Keathley, a one time a prominent merchant here, is still familiar to the people. He was for many years an efficient member of the Methodist church and one of her truest and best. PROBABLY JOHNATHAN 13 - KELSOE - J. - F. - - - - CORONER 1888-1890-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - KERR - GENE - - - - - MAYORS OF COLT:GENE KERR 17 - KETCHURN - J. - E. - - - - EARLY MERCHANTS -OF FORREST CITY 13 - KEY - S. - M. - - - - CITY OF COLT ADMINISTRATION IN 1954:ALDERMAN:S.M.KEY 18 - KILLOUGH - A. - - - - - BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS ORGANIZED 58 - KILLOUGH - A. - - - - - Original Board of Directors of National Bank of Eastern Arkansas. 117-PICTURE - KIMBRO - HUNTER - L. - - - BIO - The Arkansas Paint & Supply store on Washington across from Stevens Funeral Home is one of the most attractive store fronts in Forrest City, and is operated and owned by Eura W, (Dick) Stone and Hunter L. Kimbro. In the fall of 1948 three businessmen opened the store, Allen Redd of Memphis, President; Dick Stone of Blytheville, Sect.Treasurer; and Robert Coleman of Blytheville, Vice- President. On July 1,1951, Dick and his brother in law, Hunter Kimbro of Jonesboro, purchased the company. Hunter, who married Lon Jo Hargett, took an active civic role. The Kimbro's have a daughter, Karen Lynn, and are members of the Methodist church. He attended Arkansas State College and later was graduated from the University of Arkansas. He served as a Naval fighter pilot as a lieutenant on the Carrier U.S.Enterprise in the South Pacific during World War II, was wounded, and received the Purple Heart. 135 PICTURE - KING - BENJAMIN - FRANK - SR - - BIO - Since its founding seventy eight years ago in 1876, the Avery Insurance Agency, by W.H.Avery, who sold to George P.Taylor, grandfather of Alston Taylor, who changed the name to Taylor Insurance Agency. The firm is now composed of Harry A.Knight Sr., Alston Graham Taylor, and B.F.King. Edgar P.Taylor joined the firm when the elder Mr.Taylor died in 1898. At that time, a promising young Forrest Citian, became a partner in the firm and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight & Co. When Edgar P.Taylor passed in January 1935, they consolidated with B.F.King and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight-King Insurance Agency. Meanwhile, James Taylor, son of Edgar continued with the firm until his death in Oct. 1950, when Alston Taylor, another son of Edgar, joined the firm. The second oldest member of the firm, B.Frank King, who came to this city 35 years ago from Greenwood, Miss., is the son of the late R.C. and Letitia L.King of Greenwood, and was born at the old Agricultural & Mechanical College in Mississippi. Mr.King married on June 17,1918, the former Mattie Mann of Forrest City, daughter of the late Judge Samuel H. and Mary R.Mann, prominent pioneer settlers of St.Francis County. The Kings have one daughter, Alice Letitia, now Mrs.Morris G.Harrison, of this city, and two grand daughters, Letitia and Mary Harrison. Their son Frank Jr., was killed when World War II at Pier, Germany, while fighting with the 104th Army Division. The King-Beazley American Legion Post bears his name as a memorial for Frank. Mr.King was in training as a pilot at the end of World War I ended. He came to Forrest City, the home town of his wife, to become a clerk at the old First National Bank, now consolidated with the National Bank of Eastern Arkansas, and in 1933 founded the King Florist, now Henley's Florist. In 1925, he went to St.Petersburg, Fla. to head the New Business Dept. in the First National Bank there. In June 1930, he returned to Forrest City to purchase the J.E.Ferguson Insurance Agency, which he continued until it merged in March 1953 with Taylor-Knight & Co. He received his formal education at the Greenwood High School and at Mississippi State College. He served as Alderman from Ward I from 1949-1951 and has been President of the Rotary Club, a member of the Young Business Men's Club and the Elks Club. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and is Committeeman from Ward 1 of the St.Francis County Democratic Central Committee. 7-PICTURE - KING - REX - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 32 - KINNEY - K. - H. - - - - Municipal Leaders of Hughes in 1954:ALDERMEN:K.H.KINNEY 87-PICTURE - KINNEY - KNOX - - - - BIO - The record of Knox Kinney, young Forrest City lawyer, in the professional, religious, civic, and public service fields is as outstanding as that of any young men in the State of Arkansas. Mr.Kinney is a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Arkansas, Past President of the Young Business Men's Club, VP of the Rotary Club, Vice Commander of the King-Beazley American Legion Post, VP of the Eastern Arkansas Young Men's Club and Chairman of the St.Francis County National Infantile Paralysis Foundation. He also serves as the State Division for the 1953 March of Dimes Campaign, and the Arkansas, Tennessee, and American Bar Associations. Mr.Kinney's parents moved here when he was 5 years of age, Mr.& Mrs.K.H.Kinney, now of Hughes, from Blytheville. He graduated from Forrest City High School, Columbia Military Academy and then one year at The Citadel, before World War II interrupted his schooling. In April 1943, he joined the U.S.Army and saw action in the European Theatre wit the 94th Reconnaissance Squadron of the 14th Armored Division. Three years later he was placed on inactive duty status as a Lieutenant. He then attended Vanderbilt University where he received a L.L.B. and B.S.Degree. In 1949 he entered law practice, with admission to the bar in Tennessee and Arkansas, one year in Memphis with Snowden, Davis, McCloy and Donelson, and in 1950, opened his own practice in Forrest City. His wife is the pretty and friendly Patricia Lee Patrick of Memphis. They have one son, Knox Baird, Jr., born Sep.12,1953. 98 - KIRBY - ELISHA - - - - BIO - John H.McCrary is widely-known and respected throughout Eastern Arkansas not only as a successful farmer and livestock dealer, but also for his intelligent raising of Tennessee Walking Horses on his well-cultivated 460 acre farm four miles north of Forrest City on Hwy. 1. The son of Miles R. and Victoria (Kirby) McCrary, he was the fifth of twelve children. His parental grandfather, M.M.McCrary, as a young man moved to Forrest City from Alabama with his bride and engaged in farming two miles west of Forrest City where he reared his family. A former county treasurer, he also served in the Confederate Army in the Civil war, riding home the same faithful horse on which he had left four years before. His maternal grand parents, Elisha and Tecessa Kirby, moved to Forrest City with their family from Mississippi in 1871 and started farming near the city. 73-PICTURE - KIRKPATRICK - OTTO - R. - - - BIO - Otto Rollwage Kirkpatrick, as a pioneer in the field of mutual insurance in this area, youthful and widely known founder and owner of Kirkpatrick Insurance Agency on Grant Street has rapidly moved to the front in the highly competitive insurance business in Forrest City. He was born Oct.12,1921, in Marianna, son of Scott L. and Ardale (Rollwage) Kirkpatrick. His father is postmaster of the Forrest City Post Office. After graduation from Forrest City High School, he attended Arkansas State Teachers College and George Washington University. In June 1942, he enlisted in the Army Air Corps as an Aviation Cadet and served two years overseas as a Navigator-Bombardier with the 1st Pathfinder Squadron in the European Theatre. For distinguished service, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with Two Oak Leaf Clusters, the French Croix de Guere and two unit citations. His wife is the former Rosemary Haven, daughter of Louis F. and Thelma (Fogg) Haven, of Forrest City, and were married July 30,1948, and have two children, Thelma Lou and Otto R.Kirkpatrick Jr. Mr.Kirkpatrick's paternal grand parents, Otto B. and Jennie (Anderson) Rollwage, were prominent in the early history of Forrest City. In 1950, he became a partner in the firm of Memphis View Realty Co., which developed the large cooperative housing project in West Memphis known as the Memphis View Homes until 1952 when he sold out to operate the insurance agency. He is affiliated with the Christian Science, King-Beazley American Legion Post, National Association of Mutual Insurance Agents, Chamber of Commerce, Masonic Lodge No.198, and is a thirty second degree Mason and Shriner of the Sahara Temple in Pine Bluff. 135-PICTURE - KNIGHT - HARRY - AVERY - SR. - - BIO - Since its founding seventy eight years ago in 1876, the Avery Insurance Agency, by W.H.Avery, who sold to George P.Taylor, grandfather of Alston Taylor, who changed the name to Taylor Insurance Agency. The firm is now composed of Harry A.Knight Sr., Alston Graham Taylor, and B.F.King. Edgar P.Taylor joined the firm when the elder Mr.Taylor died in 1898. At that time, a promising young Forrest Citian, became a partner in the firm and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight & Co. When Edgar P.Taylor passed in January 1935, they consolidated with B.F.King and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight-King Insurance Agency. Meanwhile, James Taylor, son of Edgar continued with the firm until his death in Oct. 1950, when Alston Taylor, another son of Edgar, joined the firm. Mr.Knight, now seventy nine years old, was born in Forrest City, the son of the late C.C. and Harriett (Avery) Knight of Forrest City. Mr.Knight married the former Mary Merwin, daughter of T.C. and Emily (Govan) Merwin, of Forrest City on Sep.14,1904, and to this union was born a son, Harry Jr., and Emily, now Mrs.J.A.Patterson, both of Forrest City. The Knights have a grandson, Jerry Patterson. In his early days he was very active in politics, serving as Mayor for two terms, and as County Clerk in the un-expired term of his father-in-law, T.C.Merwin. He was also active in Red Cross work and was Food Administrator during World War I. He is a former President of the Rotary Club, former Master of the Masonic Lodge, former Exalted Ruler of the Elks, and a former Council Commander of the Woodmen of the World. He has also been a member of the original Young Business Men's Club. He was graduated from the Forrest City High School and the Gem City Business College in Quincy, Illinois. He is a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd. 20 - KNIGHT - HARRY - L.-SR. - MAYOR - - - EARLY MAYORS OF FORREST CITY AFTER GROGAN - KNIGHT - HARRY - AVERY - SR. - - 11 - 17 1874 7 12 1954 FPARK BIO ROSELAND The Forrest City Times' Art Souvenir-1905-Page 91:On November 17,1874, Harry Avery Knight was born at Forrest City. He is a son of Curtis Luther and Harriet Avery Knight. His father was one of the pioneer merchants of Forrest City, locating here soon after the town was established. The subject of this sketch was educated in the public schools of this place, and is also a graduate of the Gem City Business College, of Quincy, Illinois. Returning home, he began his business career by entering the store of his father, where he remained until February 1896, when he went with L.Rollwage & Co., with whom he worked until January 1, 1903, when he purchased a half interest in the firm of George P.Taylor & Co., real estate and insurance agents, in which he is still engaged under the firm name Taylor, Knight & Co. On September 14,1904 he was married to Miss Mary Merwin, a daughter of Capt. and Mrs.T.C.Merwin, of this city. They have one child, Harry Avery born July 15,1905. 68 - LANDVOIGHT - ED - - COL. - - BIO - The early history of The Herald. it was founded as the Forrest City Times back in 1871, the year the town became incorporated into a town. The Times was published weekly as a six-column newspaper and was recognized as one of the most enterprising papers in the state. The Times changed hands frequently until 1886, when it became the property of Col.Ed Landvoight and his son-in-law, Edwin L. Vadakin for $700, these two country printers who "knew the business from sweeping out to paying off," bought the paper including its good will and accounts from Thomas J.Hicks. In 1904, a momentous occasion was dutifully recorded when the firm of Landvoight & Vadakin was "replenished and greatly augmented by the addition of a beautiful new press of 300 pounds of handset type, a Reliance Drum Cylinder press, complete with steam fixtures, a folding machine, 3-horsepower gasoline engine, etc., and this is the first and only power outfit ever operated in the county." The Herald, founded in 1904, is incomplete but it is believed the paper was taken over at one time by the late Eugene Williams of Forrest City, and then bought by John T.Durst, who later was joined by his wife in the operation of the paper. Mr.Durst formed a stock company in 1919 and purchased The Times to form the Times-Herald. In 1931, he discontinued the weekly publication and started the Daily Times-Herald. In October 1943, Mr.Fred N.McCollum Sr. purchased the paper located on Front Street from Mr.Durst. 83-84 - LANIER - JOHN - T. - - - BIO - John T. Lanier, prominent manufacturer and landowner of Forrest City, has accomplished much in an eventful life, and now, as President and General Manager the Forrest City Machine Works, Inc., manufacturers of agricultural implements on a large scale. Mr.Lanier was born on the Lanier Place north of Forrest City, on July 21,1893, son of the late Robert Jefferson and Ora (McKnight) Lanier. His paternal grand parents were Robert Potter and Margaret Angeline (Bendiman) Lanier. His maternal grand parents were Dr.John David McKnight, onetime Sheriff of St.Francis county, and Victoria (Williams) McKnight. A graduate of Forrest City High School, Mr.Lanier studied at the Univ. of Arkansas from 1917 to may 17,1917, when during, World War I, he entered the first officer's training camp at Fort Logan, H.Roots, Little Rock, and after graduation was assigned to the 32nd Division and later to Company K, 163rd Infantry, 39th Division. On Sep.1,1918, he landed with the 39th Division in Europe and then was transferred to Company 1, 357th Infantry, 90th Division. Returning to civilian life, he went to work with Planters Bank & Trust Co. in Forrest City and farmed until Dec.31,1923 when he went to Brinkley to manage the Brinkley Motor Company. In 1936, he opened the Lanier Auto Supply, and stayed with it till 1944. He returned to Forrest City, and in 1946, helped organize the Forrest City Machine Works, Inc. On July 5,1918, he married Betta Adrion, daughter of Michalie and Mary (Foisy) Adrion, of Alexandria, La., they have three children, Mary Bob, now the wife of Major Joseph E.Fogg, U.S.Marine Corps, and they have three children, Robert Lanier Fogg, Mary Faith Fogg, and Patricia Ann Fogg; John T.Lanier, Jr., now associated with his father in the Machine Works; and Betta Adrion, wife of Frank Tillman Shackelford, partner in the Shackelford Motor Co. in Forrest City, and they have two children, Frank T.Shackelford, Jr., and Betta Park Shackelford. Mr.Lanier is a member of the King-Beazley American Legion Post, Masonic Lodge, Forrest City Country Club, St.Francis Co. Farm Bureau, Arkansas Agricultural Council, Church of the Good Shepherd. He also supervises the farming of 1200 acres. 7--83-PICTURE 84 - LANIER - PAUL - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 139-PICTURE - LASER - ALBERT - - - - BIO - The ambitious man who came here twenty five years ago to open the Sterling Dept.Store during the depression year of 1929, now owns two of the largest and most modern 5 & 10-cent stores in Eastern Arkansas. Albert W.Laser owns the Laser's Ben Franklin Store on N.Rosser St. since 1933; and on the corner of Broadway & Washington, he owns Laser's 5 & 10, which was Scotts 5 & 10 until Dec.7,1953. Mr.Laser was born at Clarksville, Ark., the son of Mrs.Minnie (Nichols) Laser of Clarksville, and the late Samuel Laser. He was graduated from Clarksville High School and then studied at the College of the Ozarks. In April 1917, he became a private in the U.S.Army, 141st Machine Gun Battalion. When he was discharged in Nov.1918, he had advanced to the rank of Second Lieutenant. He worked with his father who was in the mercantile business in the same location for forty years in Clarksville. After opening the Sterling Store, he purchased the Pettus-Buford mercantile firm on North Rosser St.. Then in 1933, he opened the 5 & 10 store. Mr.Laser is a member of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, a 32nd Degree at the Masonic Lodge, the Chamber of Commerce, a Shriner, Rotary Club, Boy Scouts Asst. Scout master. He also has farming interests in the area. On Oct.11,1921, he married Miss Esther Stephens, daughter of R.S. and Emma (Cannon) Stephens, of Prescott, Ark., and to this union has been born five children; Albert Jr., Robert Stephens, Esther Louise, David, and James. They have two grandchildren, Marcia and Stephen, whose parents are Mr.& Mrs.Robert Laser. 21 - LAUGHINGHOUSE - ALBERT - - - - - DESCENDANTS OF PIONEER FAMILIES IN PICTURE 1954 112 - LAUGHINGHOUSE - BESS - - MRS - STEVENS - BIO - When Forrest City, rising on the gentle west slope of Crowley's Ridge, was only a country town of about 1500 souls and only a few buildings were built of brick, Richard J.Izard, a hardy pioneer of foresight, opened the local insurance agency which still proudly bears his name. It was in 1893, now some seventy-one years later, the R.J.Izard Insurance Agency is now operated by Mrs.Zell R.Izard and Fenner Laughinghouse in the Old Planters Bank Building on East Broadway. Mrs.Laughinghouse who is equally active in the insurance agency, was born and reared in Forrest City. She is the former Bess Stevens and have two fine children, Albert of the National Bank of Eastern Arkansas, and Janie, wife of attorney Richard McCulloch Jr.. The Laughinghouse's are members of the First Methodist church. 13-112 - LAUGHINGHOUSE - FENNER - - - - BIO - TREASURER 1904-1908. CIRCUIT CLERK 1892-1894-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY-When Forrest City, rising on the gentle west slope of Crowley's Ridge, was only a country town of about 1500 souls and only a few buildings were built of brick, Richard J.Izard, a hardy pioneer of foresight, opened the local insurance agency which still proudly bears his name. It was in 1893, now some seventy-one years later, the R.J.Izard Insurance Agency is now operated by Mrs.Zell R.Izard and Fenner Laughinghouse in the Old Planters Bank Building on East Broadway. Mrs.Laughinghouse who is equally active in the insurance agency, was born and reared in Forrest City. She is the former Bess Stevens and have two fine children, Albert of the National Bank of Eastern Arkansas, and Janie, wife of attorney Richard McCulloch Jr.. The Laughinghouse's are members of the First Methodist church. TREASURER 1904-1908. CIRCUIT CLERK 1892-1894-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY-When Forrest City, rising on the gentle west slope of Crowley's Ridge, was only a country town of about 1500 souls and only a few buildings were built of brick, Richard J.Izard, a hardy pioneer of foresight, opened the local insurance agency which still proudly bears his name. It was in 1893, now some seventy-one years later, the R.J.Izard Insurance Agency is now operated by Mrs.Zell R.Izard and Fenner Laughinghouse in the Old Planters Bank Building on East Broadway. Mrs.Laughinghouse who is equally active in the insurance agency, was born and reared in Forrest City. She is the former Bess Stevens and have two fine children, Albert of the National Bank of Eastern Arkansas, and Janie, wife of attorney Richard McCulloch Jr.. The Laughinghouse's are members of the First Methodist church. 9 - LAUGHINGHOUSE - GEORGE - W. - DR. - - - (PIONEER) JUDGE 1874-76-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - LAUGHINGHOUSE - - - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 20-PICTURE - LEACH - SUE - - MISS - - - PICTURE PICKING PEACHES 208-PICTURE - LEMKE-CURTIS - W. - P. - MRS - - BIO - Mrs.W.P.Curtis, the former Mrs.Lemke owns and operates the former Lemke Service Station, now Avalon, which was founded in 1931 by the late C.D.Lemke. Mr. & Mrs.Lemke moved to Forrest City from Chattanooga, Tenn., in December 1916. He was a harness maker by trade and was employed by W.A.Watson, who operated a harness and vulcanizing shop on North Washington Street where now stands the ESSO Station. In 1918, Mr.Lemke opened his own business on North Izard, back of the Palace Drug Store. He continued in business there until 1931 when he built the Lemke Service Station. In 1922, he bought six acres on East Broadway, known as the Neill place. In 1938 he built the tourist cabin units and cottages which he operated with the service station from 1931 till 1945. On the site, he had a fine Rock Garden and grew flowers. The garden contained many petrified logs and rocks from Crow Creek. It became a fine tourist attraction and picnic ground, having outdoor fireplace built of rocks and three connecting lily ponds, with water continually trickling down over the old Mill Wheel made by Mrs.Lemke's father, Mr.W.J.Hixson. In May 1945, because of failing health of Mr.Lemke, they sold the property to S.B.and Fairy A.Moore of Kansas City and they operated it for a year and then sold it. Mr.Lemke died Aug.4,1947. Mrs.Lemke married Mr.W.P.Curtis on June 14,1951. She retired from the Forrest City Savings and Loan Assoc. on June 1,1953, after more than a quarter of a century, being employed Dec.1926 by C.W.Norton, Sect. of the association. 34 - LEOPPARD - TROY - - - - - CITY OF MADISON OFFICIALS IN 1954:ALDERMAN:TROY LEOPPARD 122-PICTURE - LEWIS - W. - E. - - - BIO - W.E. (Ed) Lewis, a native of Forrest City, now affiliated with the (C.I.T.) Commercial Investment Trust Corp. of New York City, Financing and Industrial Banking Division, lives in Little Rock, but frequently visits his mother, Mrs.Wright Lewis, and to renew old acquaintances. He was born here Oct.24,1904, the son of Mrs.Mary (Stark) Lewis and the late Wright Lewis. His grand parents, Mr.& Mrs.H.Walter Lewis, who came here from Virginia were charter members of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church in Forrest City. His mother's parents, Mr.& Mrs.Bonaparte Stark, were from Georgia. A graduate of the Forrest City High School in 1922, Mr.Lewis attended Nelson's College in Memphis,. He has had positions in banking, playing baseball, buying cotton, and in politics. On Apr.23,1931 he married Miss Shirley Jane Ahrens, daughter of Mrs.Lillian (Hyde) Ahrens and the late J.D.Ahrens of Little Rock. They have one daughter, Shirley Jane, now in junior high in Little Rock. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, the Little Rock Country Club, Little Rock Club, Little Rock Engineers' Club, Arkansas Engineers' Club, and the Elk's Club. 145 - LIEBLONG - JOHN - W. - (BILL) - - BIO - Returning to civilian life in 1946 after more than three years of service in the U.S.Army Air Corps during World War II, John W. (Bill) Lieblong of Forrest City has firmly established himself in the general contracting business. He was born in Greenbriar, Arkansas, on Aug.21,1918, son of W.A. and Carrie (May) Lieblong, now of Conway. A graduate of Conway High School, he attended Arkansas State Teachers College and then received a B.S.E. Degree from the University of Arkansas in 1940. He taught at Forrest City High School until he joined the Army on Oct.16,1942, as a private, and coming out as a Captain on March 8,1946. On May 9,1941, he married Miss Dora Eva Beattie, daughter of James E. and May (Boggan) Beattie of Forrest City, and to this union have been born three children; John W. III, aged 11; May Carol, aged 6; and Jim Beattie, aged 1. They are members of the Methodist church. He is a member of the Cosmos Club, Forrest City Park Commission, KIng-Beazley American Legion Post, has been a Tail Twister, Lion Tamer and member of the Lions Club. 13 - LINCECUM - G. - B. - - - - (PIONEER-1830) CORONER 1830-1832-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - LINDSEY - J. - C. - - - - ASSESSOR 1941-1949-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - LITTELL - PHILANDER - - - - - EARLY LAWYERS -OF FORREST CITY LITTELL - PHILANDER - - - Murdered April 15,1896-see Obit - - - - Philander Littell, attorney at law of Forrest City, first saw the light of day in Chicot County, Ark., being the son of Philander and Martha Littell. He received his literary education in the schools of Arkansas, and in the Lebanon University of Tennessee, and commenced the study of law at Helena, Ark., under the prominent and able Supreme Judge Hanty. At the breaking out of the war he joined the First Arkansas Regiment, serving until the final surrender. He was aid-de-camp to Gen. Walker after the battle of Shiloh, in which battle he was badly wounded, and at the time of his duel with Marmaduke was sent by Gen. Sterling Price around the Federal army to carry the news of the wounding of Gen. Walker to his family, also to bring his wife to see him. This he did, but Walker had died of his wounds before her arrival. Mr. Littell being financially embarrassed by the war, read privately and taught school for several years, and began the practice of his profession in this city, receiving the license to practice law in any State in the year 1869. He followed farming here from the time of his admission till entering upon the prosecution of his chosen profession in Forrest City, owning several considerable plantations, and is now opening a large stock farm. His father was a native of Kentucky, and an attorney for many years, afterward practicing medicine. He died in this county in 1864. The name Littell, as would be imagined, is decidedly French. Philander Littell is a Democrat in his political views, and a man noted for his thorough knowledge of law, and is perhaps better versed in land matters and titles than any other man in this part of the State. While he has a vast amount of land devoted to the growing of cotton, he takes decided interest in stock raising, in which he has been quite successful. Mr. Littell is conservative on all questions, and a man whose judgment is seldom biased. He believes that the race question could be solved without difficulty if it were not for local politicians, whose zeal for county offices rushes them into the perpetration of many blunders, irrespective of party. Mr. Littell was united in marriage with Miss Annie Seaborn, of this county, their marriage being solemnized in 1883. Goodspeed's Biography 1884. - LITTELL - PHILANDER - - JR. - - UNK - 4 15 1896 - FCTIMES - OBITObit- - 13 - LITTELL - PHILANDER - - - - - (PIONEER-1850) JUDGE 1850-1852-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - LITTLE - CYRUS - - - - - (PIONEER-1836) CORONER 1836-1838-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - LITTLE - N. - O. - - - - (PIONEER-1835) CORONER 1835-1836-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 46 - LOGAN - EDGAR - - - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:CHARTER MEMBERS:EDGAR LOGAN 46 - LOGAN - EDGAR - - WARRANT OFFICER - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:OFFICERS IN 1954:WARRANT OFFICER EDGAR LOGAN 10-PICTURE - LONDON - JACK - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 86 PICTURE-87 - LONG - FLETCHER - - SR. - - BIO - Distinguished in military service, law profession and politics. State Senator Fletcher Long, Sr., Forrest City attorney of law, has already achieved much in relatively young but intensely active public life. He graduated from Augusta High School and in 1941 received his L.L.B.Degree from the Univ. of Arkansas School of Law. On Sept.21, 1941, he married Miss Peggy McCulloch, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Richard McCulloch, Sr., of Forrest City. He maintained his newly opened law office in Augusta until Aug.1942, when he joined the U.S.Marine Corps, 4th Marine Division, and he saw action in the Kwajalein Atoll, Saipan, Tinian and Iwo Jima campaigns, entering as a private, and being discharged in Feb.1946 as a First Lieutenant, Company Commander. He was highly decorated with, the Silver Star for action in Iwo Jima; Purple Heart with Gold Star; Presidential Unit Citation twice; and the Secretary of Navy Citation. After discharge, he opened his law practice in Forrest City in March 1946. In 1947, he was appointed Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for St.Francis County, a position he still holds. He is a member of the Lions Club, King-Beazley American Legion Post of which he has been Commander, Young Business Men's Club, St.Francis, Arkansas and American Bar Association and has been Chairman of the St.Francis County Bar Assoc. and the American Judicature Society, and the Church of the Good Shepherd. He was elected State Senator of the 5th District of Arkansas, in 1953. The Long's have one son, Fletcher Jr., and four daughters, Margaret Barrow, Harriet Lee, Elizabeth McCulloch, and Mary Ann. 30 - LOVE - F. - O. - - - - In 1914, F.O.Love and B.C.Friar built the first actual store in Hughes, a two story building. Mr.Friar was the first post master. He was succeeded by R.E.Love. 120-121 - LOVE - GORDON - - - - BIO - Hughes Auto Company, Chevrolet dealer of Hughes, Arkansas, is proudly entering its 28th consecutive year as a dealer. Gordon Love has owned and directed the operations of this firm for nearly a quarter of a century. He moved here at age 3 with his parents, the late Robert E. and Nancy (Gordon) Love, who moved here in 1900 from his birthday in Senatobia, Miss. He was born on Aug.17,1897, and received his degree from Marianna High School. He was employed by the Peoples Savings Bank in Marianna, and served in the U.S.Army during World War I. On Oct.22,1925 he married Miss Polly Jeffries, daughter of Richard W. and Mary (Wooldridge) Jeffries of Memphis, Mrs. Love passed away on June 2,1953. Mr.Love became manager of the Hughes Motor Company firm on Feb.1,1930, started by E.A.Rolfe, Sam Rolfe, and W.C.Bowen. They moved to their present site in 1925 when they sold Ford vehicles. He was elected the first President of the Hughes Chamber of Commerce, a charter member of the Hughes Rotary Club, and is also a Deacon in the Presbyterian Church. He is part owner of the Hughes Implement Company. 30 - LOVE - N. - L. - - - BIO - HUGHES=In the 1890's three Love brothers came to this area from Senatobia, Miss., and a fourth brother later. Two of them operated stores and bought up some land. The late N.L.Love bought a farm adjoining New Hope Farm. He was amused that his boat landing was named Blues Point, his post office named Happy, and the farm next to his New Hope; so, he named his farm Bright Future, now owned by Hugh Dillahunty. Mr.Love died in 1906 and on May 27, 1907, the heirs sold this farm to a fellow Senatobian, Robert M.Hughes, for whom Hughes is now named. Mr.Hughes had considerable interest around Senatobia and never actually moved to Arkansas. On Jan.1,1910, he bought a half-section of land from L.F.Dunn. Soon afterwards, the Missouri Pacific R.R. started a survey for a "cut-off" from Marianna to Memphis, abandoning the old circuitous route of its predecessor, the Iron Mountain. The survey came through the recently purchased Dunn Place and Mr.Hughes donated the right-of-way for a depot. The railroad stop was called Hughes. Mr.Hughes laid off lots and sold them for homes and businesses from time to time. 30 - LOVE - R. - E. - - - BIO - In 1914, F.O.Love and B.C.Friar built the first actual store in Hughes, a two story building. Mr.Friar was the first post master. He was succeeded by R.E.Love. 32 - LUNSFORD - W. - D. - - - - Municipal Leaders of Hughes in 1954:W.D.LUNSFORD, RECORDER 14-PICTURE - MABLEY - ANNIE - - - - - (PICTURE JAN.1909-GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM) 13 - MALLORY - E. - - - - - JUDGE 1864-1868-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 21 - MALLORY - ELMA - - MISS - - - DESCENDANTS OF PIONEER FAMILIES IN PICTURE 1954 13 - MALLORY - G. - B. - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK 1896-1908-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - MALLORY - J. - W. - - - - TREASURER 1852-1854-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 97-PICTURE - MALLORY - NED - - - - BIO - Ned Mallory, son of the late I.W. and Elma (Raiford) Mallory, was born April 5,1898. He is one of the county's best known residents with ancestry in St.Francis County extending back to pioneer days. His grandfather, Ned Mallory, moved here from Virginia and was of the first volunteers in the Southern Army during the Civil War. His maternal grandfather was Phillip Raiford, who moved here from Marshall County, Miss. Ned attended public schools in Forrest City and later studied at Bingham School, Asheville, N.C. and Castle Heights, Lebanon, Tenn. He volunteered for service in World War I Aug.5, 1917, during which time he got an appointment to Annapolis but preferred the Army from which he was honorably discharged Apr.30.1919.On July 20, 1935 he married Miss Elizabeth Scott, daughter of W.W. and Eva (Finley) Scott, and to this union two daughters were born, Elma Elizabeth, a senior in the high school, and Mary Ned, who is in the seventh grade. Known throughout the state for his activities in the American Legion, Mr.Mallory has served as local Commander and District Commander, and at present is Child Welfare Chairman of the American Legion Dept. of Arkansas. The Mallorys are Methodists and live on the corner of Izard and Garland, where Mr.Mallory was born and reared. - MALLORY - NED - - MRS. - - - FIRST PERSON BURIED IN MT.VERNON CEMETERY 97 - MALLORY - NED - - - - - PIONEERS-grandfather of Ned Mallory. 103-PICTURE - MANN - BURK - - - - BIO - The name Burk Mann will always occupy a prominent and secure place in the annals of St.Francis County and the State of Arkansas for its distinguished owner has made a deep and lasting impression upon the professional and business life of the state as a noted attorney and one of the foremost financiers of his time in Arkansas. As a member of the Mann & McCulloch law firm of Forrest City, his consummated some of the largest financial transactions in the state. Mr.Mann was born in Forrest City on Jan.19,1889, son of the late William Berkley and Anna Pearl (Parham) Mann, prominent citizens of the city. He received his early education in Forrest City Public Schools before attending Webb School at Bell Buckle, Tenn.. He later attended the University of Arkansas and received his L.L.B.Degree from University of Michigan Law School in 1911. He joined a firm in Marianna with F.M.Burke, a local attorney. The partnership was dissolved in 1913, when he formed a partnership with Richard McCulloch Sr., also of Marianna. They stayed there for sixteen years, and then the firm moved to Forrest City. From 1928 to 1931, Mr.Mann lived in Little Rock and worked with Rogers Caldwell & Co. of Nashville, Tenn. in the purchase of banks and insurance companies. In 1931, he returned to his home town to become a law partner with his uncle, the late Samuel H.Mann, prominent local attorney. On April 10,1912, he married Miss Lucille Fussell, daughter of the late Captain James Fussell and Lucille (Galloway) Fussell of Forrest City. Her father was one of the most distinguished business and civic leaders in Eastern Arkansas, and her grandfather, Col.M.C.Galloway, was one of the most prominent of Tennessee's distinguished newspaper editors and statesmen. The couple are members of Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church. Mr.Mann is a member of St.Francis Co.Bar Assoc., Chamber of Commerce, Forrest City Country Club, Memphis Country Club, and Old River Club. 103-PICTURE - MANN - JOHN - W. - JR. - - BIO - John W.Mann, Jr., is the youngest partner in the well known law firm of Mann & McCulloch. He is the son of Louise Greenlaw Mann and the late John W.Mann, Sr., planter and ginner of Lee County, and the grandson of the late William Berkley Mann and the late Pearl (Parham) Mann of Forrest City. The subject graduated front the T.A.Futrell High School in Marianna in 1938, as valedictorian of his class. Continuing his education he graduated in June, 1942 from Hendrix College, in Conway, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree cum laude. On June 29,1942 he was commissioned as Ensign in the Supply Corps of the U.S.Naval Reserve. Following training at Harvard Graduate School of Business, he served 18 months overseas as supply officer of the 9th Naval Construction Regiment on the island of Atha, in the Aleutians. Released from active duty on Jan.1,1946, Mr.Mann remains a Lieutenant in the U.S.Naval Reserve. Mr.Mann enrolled in the University of Arkansas and graduated in June 1948 with a Bachelor of Law Degree. Upon graduation Mr.Mann was admitted to the Arkansas and Federal bars and joined the law firm of Mann & McCulloch in Forrest City and is in other business interests in the city. On July 7,1951, he married Miss Martha Jane (McCollum), beautiful daughter of Fred N. and Varnelle (Bonner) McCollum, of Forrest City. Their son was born on Oct.30,1952, John W.Mann III. Mr.Mann is a member of the Rotary Club, the American Legion, Chamber of Commerce, the St.Francis County Bar Association, Arkansas Bar Association, American Bar Association, and Forrest City Country Club. 38-98 - MANN - SAMUEL - H. - - - - In 1885, the St.Francis County Abstract Company was founded Capt. J.G.Stern, a northern man who located in St.Francis County and owned extensive real estate east of St.Francis River. The next owner was N.B.Fizer, lawyer and preacher and father of Mrs.J.G.Sanders. About 1897, Mr.Fizer sold the firm to Mrs. Alice E.Matthews, a sister of John I. Jones and Mrs.A.A.French. both still residents of Forrest City. Mrs.Matthews married S.H.Mann in 1912 and the company was operated by Mr.Mann until his death in 1938. After his death, the company was purchased by Mr.F.F.Harrelson, lawyer and owner of the Title Guaranty and Abstract Company, until 1950 they two companies were operated together until 1950-first by Mr.Harrelson until his death in 1946, and then by F.C.Harrelson and Carroll C.Cannon. In 1950 the firm is owned and operated solely by Mr.Carroll C.Cannon. FORREST CITY LIBRARY:MR.& MRS.SAM MANN DONATED IN MARCH 1927 TO THE FIRST BOOKS, $500, FOR FIVE YEARS IF OTHERS WOULD CONTRIBUTE. Over the years they contributed liberally to the library. 29-30 - MARTIN - FLOYD - - - - - Town Officials in Widener in 1954: Alderman: Floyd Martin 13 - MARTIN - J. - W. - - - - TREASURER 1850-1852-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 32 - MASSEY - MARVIN - - - - - OFFICIALS FOR PALESTINE IN 1954:ALDERMAN:MARVIN MASSEY 98 - MATTHEWS - ALICE - E. - MRS - - BIO - In 1885, the St.Francis County Abstract Company was founded Capt. J.G.Stern, a northern man who located in St.Francis County and owned extensive real estate east of St.Francis River. The next owner was N.B.Fizer, lawyer and preacher and father of Mrs.J.G.Sanders. About 1897, Mr.Fizer sold the firm to Mrs. Alice E.Matthews, a sister of John I. Jones and Mrs.A.A.French. both still residents of Forrest City. Mrs.Matthews married S.H.Mann in 1912 and the company was operated by Mr.Mann until his death in 1938. After his death, the company was purchased by Mr.F.F.Harrelson, lawyer and owner of the Title Guaranty and Abstract Company, until 1950 they two companies were operated together until 1950-first by Mr.Harrelson until his death in 1946, and then by F.C.Harrelson and Carroll C.Cannon. In 1950 the firm is owned and operated solely by Mr.Carroll C.Cannon. 13 - MATHEWS - W. - J. - - - - SHERIFF 1880-1882-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - MATHEWS - W. - M. - - - - SHERIFF 1882-1884-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - MATTHEWS - W. - J. - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 98-PICTURE - MAY - A. - S. - - - BIO - John R.May, well-known farmer north of Forrest City on Crowley's Ridge, is the proud descendant of one of the earliest pioneer families in St.Francis County, his hardy and prominent ancestors settling in what is know as the Hughes community in the early 1800's. His great-great grandfather, Benjamin May, was born in North Carolina in 1779, and came to Arkansas and finally to the fertile farming land on the sloping west side of Crowley's Ridge east of Colt shortly after the turn of the nineteenth century. The farm Benjamin May developed and improved has passed through two generations of the May family and is now owned and operated by the great-great grandson of this early St.Francis County settler. John R., the great-great grandson, was born on Feb.5,1906. His parents were the late A.S. and Mollie (Taylor) May of the Hughes community. His grandfather was Reading A. May. 98 - MAY - BENJAMIN - - - - BIO - PIONEER-John R.May, well-known farmer north of Forrest City on Crowley's Ridge, is the proud descendant of one of the earliest pioneer families in St.Francis County, his hardy and prominent ancestors settling in what is know as the Hughes community in the early 1800's. His great-great grandfather, Benjamin May, was born in North Carolina in 1779, and came to Arkansas and finally to the fertile farming land on the sloping west side of Crowley's Ridge east of Colt shortly after the turn of the nineteenth century. The farm Benjamin May developed and improved has passed through two generations of the May family and is now owned and operated by the great-great grandson of this early St.Francis County settler. John R., the great-great grandson, was born on Feb.5,1906. His parents were the late A.S. and Mollie (Taylor) May of the Hughes community. His grandfather was Reading A. May. On May 30,1931 he married Mary Elven Voss, daughter of George and Lily (Poe) Voss of Forrest City. To this union were born five children: Charline, now the wife of Arbert L.Rushing; Rayburn, who married Catherine Clark and has a son, John Rayburn, Jr.; Mitchell May; Marshall May; and Phyliss Diane May. It is through the public-spirit of such early ancestry of that of John R.May that St.Francis Countians of this fast moving twentieth century are better able to maintain a gradually disappearing connection with the substantial contributions of those courageous and determined pioneers. Among the precious written evidence of the May family's once extensive land holdings in the possession of the present day May family is an old wrinkled and fade abstract dated 1821, which states that Edward and Lida May (great-uncle and aunt of John May) were legal "homestead" owner of the land they farmed in St.Francis County. 98 - MAY - EDWARD - - - - BIO - PIONEER-Among the precious written evidence of the May family's once extensive land holdings in the possession of the present day May family is an old wrinkled and fade abstract dated 1821, which states that Edward and Lida May (great-uncle and aunt of John May) were legal "homestead" owner of the land they farmed in St.Francis County. 10 - MAY - GERVAISE - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 21-97-98-PICTURE - MAY - JOHN - R. - - - BIO - DESCENDANTS OF PIONEER FAMILIES IN PICTURE 1954-John R.May, well-known farmer north of Forrest City on Crowley's Ridge, is the proud descendant of one of the earliest pioneer families in St.Francis County, his hardy and prominent ancestors settling in what is know as the Hughes community in the early 1800's. His great-great grandfather, Benjamin May, was born in North Carolina in 1779, and came to Arkansas and finally to the fertile farming land on the sloping west side of Crowley's Ridge east of Colt shortly after the turn of the nineteenth century. The farm Benjamin May developed and improved has passed through two generations of the May family and is now owned and operated by the great-great grandson of this early St.Francis County settler. John R., the great-great grandson, was born on Feb.5,1906. His parents were the late A.S. and Mollie (Taylor) May of the Hughes community. His grandfather was Reading A. May. On May 30,1931 he married Mary Elven Voss, daughter of George and Lily (Poe) Voss of Forrest City. To this union were born five children: Charline, now the wife of Arbert L.Rushing; Rayburn, who married Catherine Clark and has a son, John Rayburn, Jr.; Mitchell May; Marshall May; and Phyliss Diane May. It is through the public-spirit of such early ancestry of that of John R.May that St.Francis Countians of this fast moving twentieth century are better able to maintain a gradually disappearing connection with the substantial contributions of those courageous and determined pioneers. Among the precious written evidence of the May family's once extensive land holdings in the possession of the present day May family is an old wrinkled and fade abstract dated 1821, which states that Edward and Lida May (great-uncle and aunt of John May) were legal "homestead" owner of the land they farmed in St.Francis County. 13 - MAY - JOHN - - - - - CORONER 1848-1850-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 98 - MAY - READING - A. - - - BIO - John R.May, well-known farmer north of Forrest City on Crowley's Ridge, is the proud descendant of one of the earliest pioneer families in St.Francis County, his hardy and prominent ancestors settling in what is know as the Hughes community in the early 1800's. His great-great grandfather, Benjamin May, was born in North Carolina in 1779, and came to Arkansas and finally to the fertile farming land on the sloping west side of Crowley's Ridge east of Colt shortly after the turn of the nineteenth century. The farm Benjamin May developed and improved has passed through two generations of the May family and is now owned and operated by the great-great grandson of this early St.Francis County settler. John R., the great-great grandson, was born on Feb.5,1906. His parents were the late A.S. and Mollie (Taylor) May of the Hughes community. His grandfather was Reading A. May. 138 PICTURE - McCLESKEY - VASSAR - - MR & MRS. - - BIO - McCleskey Cleaners is noted in Forrest City because of the two public spirited citizens associated with it, and reputation of outstanding quality cleaning. Vassar and Carol McCleskey operate the firm established in 1917 by his late father, Guy V.McCleskey. It was first located where the Planters Bank & Trust Co. now stands. After it burned on July 14,1927, was moved to its present site at 209 N.Washington. In 1941, when the elder Mr.McCleskey died, Vassar and his mother took over jointly until her death in 1949. Vassar was born in Pontotoc, Miss., on Sept.3,1916, the son of Guy V. and Lela (Bounds) McCleskey. A graduate of Forrest City High School, he studied at Arkansas Polytechnic College, Washington University, St.Louis University, and Gradwohl, finishing in 1940. He worked in hospitals in Paris and Monmouth, Illinois from 1941-1946. On Dec.31,1944, he married Miss Carol Keitzer, daughter of Will and Nellie (Peterson) Keitzel of Burlington, Iowa. She was born at Burlington June 12,1921, met her husband at Monmouth. A graduate of Burlingon High School, she completed her nursing training in 1942 at the Mercy Hospital School of Nursing at Burlington. They have two sons, Guy V.III, born Sep.20,1945, and Jerry Lee, born Sept.22,1947. Members of the Methodist church, he is a member of the local Masonic Lodge, a Shriner, Young Business Men's Club, Lions Club, the Boy Scouts Scout master, Oddfellows, Monmouth Country Club and Elks Club. Mrs.McCleskey is a member of the Home Demonstration Club, Womens Division of the St.Francis County Fair, and a worthy matron of the Eastern Star. 68-PICTURE - McCLURE - GEORGE - W. - - - BIO - Among the young business men of the city who have taken an active and useful participation in the civic affairs of Forrest City is George W.McClure, manager of the Dooley Dept. Store. Mr.McClure was born Oct.16,1923, being the son of Mrs. M.F. McClure and the late Mr.McClure of Marianna. He is a graduate of Marianna High School. During World War II he served as a member of the U.S.Navy from Nov.5,1942, until Jan.19,1946, when he received his honorable discharge. On Mar.31,1946, he married Miss Monnie L.Lovell of Marianna. He has been with Mr.Dooley since his return from the military service in Marianna store. 1-68-PICTURE - McCOLLUM - FRED - N. - SR. - - BIO - FORREST CITY TIMES HERALD- PUBLISHER-1954-In Oct., 1943, Mr.Fred N.McCollum Sr., who had been publishing the Monroe County Sun in Clarendon, came to Forrest City to purchase the Times-Herald Publishing Company, located on North Front Street, from Mr.John T.Durst. In the ten years he has run the paper, it has achieved an outstanding record of sound growth and expansion, un-surpassed anywhere in the state. It was re-located, in 1948, to the present Garland Street location across from the Stevens Funeral Home, in the building owned and constructed by William Alderson. Mr.McCollum was born at Greenbriar, Ark., the son of Dr.I.N. McCollum of Conway and the late Mrs.Myrtle (Phillips) McCollum, he was graduated from Conway High School. After attending the Univ. of Arkansas, he received a B.A. Degree at Arkansas State Teachers College. He was coach and science teacher at Lonoke before being employed in the commercial department of the Chicago Mill & Lumber Co.'s branch office in Clarendon. Later he sold Ford automobiles in Clarendon, for St.Francis Motor Co., until 1924, when he bought the weekly Monroe County Sun and thus embarked on a career in publishing. On Dec.16, 1920, he married Miss Varnelle Bonner, daughter of the late W.T. and Eleanor (Counts) Bonner of Clarendon, and to this union were born four children: Counts, now the wife of Dan Felton Jr. of Felton, Ark., one of the most prominent plantation owners in Arkansas; Fred N. Jr., now a successful young farmer of Forrest City and who married Miss Mary Allison Tipton of this city; Martha June, wife of John Mann Jr., a prominent young attorney of Forrest City; and Bonner, a junior at the Univ. of Arkansas. The McCollums have seven grandchildren: Dan III, Martha Counts and Trent Bonner, children of the Feltons; Andree Allison, Varnelle and Elizabeth, children of Mr.& Mrs.Fred McCollum Jr.; and John Westwood Mann III, son of Mr. & Mrs.John Mann Jr. In addition to the paper, Mr.McCollum operates a farm on Hwy 1 North, just south of Colt, and also in Monroe County. 76-PICTURE - McCOLLUM - FRED - N. - JR. - - BIO - A young farmer, cattleman and rice grower of St.Francis County. He was born July 27,1925, in Memphis, son of Fred N. and Varnelle (Bonner) McCollum, prominent citizens of Forrest City. The senior Mr.McCollum as editor-publisher of The Daily Times-Herald is one of the state's most influential daily newspapermen. After attending Clarendon High School, he studied at Georgia Military Academy and Arkansas State Teachers College. During World War II, he served from 1944 to 1946 in the U.S.Army. After two years overseas in the Southwest Pacific Theatre, and some time in Tokyo attending The Army College, he returned to Forrest City. He married Miss Mary Allison Tipton, daughter of John H. and the late Elizabeth (Sweet) Tipton, on Sep.5,1947. They have three daughters, Andrea Allison, Varnelle Bonner, and Elizabeth Sweet. 17 - McCORMICK - GEORGE - W. - - - - EARLY MERCHANTS -OF FORREST CITY 98-PICTURE - McCRARY - JOHN - H. - - - BIO - John H.McCrary is widely-known and respected throughout Eastern Arkansas not only as a successful farmer and livestock dealer, but also for his intelligent raising of Tennessee Walking Horses on his well-cultivated 460 acre farm four miles north of Forrest City on Hwy. 1. The son of Miles R. and Victoria (Kirby) McCrary, he was the fifth of twelve children. His parental grandfather, M.M.McCrary, as a young man moved to Forrest City from Alabama with his bride and engaged in farming two miles west of Forrest City where he reared his family. A former county treasurer, he also served in the Confederate Army in the Civil war, riding home the same faithful horse on which he had left four years before. His maternal grand parents, Elisha and Tecessa Kirby, moved to Forrest City with their family from Mississippi in 1871 and started farming near the city. Like his father and his grandfather, Mr.McCrary, as the third generation of his family, is actively farming in the county. Mr.McCrary graduated from the Forrest City High School and then attended Arkansas State College in Jonesboro. He operated a cotton gin for the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill at Forrest City, Caldwell, and Heth from 1917 to 1942, except for a brief time in the service. He and John Poe are partners since 1946 the Planters Auction Barn in Forrest City. On Nov.18,1940, he married Miss Peggy Austin Dunlap, daughter of John A. and Willie (Standifer) Dunlap of Oxford, Mississippi, and they have a daughter, Helene, now the wife of Edwin Pettigrew, farmer and livestock dealer of Clarendon. Mrs.Pettigrew is a n accomplished rider and has received many awards for her horseman ship. The McCrarys are members of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian church, have a granddaughter, Jan McCrary Pettigrew. Mr.McCrary belongs to the St.Francis County Farm Bureau, Arkansas Walking Horse Association, Masonic Lodge, and the King-Beazley American Legion Post. 13-98 - McCRARY - M. - M. - - - BIO - John H.McCrary is widely-known and respected throughout Eastern Arkansas not only as a successful farmer and livestock dealer, but also for his intelligent raising of Tennessee Walking Horses on his well-cultivated 460 acre farm four miles north of Forrest City on Hwy. 1. The son of Miles R. and Victoria (Kirby) McCrary, he was the fifth of twelve children. His parental grandfather, M.M.McCrary, as a young man moved to Forrest City from Alabama with his bride and engaged in farming two miles west of Forrest City where he reared his family. A former county treasurer, he also served in the Confederate Army in the Civil war, riding home the same faithful horse on which he had left four years before. His maternal grand parents, Elisha and Tecessa Kirby, moved to Forrest City with their family from Mississippi in 1871 and started farming near the city. TREASURER 1880-1882-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 98 - McCRARY - MILES - R. - - - BIO - John H.McCrary is widely-known and respected throughout Eastern Arkansas not only as a successful farmer and livestock dealer, but also for his intelligent raising of Tennessee Walking Horses on his well-cultivated 460 acre farm four miles north of Forrest City on Hwy. 1. The son of Miles R. and Victoria (Kirby) McCrary, he was the fifth of twelve children. His parental grandfather, M.M.McCrary, as a young man moved to Forrest City from Alabama with his bride and engaged in farming two miles west of Forrest City where he reared his family. A former county treasurer, he also served in the Confederate Army in the Civil war, riding home the same faithful horse on which he had left four years before. His maternal grand parents, Elisha and Tecessa Kirby, moved to Forrest City with their family from Mississippi in 1871 and started farming near the city. 13 - McCULLARS - P. - A. - - - - ASSESSOR 1884-1888-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - McCULLARS - PLES - - - - - ASSESSOR 1890-1892-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 103-PICTURE - McCULLOCH - RICHARD - - JR. - - BIO - The list of accomplishments of Richard McCulloch, Jr. since his arrival in Forrest City 16 years ago is lengthy and reveals a true insight into the life of a young man who has become an outstanding and respected citizen in his adopted home town where he is an attorney at law. He was born in Marianna, the son of Mr.& Mrs.Richards McCulloch, Sr., who later moved to Forrest City. Young McCulloch graduated from Marianna High School and then received his A.B.Degree at the University of Arkansas. During World War II he served with an amphibious unit of the U.S.Army in the Southwest Pacific, seeing action in the Philippines and New Guinea. After being honorably discharged as a sergeant after four years of service. Since his family had moved to Forrest City in 1938, he returned to Forrest City, to eventually marry Miss Jane Laughinghouse, attractive daughter of Fenner and Bess (Stevens) Laughinghouse on June 10,1944. They have two fine sons, Richard III, and Fenner Lee. He returned to the University of Arkansas to receive his L.L.B.Degree. He is active in local politics, and a member of the Arkansas Bar Association, Junior Bar Service, on the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Law Review, a Lions Club member and officer, and the local King-Beazley American Legion Post. He is also a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Vice President of the St.Francis County Bar Association, and County Chairman for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. 14-PICTURE - McDANIEL - BEATRICE - - - - - (PICTURE JAN.1909-GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM) MRS.COLEMAN 17 - McDANIEL - BILL - - - - - EARLY MERCHANTS -OF FORREST CITY 13 - McDANIEL - J. - - - - - (PIONEER-1840) TREASURER 1840-1848-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 9-35 - McDANIEL - JOHN - - - - BIO - Bonair Community, located four miles south of Forrest City on Highway 1, is also known as McDaniel, the McDaniel's being prominent in the community. John McDaniel and his wife, whose descendants are still living in the community, came from Kentucky by covered wagon, crossed the Mississippi at Helena, and with cane axes cut through the wilderness in 1824, settling south of the present site of Forrest City. At that time there were only 12 white families between Helena and what is now Wynne. Other families now prominent in the community are Heustess, Danehower, and Pollard. (PIONEER-1824) 66-PICTURE - McDANIEL - LOUIS - - - - BIO - The late Mr.Louis McDaniel established the St.Francis Motor Company Co. in 1914, and is one of the oldest active dealer ships for Ford. The activities of the company today are much different from the time of those in early 1900's, when they assembled Model-T's on the second floor. Mr.McDaniel was one of the most beloved and esteemed business and civic figures in the growth of Forrest City. He did not live a long life, having died just past the half century mark when death claimed him on April 21, 1945, but he always had made his life count to the utmost. He was born July 3,1890, in Forrest City. His father, Sidney Thomas McDaniel was a prominent farmer of St.Francis County. His mother was Lou (Kirby) McDaniel, also a native of Arkansas. A graduate of Forrest City Public Schools, Mr.McDaniel completed his formal education at the University of Arkansas. In successfully operating the St.Francis Motor Company, which he founded in 1914. Mr.McDaniel married Montine Kirkpatrick of Ripley, Tenn., April 16,1914. They were the parents of five daughters. Montine McDaniel is now Mrs.Richard W.Freeman of New Orleans. Jenny Lou McDaniel, born Aug.15,1916, died Dec.2,1916. Laura Louise McDaniel, born Dec.2,1918, married John C.Bowen Aug.15,1939. They have three children, John C.Bowen III, Montine, and Louise McDaniel Bowen. Mrs.Bowen took over on her father's death until her husband returned from military service in Dec.1945. Another daughter is Marjorie McDaniel who is now Mrs.Louis F.Haven, Jr.; their children are Marjorie Gwendolyn, Jenny Lou, and Louis Franklin III. Van Louis McDaniel, wife of William Tucker, also of Forrest City, a son, William D.Jr. Louis McDaniel was also survived by two half-sisters, Mrs.Guy Brinkley and Mrs.W.H.Dyer; one brother, Sidney A., and three half brothers:S.P., Carl, and Thomas McDaniel. 13 - McDANIEL - S. - P. - - - - CORONER 1914-1919-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 21 - McDANIEL - THOMAS - - - - - DESCENDANTS OF PIONEER FAMILIES IN PICTURE 1954 58 - McDANIEL - W. - H. - CAPT. - - - Original Board of Directors of National Bank of Eastern Arkansas. 13 - McDANIEL - W. - H. - - - - CORONER 1858-1860-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - McDANIEL - W. - M. - CAPT. - - - BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS ORGANIZED 9-PICTURE - McDONALD - ED - - ALDERMAN - - - (PICTURE 1945 CITY COUNCIL-FORREST CITY) 13 - McDOUGAL - ADA - - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK 1935-1937-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - McDOUGAL - J. - F. - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK 1923-1935-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY SHERIFF 1912-1921-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 14-PICTURE - McDOUGAL - MARY - - - - - (PICTURE JAN.1909-GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM) MRS.CHARLES NORTON 11 - McGEE - J. - - CAPT. - - - RAISED THIRD COMPANY IN CIVIL WAR--ATTACHED TO COL.McNEIL'S REGIMENT IN THE FIFTH ARKANSAS CAVALRY 13 - McKNIGHT - J. - D. - - - - SHERIFF 1902-1906-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - McKNIGHT - - - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 76-PICTURE - McNEIL - R. - C. - - - BIO - A successful planter of Round Pond, R.C.McNeil is widely known in St.Francis County. The son of R.C. and Thirza McNeil Sr., he was born in Centerville, Miss. After attending Centerville High School, he attended a boy's private school in Woodville, Miss., then Millsaps College in Jackson, Miss., and later he went to Mississippi State College, in Starkville, Miss. On Jan.1,1917 he moved to St.Francis County from Boliver County, Miss., and has since been a successful landowner, building his plantation using well planned scientific farming techniques. 10-PICTURE - MEALS - ROY - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT-ASST.CHIEF 13 - MEEK - ROBERT - - - - - TREASURER 1858-1862-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - MERWIN - T. - C. - - - - COUNTY CLERK 1900-1923-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - MICHIE - G. - B. - - - - SHERIFF 1856-1860 CIRCUIT CLERK 1856-1858-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - MICHIE - J. - R. - - - - ASSESSOR 1864-1868-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 90-PICTURE - MILLS - WILLIAM - EDWARD - DR. - - BIO - Already known as a leader in the professional field of optometry, Dr.William Edward Mills also is gaining wide recognition in the civic appreciation of the arts. Dr.Mills came to Forrest City eight years ago to open his practice in the Mallory Building. He moved to the new office in the Times-Herald Building in 1947. He was born in Helena, the son of Thurl Bryan and Estelle (Bone) Mills. He graduated from the Hughes High School, attended Memphis State College, Southwestern University, and then was graduated from the Southern College of Optometry, in June 1945. He is a member of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, the Omega Delta Optometric Fraternity, former member of the Board of Trustees of Southern College of Optometry. He has also been a civic responsible person, as President of the Former Eastern Arkansas Civic Association from 1950 to 1952. He also served as President of the former Forrest City Little Theatre Guild in 1949. 13 - MILLS - W. - A. - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK MAR.1870-1872-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - MITCHELL - ISAAC - - - - - (PIONEER-1833) CIRCUIT CLERK 1833-1840-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - MOHLER - THOMAS - J. - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 106-PICTURE - MONCRIEF - FLOYD - - - - BIO - Integrity in business is the keynote of the Economy Furniture & Appliance Store, where the owners Vernon Hodges, Floyd Moncrief, and Kyle Woods, live their religion every day and are noted for their courtesy, service, and friendliness. Mr.Hodges has 35 years experience in the furniture business, first with Parker and Gregory; later with Gregory's Store. In 1937, he opened Hodges Hardware & Furniture Co., which was located on North Front St., in 1940 he moved into the old Becker and Lewis Building; then sold out in April, 1946 to Fred Moseley, his partner. In 1947 he opened Hodges Appliance Store. A year later, Floyd Moncrief became a partner, and in 1952, Kyle Woods, son-in-law of Mr.Hodges, joined the firm and the name was changed to Economy Furniture and Appliance Store. Mr.Moncrief, the second member of the firm was born in Memphis; later moved to Florida, where he finished high school at St.Petersburg. He has worked for Goldsmith's, Memphis 1932-1934; Double Deck Ice Cream Co., 1934-1936; and later he managed a store in Brinkley for Sol Cohen. His next job was with Mr.Hodges, later becoming his partner. During World War II, Mr.Moncrief was explosive engineer at the Arkansas Arsenal Plant, Jacksonville, then came back to Forrest City. The Moncrief's, Mrs.Moncrief the former Miss Vivian Hurt, with their two sons, Johnny and Stevie, live on Washington Street and are members of the First Baptist Church. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and Lions Club. 33-34 - MONROE - N. - B. - - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Officials:N.B.Monroe, Treasurer and Alderman 122-PICTURE - MONTGOMERY - C. - W. - - - BIO - In the two years C.W.Montgomery, the genial, conscientious and efficient District Manager of the Life Insurance Company of Georgia, has been in Forrest City he has made a host of friends in many circles. He was born at Junction City, Ga., and was graduated at the Carrollton, Ga., A & M, On June 11,1939, he married Miss Essie Lumpkin of Junction City, and to this union has been born a daughter, Shila. Before he came here, he managed a grocery store in his home town eight and a half years, and then joined the Life Insurance Co. of Georgia in August of 1954 as an agent. He was promoted to District Manager in Forrest City in November, 1951. He is a member of the First Baptist Church, and the Lions Club. 46 - MONTGOMERY - JAMES - L. - CAPT. - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:OFFICERS IN 1954:CAPT.JAMES L.MONTGOMERY, COMMANDANT 65 - MOORE - CHARLES - C. - - - BIO - The popular Cashier of the Planters Bank & Trust Co., Mr.Charles C.Moore, serves the community in this prominent bank. He has been with the bank since 1947, when he was employed as a teller, and in 1949 he was appointed Cashier. He is the son of Mrs.Myrtle (Buck) Rogers and the late W.A.Moore of Devalls Bluff. A graduate of the Devalls Bluff High School, he entered World War II on Dec.7,1941, as a private in the U.S.Army Infantry. After three years overseas in the South Pacific Theatre,he was discharged a Technical Sgt. on Dec.5,1945. On June 29,1946, he married Miss Elizabeth Ann Barton, daughter of Mr.& Mrs. T.T. and Irma (Barrett) Barton of Devalls Bluff. Mrs.Moore is an Asst.Cashier at the Planter Bank. 91-PICTURE - MOORE - JACK - D. - DR. - - BIO - In a profession which requires specialized training, full and exacting knowledge of a wide range of subjects and a continuous study and application of the latest techniques and medicines, Dr.Jack D.Moore of Forrest City is recognized as one of the leading dentists in Eastern Arkansas. Dr.Moore was born in Memphis, Tenn, the son of Mrs.Leah B.Moore, and the late Charles C.Moore. His mother, known affectionately throughout Forrest City as "Tillie", today assists him in the operation of his office. After graduation from the Lee School of Blue Ridge, N.C., Dr.Moore attended the University of Tennessee Dental College from 1934 to 1936 before opening offices in Wynne. He moved to Forrest City in 1940. In Jan.1942 he entered World War II, as a First Lieutenant in the U.S.Army and was assigned to the 153rd Station Hospital. On Feb.19,1946 he was discharged after three and a half years in the Southwest Pacific Theatre in the Papuan and New Guinea campaigns, as a Major in the inactive Dental Corps Reserve. On Sep.12,1942, he married Miss Virginia E.Price, daughter of Cary Lee and Virginia E.(Woods) Price of Little Rock, and to this union has been born two children, Janya Gee and Jack D.Moore Jr. Dr.Moore belongs to the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church, Wynne Lions Club, onetime a member of the Forrest City Rotary Club, the American Dental Association, Chamber of Commerce, Forrest City Country Club. 9-PICTURE - MOORE - WILLIAM - - ALDERMAN - - - (PICTURE 1945 CITY COUNCIL-FORREST CITY) 96 - MORGAN - FRANK - - - - BIO - Mr.Frank Morgan is manager of Moseley's Hardware & Furniture Co. since the spring of 1952. He moved to Forrest City from Brinkley where he managed the Linkway store for eight years. Mr.Morgan was born at Clarendon, the son of Clarence and Katie (Chedester) Morgan. He was graduated from the Clarendon High School. On May 26,1932 he married Miss Juanita Roswell, daughter of George and Laura (Perry) of Clarendon, and to this union has been born a son, Jerry Donald. Mr.Morgan belongs to the Forrest City Young Business Men's Club and the Brinkley Masonic Lodge. Other staff at Moseleys include Miss MIldred McCutcheon, John Hanner, and Grigsby Stewart. 109-PICTURE - MORGAN - L. - SMALL - - - BIO - Among the best-known and successful farmers of St.Francis County is L.Small Morgan, of near Round Rock, who came to this county 31 years ago to take over the interests of his brother, J.E.Morgan. The Morgan farm, now including more than 800 acres of the rich alluvial soil of the St.Francis River Valley near Round Pond, originally was part of the old Belmorbry Farm, which was jointly owned and operated by the late J.E.Morgan and the late Mr.Belshe, who dissolved their partnership. On Jan.10,1923, L.Small Morgan moved to St.Francis County to join his brother and to finally purchase the entire Morgan Farm, which he still owns and operates. Mr.Morgan was born at Winona, Mississippi, the son of Edward Livingston and Lillian (Thompson) Morgan. He came to St.Francis Co. from Chicago, Illinois, after spending his boyhood days at Winona. On Dec.25, 1933, he married Miss Katherine Devereux, daughter of Stephen Alfred and Hugh Ella (Hamilton) Devereux of the Newcastle community, and to this union has been born a daughter, Elizabeth Devereux Morgan, now a Junior in Forrest City High School. Mrs.Morgan is a member of the Delphian Club in Forrest City. The Morgans are members of the Round Pond Methodist Church. Mr.Morgan also belongs to the St.Francis County Farm Bureau. They raise cotton and soybeans other diversified crops in a progressive manner. 32 - MORRIS - GEORGE - - - - - EARLY SETTLERS OF PALESTINE:GEORGE MORRIS 96 - MOSELEY - FRED - - - - BIO - Fred Moseley sold the Moseley's Hardware & Furniture Company on Jan.1,1952. He had been operating since 1946 as that firm, since he bought out his partner, Vernon Hodges, in their joint-venture, Hodges Hardware & Furniture Co. 144-PICTURE - MYERS - BOB - J. - - - BIO - Bob's Beauty Salon, in Forrest City, is owned and operated by Bob Myers. He was born in Forrest City, the son of Robert A. and Fannie (Franks) Myers. A graduate of Forrest City High School, he received special training at the E.Burnham Beauty School in Chicago. In 1934 he engaged in the LaVogue Beauty Shop In Forrest City, and in 1951, he opened Bob's Beauty Salon in Hughes, a business he still owns. He belongs to the First Christian Church, the National and Arkansas Cosmetologist Associations, Forrest City Young Business Men's Club, Chamber of Commerce, and the Rotary Club. He has been a volunteer member of the Forrest City Fire Dept. from 1927 to 1951, and has been the chief for the last nine years. 7-PICTURE - NAIL - EARL - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 33-34 - NASH - ROLAND - - - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Early Mayors:ROLAND NASH 33-34 - NASH - ROLAND - - - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Officials:ALDERMAN:ROLAND NASH 17 - NASH - - - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 7-PICTURE - NEBLETT - DICK - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 7-PICTURE - NEBLETT - HARRY - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 34 - NEELEY - DEWEY - - - - - CITY OF MADISON OFFICIALS IN 1954:ALDERMAN:DEWEY NEELEY 13 - NELSON - N. - B. - - - - JUDGE 1921-1927-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - NEWMAN - JENNIE - - MISS - - - EARLY SCHOOL TEACHER -OF FORREST CITY 18 - NEWMAN - PRISCILLA - - MISS - - - EARLY SCHOOL TEACHER -OF FORREST CITY 14-PICTURE - NICHOLS - HELEN - - - - - (PICTURE JAN.1909-GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM) MRS.W.E.STEVENS, SR. 13 - NICHOLS - J. - M. - - - - ASSESSOR 1912-1931-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - NICHOLS - W. - M. - MRS - - - GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER OF GEN.NATHAN FORREST 30 - NICKLE - R. - E. - - - - A young doctor, E.J.Chaffn, came to Hughes in 1914; soon afterwards he married and he and his wife built the second nice size home in the town. Dr.Chaffin and R.C.Nickle opened the first drug store in the building now occupied by the R.B.Wise's Drug Store. 30 - NICKLE - STELLA - - MRS. - - - Miss Stella Andrews of Marianna, later Mrs.F.C.Nickle, was one of the first school teachers in Hughes. They built the first nice sized home in Hughes. 87 PICTURE-88 - NORFLEET - MARVIN - BROOKS - SR. - - BIO - The name of Marvin Brooks Norfleet, attorney at law, State Senator, civic leader, is closely interwoven with the history of St.Francis County and Arkansas. He moved to Memphis in 1952 to establish law offices in the Sterrick Building, but he often returns to, and may continue to live in his old home town, Forrest City. He was born April 29,1899 in Little Rock, and moved to Forrest City with his family in 1910, and received his early school here in grammar school, and the high school, Crowley Ridge Institute. He continued his education at the Massey Preparatory School, Pulaski, Tenn.; Little Rock College; Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.; and at the Little Rock Law School, obtaining A.B., M.A., and L.L.B. Degrees. During World War I, Mr.Norfleet served as an officer in the U.S.Army Infantry. He has held many offices, State Representative in 1921, and was the first person to hold the office of City Judge of Forrest City, State Senator for the 32nd Senatorial District in 1931 and 1933 for four years. Mr.Norfleet married Miss Burnham Martha Judge of Albany, N.Y., whom he has now since always referred to as the "apple of his eye" on Sep.18,1918 at Plattsburg, N.Y. on the day he was commissioned an officer in the U.S.Army. To this union was born one child, a son, Brooks Norfleet, Jr., attorney at law in Dallas, Texas. The Norfleets have two grandchildren, Gail Norfleet, and Ann Norfleet, daughters of their son, Brooks Norfleet Jr.. Mr.Norfleet Sr. says that Gail is a replica of his wife. 12-PICTURE - NORTON - E. - R. - - - - (PICTURE 1900 CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM THE CHOCTAWS) 38 - NORTON - MARY - LOU - MRS. - - - FORREST CITY LIBRARY:BOARD MEMBERS IN 1954:Mrs.Mary Lou Norton, Chairman 13 - NORTON - N. - B. - - - - TREASURER 1933-1941-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - NORTON - NATHAN - W. - JUDGE - - - BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS ORGANIZED 18 - NORTON - NATHAN - W. - - - - EARLY LAWYERS -OF FORREST CITY 58 - NORTON - NATHAN - W. - JUDGE - - - Original Board of Directors of National Bank of Eastern Arkansas. 13 - NOTE - - - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK AND COUNTY CLERK SAME UNTIL 1899, THEN THEY SPLIT-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 118-PICTURE - O'DELL - CLAUDE - - - - BIO - O'Dell's Studio on North Rosser Street in Forrest City has earned and is enjoying an enviable reputation as one of the best photographic studios in Arkansas. It's proud owner, Claude O'Dell, during his twenty five years in the photographic field, has distinguished himself in his chosen field. He was born in Memphis on Sep.1,1913, son of Jessie D. and Birdie (Sesson) O'Dell Sr.. He was graduated from the Tech High School in Memphis. In 1934, after working in Memphis and Vicksburg and Jackson, Miss., he came to Forrest City and opened his studio. IN 1941, during World War II, he worked as an official photographer on the construction of operation of two of the nation's largest bomb and shell loading plants in Milan, Tenn, and Shrevesport, La. He joined the Army in Sep.1943 and was assigned to the infantry, and later was sent overseas to the Signal Corps, photographic branch, as official post photographer at Attu in the Aleutian Islands. He served 17 months and was discharged in Dec.1945 as a technical sergeant. On Oct.16,1943 he married Mary Alice Tate, daughter of Walter and Mabel Hooper of Nacodoches, Texas. They have two daughters, Bobby Nell and Claudia Denise. Mrs.O'Dell herself is recognized as an accomplished photographer, and is an important member of the firm. Mr.O'Dell is official photographer for this book, and many local High Schools, and the couple are members of the First Christian Church and live on their farm north of Forrest City. 93-94-PICTURE - O'FALLIN - JESS - J. - - - BIO - Employed with the old City Water & Light Company to maintain the overworked steam and diesel engines, Jess J.O'Fallin on his arrival in Forrest City early one night in 1919 and found the town in darkness. The police showed him to the plant where he immediately began to put power back on line and that came at 4 am. That was thirty four years ago, but it is still vivid in his memory, now Superintendent of the City Water & Sewer Company. He has laid many water mains, and found the mastodon bones on Crowley's Ridge, and old wooden water mains on Rosser Street while laying new lines. He was born in Monticello. His wife, the former Gladys Orr of Fordyce, have four sons; James, Dennis, Edward and Teddy, and a stepson, Homer Smith; and four daughters; Mrs.Allen (Minnie) Hodo; Mrs.A.B.(Ada Mae) Hanson; Mrs.R.B. (Betty Joan) Logan; and Mrs.Leland (Georgia Lee) Gilmer. They are members of the First Baptist Church. 22 - O'FALLIN - JESS - J. - SUPERINTENDENT OF CITY WATER & SEWER - - - FOUND MASTADON BONES WHILE DIGGING ON EAST END OF GARLAND STREET IN MAY 1949 147-PICTUE - OLIVER - ROBERT - EDWARD - DR. - - BIO - The life of Dr.Robert Edward Oliver, who died at the age of fifty-six, on Nov.14,1938, was one of unusual devotion and the highest dignity in his chosen field of medicine and service to his beloved home community. A practitioner who gained high honors as a graduate of the University of Tennessee Medical School, he will be remembered for his highly skilled and blessed with sympathy for those who suffer. He was born on Nov.5,1882, the son of Edward Palmer and Cordelia Elizabeth (Stout) Oliver of the Newcastle Community. His great-great-grandfather, was Judge John Johnson, one of the most distinguished pioneer settlers of Eastern Arkansas since his arrival in 1824. He was remembered for securing the passage of an act creating St.Francis County. 144 - OSMENT - GUY - N. - - - BIO - As manager of the Forrest City District of the Reliable Life Insurance Co. of St.Louis, Guy N.Osment has established an outstanding record of service, loyalty, and leadership. He has been manager here since 1945, and with the firm since 1932. He was born at Harrisburg, Ark., the son of the late Rev.N.B. and Ellen (Estes) Osment. He was graduated from the Jonesboro High School and then attended the Arkansas State College, Woodland College and Normal. On June 12,1915, he married Miss Gladys I.Phillips, daughter of Mrs.Ida M.Phillips and the late Anderson Phillips of Jonesboro, and to that union has been born five children: Warren Neil of Earle, and Guy of Jonesboro, both in the insurance business; Wanda, now Mrs.Thomas H.Walker, whose husband is in the U.S.Navy in San Francisco; Berniece, now Mrs.Charles A.Mitchell, husband a postal clerk at Jonesboro; and Alda, now Mrs.Phillip McCulloch, husband owns the Hot Springs Abstract & Title Co. They have ten grandchildren, and Mr.Osment's two uncles were killed while serving in the Confederate Army, Jeff Estes at Gettysburg and Kieve Estes at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia. Mr.Osment is a past president of the Forrest City and Jonesboro Underwriter's Association, and a member of the Baptist Church, Masonic Lodge, Knights Templar, Royal Arch, Odd Fellows, and is a Shriner. 133 PICTURE - OURSLER - JAMES - G. - - - BIO - One of Forrest City's most resourceful and capable businessmen is the energetic James G.Oursler, co-owner of Oursler Parts Co., of both Forrest City, opened in 1938, and Brinkley in 1952. He started in the parts business in 1935 working out of his brother's store in Marianna, the partners, W.C. and James Oursler. Mr.Oursler and his wife, the former Evelyn Watson of Benton, Ark. are members of the Methodist Church. He is a charter member of the Country Club, helped organize the local Legion Post, and was a member of the Rotary Club. 46 - PAGE - W. - C. - COMMANDER - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:ORGANIZED NOV.17,1946 BY MAJOR W.C. (BILL) Page=Battery Commander-PICTURE OF BATTALION IN 1954 ON PAGE 46 32 - PANKEY - LEE - - - - - OFFICIALS FOR PALESTINE IN 1954:LEE PANKEY, TREASURER 32 - PANNELL - J. - E. - - - - MAYORS OF PALESTINE:J.E.PANNELL 13-16 - PARHAM - JOHN - - CAPT. - - - STORY ON 16- SHERIFF 1872-1880-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 134-135 PICTURE - PARKER - GEORGE - E. - - - BIO - George E.Parker, founder of the Parker Furniture Company is now a retired businessman, with a partnership with his son, Ted who is the manager. Mr.Parker was born in Morrill, Kansas, graduated from the Morrill High School and later attended Highland University in Highland, Kansas. Before coming to Forrest City, he owned a mercantile store in Kiefer, Okla. He came to Forrest City to open a furniture business, after he met Miss Hortense Williams of Forrest City at Eureka Springs, they were married in 1910. The couple have two sons, Ted and Melvin, who is assistant general manager of all the oil mills owned by Armour & Co. He lives in Memphis. Their daughter is Mrs.Clifford (Mabel) Garrison of this city. Mr.Parker is a Methodist, a charter member of the Rotary Club, Odd Fellows, and Elks Club. He served as chairman of the local Red Cross for five years, and did a magnificent job in the flood of 1927. 13 - PARKER - J. - S. - - - - CORONER 1947-1949-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 9 PICTURE-135-PICTURE - PARKER - TED - C. - ALDERMAN - - BIO - (PICTURE 1945 CITY COUNCIL-FORREST CITY)-Besides doing an excellent job managing the Parker Furniture Co., which he and his father, George E.Parker, own, Ted serves his community in many different capacities. Ted and his wife, the former Sally O'Neal of this city, have a fine son, James Dudley. They are members of the Calvary Bible Church and active in the school and Board of Directors. He was graduated at Forrest City High School, and later attended Arkansas State Teachers and East Texas State, at Commerce, Texas. He has been Vice President of the Lions Club. a member of the Masonic Lodge, Chamber of Commerce, Country Club, American Legion, and the Salvation Army. Ted served three years in the Armed Forces and received the Purple Heart. He is Director of the Arkansas Furniture Association. 13 - PARROTT - J. - M. - - - - (PIONEER-1842-MT.VERNON) CIRCUIT CLERK 1842-1856-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - PARROTT - JOHN - M. - - - - EARLY LAWYERS -OF FORREST CITY 12-PICTURE - PASCHAL - JAMES - - - - - (PICTURE 1900 CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM THE CHOCTAWS) 12-PICTURE - PASLAY - R. - E. - - - - (PICTURE 1900 CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM THE CHOCTAWS) 127-PICTURE - PATTERSON - EMILY - - MRS - KNIGHT - BIO - Mrs. Emily Patterson grew up in an insurance family as the daughter of Mr.& Mrs.H.A.Knight. Her father is one of the owners of the Taylor-Knight-King Insurance Agency here. She is a member of the Episcopal church, she is first Vice President of the Delphian Club, and served as chairman of the safety committee in the PTA from 1949 to 1952, and as Treasurer in 1943. Mr.& Mrs.Patterson's son Jerry was President of the Student body in Forrest City High School and also was a paige in the U.S.Congress for E.C.Took Gathings of Eastern Arkansas. 127-PICTURE - PATTERSON - J. - A. - - - BIO - In 1935, J.A. (Pat) Patterson organized and formally opened the Patterson Insurance Agency in the Mann Building in Forrest City. In the not too distant future, Pat and his wife, the former Emily Knight of Forrest City, and their son Jerry, who is a now attending the University of Arkansas, hope to be in a new building on Washington and Dillard Street. Pat came here 23 years ago from Conway, and was born at Mountain View. He attended Hendrix College and the University of Arkansas. He is a member of the Methodist church, the Young Business Men's Club, the Rotary Club, a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children. He has served as Alderman for Ward 3 for three terms, 1943 to 1949. 13 - PAYNE - R. - W. - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK 1910-1919-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 156 PICTURE - PEACOCK - JOHN - CLIFTON - - - BIO - John Clifton Peacock, a native of St.Francis County, is well known as Peacock the Mover and the former projectionist of the Imperial Theatre, which he held for 15 years. For four and a half years, he operated the Peacock's Grocery on East Garland Street. He plans to re-enter the grocery business in the near future. He was born in Forrest City, the son of John W. and Sarah (House) Peacock. He got his formal education at the Mt.Vernon and Yocona Public Schools. On Jan.22,1941, he married Lillie Bell Hall, daughter of Lee and Lucinda Hall of Senatobia, Miss., and to this union has been born four children: Leigha May, now Mrs.Vernon Jenkins; Glondia Lee, now Mrs.Pete Bohanan; Woodrow Clifton Peacock and James Freeman Peacock. John belongs to the Beth Salem Baptist church. 13 - PEARCE - T. - - - - - JUDGE 1868-1872-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - PEARSON - G. - W. - - - - AGENT FOR ROCK ISLAND RAILROAD -OF FORREST CITY 106-PICTURE - PEARSON - JAMES - A. - JR. - - BIO - A promising and enterprising young Forrest Citian, James A.Pearson, Jr., holds the responsible position of Commercial Manager of the KXJK radio station. Joining the firm in 1952, his ancestry dates back to the early days of Forrest City when his paternal grandfather, G.W.Pearson and maternal grandfather, W.P.Evans were widely-known and respected members of the community, is the son of Mrs. Carrie (Evans) Pearson Sr. and the late J.A.Pearson. He graduated from the Forrest City High School, and during World War II he served with the U.S.Army from Dec.1942 to Feb.1946, two years of which were in the Pacific Theatre. After the war, he was discharged a Second Lieutenant in the local National Guard Battalion while managing the Harlan-Noe-Benton Lumber Company, and later owning and operating his own business, Builder's Material Co. He married Miss Audrey Barton, daughter of T.T. and Irma (Barrett) Barton of Devalls Bluff, on Jan.10,1948. Mr.Pearson is a director of the Young Men's Business Club, the Church of the Good Shepherd, King-Beazley American Legion Post, and has belonged to the Lions Club. 8-PICTURE - PEEVEY - PAUL - - - - - (PICTURE 1954 CITY POLICE-FORREST CITY) 18 - PEEVEY - R. - W. - PRESIDENT - - - FOUNDED EX-CONFEDERATE ASSOC. FORMED AUG.20,1886 93-PICTURE - PERDZOCK - JOSEPH - - - - BIO - Efficiency in his chosen field, courtesy to his fellow man, usefulness to the community and church, and faithfulness to his family, are all characteristics of the cashier of Forrest City Water & Sewer Dept., Joseph Perdzock. He was born in Oconto, Wisconsin, and was graduated from the St.Joseph's Parochial School in Oconto, and attended the Grand Rapids Business College in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisc.. He first worked as a Messenger-Operator and Manager of the Western Union Telegraph in Wisconsin, and then came to Arkansas and Forrest City in 1929 as Office Manager for the Kochitislky & Johnson Drainage, Road and Bridge Contractors and Gravel Plant Operators. He later was with the Madewell Garment Co., and then in 1944 named the present position with the city. He married Miss Elfa Werstein of Thief River Falls, Minnesota, on June 7,1920, and to this union was born five girls; Mary P., Margaret Ann, now Mrs. Norman Walters of Memphis; Bobbye, now Mrs.George Gunter of Forrest City; and Patricia, now Mrs.J.W.Vandiver II of Forrest City; one son, Joe Ed, of Forrest City, at present attending Arkansas State College in Jonesboro. He is a member of the St.Francis Catholic Church, treasurer of the Local Salvation Army Service Unit, and was Committee-man and Cub Master of the Cubs Scouts, and works with the Arkansas Association of the Crippled. 30 - PETERS - - - DR. - - - Town of Hughes: Residents SEE HUGHES 8 - PHILLIPS - SYLVANUS - - - - - (PIONEER) 17 - POPE - WILL & WALTER - - - - - EARLY MERCHANTS -OF FORREST CITY 9-PICTURE - PORTER - JACK - R. - MAYOR - - BIO - Rarely will one find a citizen as public-spirited and as unselfishly devoted to his community as Jack R.Porter. Mayor of Forrest City, part-time manager of the Chamber of Commerce, and Manager of the Railway Express Agency. Jack Porter was born in Helena, the son of the late Rev.J.W. and Ninnie Porter of West Helena. He graduated from Helena High School and in May 1924, came to Forrest City with the Railway Express Agency, with whom he is still employed, he has been associated with them since 1919. He has been President of the Young Business Man's Club; was organizer and General Chairman of the once nationally famous Crowley's Ridge Peach Festival from 1927 thru 1940; helped organize and served as President of the Eastern Arkansas Young Men's Club; and was an outstanding leader, and one time President of the Highway No.1 Association, of which he is now the Secretary; and Sect/Treas. of the Forrest City Industries. A member of First Baptist Church, serves on the Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America; is Director of the Arkansas Municipal League, a member of the United Commercial Travelers and Brotherhood of Railway Clerks; from 1933 to 1938 he was a member of the Arkansas Centennial Commission, and has served on many local offices. After serving as Director of the Arkansas State Police from 1945-1949, when he returned to Forrest City. On Jan.23,1925, he married Miss Virgie Moore, daughter of J.W. and Frances Moore of Forrest City, and they have four daughters; Virgimai, now Mrs.James Abel Jr., of Forrest City; Rose Marie, now Mrs.William Loftin of Hughes; Frances, now Mrs.Millard Chism, of Forrest City; and Helen, now Mrs.Robert Teeter, also of this city. 92-93 - PORTER - JACK - R. - MAYOR - - - 20 - PORTER - JACK - - MAYOR - - - EARLY MAYORS OF FORREST CITY AFTER GROGAN 31 - POUNCEY - B. - C. - - - - There was quite a bit of rivalry over Mr.Hughes entering business and opening a bank. So J.O.E.Beck, A.L.Waring, and B.C.POUNCEY organized the Planters National Bank in the fall of 1919. It opened for business on Feb.18,1920. This bank weathered two financial storms and is still in operation. 141 PICTURE-142 - POUNCEY - BERT - C. - JR. - - BIO - Bert C.Pouncey Jr.-business man, banker, landowner, civic leader, and marine expert of Hughes, Ark. stands prominent in Eastern Arkansas. He owns Atoka Transportation Co.operating in river and canal towing, the 1500 acre Atoka Farm, located eight miles northeast of Hughes, and chairman of the Planters National Bank of Hughes, partner in the Kelly Oil Co., active in the Hughes School board and the Boy Scouts of America. He served as Commodore of the U.S.Coast Guard Auxiliary, as well as being a Lieutenant in the Army Engineer Reserve from 1931-1936, and in the Temporary Reserves in 1944. He was born in Helena, the son of Bert C. and Laura (Ladd) Pouncey Sr., formerly of Hughes, now of Memphis, his father being in Hughes in 1917. His paternal grand parents were J.F. and Marguerite Emma Pouncey of Dale County, Alabama; J.F.Pouncey having been a veteran of Johnson's Georgia Campaign during the Civil War. His maternal grand parents, W.E. and Marguerite Ladd, were of Richmond,Va. and Louisiana respectively. After graduating from Central High School in Memphis, Bert Jr. received a B.S.Degree in Commercial Engineering from Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1932. From Jan.1933 to Sep.1935 he owned and operated the Milan Theatre Company in Milan, Tenn. In 1936, he moved to Hughes to assume the Atoka Farm management, started by his father 19 years before. On June 18,1932, he married Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Holmes, daughter of John W. and Julia (Roach) Holmes of Hughes, and to this union has been born two sons; Bert C. III, aged 19, graduate of Hughes High School, 1952, and now a seaman on the U.S.Coast Guard Cutter Durant on Pacific Patrol; Lee Robert (Bobby) , aged 12, student at Hughes Public School. Mr.Pouncey Jr. belongs to the Episcopalian-Holy Cross Parish, Hughes Rotary Club, American Waterways Operators, and St.Francis Co. Farm Bureau. 33-34 - POWELL - H. - E. - - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Officials:ALDERMAN:H.E.POWELL 13 - PREWETT - FRANK - M. - CAPT. - - - CORONER 1852-1854-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 11-16 - PREWETT - FRANK - M. - CAPT. - - - STORY 11 - PREWETT - FRANK - M. - CAPT. - - - RAISED FOURTH COMPANY IN CIVIL WAR-ATTACHED TO COL.McNEIL'S REGIMENT IN THE FIFTH ARKANSAS CAVALRY 18 - PREWETT - JOHN - M. - - - - EARLY LAWYERS -OF FORREST CITY 21 - PREWETT - WALTER - GENE - - - - DESCENDANTS OF PIONEER FAMILIES IN PICTURE 1954 38-39 - PROCTOR - F. - L. - MRS. - - - 38 - PROCTOR - F. - L. - MRS. - - - FORREST CITY LIBRARY: THIRD LIBRARIAN, Mrs.F.L.Proctor, with picture, and is still the librarian. 147-PICTURE - RAGLAND - ERWIN - BAKER - - - BIO - When Erwin Baker Ragland, prominent Forrest City church leader and businessman, died on Nov.13,1952, at the age of 66, his death is deeply mourned by all who knew him. A member of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian church, he had worked many years in every phase of church, and religious activity in the city. He helped organize chapels at Gill, Good Hope, and Harmony, one of which is named for his memory. He was a onetime member of the Young Business Men's Club, Chairman of the United Charities during the depression, Chairman of the American Red Cross, and at the time of his death was Chairman of Child Welfare of St.Francis County chapter. Born at Sylvania, Ark., he moved to Des Arc as a young man, where he was in the mercantile business. He married Miss Louise Patton in 1912. Moving to Forrest City in 1923. He operated the Fair Store here until 1931. Since then he has sold insurance. 97 - RAIFORD - PHILLIP - - - - - Maternal Grandfather of Ned Mallory 39 - RESIDENCES - - - - - - 94-PICTURE - RICH - RALEIGH - W. - - - BIO - Few men in Forrest City enjoy the genuine respect and popularity as that given to Raleigh W.Rich, lumberman, alderman, church leader, civic worker, family man, and singer. He is affectionately known as "Uncle Wally". His wife, the charming Stella Rush of this city, and have three daughters; Margaret, now Mrs.Richard Neely; Carol and Sylvia. Raleigh came to this city 28 years ago from Colt. He graduated at Forrest City High School. He is chairman of the Presbyterian Church Board, Board of Deacons, Superintendent of Sunday School, teacher, choir member; past President of the Lions Club and Band Parents Club, past Master of Masonic Lodge; alderman for Ward Three; and member of YBMC and Crowley's Ridge Square Dance Club. As head of the drafting department and assistant manager for Gates Lumber Co, he also has farming interests. 9-PICTURE - RICH - RALEIGH - W. JR. - ALDERMAN - - - (PICTURE 1945 CITY COUNCIL-FORREST CITY) 13 - RICHARDSON - H. - S. - CAPT. - - - MAYORS OF COLT:Capt.H.S.Richardson was the first mayor. 10-PICTURE - RICHEY - ORA - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT-CAPT. 13 - ROANE - ANDREW - - - - - (PIONEER-1827) CIRCUIT CLERK 1827-1829-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 69 - ROBERTS - MARIE - - MISS - - BIO - Since July, 1952, Miss Marie Roberts, native of Fayetteville, Arkansas, has served ably and capably and efficiently as City Editor of the Forrest City Times-Herald. She is a graduate of Conway High School and Arkansas State Teachers College, where in 1952, she received a B.A. Degree in Journalism. She had worked for the Arkansas Gazette in the advertising department before joining the staff of the Times-Herald. 64-PICTURE - ROBINSON - E. - B. - MRS. - - BIO - The only woman member of the Board of Directors of Planters Bank & Trust Co., Mrs.E.B.Robinson, widely-known merchant and land owner in Prairie, Monroe, and St.Francis Counties, is one of the most competent members. Since 1943 she has rendered sound advice in helping to make the Bank one of the leading banks of Eastern Arkansas. In addition to her extensive business interests, she is a Director of the Merchants & Planters Bank at Clarendon, and the Prairie County Bank. 59 - ROBINSON - EDWARD - D. - JUDGE - - BIO - Fifth Chancery District Judge, State of Arkansas. Judge Edward D.Robinson was first elected in June 24,1897 and served until 1918 when he retired. was elected since Jan.1,1919, and his term has been characterized by dignity, humility and an avid preservation of the rights of each individual. Only two men have presided over this dignified office for the last fifty seven years in 1954. He was succeeded by Judge A.L.Hutchins in 1919. 113 - ROLESON - EDWARD - - - - BIO - With predecessors whose history dates back as far as 1899, the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill, a division of Armour & Co., is an inseparable part of the agricultural and industrial history of Forrest City. The first ancestor of the present day mill was the Consumers' Cotton Oil Mill, founded in 1896. It was a branch of a Chicago firm which had numerous other mills in the South and Southwest. The late Edward Roleson was local manager. At that time there were only four mill buildings. It was located on West Davis Street in the southwestern part of the city, continued under the same ownership until 1914 when Morris & Co., meat packers, bought it. 13-31 - ROLFE - E. - A. - JUDGE - - - Judge E.A.Rolfe and Sam Rolfe of Forrest City opened the first automobile agency in 1924 as the Hughes Motor Company and sold Ford cars for three years with W.C.Bowen as manager. The company is still in operation under the name of Hughes Auto Company and now sells Chevrolet cars and trucks. JUDGE 1908-1921, 1929-1933, 1935-1939 -ST.FRANCIS COUNTY-Judge E.A.Rolfe and Sam Rolfe of Forrest City opened the first automobile agency in 1924 as the Hughes Motor Company and sold Ford cars for three years with W.C.Bowen as manager. The company is still in operation under the name of Hughes Auto Company and now sells Chevrolet cars and trucks.-TREASURER 1927-1933-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 31 - ROLFE - SAM - - - - - Judge E.A.Rolfe and Sam Rolfe of Forrest City opened the first automobile agency in 1924 as the Hughes Motor Company and sold Ford cars for three years with W.C.Bowen as manager. The company is still in operation under the name of Hughes Auto Company and now sells Chevrolet cars and trucks. 58 - ROLLWAGE - LOUIS - - - - - Original Board of Directors of National Bank of Eastern Arkansas. 59-PICTURE - ROLLWAGE - LOUIS - - - - BIO - Down through the years as historians reach back for those diminishing threads of memory which so closely tie the adventurous struggles of our hardy pioneer ancestors with the twentieth century hustle and bustle, the familiar name of Fussell-Graham-Alderson Co. and those of its scholarly associates stand prominent and respected as no other in the history of St.Francis County. It began in 1874 in Forrest City, in that year Louis Rollwage and his brother, Otto B.Rollwage, established the firm L.Rollwage & Co. on the corner of Broadway and Washington where the present day FGA, (1954) stands. Louis Rollwage was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 24,1851, the son of Frederick and Mina (Kuker) Rollwage, originally of Hanover Province, Germany. He spent his early boyhood days in Cincinnati and received a common school education there. After working a few years as Assistant Bookkeeper in the Franklin Type Foundry, he moved to Memphis in the autumn of 1872 and shortly thereafter accepted a position with Noe, Hoy & Co., a firm then doing a mercantile business in Forrest City. Two years later he and his brother, Otto B., founded the prosperous and widely known firm of L.Rollwage & Co., which was soon recognized as one of the strongest and most substantial business firms in Eastern Arkansas. In 1902, the firm was dissolved, when Otto B. retired to become a prominent attorney here. He was succeeded by John W.Alderson, son-in-law of L.Rollwage, and the firm continued under the name Rollwage & Alderson. In 1873, Mr.Rollwage married Miss Lizzie McDaniel, daughter of John and Margaret (Davis) McDaniel, and to this union were born a son, Louis F., and four daughters, Minnie, now Mrs.J.L.Jelks; Alice, now Mrs.Watson M.Fairley; Katherine, now Mrs.John W.Alderson; and Alleyne, now Mrs.J.M.White. Mr.Rollwage never aspired to political office, but served on the City Council, and for twenty six years was a member of the school board, many as President. He was also a major stockholder in the Bank of Eastern Arkansas; a Director and former President of the old Forrest City Hotel Co; Treasurer of several of the benevolent orders here, and was interested in the Forrest City Ice & Power Co., a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and one of the most genial, beloved and prominent citizens of Eastern Arkansas. His death on April 11,1905, was deeply mourned by all who had come to know him as a man of acute intelligence, penetrating judgment and calm wisdom. 18 - ROLLWAGE - LOUIS - - - - - BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS ORGANIZED-EARLY MERCHANTS-OF FORREST CITY 17 - ROLLWAGE - OTTO - B. - - - BIO - EARLY MERCHANTS-OF FORREST CITY-In Dec.1902, when the firm Rollwage & Co. dissolved, the scene changed when Otto Rollwage retired and soon thereafter was admitted to the bar and built a lucrative law practice. 13 - ROWLAND - R. - M. - - - - ASSESSOR 1900-1904-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - ROY - J. - L. - - - - CORONER 1864-1866-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 89 - RUCKER - THURMAN - K. - REV. - - - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF FORREST CITY - RUCKS - G. - B. - - - BIO - Some of the long time employees of the Forrest City Cotton Oil Mill are G.B.Rucks, cashier and office since 1922, and J.M.Gilliam, seed buyer since 1924. Another well known figure at the mill from 1906 until his retirement in 1950 was A.A.French, who advanced from millwright to General Superintendent. 13 - RUDDER - J. - - - - - CORONER 1854-1856-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 90-PICTURE - RUSH - JAMES - ODDY - DR. - - BIO - The practice of medicine, participation in church and civic affairs, farming operations, and devotion to his family have combined to make a particularly full and rich career for Dr.J.O.Rush of Forrest City, who has practiced medicine of the last 57 years. Dr.Rush's ability, keen interest and good health have enabled him to served for more than a half century in several organizations; The American Bar Association; past President of the 50th Club of the Arkansas Medical Society; and a proven member of the St.Francis County Medical Society. He was Secretary of the Cross-St.Francis-Lee Medical Association for many years, served as Secretary of the Third Counselor District Medical Society for 20 years, and has been the Rock Island and Cotton Belt Surgeon for more than 30 years. In church work, he has served long and faithfully in the Presbyterian Church, the oldest living member of the Rotary Club, and has served as President. Original member of the Young Business Men's Club, and has been Vice-President of the Arkansas Medical Society for two different terms. He was a member of the Commission which built the first hard roads in the county, including Highway 70 to Memphis. He has served as the Forrest City Health Officer without pay of eight years. A man of many interests, he has been collector of Indian relics, and today the collection of over 3,700 pieces (Now in St.Francis County Museum in Forrest City), are catalogued and form one of the largest collections in the state. Starting in 1912 was when he started collecting these artifacts, often accepting items in lieu of payment for his services, For years, Dr.Rush made his calls with horse and buggy, and bought the first Ford second-hand in the county, and had the first Ford dealership in the county. Born near Mayview, Missouri, the son of the late Joel G. and Annie (Brigg) Rush. He moved to the county in April, 1896, and began practicing in Colt, moving to Forrest City in 1900. He completed his course in medicine in 1899. He attended Lester Seminary, Holden, Mo.; Missouri State Normal, Warrensburg, Mo., and the University of Missouri Pre-Med School at Columbia, and then the University of Missouri Medical School in Kansas City, where he finished. Dr.Rush married Miss Cora M.Peak, daughter of James and Belle (Langdon) Peak of Lexington, Mo., on Apr.24,1901. Their children include Frances Marian, who is Mrs.E.T.Slaughter of Dallas, Texas; Anne Virginia, Mrs.David Gates of near Forrest City; and Stella Mae, who is Mrs.W.R.Rich, Jr. of Forrest City. Grandchildren are Margaret Rich, now Mrs.Richard Neeley of Warren, Ark.; Carol Rich; and Sylvia Rich; William James Slaughter and E.T.Slaughter Jr. Owning about 600 acres of farm land, Dr.Rush had holdings west of Forrest City, in the St.Francis Bottoms, and at Blackfish, in which he was active until two years ago when his children took over. A sketch of Dr.Rush would not be complete without something else, however- his deep, hearty laughter, which has resounded up and down Forrest City streets for more than half a century. 9-PICTURE - RUSSELL - JOHN - - ALDERMAN - - - (PICTURE 1945 CITY COUNCIL-FORREST CITY) 8 - RUSSELL - WILLIAM - - - - - (PIONEER) 75-PICTURE - RYAN - THOMAS - F. - DR. - - BIO - Cattle raising in St.Francis County is an essential business in an ever increasing number of farmers who now more that ever must rely heavily on the intelligent advice and skillfulness of the graduate veterinarian, versed in the latest known medicines, proven treatments and the highly technical use of a modern laboratory. He arrived here June 5,1951, and has been busy ever since. He received his training at the Texas A & M University, where he graduated with a D.V.M. degree in Veterinary Medicines in 1951. Born in San Antonio, Texas, the son of Mrs.Agnes (Miller) Ryan and the late Frank Ryan, he first attended the Falfurrias High School in Texas. During World War II, on Oct.11,1943, he joined the Army Air Corps and was assigned to Squadron A, 386th Bomb Group, where he advanced from private to sergeant before his discharge on Mar.13,1946. He is now a First Lieutenant in the USAF Reserve. On Apr.25,1945, he married Miss Barbara Jean Allard, daughter of Mrs.Grace Allard of St.Petersburg, Fla. Dr. & Mrs.Ryan have a daughter, Jean Miller, adopted in Sept.1952. Dr.Ryan is a member of the Methodist Church, the Rotary Club, and the Veterinary Associations of America, Texas and Arkansas. 12-PICTURE - SANDERS - CLAY - HALL - - - - (PICTURE 1900 CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM THE CHOCTAWS) 98 - SANDERS - J. - G. - MRS - - BIO - In 1885, the St.Francis County Abstract Company was founded Capt. J.G.Stern, a northern man who located in St.Francis County and owned extensive real estate east of St.Francis River. The next owner was N.B.Fizer, lawyer and preacher and father of Mrs.J.G.Sanders. About 1897, Mr.Fizer sold the firm to Mrs. Alice E.Matthews, a sister of John I. Jones and Mrs.A.A.French. both still residents of Forrest City. Mrs.Matthews married S.H.Mann in 1912 and the company was operated by Mr.Mann until his death in 1938. After his death, the company was purchased by Mr.F.F.Harrelson, lawyer and owner of the Title Guaranty and Abstract Company, until 1950 they two companies were operated together until 1950-first by Mr.Harrelson until his death in 1946, and then by F.C.Harrelson and Carroll C.Cannon. In 1950 the firm is owned and operated solely by Mr.Carroll C.Cannon. 13 - SANDERS - J. - G. - - - - SHERIFF 1921-1925-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 12-PICTURE - SANDERS - JAMES - - - - - (PICTURE 1900 CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM THE CHOCTAWS) 18 - SAUNDERS - GEORGE - - - - - EARLY LAWYERS -OF FORREST CITY 20 - SCOTT - JAMES - L. - MAYOR - - - EARLY MAYORS OF FORREST CITY AFTER GROGAN 13 - SCOTT - R. - T. - - - - JUDGE 1880-1886-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - SEABORN - BILL - - - - - STORY-STOLE COUNTY RECORDS IN MADISON 13 - SEABORN - G. - W. - - - - SHERIFF 1860-1864-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY CORONER 1842-1844-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - SEABORN - M. - W. - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK 1908-1910-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - SEABORN - W. - L. - - - - CORONER 1876-1878-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 125-PICTURE - SEATON - FRED - C. - - - BIO - Seaton's Florist, owned by Fred C. and Mae L. Seaton on North Washington Street is one of the most attractive businesses in Forrest City. With his 33 years experience, specializing in roses, he was born in Appleton, Wisconsin, attended Appleton schools, and was a bank clerk for seven and a half years before moving to Forrest City in 1914 to join his brother in the Forrest City Box Factory as Asst.Superintendent. In 1917, he married Miss Mae Laughinghouse, daughter of the late Mr.& Mrs.Newman Laughinghouse, members of pioneer families of this section. It was their land that was sold to build the Beech Grove addition after World War II. The Seatons have five sons, and one daughter-Fred Jr. is Chief Precision Inspector for Flexonics, Inc., Memphis. Billy is a florist in West Memphis; Mary Virginia is Mrs.C.Harbin Jr., of Memphis; Robert is farming near West Memphis; Dick is a machinist and layout man for Bauer-Woods Machine Co. in West Memphis; and Bert attends the Forrest City High School, and is circulation manager for the Daily Times-Herald. The Seatons are Methodists, Mr.Seaton is active in the Lions Club, Masonic Lodge, and chairman of the Red Cross First Aid and Water Safety Program in St.Francis county. He is active in Scouting for over 16 years, seven of which as Scout master. 97-PICTURE - SEAY - THOMAS - D. - JR. - - BIO - Mr.Thomas D.Seay, Jr, shown seated at his desk in the office, is one of Forrest City's highly respected and capable public accountants. Tom and his wife, the former Ernestine Crutchfield of this city, live with their two fine children, David and Madge, in their home at 1205 N.Izard Street. Tom was born in Forrest City 31 years ago, the son of Mr.& Mrs.Thomas Seay, Sr.. He graduated from Forrest City High School, and then received his B.S. Degree from the University of Arkansas. During World War II, he served 3 1/2 years in the Army Signal Corps, and was honorably discharged on Feb.6,1946. He came home to open his firm on Jan.1,1949. Tom is a member of the National Society of Public Accountants, National Assoc. of Cost Accountants, and a member of the Board of Governors of the Arkansas Society of Public Accountants. He is a member of the King-Beazley American Legion Post, and was a member of the Lions Club and Rotary Clubs at different times, and the Methodist church. 7-PICTURE - SELLERS - RAYMOND - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 7-PICTURE - SELLERS - THOMAS - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 30 - SEYPPEL - OTTO - - - - - Town of Hughes: Residents SEE HUGHES 123-124 PICTURE - SHACKELFORD - E. - E. - - - BIO - The dealership of Shackelford Motor Company, formed in 1946 by Frank T.Shackelford and E.E.(Gene) Shackleford when they were selling Kaiser's and Frasier's in Helena. After receiving the Lincoln-Mercury Franchise they moved to Forrest City serving six counties in Eastern Arkansas. At this time they were joined by their brother-in-law, Frank P.Bell. So in the fall of 1948 they began construction of the new facility on West Broadway. Employing 12 employees, the firm is very successful and important to Forrest City. Gene Shackelford was born in Oklahoma City, Okla., the son of E.W. and Margaret E. (Park) Shackelford of Clark County, Arkansas. He was graduated from the Castle Heights Military Academy in Lebanon, Tenn., and later was Sales representative for the Reichman-Crosby Company in South Arkansas and Louisiana. During World War II he was an Aeronautical Engineer for the North American Aircraft Co., and later the Boeing Aircraft Co. On March 15,1948, he married Miss Marie A.Moss, daughter of Dewey L. and Jesse (Zappe) Moss of Monroe, La., and she is the bookkeeper for the motor company. He is director of the Forrest City Young Business Men's Club, and a member of the Methodist Church, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, St.Francis County Farm Bureau, and Dale Carnegie International Club. He also has interests in the National Oil Company, Inc., in Little Rock, and in farming and livestock interests. 123-124 PICTURE - SHACKELFORD - FRANK - T. - - - BIO - The dealership of Shackelford Motor Company, formed in 1946 by Frank T.Shackelford and E.E.(Gene) Shackleford when they were selling Kaiser's and Frasier's in Helena. After receiving the Lincoln-Mercury Franchise they moved to Forrest City serving six counties in Eastern Arkansas. At this time they were joined by their brother-in-law, Frank P.Bell. So in the fall of 1948 they began construction of the new facility on West Broadway. Employing 12 employees, the firm is very successful and important to Forrest City. Gene's brother, Frank T., also born in Oklahoma City, Okla., and was graduated from the Ardmore (Okla.) High School. He was engaged in the insurance and real estate business before entering World War II. On Jan.7,1941, he was sworn into the Army as a Private and assigned to the Headquarters 87th Division, Field Artillery, 3rd Army. Later as a commissioned officer liaison pilot, he rose to the rank of Captain and saw action in the European Theatre in the famous Battle of the Bulge, Battle of Rhineland and Central Germany. He was decorated with the Air Medal and Bronze Star. He was honorably discharged on Dec.7,1945. ON July 20,1950, he married Miss Betta A. Lanier, daughter of , John T. and Betta (Adrian) Lanier of Forrest City, and to this union has been born two children, Frank Jr. and Betta Park. He is a charter member of the Young Business Men's Club, President of the Dale Carnegie International Club, and a member of the Methodist church, St.Francis County Farm Bureau, King-Beazley American Legion Post, and the Chamber of Commerce. 87-PICTURE - SHARPE - HAROLD - - - - BIO - Mr.Harold Sharpe, youthful attorney in Forrest City, who occupies a leading place in the legal profession here. A native Forrest Citian, he is the son of the successful clothier, Sam Sharpe. He opened his law office in Forrest City in the fall of 1947. After finishing Forrest City High School, he graduated from the Univ. of Arkansas Law School. In 1938 he returned to Forrest City with the firm of Mann-McCulloch for four years, then to Washington, D.C. for several years and practiced with governmental agencies and attending George Washington Graduate Law School, and then back to Forrest City in 1947. Mr.Sharpe is a member of Temple Israel in Memphis, a Shriner, Lion, Mason, Odd Fellow, and the a member of the Young Business Men's Club. In 1950, he married Miss Aileeen Lewis, daughter of the prominent family of Julius Lewis in Memphis, at the Skyway Ballroom at the Hotel Peabody. Last year they were presented with a daughter, Nancy Rae. 64-PICTURE - SHARPE - SAM - - - - BIO - Sam Sharpe, prominent owner of Sharpe's Men's Store in Forrest City, has been a Director of Planters Bank & Trust Co. since 1929. A substantial progressive citizen, Mr.Sharpe has utilized the wide business experience and understanding he obtained in many years of successful operation of his clothing firm to the advantage of the bank and the community it serves. He opened Sharpe's store for men in 1904 at the corner of Washington and Broadway. His skill at tailoring brought him a thriving business. His son, Mr.Raymond Sharpe married Miss Ruthie Krivcher on Jan.22,1939, and they have one daughter, Michelle; and two other children, Estelle, now Mrs.Ruben Engleberg of Memphis, who have two children, Marc Allen and Janet Lynn; and Harold, a prominent local attorney, who married the former Aileen Lewis, and they have one daughter, Nancy Rae. Mr.Sam Sharpe belongs to the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, and is a 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner. He was a member of the original YBMC . - SHEARIN - J. - B. - - - BIO - Since January 1948, W.C.Wright, owner of the Wright Motor & Implement Co. on Highway 70 West has been a leading citizen of Forrest City. His firm actually developed from the Shearin Implement Co. which his brother-in-law, J.B.Shearin, opened in Forrest City in 1946 selling Allis Chalmers. In 1948, Mr.Wright joined the partnership and added the Studebaker cars and trucks. 126-PICTURE - SIKES - JOHN - - - - BIO - Zero Butane Gas Company, today has four trucks, covering St.Francis, Lee, Cross, and Crittendon Counties, and is owned by Mr.John Sikes. Offices have been in the old Haven Building on Grant Street since 1951, the first location in the old Haven Warehouse. Mr.Sikes bought out the interest of Alvin Thompson, in Sep.1946. He has lived in Forrest City for seven years, born in Fordyce, he is the son of the late Mr.& Mrs.G.T.Sikes, and attended Monticello High School and Monticello A & M. During World War I he served in the U.S.Navy, after which he worked a year in oil field production. From 1922 to 1929 he traveled as a salesman and until 1941, he was an insurance salesman. During World War II he worked in the ordnance plant near Conway. In 1946, he moved from Morrilton to Forrest City. On Oct.20,1929, he married Miss Mildred Walker, daughter of Mrs.George P.Walker, and the late Mr.Walker. He is a member of the Lions Club, King-Beazley American Legion Post, Masonic Lodge, Consistory of Little Rock, Shriners of Pine Bluff, and Crowley Ridge Shrine Club. He is a member of the Baptist church. 32 - SIMMONS - CHARLIE - - - - - OFFICIALS FOR PALESTINE IN 1954:CHARLIE SIMMONS, MARSHALL 79-PICTURE - SIMMONS - E. - H. - - - BIO - Two men stand out in the successful firm of Growers Equip. Co., and they are R.E. (Dick) Carroll, and E.H. (Bertie) Simmons. Mr.Simmons, or Bertie, as he is known throughout the Memphis area, joined Mr.Ed Belshe and Mr.Bob Hussey in 1938, to open in that year the Simmons Implement Co., the fore runner of Growers Equip.Co. Mr.Simmons was born in Trenton, Tenn. on Mar.27,1896. On Aug.24,1925, he married Mrs.Lena Evans O'Brien. They have four grandchildren: Judy and Wesley O'Brien, and Sandra and Howlams Sharpe, Jr. 119-PICTURE - SMITH - ARTHUR - E. - - - BIO - Mr.Arthur E.Smith, has served with the Internal Revenue Service for over a quarter of a century, since retiring here in Forrest City, he has opened an tax consultant business here after his retirement in 1947. He and his gracious wife, the former Mary J.Thomas, of Crossett, and have one son, John, a prominent doctor in Little Rock, and a daughter, Elizabeth, whose husband is an executive with New York Life Insurance Co. in NY City. Mr.Smith is a native of Paducah, Ky., he attended prep school and Kentucky State Normal in Bowling Green. The Smith's are members of the First Methodist Church, and he is a member of the Lions Club and is active in local politics. 13 - SMITH - G. - C. - - - - CITY OF COLT ADMINISTRATION IN 1954:ALDERMAN:G.C.SMITH 13 - SMITH - H. - C. - - - - ASSESSOR 1898-1900-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 33-34 - SMITH - H. - K. - JR - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Officials:ALDERMAN:H.K.SMITH, JR. 118-119 - SMITH - HENRY - K. - JR. - - BIO - Mr.Henry K.Smith, Jr., President of Rice Growers Bank of Wheatley is not only one of Wheatley's outstanding citizens, but also one of the most prominent and successful businessmen, landowners, and agricultural leaders in Eastern Arkansas. He is now President of the Arkansas Rice Growers Association. He was born in Wheatley on May 9,1911, one of five children of the late Henry K.Smith, Jr., founder and President of the Rice Growers Bank and who came to Arkansas in 1884 from Byhalia, Mississippi. Before his death in 1943, the senior Mr.Smith was one of the first to realize the unlimited possibilities of raising rice in this area. The mother of Henry K.Smith, Jr., was Ella Lyon Smith, who was born in Arkansas and is still living. After graduation from Wheatley High School in 1928, he entered Hendrix College and graduated in 1932 with a B.A.Degree. In addition to serving as President of the bank, Wheatley Grain Drying Corp., and of the Wheatley Gin Company, he is actively engaged in farming 3300 acres in St.Francis, Lee and Monroe counties. On his extensive farm lands the principal crops are rice and cotton, and he is also interested in livestock. He is past President of the Business Men's Club of Wheatley, a member of the American and Arkansas Bankers Associations, and a leader in the Farm Bureau and National Cotton Council. For he past twenty years he has served as a member of the Town Council. Mr.Smith has three living sisters; Mrs.R.A.Pickens II, who resides at Pickens, Ark.; Mrs.J.E.Allmon of Little Rock; and Mrs.W.L.Horner of Blytheville. 33-34 - SMITH - HENRY - K. - SR - - - FOUNDED THE RICE GROWERS BANK OF WHEATLEY 11 - SMITH - SLY - - DR. - - - STORY 18 - SPARKMAN - R. - H. - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 92-PICTURE - SPELZHAUS - RICHARD - W. - DR. - - BIO - A man of wide knowledge and practical experience in the age-old profession of chiropractic, Dr.Richard W. Spelzhaus of Forrest City, has built up a substantial clientele of patients. A resident of Forrest City for eight years, Dr.Spelzhaus was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, the son of Herbert G. and the late Mrs.Helen (Fairchild) Spelzhaus. After graduation from the Western Hills High School in Cincinnati, he attended Ohio State University and the received a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree from Palmer School of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa in 1942. On Oct.20,1942, he entered World War II as a private in the U.S.Army Air Corps, and after three years and four months of service on Feb.19,1946, he was placed on inactive status as a Commissioned First Lieutenant in the Air Force Reserve. On July 3,1946, he married Miss Hilda D.Mendoza, daughter of Palemon and Josephine Mendoza of San Antonio, Texas. The moved to Forrest City in November of that year and have been residents her since. Dr.SPELZHAUS belongs to the Chamber of Commerce, King-Beazley American Legion Post, and a member of the Directors of Arkansas Chiropractic Association. Former member of the Rotary Club, and they are members of the St.Francis Catholic Church. 10 - SPIVEY - ROBERT - L. - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 144 - STAYTON - JOSEPH - NEAL - - - BIO - Joseph Neal Stayton was among the early pioneers of St.Francis County, contributing much to its growth and development. The son of Joseph Kelsie and Ann Herring Stayton, he was born Sept.13,1873 at Blackton, Monroe County, Arkansas. At an early age, following the death of his parents, he went to Searcy to live with his uncle, Dr.Dave Stayton, and his family. It was here that he received his education. After studying medicine for three years at Searcy College, he was discouraged by his uncle because of the hardships of physicians of that day. he then began study of surveying. He later moved to Palestine with his uncle, who practiced medicine there. He lived there for many years, and in 1912 was elected County Surveyor. In 1929, he moved to Forrest City, and for a time served as night Chief of Police and worked with the Soil Conservation Service. After thirty seven years a surveyor for the county in 1949, at which time he moved to Little Rock to be near his children. It has been said that, "Uncle Joe", as he was called by his many friends has covered more miles on foot than any other man in St.Francis County. 100-101-100 PICTURE - STEED - C. - V. - - - BIO - Since he came to Forrest City only seven years ago, C.V.Steed, native Arkansan of imposing stature and persistent energy and forcefulness, has become one of St.Francis County's most prominent business figures. As the efficient and outstanding Sect.Treasurer of the Forrest City Production Credit Association, Mr.Steed has not only ably directed the association in establishing one of the most successful records in the nation but also has made substantial contributions in the civic affairs of the county. In recognition of his ability and leadership, he was recently elected to the important office of President of the St.Francis County Farm Bureau. He was born in Delight, Arkansas on June 28,1908, the son of James Thomas Sr., and Rosa (Watson) Steed, After attending Murfreesboro (Ark.) High School. he studied at Magnolia A. & M. and later received his B.S.Degree at the University of Illinois. While studying for his M.S.Degree at the University, he laugh vocational agriculture at Arthur, Illinois. In 1941 he became Credit Examiner for the Production Corporation of St.Louis. Holding several other offices, he came to Forrest City in Jan.1947 for his present position. On Oct.9,1936, he married Miss Ruby Garner of Delight, daughter of Tom and Laura (Rather) Garner, and to this union has been born a son, James Thomas Steed II, now a student in the Forrest City High School. In addition to his duties, he operates a farm with over 1000 acres for growing cotton, rice, soybeans, feed crops, and livestock. The Steeds are members of the First Baptist Church. He is a member of the Lions Club, Young business Men's Club, and is a Mason. 13 - STERN - J. - G. - CAPT. - - BIO - CIRCUIT CLERK 1890-1892-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY-In 1885, the St.Francis County Abstract Company was founded Capt. J.G.Stern, a northern man who located in St.Francis County and owned extensive real estate east of St.Francis River. The next owner was N.B.Fizer, lawyer and preacher and father of Mrs.J.G.Sanders. About 1897, Mr.Fizer sold the firm to Mrs. Alice E.Matthews, a sister of John I. Jones and Mrs.A.A.French. both still residents of Forrest City. Mrs.Matthews married S.H.Mann in 1912 and the company was operated by Mr.Mann until his death in 1938. After his death, the company was purchased by Mr.F.F.Harrelson, lawyer and owner of the Title Guaranty and Abstract Company, until 1950 they two companies were operated together until 1950-first by Mr.Harrelson until his death in 1946, and then by F.C.Harrelson and Carroll C.Cannon. In 1950 the firm is owned and operated solely by Mr.Carroll C.Cannon. - STEVENS - A. - L. - - - BIO - Since 1898 the name Stevens has been associated with the funeral business in St.Francis County because it was at that time that A.L.Stevens Co, Undertakers, was founded. The business extends even further back, because the late A.L. Stevens bought the old Russ Stockard Undertaking concern, which formerly had been owned by I.H.Lutz. They also were involved in the livery business, with the first site being where the Gates Bros. Lumber Co. now stands, then moved to the corner of Washington and South Front Street where now stands the Quality Cleaners. For a short time it was located in the Elks Building. In 1931, it was moved to a new building on the corner of Washington and Garland street, where it now stands. At that time the old Nichols home was there, and was completely remodeled to become a faithful part of the attractive and modern day Stevens Funeral Home. A.L.Stevens came to Forrest City about 1896 to eventually enter into a partnership with the late R.M.Nimocks to found the Nimocks-Stevens Wholesale Grocery Co., of which he was Sect.Treasurer. At the same time he was operating his undertaking firm with his brother, Robert S.Stevens, assisting him. In 1888 he married Mrs.Emma Ahrens of Fort Scott, Kansas and to that union were born four children, all of Forrest City; Otis, now deceased; Irma, now Mrs J.B.Wright; Bessie, now Mrs.Fenner Laughinghouse; and W.E.Stevens, who has owned and operated the Stevens Funeral Home since his father's death in 1933 until April, 1952, when a severe attack of rheumatic condition confined him to his bed. In 1931, the Stevens built a home on North Washington in what was country at that time, and was the old county's race track. The land was also used for a circus, carnival, and ball ground. - STEVENS - WALTER - E. - JR. - - BIO-cont. - Forrest City High School and the Louisiana State University where he received a B.A. Degree in 1935. He got his professional training at the Cincinnati School of Embalming. On June 23,1938, he married Miss Sara Rauscher, daughter of Ira W. and Keokee (Metcalf) Rauscher, and to this union was born a daughter, Edwene, and a son, Walter III. They are members of the Presbyterian church. The Funeral home underwent extensive remodeling and expansion in 1952. The competent employees include Mrs.Amy Ellis, Meredith Wilson, and Herman Wyms. 38 - STEVENS - WALTER - E. - JR. - - BIO - FORREST CITY LIBRARY:BOARD MEMBERS IN 1954:Walter Stevens Jr.-Since 1898 the name Stevens has been associated with the funeral business in St.Francis County because it was at that time that A.L.Stevens Co, Undertakers, was founded. The business extends even further back, because the late A.L. Stevens bought the old Russ Stockard Undertaking concern, which formerly had been owned by I.H.Lutz. They also were involved in the livery business, with the first site being where the Gates Bros. Lumber Co. now stands, then moved to the corner of Washington and South Front Street where now stands the Quality Cleaners. For a short time it was located in the Elks Building. In 1931, it was moved to a new building on the corner of Washington and Garland street, where it now stands. At that time the old Nichols home was there, and was completely remodeled to become a faithful part of the attractive and modern day Stevens Funeral Home. A.L.Stevens came to Forrest City about 1896 to eventually enter into a partnership with the late R.M.Nimocks to found the Nimocks-Stevens Wholesale Grocery Co., of which he was Sect.Treasurer. At the same time he was operating his undertaking firm with his brother, Robert S.Stevens, assisting him. In 1888 he married Mrs.Emma Ahrens of Fort Scott, Kansas and to that union were born four children, all of Forrest City; Otis, now deceased; Irma, now Mrs J.B.Wright; Bessie, now Mrs.Fenner Laughinghouse; and W.E.Stevens, who has owned and operated the Stevens Funeral Home since his father's death in 1933 until April, 1952, when a severe attack of rheumatic condition confined him to his bed. In 1931, the Stevens built a home on North Washington in what was country at that time, and was the old county's race track. The land was also used for a circus, carnival, and ball ground. W.E.Stevens was born in 1891 in Fort Scott, Kansas. He was graduated from the old Crowley's Ridge Institute here, attended the University of Arkansas, and was then graduated from the Worsham School of Embalming in Chicago. He had been assisting his father in the wholesale grocery business, but after returning from Chicago in 1913 took over the funeral business and renamed it the W.E.Stevens Funeral Home. On April 17,1913, he married Miss Helen Nichols, daughter of John M. and Adelaide (Bard) Nichols of Forrest City, who also had a son, Bard, who passed away in 1916. To this union was born a son, Walter E. Jr., who as his father did, is managing the Stevens Funeral Home; and a daughter, Adelaide, now Mrs.Melton Ware of Vero Beach, Fla. Mr.Nichols came to Forrest City in 1887 and became a partner and Vice President of the firm of J.W.Beck & Co.. He also served as City Treasurer, member of the School Board, and Tax Assessor. Mrs.Stevens' grand parents were James and Annie (Dodge) Bard, pioneer settlers of this area from Kentucky. Her mother, was one of the early business women of Forrest City, serving as Secretary for the late and distinguished Judge N.W.Norton. Mrs.Stevens herself is very active in civic, cultural, religious and social affairs of the city, and served as organist of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian church for 25 years. Mr.Stevens is a former member of the Rotary club, charter member of the Old River Club, a 32nd Degree Mason, a Shriner, and a former Elk. Mr.Walter E.Stevens, Jr., who has had many years of experience in the funeral business, has a deep appreciation of the outstanding record of the firm and under his skillful administration it will always strive to serve with sympathy in time of sorrow. He joined the firm in 1936 after completing his formal education at the - STEVENS - WALTER - E. - SR. - - BIO - Since 1898 the name Stevens has been associated with the funeral business in St.Francis County because it was at that time that A.L.Stevens Co, Undertakers, was founded. The business extends even further back, because the late A.L. Stevens bought the old Russ Stockard Undertaking concern, which formerly had been owned by I.H.Lutz. They also were involved in the livery business, with the first site being where the Gates Bros. Lumber Co. now stands, then moved to the corner of Washington and South Front Street where now stands the Quality Cleaners. For a short time it was located in the Elks Building. In 1931, it was moved to a new building on the corner of Washington and Garland street, where it now stands. At that time the old Nichols home was there, and was completely remodeled to become a faithful part of the attractive and modern day Stevens Funeral Home. A.L.Stevens came to Forrest City about 1896 to eventually enter into a partnership with the late R.M.Nimocks to found the Nimocks-Stevens Wholesale Grocery Co., of which he was Sect.Treasurer. At the same time he was operating his undertaking firm with his brother, Robert S.Stevens, assisting him. In 1888 he married Mrs.Emma Ahrens of Fort Scott, Kansas and to that union were born four children, all of Forrest City; Otis, now deceased; Irma, now Mrs J.B.Wright; Bessie, now Mrs.Fenner Laughinghouse; and W.E.Stevens, who has owned and operated the Stevens Funeral Home since his father's death in 1933 until April, 1952, when a severe attack of rheumatic condition confined him to his bed. In 1931, the Stevens built a home on North Washington in what was country at that time, and was the old county's race track. The land was also used for a circus, carnival, and ball ground. W.E.Stevens was born in 1891 in Fort Scott, Kansas. He was graduated from the old Crowley's Ridge Institute here, attended the University of Arkansas, and was then graduated from the Worsham School of Embalming in Chicago. He had been assisting his father in the wholesale grocery business, but after returning from Chicago in 1913 took over the funeral business and renamed it the W.E.Stevens Funeral Home. On April 17,1913, he married Miss Helen Nichols, daughter of John M. and Adelaide (Bard) Nichols of Forrest City, who also had a son, Bard, who passed away in 1916. To this union was born a son, Walter E. Jr., who as his father did, is managing the Stevens Funeral Home; and a daughter, Adelaide, now Mrs.Melton Ware of Vero Beach, Fla. Mr.Nichols came to Forrest City in 1887 and became a partner and Vice President of the firm of J.W.Beck & Co.. He also served as City Treasurer, member of the School Board, and Tax Assessor. Mrs.Stevens' grand parents were James and Annie (Dodge) Bard, pioneer settlers of this area from Kentucky. Her mother, was one of the early business women of Forrest City, serving as Secretary for the late and distinguished Judge N.W.Norton. Mrs.Stevens herself is very active in civic, cultural, religious and social affairs of the city, and served as organist of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian church for 25 years. Mr.Stevens is a former member of the Rotary club, charter member of the Old River Club, a 32nd Degree Mason, a Shriner, and a former Elk. 13 - STEWART - J. - M. - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK 1880-1886-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - STOCKARD - J. - F. - - - - CORONER 1914-1916-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - STOCKARD - J. - R. - - - - CORONER 1912-1914-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 117-PICTURE - STONE - EURA - V. - - - BIO - The Arkansas Paint & Supply store on Washington across from Stevens Funeral Home is one of the most attractive store fronts in Forrest City, and is operated and owned by Eura W, (Dick) Stone and Hunter L. Kimbro. In the fall of 1948 three businessmen opened the store, Allen Redd of Memphis, President; Dick Stone of Blytheville, Sect.Treasurer; and Robert Coleman of Blytheville, Vice- President. On July 1,1951, Dick and his brother in law, Hunter Kimbro of Jonesboro, purchased the company. Dick and his wife, the former Oweta Hargett of Blytheville, with their young son, Ronald Joe, had become active members of the community. Dick, a native of Oran, Mo. was a member of the Lions Club, the King-Beazley American Legion Post, and First Baptist Church. He had served two and a half years in the South Pacific during World War II as a staff sergeant with the 6th Infantry Division, seeing action in New Guinea and the Phillipines. 18 - STONE - J. - E. - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 7-8-13 - STRONG - WILLIAM - - - - - (PIONEER-1827) SHERIFF-1827 TO 1832/JUDGE 1833-1835-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 19 - STUART - JAMES - - PROF. - - - DISCOVERED STUART SPRINGS 32 - SULCER - BERT - - - - - OFFICIALS FOR PALESTINE IN 1954:BERT SULCER, RECORDER 29-30 - SULCER - E. - E. - - - - Town Officials in Widener in 1954: Mayor E.E.Sulcer 13 - SULCER - M. - F. - - - - CORONER 1931-1933-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - SULCER - MACK - - - - - CORONER 1929-1931-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 32 - SULCER - SAM - F. - - - - EARLY SETTLERS OF PALESTINE:SAM F.SULCER-ALSO HAS THE OLDEST HOUSE, A LOG STRUCTURE, IN PALESTINE 17 - SULLIVAN - - - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 13-59 - SURGINER - JOSEPH - (ED) - - - BIO - The important responsibility of recording all business and personal property in St.Francis County on the tax books for ad valor em tax purposes is now being adequately and efficiently assumed by Joseph (Ed) Surginer, the county's genial tax assessor. Mr.Surginer is a native of St.Francis County and has always maintained his residence in Forrest City even when he was employed in an out of state position. He is a graduate of the Forrest City High School. He married Miss Estelle Burns of Caldwell, and they have one daughter, Ella Jeanne. Mr.Surginer was formerly employed by the J.S.Bradshaw Esso Station, The Service Company, Armour & Co. of Memphis as a salesman in the West Tennessee area, Union Life Insurance Co. and as bookkeeper for the Berry Brooks Cotton Co. in Forrest City, and later in Marianna from 1950 to 1952. He was elected Tax Assessor in 1952. PICTURE PAGE 59 ASSESSOR 1953-1955-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 10-PICTURE - SUTTON - C. - B. - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 86-PICTURE - SWABY - HOMER - - - - BIO - With tall television antennas sprouting from gradually every home in the city, Homer Swaby in the past few years has found himself in the midst of this latest electronic development which has made radio repair a very small part of his business. In April of 1938, he opened his shop devoted to radios. It was located where Ford's Food Center is at this time, when he moved to 121 East Broadway. He moved to Forrest City in 1928 from Tilton, Ark. His wife, Miss Disie E.Womack, of Wynne, and they are members of the Caldwell Baptist Church. Presently we only get two stations from Memphis, but that will change in the future. 32 - TATE - E. - D. - - - - Municipal Leaders of Hughes in 1954:ALDERMEN:E.D.TATE 10-PICTURE - TATUM - NOEL - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT-ASST.CHIEF 13-18-58-135 - TAYLOR - GEORGE - PRESSLEY - GENERAL - - BIO - Original Board of Directors of National Bank of Eastern Arkansas.-Since its founding seventy eight years ago in 1876, the Avery Insurance Agency, by W.H.Avery, who sold to George P.Taylor, grandfather of Alston Taylor, who changed the name to Taylor Insurance Agency. The firm is now composed of Harry A.Knight Sr., Alston Graham Taylor, and B.F.King. Edgar P.Taylor joined the firm when the elder Mr.Taylor died in 1898. At that time, a promising young Forrest Citian, became a partner in the firm and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight & Co. When Edgar P.Taylor passed in January 1935, they consolidated with B.F.King and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight-King Insurance Agency. Meanwhile, James Taylor, son of Edgar continued with the firm until his death in Oct. 1950, when Alston Taylor, another son of Edgar, joined the firm. 7-13 - TAYLOR - W. - MITCHELL - - - BIO - 1954 St.Francis County History-During the early history of St.Francis County, Taylor's Creek, which later developed into Colt when the Iron Mountain railroad was constructed through that area, was widely known because it was on the famous Military Road. Taylor's Creek got its name from W.Mitchell Taylor, one of the first settlers about where Colt is now. He was born in Franklin Co., N.Carolina, in 1826. He built a large log house on what is known as the Blaylock Place, one mile south of Colt, now owned by Fred McCollum, Sr. The house was built of hand hewn poplar logs, cut on his place and hewn with a whipsaw and put together with wooden pegs filled between the logs with small pieces of wood, mud, and mortar. The stage coach traveling the Military Road with the mail stopped there to change horses. Mr.Taylor married Nancy Casbeer in 1827 and had 14 children. After her death he married Mrs.Mary Temp'e in 1852 and had six children. He also had two step children. He had an exceptionally brilliant mind and made many trips by horseback to Little Rock to transact business for friends and relatives. He owned about 1500 acres of land, extending down to Dark Corner. When one of his children married, he gave them their choice of 80 acres of land or one thousand dollars. He built the school house and church, non-denominational, known as Oak Hill. The church was constructed of lumber made by his whipsaw. The seats were poles, cut flat on one side with pegs for legs. Mr.Taylor was eighty at the time of his death, Dec.11,1884. His surviving descendants include six grandchildren, 23 great grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. This information was compiled by Mrs.P.S.Stapleton, great granddaughter of Mr.Taylor's. As mentioned above the present town of Colt at the north end of St.Francis County on Highway 1 and the Missouri Pacific, was established in 1882, when the old Iron Mountain Railroad put a station there. It was called Colt Station for the railroad conductor of that name who built the railroad through that section of the county. Numerous residents at that time thought the new town should be called Taylor in honor of Mitchell Taylor, but he asked them to name it for the railroad contractor. The town of Colt was incorporated in 1916. At the time Colt was incorporated it had two cotton gins, six general stores, one drug store and two saw mills. In 1954 Colt now has two stores, one filling station and one gin. The town has two churches, Methodist and Baptist. (PIONEER) 135 PICTURE - TAYLOR - ALSTON - GRAHAM - - - BIO - Since its founding seventy eight years ago in 1876, the Avery Insurance Agency, by W.H.Avery, who sold to George P.Taylor, grandfather of Alston Taylor, who changed the name to Taylor Insurance Agency. The firm is now composed of Harry A.Knight Sr., Alston Graham Taylor, and B.F.King. Edgar P.Taylor joined the firm when the elder Mr.Taylor died in 1898. At that time, a promising young Forrest Citian, became a partner in the firm and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight & Co. When Edgar P.Taylor passed in January 1935, they consolidated with B.F.King and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight-King Insurance Agency. Meanwhile, James Taylor, son of Edgar continued with the firm until his death in Oct. 1950, when Alston Taylor, another son of Edgar, joined the firm. The youngest member of the firm, son of the late Edgar P. and Annie (Fussell) Taylor, pioneer family of Forrest City. He received his formal education at the Forrest City Public School, Western Military Academy, and the University of Arkansas. He helped found the Taylor-Casbeer Men's Store, but has sold his interest in that firm. He joined the U.S.Army in August 1941, and was discharged in April, 1945. He married the former Lollie Williams, daughter of the late J.M. and Lenora (Whittenton) Williams of Forrest City, and they have one daughter, Marilane Sulcer. Mr.Taylor is a member of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian church, the Chamber of Commerce, King-Beazley American Legion Post, a Mason and Shriner. In addition to the agency, he has farming and real estate interests to look after. 13 - TAYLOR - C. - - - - - TREASURER 1862-1864-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 135 - TAYLOR - EDGAR - - - - BIO - Since its founding seventy eight years ago in 1876, the Avery Insurance Agency, by W.H.Avery, who sold to George P.Taylor, grandfather of Alston Taylor, who changed the name to Taylor Insurance Agency. The firm is now composed of Harry A.Knight Sr., Alston Graham Taylor, and B.F.King. Edgar P.Taylor joined the firm when the elder Mr.Taylor died in 1898. At that time, a promising young Forrest Citian, became a partner in the firm and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight & Co. When Edgar P.Taylor passed in January 1935, they consolidated with B.F.King and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight-King Insurance Agency. Meanwhile, James Taylor, son of Edgar continued with the firm until his death in Oct. 1950, when Alston Taylor, another son of Edgar, joined the firm. 18 - TAYLOR - GEORGE - PRESSLEY - GENERAL - - - BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS ORGANIZED 135 - TAYLOR - JAMES - - - - BIO - Since its founding seventy eight years ago in 1876, the Avery Insurance Agency, by W.H.Avery, who sold to George P.Taylor, grandfather of Alston Taylor, who changed the name to Taylor Insurance Agency. The firm is now composed of Harry A.Knight Sr., Alston Graham Taylor, and B.F.King. Edgar P.Taylor joined the firm when the elder Mr.Taylor died in 1898. At that time, a promising young Forrest Citian, became a partner in the firm and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight & Co. When Edgar P.Taylor passed in January 1935, they consolidated with B.F.King and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight-King Insurance Agency. Meanwhile, James Taylor, son of Edgar continued with the firm until his death in Oct. 1950, when Alston Taylor, another son of Edgar, joined the firm. 7-PICTURE-135 - TAYLOR - JAMES - - - - BIO - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY)Since its founding seventy eight years ago in 1876, the Avery Insurance Agency, by W.H.Avery, who sold to George P.Taylor, grandfather of Alston Taylor, who changed the name to Taylor Insurance Agency. The firm is now composed of Harry A.Knight Sr., Alston Graham Taylor, and B.F.King. Edgar P.Taylor joined the firm when the elder Mr.Taylor died in 1898. At that time, a promising young Forrest Citian, became a partner in the firm and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight & Co. When Edgar P.Taylor passed in January 1935, they consolidated with B.F.King and the name was changed to Taylor-Knight-King Insurance Agency. Meanwhile, James Taylor, son of Edgar continued with the firm until his death in Oct. 1950, when Alston Taylor, another son of Edgar, joined the firm. 121-PICTURE - TENNYSON - ESTHER - T. - - - BIO - The best known city woman in the rural farming areas of St.Francis County is Miss Esther T.Tennyson, who is the Home Demonstration Agent of the county. She was born in Claremore, Okla, the daughter of W.E. and Katie (Turk) Tennyson. Her paternal grandfather, Edmond Tennyson, who took part in the famous Gold Rush in California, and her maternal grandfather, T.B.Turk, were Confederate Veterans of the Civil War. After her graduation from the Oklahoma College for Women, she received her B.S.Degree at Oklahoma A & M, and then took graduate work at the University of Arkansas. Since May 1934, she has been in Forrest City. She belongs to the Graham Memorial Presbyterian church, Cosmos Club, American Home Economics Association, Home Demonstration Agent's Association, Extension Workers Association, Business and Professional Women's Club, the American Farm Bureau, Associated Women, and the Eastern Star Rebecca Lodge. She owns a farm in Claremore, Oklahoma. 13 - TERRY - J. - B. - - - - TREASURER 1908-1912, ASSESSOR 1904-1908-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 7-PICTURE - THARP - JESSE - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 13 - THOMAS - J. - D. - - - - TREASURER 1856-1858-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - THOMAS - JOHN - D. - VICE PRES. - - - FOUNDED EX-CONFEDERATE ASSOC. FORMED AUG.20,1886 13 - THOMPSON - J. - H. - - - - TREASURER 1876-1880-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - THOMPSON - P. - H. - - - - CORONER 1868--ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 20 - TIPTON - J. - H. - MAYOR - - - EARLY MAYORS OF FORREST CITY AFTER GROGAN 13 - TODD - B. - T. - - - - CORONER 1908-1910-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - TODD - F. - B. - - - - CORONER 1906-1908-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - TODD - F. - P. - - - - CORONER 1910-1912, 1921-1929-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 10 - TODD - WALTER - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 121-PICTURE - TOWNS - HOMER - C. - - - BIO - Mr.Homer C. Towns, who moved here about six years ago, is a very important person with his position with Woodruff Electric Cooperative as Director of Electrified Farming and Public Relations. He was born in Livingston, Texas, on Nov.15,1905, the son of the late Walter W. and Terra Ann (Wright) Towns of La Mesa, Texas. After graduation from the North Texas State High School, he received his B.S.Degree at North Texas State College in 1933, and then a Master's Degree in 1934 at Texas A & M, where he also taught, and has been employed with the Soil Conservation Service of Texas and Arkansas, and as a Farm Representative for the National Bank of Eastern Arkansas for about two years. On Nov.26,1936, he married Miss Evelyn Brown, daughter of Walter Stuart and Elva (McLain) Brown of Brinkley, and to this union was born one son, Walter Stuart Towns, on Nov.6,1939. He is a member of the First Methodist Church, has been President of the Rotary Club, a member of the Chamber of Commerce and serves on several civic organizations. He also operates a farm located six miles northeast of Forrest City on Crowley's Ridge. 30 - TRAINOR - GRADY - - - - - Town of Hughes: Residents SEE HUGHES 46 - TRIM - EDDIE - - - - - BATTERY B, 445TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION, ARKANSAS NATIONAL GUARD:CHARTER MEMBERS: EDDIE TRIM 13 - TRIMBLE - W. - - - - - CORONER 1856-1858-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 10-PICTURE - TRUSTY - ELMER - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 10-PICTURE - TRUSTY - GENE - - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 8-PICTURE - TRUSTY - GEORGE - - CHIEF - - - (PICTURE 1954 CITY POLICE-FORREST CITY) 93 - TRUSTY - GEORGE - - - - - 108-PICTURE - TUCKER - WILLIAM - D. - - - BIO - Among the outstanding young me of the county who have taken to farming and livestock raising with an enthusiastic and intelligent approach is William D.Tucker of Forrest City. He is the manager and co-owner of the Twin View Ranch, located 5 miles north of Forrest City, raising cotton and breeding Polled Hereford cattle with partner John C.Bowen, Jr. Mr.Tucker was born at Ocala, Florida, the son of Durand A. and Grace (Bullard) Tucker, now of St.Petersburg, Fla. After graduation from St.Peterburg, Fla., High School, he received a B.S.Degree in Business Administration from the University of Florida in 1949, but first served two years and ten months in World War II. On July 1,1943, he joined the U.S.Army as a private and was assigned to the 69th Infantry Division. He spent two and a half years in the European Theatre and received two battle stars and the meritorious unit award for action in the Rhine and Central Germany campaigns before his honorable discharge as sergeant, on April 15,1946. He is now a commissioned Ensign in the Supply Corps, U.S.Naval Reserve. On Feb.12,1949, he married Miss Van Louis McDaniel, the beautiful daughter of Mrs.Montine McDaniel and the late Louis McDaniel of Forrest City. She will always be remembered as Miss Arkansas, 1948. The Tuckers have one son, William D.Tucker, Jr., and they are members of the Graham Memorial Presbyterian Church. Mr.Tucker who was associated in the hotel business in St.Petersburg, before coming to Forrest City in April 1951. He belongs to the Arkansas Polled Hereford Association, Forrest City Country Club, and the St.Petersburg Yacht Club. 13 - TURLEY - LINN - - - - - COUNTY CLERK 1923-1933-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 38 - TURLEY - LOUISE - - MISS - - - FORREST CITY LIBRARY: FIRST LIBRARIAN UNTIL SHE RESIGNED IN FALL OF 1928 140 PICTURE - TURNER - JOHN - T. - - - BIO - The history of John T.Turner Ice & Coal Co., established in Forrest City in 1940 by J.H.Turner & Sons, actually had its beginning in 1925 when J.H.Turner started selling ice and coal in Parkin. John T. Turner took over in 1944, when his father became ill. He was born in Whitehaven, Miss., Sept.12,1907, the son of Mrs.Annie Lillian (Hudgins) Turner and the late J.H.Turner, who passed away in Nov.1946. Mr.Turner was educated in Tupelo, Miss. Military Institute and Tyler Commercial College. He worked in Marianna with several firms, until moving to Parkin in 1941, and then Forrest City four years later. The elder Mr.Turner planned to build a plant for each of his sons; Johnny has the plant in Forrest City; Richard in Parkin; George in Crawfordsville, but Sam died in an automobile accident, which mostly filled his dream. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Delta States Ice Assoc., and a former member of the Parkin Rotary Club. He has a daughter, Beverly Ann who is a junior at Arkansas State Teachers College. 7 - TYER FAMILY - - - - - - (PIONEER) 156 PICTURE - UPCHURCH - JAMES - O. - - - BIO - Thirty years of experience have proved valuable to James O. Upchurch in establishing a successful plumbing and heating business in Forrest City. He was born in Columbia, Miss. on Nov.3,1901, the son of James and Rachel Upchurch. He was educated at the Buena Vista Miss. High School. On Feb.10,1924, he received his first experience in his chosen trade as a member of Chisholm Electric, Plumbing & Heating Co. in Tupelo, Miss. and stayed with them until Nov.15,1935, when he started his own business. When World War II started, he was working at the Ford-Bacon & Davis Ordnance Plant at Jacksonville, Arkansas. On Dec.22,1946, he moved to Forrest City and started a business from scratch. His wife, the former Miss Tommie L.Hogans, daughter of Mrs. Missouri Hogans of Forrest City. They have two sons, J.W.Upchurch and J.C.Upchurch. He is a member of the Salem Baptist Church and the I.P.O.E.W. Wonder State Lodge No.478. 82 - VACCARO - ANDREW - EDWIN - - - BIO - The son of Gazzola Vaccaro, after leaving college in Dec.1941, immediately after Pearl Harbor, entered the Army Air Corps in World War II, where he served in Italy, and Africa. He is now active in farming. 38 - VACCARO - GAZZOLA - - - - BIO - FORREST CITY LIBRARY:BOARD MEMBERS IN 1954:Mr.Gazzola Vaccaro-Vaccaro-Grobmyer Company, was established in 1908 by A.J.Vaccaro and John R.Grobmyer. The sons of A.J.Vaccaro have been active in the firm since they finished their respective schooling. Gazzola went into business in 1914, and Leo Vaccaro, in 1922. Gazzola was in World War I in the U.S.Army, and Leo in World War II, also, in the U.S.Army. In 1925, Gazzola and Leo purchased Mr.John R.Grobmyer's interest, when he moved to Little Rock with his family. Partners in the firm beside Leo and Gazzola:Mrs.Leo Vaccaro, the children of Gazzola, Andrew Edwin, Gazzola Jr., and Barbara Ann VACCARO, and the son of Leo, James A.Vaccaro. 82 - VACCARO - GAZZOLA - - JR. - - BIO - Gazzola Vaccaro, Jr., entered the U.S.Army in July, 1951, and has served as a Lieutenant in the Infantry until Nov.1953. In Korean War, he received the Silver Star for his gallantry in action. 82 - VACCARO - LEO - - - - BIO - Vaccaro-Grobmyer Company, was established in 1908 by A.J.Vaccaro and John R.Grobmyer. The sons of A.J.Vaccaro have been active in the firm since they finished their respective schooling. Gazzola went into business in 1914, and Leo Vaccaro, in 1922. Gazzola was in World War I in the U.S.Army, and Leo in World War II, also, in the U.S.Army. In 1925, Gazzola and Leo purchased Mr.John R.Grobmyer's interest, when he moved to Little Rock with his family. Partners in the firm beside Leo and Gazzola:Mrs.Leo Vaccaro, the children of Gazzola, Andrew Edwin, Gazzola Jr., and Barbara Ann VACCARO, and the son of Leo, James A.Vaccaro. 68 - VADAKIN - EDWIN - L. - - - BIO - The early history of The Herald. it was founded as the Forrest City Times back in 1871, the year the town became incorporated into a town. The Times was published weekly as a six-column newspaper and was recognized as one of the most enterprising papers in the state. The Times changed hands frequently until 1886, when it became the property of Col.Ed Landvoight and his son-in-law, Edwin L. Vadakin for $700, these two country printers who "knew the business from sweeping out to paying off," bought the paper including its good will and accounts from Thomas J.Hicks. In 1904, a momentous occasion was dutifully recorded when the firm of Landvoight & Vadakin was "replenished and greatly augmented by the addition of a beautiful new press of 300 pounds of handset type, a Reliance Drum Cylinder press, complete with steam fixtures, a folding machine, 3-horsepower gasoline engine, etc., and this is the first and only power outfit ever operated in the county." The Herald, founded in 1904, is incomplete but it is believed the paper was taken over at one time by the late Eugene Williams of Forrest City, and then bought by John T.Durst, who later was joined by his wife in the operation of the paper. Mr.Durst formed a stock company in 1919 and purchased The Times to form the Times-Herald. In 1931, he discontinued the weekly publication and started the Daily Times-Herald. In October 1943, Mr.Fred N.McCollum Sr. purchased the paper located on Front Street from Mr.Durst. 18 - VAN PATTEN - PHILLIP - - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 142 PICTURE - VAUGHN - JACK - - JR - - BIO - Jack Vaughn Jr., received his formal education at Forrest City High School. As World War II em broiled this nation, he joined the U.S.Army as a private in Dec.1942, and was assigned to the Headquarters Company, General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Theatre, in Brisbane, Australia. He served 34 months overseas, and participated in the Papuan Campaign in British New Guinea and the Dutch New Guinea. He landed with the forces on D day in the Phillipines at Luzon and took part in the liberation of Manilla. He was honorably discharged in Dec.1945, at Fort Bliss, Texas, as a Staff Sergeant. On Nov.16,1946, he married Miss Sally Johnson, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.Luther Johnson. He is a member of the National Guard as a officer. He is a member of the First Baptist Church, St.Francis County Farm Bureau, King-Beazley American Legion Post, and the Junior Chamber of Commerce. His wife is a member of the Methodist church. 142 PICTURE - VAUGHN - JACK - - SR - - BIO - Vaughn Motor Company, Inc., occupies a prominent and leading position in the automobile field in Forrest City. Started in 1946 by Tom and Bill Gatling, who sold out in 1949, and the name was changed from Gatling Motor Company to Gatling-Vaughn Motor co., with Tom's nephew Bill, remaining in the business. In 1952, the remaining stock was sold to Mr.Jack Vaughn Sr, and the new firm was born. He has over 37 years experience in the auto business. He was born May 19,1900, on the Vaughn Farm, located seven miles south of Forrest City, and was reared there and attended local public schools. In 1917 he started in the auto business as a mechanic for the old Wright-Lewis Repair Shop, located where the present Planters Bank & Trust Co. is now. On Oct.21,1921, he joined the St.Francis Motor Co. as a mechanic. He married the former Blanche Simmons on Nov.2,1919. They have one son, Jack Jr., born Sep.20,1920. The Vaughn's are members of the First Baptist Church. He is a Director of the Forrest City Gin Co., and he and his son's family live on the Vaughn farm and work together. 7-PICTURE - VANCE - MAXIE - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 110 PICTURE-111 - WALKER - ALICE - - MRS. - BRAMEL - BIO - Mrs.George P.Walker, Sr., of Forrest City, is one of the most remarkable and inspiring women ever to live in St.Francis County. A true matriarch, loved and revered by her six living children, eighteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Now in her 76th year, Mrs.Walker is still as active and vigorous of mind and body as a woman many years her junior. Mrs.Walker, the former Alice Bramel was born near Moro in Lee County, the daughter of the late Peter and Chelnesse (Harris) Bramel. While a young girl, she moved with her parents to St.Francis County in 1886. She received her formal education at the Wheatley Public School. On Jan.20,1897, she became the bride of George P.Walker, who was to become a widely-known and prosperous landowner in the county. To this union were born eight children, Catherine Emily, wife of Wilbur H.Johnston, they have two children, Wilbur (who married Lois Church and has two children, David Carter and Sarah Patricia) and Patricia Alice, who is married to Richard Four; Edwin Bramel, married Flora Martin, two children, Mary Catherine and Edwin Bramel Jr.; Mildred, wife of John Sikes; George P.Jr., married Marian Childs, four children, Robert George (who married Joyce Harris), Marian Janet, (who is married to Joseph Dilday and has one child, Dixie Lee), George Philip III and Charles Oscie; William, Clement (deceased), married Lois Kelley, three children, Roselyn Anne, Frances Lois and William Clement Jr.; Elizabeth Virginia, married to Forrest Riffey, four children, Elizabeth, Camille, Giles Edgar, Janete Larie, and Alice Joan; Alice May (deceased) married to Horace Adams; and Frances, married to Samuel Lee Bowman, three children, Alice, Anne, Samuel Lee Jr., and William Walker. At Mr.Walker's death in 1941, Mrs.Walker became administrator of the estate, which meant looking after 1013 acres of plantation land in the bottoms, the 12-unit Walker Apartment House in Forrest City (which she still actively manages:; and eight rental houses which she had purchased herself. Mrs.Walker has been President of the Women's Temperance Union three times, Cosmos Club two times, School Improvement Association, (now the PTA) two times, and the County Federation of Women's Club two times. She was the first woman in the Helena Methodist district to serve as General Superintendent of a Sunday School which she held six years. First woman to serve on a Grand Jury in Arkansas. She has been a member of the choir for thirty years, and other positions of service in the church. She is proud to have sent all her children to college, with six obtaining degrees. An interesting note, Mr.C.A.Ahlstedt who built the St.Francis County Courthouse built the Walker apartments for the couple, with the blueprint finished June 6,1938. Mr.& Mrs.Walker moved into the six room apartment on Jan.19,1939, one day before the Walker's forty-second wedding anniversary. Mr.Walker passed away one year and eight months later with a heart ailment. 146-PICTURE - WALKER - WILLIAM - CLEMENT - SR. - - BIO - MEMORIAL:Clement Walker, prominent landowner of St.Francis County was born on Nov.25,1908, the son of Mrs.Alice H. (Bramel) Walker and the late George P.Walker Sr. of Forrest City. He was a man of high integrity, upright in thought and deed. He graduated from Forrest City High School, and completed his formal education at Hendrix College. He was a member of the Methodist church, the Country Club, and the Lions Club. On Jan.17,1937, he married Lois Ellis, daughter of Lewin M. and Emma (Reeves) Ellis of Cross County, and to this union were born three children, Rosalind Ann, Frances Lois, and William Clement Jr. He died on Dec.22, 1951. 146 - WALKER - EDWIN - B. - - - BIO - Edwin P.Walker of Round Pond, is one of the most prominent and respected landowners and merchants of St.Francis county. He was born at Goodwin, Ark., on Jan.26,1900, son of Mrs.George Philip Walker Sr. and the late Mr.Walker. The latter, as his son, was one of the county's best-known and respected farmers. After graduation from Forrest City High School, Edwin Walker attended Quachita College in Arkadelphia, receiving an A.B. Degree in 1920. He served in the U.S.Army from Sept.1918 till Dec.1918. On Aug.21,1938, he married Flora Martin, daughter of Charles Wilson and Effie Mae Belle (Bates) Martin of North Little Rock. They have one daughter, Mary Catherine, and a son, Edwin Walker Jr. They are members of the Methodist church. The 950 acre farm, owned by Mr.Walker and Forrest Riffey, is located near Twin Bridges on the fertile and alluvial bottom lands of the Southeast part of St.Francis County. The Walker General Merchandise Store was begun in Round Pond in 1932. 125-PICTURE - WALKER - GEORGE - P. - JR. - - BIO - Proud owner of one of the best known names in St.Francis County, Walker Insurance Agency, a familiar business in Forrest City for the past 18 years, is owned and operated by George P.Walker, Jr.. Since its opening in 1935 on Garland Street, it has grown and today is recognized as one of the leading insurance agencies in this area. Mr.Walker was born in Forrest City on July 31,1904, the son of Mrs.Alice H. (Bramel) Walker Sr., and the late George P.Walker, Sr. The father was a prominent landowner in St.Francis county. He graduated from Forrest City High School, and then was a cum laude graduate of Hendrix College, Conway, in 1926. He taught five years at Forrest City High School before opening his agency. On June 4,1925, he married Miss Marian Childs, daughter of R.M. and Carrie (Word) Childs of Warren, Arkansas, and to this union was born four children; Robert George, who married Miss Joyce Harris and is now living in Galveston, Texas; Marian Janet, wife of Joe T.Dilday of Waco, Texas; George P. III, sixth grade pupil and Charles (Collie) Oscie, fourth grade pupil. the Walkers have one grand-daughter, little Dixie Lee Dilday. Active in the Methodist church, he is also a past President of the Young Business Men's Club, the Lions Club, and a member of the Civil Service Commission. He also operates Quality Cleaners on South Front Street, and owned the Ideal Laundry several years before selling it in 1951. 96-97 PICTURE - WALKER - LOIS - - MRS - - BIO - Interest, activity and usefulness seem to be the key notes of Mrs.Clement (Lois) Walker's life. Mrs.Walker, the former Miss Lois Ellis, daughter of Lewin M. and Emma (Reeves) Ellis of Cross County, was married on Jan.17,1937, to Clement Walker, son of Mrs.Alice H. (Bramel) Walker and the late George P.Walker, Sr. Her husband, a prominent land owner passed away on Dec.22,1951. They had three children, Rosalind Ann, Frances Lois, and William Clement Jr. Mrs.Walker has reached her position of high public confidence through her own efforts. She has been President of the Cosmos Club, Parent-Teacher Assoc., P-TA County Council and the Hughes Home Demonstration club. She also holds many other positions of trust in the community, including her church, Cub Scouting, First Methodist Church, and Brownie Troop. 146 - WALKER - OSCIE - - - - BIO - Oscie Walker is one of the most substantial men in St.Francis County as a merchant, planter, and ginner of Round Pond. With only a limited grade school education, Mr.Walker has achieved much in being a prosperous merchant and planter. He was born on Dec.15,1878, in Russell County, Alabama, son of the late James Philip and Georgia Ann (Richardson) Walker of Georgia. He received his education in Goodwin after his family moved there in 1881. In 1898, he received his first experience in retailing with J.T.Dyal & Co. in Goodwin. In 1903, as bookkeeper for C.M.Wilkinson General Merchandise Store in Palestine. For eight years from 1911, he operated the W.L.Boone Co. store in Palestine. In 1921 he moved to Round Pond where he and his former brother, the late George P.Walker founded the Walker Bros. General Merchandise Store. He retired about ten years ago, but still has an interest in the Farmers Gin Company. He is the oldest member of the Planters Bank & Trust Co. which he helped found in 1910. On June 26,1933, he married Tessa Dial, daughter of the late Thomas D. and Emma (Rhodes) Dial of Leola, Ark. 13 - WARD - J. - L. - - - - TREASURER 1848-1850-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 31 - WARING - A. - L. - - - - There was quite a bit of rivalry over Mr.Hughes entering business and opening a bank. So J.O.E.Beck, A.L.Waring, and B.C.POUNCEY organized the Planters National Bank in the fall of 1919. It opened for business on Feb.18,1920. This bank weathered two financial storms and is still in operation. 32 - WARREN - M. - D. - - - - Municipal Leaders of Hughes in 1954:M.D.WARREN, WATER COMMISSIONER 9 - WARREN - OLLIE - - - - - (OWNED DRUG STORE IN HUGHES DURING FLOOD OF 1927) 14-PICTURE - WARSHAVASKY - SARAH - - - - - (PICTURE JAN.1909-GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM) 117-PICTURE - WATKINS - CHANDLER - G. - - - BIO - The younger member of Watkin's Cafe‚ management along with Paul H.Graves, and his mother, Mrs.Troy Watkins, is Chandler, the younger son, who joined the firm in 1946 after three years in the SP2-U.S.Navy during World War II. He had enlisted in 1943 while working for the Lockheed Aircraft Corp. in California. He was born in Stuttgart and finished high school there and then worked with his mother in the Merchants Cooperative Delivery. In 1940 he married MIss Dorothy Schmid, daughter of Mrs.King (Sanderson) Schmid and the late Elbert Schmid. To this union had been born two children, Susan and Chanda Lou. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Forrest City Country Club, and the King-Beazley American Legion Post. He also has other business interests in the city. The firm has just opened a new Watkin's Cafe‚ in West Memphis and he is spending most of his time there. 116-PICTURE - WATKINS - ETHEL - - MRS. - GLINES - BIO - The story of a successful business began many years ago when in Stuttgart, Mr.& Mrs.Charles Troy Watkins, Sr.. in 1928. the proud parents of two sons and two daughters, were living comfortably there. But on Aug.15,1928, Mr.Watkins passed away, and Mrs.Watkins was faced with running the Merchants Cooperative Delivery on her own as primary breadwinner. The former, Ethel Glines, immediately grasped the situation, and grasped the reins with amazing energy and initiative. In the double-deck, horse drawn delivery business, she progressed thru the depression, from the cooperative to a creamery, then into pastry, and finally into the cafe‚ business. Highly successful, she thought she might retire, with rearing her four children-Troy Jr., now a Forrest City businessman; Helen, now Mrs.Lee Berry of Stuttgart; Eloise, now Mrs.Paul Graves and a successful Forrest City business woman herself; and Chandler G., a partner in the Watkins Cafe-and she had pushed to the front in a highly competitive business, It was now 1940. Three years later an event took place in Forrest City which was to change her entire life. At that time, T.J.Aycock closed the well-known Aycock's Cafe‚ on East Broadway in Forrest City. When it did not re-open, Mr.Lloyd Summers, who had known her in Stuttgart, called her in Chicago on Sep.23,1943. when she replied "I'm living in the land of milk and honey, I don't think I'll ever work again." But on April 15,1944. she was in Forrest City searching for scarce labor during the wartime, and learning the wartime point system. Mrs.Watkins became so successful, that the firm was widely-known as the best eating place between Little Rock and Memphis. Mrs.Watkins has gone into retirement again, but not until she had given Forrest City the Forrest Hills Supper Club and the first Blue & White Cafe. She is still a frequent visitor to the cafe, which still proudly bears her name, and now her son Chandler and her son-in-law Paul H.Graves are now partners. 20-PICTURE - WEBB - BENNIE - - - - - LARGEST FISH CAUGHT IN ST.FRANCIS RIVER 12-PICTURE - WEBB - D. - C. - - - - (PICTURE 1900 CHAMPION BASEBALL TEAM THE CHOCTAWS) 10-PICTURE - WEBB - DAVID - - - - - (PICTURE IN 1911 OVERLAND WITH DR.P.P.BOGGAN) 77 - WEIS - FRANCIS - C. - - - BIO - Son of Richard C.Weis, VP of Weis Butane Gas Corp. and located in West Memphis, married to Nancy Buford of Forrest City, and they have one son, Francis (Frank) C. II. Francis is a graduate of the Univ.of Arkansas. 77 - WEIS - RICHARD - K. - - - BIO - Son of Richard C.Weis, Secretary of Weis Butane Gas Corp, and located in Brinkley and Wheatley plants, married the former Julia Ann Brown of Marianna, and they have a daughter, Rebecca (Becky), and a son, Donald Burton Weis, now attending the Univ.Of Arkansas. 76-PICTURE - WEIS - RICHARD - C. - - - BIO - Weis Butane Gas Company, Inc., founded by Richard C.Weis, who was born in Memphis and received his first business experience while attending school in Memphis. He attended Central High School and was graduated from Nelson's Business College in Memphis. During World War I, in 1918 he joined the U.S.Army and served in the 38th and the 73rd Lightning Infantry Division in France, Germany and England. On June 10,1919, after honorable discharge, he moved to Wheatley to enter business with his father, George Weis who was born in Indiana abt.1869, in The Wheatley Spoke Co., and while there started an oil business on the side in 1923. The rest is history, with the help of his two sons, Francis C. and Richard K. who are in the business to continue the company's progressive policies, and two daughters, Rosemary, who is married to Dr.Richard T.Kercheval II, a prominent dentist in Houston, Texas, and Patricia Ann, who is teaching physical education at the Reagan High School In Houston. He is proud that all four of his children are graduates of the Univ. of Arkansas. 9-PICTURE - WEST - JACK - - ATTORNEY - - - (PICTURE 1945 CITY COUNCIL-FORREST CITY) 13 - WEST - R. - W. - - - - SHERIFF 1941-1953, ASSESSOR 1931-1941-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 8-PICTURE - WESTMORELAND - DOYLE - - - - - (PICTURE 1954 CITY POLICE-FORREST CITY) 13 - WHITAKER - T. - W. - - - - CORONER 1874-1876-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - WHITE - - - DR. - - - EARLY DOCTORS -OF FORREST CITY 13 - WHITTED - FELIX - - - - - CIRCUIT CLERK 1919-1923-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 7-PICTURE - WHITTINGTON - HUBERT - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 10 - WIGGINTON - L. - L. - - - - 1954 FIRE DEPT 6-PICTURE - WILKERSON - CHARLEY - - - - - (PICTURE 1937 FLOOD IN HUGHES) 64-PICTURE - WILKERSON - R. - R. - - - BIO - Possessing sterling common sense and a progressive regard for the continued prosperity of this section of the state, R.R. Wilkerson, Sect.-Manager of the Leader Company of Cotton Plant, has served faithfully as Director of the Planters Bank & Trust Co. since 1947. A honest dependable member of the Board, Mr.Wilkerson has won for himself an acknowledged worth and usefulness. 32 - WILKINSON - BANKS - - - - - MAYORS OF PALESTINE:BANKS WILKINSON 32 - WILKINSON - C. - M. - - - - EARLY SETTLERS OF PALESTINE:C.M.WILKINSON 33-34 - WILKINSON - HOWARD - - - - - 1954 Town of Wheatley Officials:Howard Bud Wilkinson, Mayor 14-PICTURE - WILLIAMS - BESSIE - MAE - - - - (PICTURE JAN.1909-GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM) MRS.JOHN GATLING, JR.-DECEASED 1954 20 - WILLIAMS - EUGENE - - - - - SOLD THE CITY WATER & LIGHT CO. TO THE CITY JUN.2,1906 18 - WILLIAMS - R. - J. - - - - EARLY LAWYERS -OF FORREST CITY 13 - WILLIAMS - W. - E. - - - - SHERIFF 1892-1902, 1906-1910-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - WILLIAMS - W. - W. - - - - CORONER 1866-1868-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 13 - WILSON - D. - M. - - - - SHERIFF 1884-1890-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 7-PICTURE - WILSON - EARL - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 130-131 PICTURE - WILSON - EDMUND - D. - - - BIO - In the short time Edmund D.Wilson, youthful District Manager of the Mid-South Gas Company, has been a resident of Forrest City. His district covers Forrest City, Wynne, Brinkley, Wheatley, Cotton Plant, Palestine, Colt, and Caldwell. He was born in Conway, attended El Dorado High School. On Oct.30,1942, he joined the Army Air Corps Ground Forces. As a Staff Sergeant he served with the 8th Air force during World War II in England until his discharge on Oct.30,1945. He entered Hendrix College after working for Chicago & Southern airlines in Jackson, Miss. until May 1946. He graduated from Arkansas Polytechnic College in 1950, and worked for Arkansas Power & Light Co. in Pine Bluff for three months until he joined the newly formed Mid-South Gas Co. Mr.Wilson married the former Mary Ichanted Collins of Biloxi, Miss., on Apr.25,1953, and they are members of the Catholic church, and he is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, the King-Beazley American Legion Post, and the Young Business Men's Club. 22 - WILSON - FRED - SR. - MUNICIPAL JUDGE - - - MUNICIPAL JUDGE FORMED, CITY JUDGE FILLED IN FROM ARP.2,1950 TO JAN.1,1951 7-PICTURE - WILSON - J. - M. - PROF. - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-LEADERS-FORREST CITY) 13 - WILSON - JOHN - B. - - - - TREASURER 1890-1892-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - WINTHROP - H. - W. - - - YANKEE IN CIVIL WAR - OPENED FIRST OPERA HOUSE -OF FORREST CITY 20 - WINTHROP - H. - W. - MAYOR - - - EARLY MAYORS OF FORREST CITY AFTER GROGAN 13 - WINTHROP - H. - W. - - - - ASSESSOR 1868-1872-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 32 - WISE - C. - H. - - - - Municipal Leaders of Hughes in 1954:C.H.WISE, MAYOR 9-74-75-PICTURE 74 - WISE - CHARLES - HEROD - - - BIO - (OPERATES THE WARREN DRUG STORE IN 1954 AT HUGHES ) The record of Charles Herod Wise as the successful owner of Wise Drug Store No.2. in Hughes, Ark., has earned the respect and confidence of the citizens of the second largest town in St.Francis Co., and now as Mayor he is rendering invaluable public service to his adopted home community. Mr.Wise was born Jul.2,1913, son of R.B. and Allie Mae (Hays) Wise, prominent family of Hughes, whose were then living in Choctaw Co., Miss., moving to St.Francis Co. in 1915. Herod Wise graduated from Mississippi Heights Academy, then received a Pharmaceutical Chemist Degree at the University of Mississippi, in 1925. On Nov.1,1936, he married Miss Amanda Nickle, daughter of R.C. and Stella (Andrews) Nickle of Hughes. They have a son, Burns Clifton Wise, and two daughters, Mary Ann Wise and Harriette Amanda Wise, all students in the Hughes Public Schools. Always interested in civic affairs, Mr.Wise has been President of the Hughes Rotary Club, and is a member of the Masonic Lodge. 17 - WOLFE - JACK - - - - - EARLY MERCHANTS -OF FORREST CITY 65-66 - WOLFE - JAMES - F. - - - BIO - James F.Wolfe, Production Credit Manager of Planters Bank & Trust Co. and a cotton merchant, has been a man of conscientious, dependable and efficient service ever since he embarked into the business world over half a century ago in Forrest City. Mr.Wolfe was born at the family homestead on Crowley's Ridge east of the city on May 14,1881, the son of the late J.F. and Fannie (Miller) Wolfe. Their home was described in the 1905 Forrest City Times Souvenir as perhaps the "most beautiful" in Forrest City, its large frontage being dotted with magnificent forest trees and a beautiful lawn. After graduation from the old Crowley Ridge Institute, Mr.Wolfe took a job as office manager, and became Superintendent of the Forrest City Gin Co., better known as the "Big Red Gin", and now The Service Company. He served for 16 years, while operating as a "farm rider" for the Fussell-Graham-Alderson between ginning seasons. Having past his 72 and milestone of an eventful life, he can reminisce of the time he represented and English Cotton firm out of Memphis and later the New Burger Cotton Co., and in 1933 started his own business which he still operates in "Cotton Alley." In 1934 he helped organize and served as the first Sect./Treas.of the Forrest City Production Credit Association. He resigned in 1940 to spend full time in the cotton business, but a year later, 1941 became associated with Planters as part-time Production Credit Manager. He has been a Director of Planters since 1943, and from 1923 to 1937 served as Director of the National Bank of Eastern Arkansas. 13 - WOOD - A. - C. - - - - TREASURER 1884-1888-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 106-PICTURE - WOODS - KYLE - ANDREW - - - BIO - Integrity in business is the keynote of the Economy Furniture & Appliance Store, where the owners Vernon Hodges, Floyd Moncrief, and Kyle Woods, live their religion every day and are noted for their courtesy, service, and friendliness. During World War I he served with the U.S.Army, but never left the states. Mr.Hodges has 35 years experience in the furniture business, first with Parker and Gregory; later with Gregory's Store. In 1937, he opened Hodges Hardware & Furniture Co., which was located on North Front St., in 1940 he moved into the old Becker and Lewis Building; then sold out in April, 1946 to Fred Moseley, his partner. In 1947 he opened Hodges Appliance Store. A year later, Floyd Moncrief became a partner, and in 1952, Kyle Woods, son-in-law of Mr.Hodges, joined the firm and the name was changed to Economy Furniture and Appliance Store. Mr.Woods was born in Tupelo, Arkansas, but came to Forrest City as a baby. He graduated from Forrest City High School and attended Henderson State Teachers College, Conway. He is a member of the First Baptist Church, and is married to Miss Verna Marie Hodges, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.James Vernon Hodges, of Forrest City. They have one son, Kyle Andrew Jr. Mr.Woods is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. 13 - WRIGHT - A. - L. - - - - TREASURER 1874-1878-ST.FRANCIS COUNTY 18 - WRIGHT - ARCH - - - - - FIRST UNDERTAKER -OF FORREST CITY 112-PICTURE - WRIGHT - W. - C. - - - BIO - Since January 1948, W.C.Wright, owner of the Wright Motor & Implement Co. on Highway 70 West has been a leading citizen of Forrest City. His firm actually developed from the Shearin Implement Co. which his brother-in-law, J.B.Shearin, opened in Forrest City in 1946 selling Allis Chalmers. In 1948, Mr.Wright joined the partnership and added the Studebaker cars and trucks. Mr.Wright was born in Webster County, Mississippi, the son of H.G. and Ada (Orman) Wright. On Dec.3,1932, he married Miss Mae Shearin, daughter of J.B. and Lena Shearin of Aberdeen, Miss., and to that union have been born a son, Cecil Jr., now enrolled at Texas A & M. Mr.Wright belongs to First Baptist Church, Chamber of Commerce, and St.Francis County Farm Bureau. He is a former Director of the National Farm Loan Assoc. of Osceola, and Director of the Planters Co-op Gin in Blytheville. In addition to his interests here, he manages his farming and commercial interests in Mississippi County, Arkansas. 9 - WYLDS - DAN - - - - - (PIONEER) 21 - WYLDS - DAN - - - - - DESCENDANTS OF PIONEER FAMILIES IN PICTURE 1954 58 - WYNNE - JESSE - WATKINS - CAPT. - - - Original Board of Directors of National Bank of Eastern Arkansas. PICTURE-Capt.Wynne was truly one of the state's great pioneer figures. Distinguished as a Confederate officer during the Civil War, he came to Forrest City to establish the firm of Wynne, Dennis & Beck, later to become the largest mercantile firm here. He served as President of the bank from 1886 till 1889, succeeded by Capt.James Fussell, when he moved to Memphis to establish the firm of Wynne, Love & Co., cotton factors. The strength of his character and his staunch independence is still astir in the present day officers and directors. 18 - WYNNE - JESSE - WATKINS - CAPT. - - - FIRST BANK PRESIDENTWynne, Arkansas -OF FORREST CITY 18 - WYNNE - JESSE - WATKINS - VICE PRES. - - BIO - FOUNDED EX-CONFEDERATE ASSOC. FORMED AUG.20,1886 18 - WYNNE - JESSE - WATKINS - CAPT. - -,_Arkansas - BANK OF EASTERN ARKANSAS ORGANIZEDHistory of Wynne, Arkansas Biography 146-147 PICTURE - YOFFIE - MAX - - - - BIO - Max Yoffie, a prominent mercantile owner in the early 1900's in Forrest City, was born April 7,1872, in Amsterdam, Holland, his parents being Nathan and Rebecca (Burrik) Yoffie. His father was born in Holland, of Spanish descent, and his mother was born in Lapland. When he was a youth, his parents moved to Russia where he was educated. He was an employee of Baron Rothschild, and in 1889, when the Czar issued an order that all foreigners be naturalized or leave the country within twenty four hours, under pain of banishment to Siberia, Mr.Rothschild payed for all 2000 employees expenses to move to New York. From New York, he came to Memphis, and in 1893, he located in Forrest City. He moved in 1914 to Springfield, Mo, and in 1928 returned to Forrest City. In 1896 he married Lizzie Apt, a native of Poland, and to that union was born six children; Samuel, who is living in California and has two children; Norwin and Janis of Phoenix (Janis has two children, Jeffrey and Rowan); Rebecca, now Mrs.A.J.Seigson of Wichita Falls, Texas, one son, Sidney; Bessie, now Mrs.Jack Mann of Brookline, Mass.; Rosalie, who died Dec.8.1951, after an accident while a Captain in the Army Nurse Corps and after three years of service in World War II; DeVelling, now Mrs. Rueben Snyder of Forrest City, four children, Martin, Richard, Conrad, and Marlene; and Evelyn, now Mrs.Y.DeHaan of Brookline, on daughter, Paula. Mr.Yoffie passed away on Jan.10,1939, and his wife on June 24, 1953. He was active in community affairs and the clubs. Treasurer of the George P.Taylor Oddfellows Lodge, Sentry in the Woodmen of the World, active in the B'nai B'rith. He was elected to the City Council by a large margin of votes. 7-PICTURE - YOFFIE - NATHAN - - - - - (PICTURE 1922 BOY SCOUTS-FORREST CITY) 32 - YOUNG - BILLY - - - - - EARLY SETTLERS OF PALESTINE:BILLY YOUNG UPDATED Dec.30,2012
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