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This is contributed by Darrell Astin for your pleasure, it is the Senior Edition for 1959 of the Emissary
The Emmisary Staff:
Jennie Gwinn-Editor
Mary Ned Mallory-Business Manager
Paula Light-Feature Editor
Fletcher Long-Sports Editor
Barbara West-Art Editor
Reporters:Joe McCown/Mike Graham/Gay Burke/Jo Ann Ruggaber/Charlotte Sulcer
Mrs.Frank Harrell-Sponsor

Lead Article:Scattered Far and Wide:Where Are They Now-Seniors of '58
Some of those going to Arkansas State:Cynthia Graham/Jerry Graves/Randy Dalton/June & Jane Shelby/Donald Campbell/Ronnie Ferguson/R.E. Trusty/Jerome Bright/Clinton Gore/Wayne May/Mitchell May/and Tommie Ellis
Some of those going to the Univ.of Arkansas:Garlanda Green/Betty Russell/Paul Isbell/Snowden Armstrong/Cooker Garrison/Anne Robins/John Childress/and Sonny Holmes.
Others:Barry Cohen Univ.of Texas/Chuck Clark at Marion Institue in Alabama/David Brantley at Baylor/John Cole at Academy of Arts in Memphis/Sidney McDaniel at Mississippi State/Billy Bridgeforth at Washington and Lee/Michelle Sharpe at Univ.Of Oklahoma[Party School]/Ann Biddle at Arkansas Tech/Dan and Ned Wilford at Ole Miss/and Ross Stewart at Long Beach College in California.[I wish I had gone there, nicer climate]
Next lead article:1959 Senior Play Proves to be Most Entertaining Event
"You'll Die Laughing" was the name of the senior play for 1959 and some of the audience almost died!
Members of the cast:David Laser as Tommy/Noel Ferguson as Kim/Ann Cranor as Bridget/Neal Moore as Mr.Levi/Sue Bowman as Peachy/Jerry Bunch as Gus/Andrew Warren as Kitty/Judy White as Diana/Ernestine Byrd as Marilla/Judy Newman as Iona/Jackie D'Arcy as Otto/Mary Ann Perry as the Ghost girl, and Charles Price as the Ghost man. Directed by Mr.Tommy Whitaker. Harold Grobmyer was the student Director.
Class Night Program: On May 20 in the FCHS Auditorium
Participants:Joy Collins/Jennie Gwinn/Barbara West/Alan Tyson/Gilbert Taylor/Noel Ferguson/Buddy Shoemake/Stevie Moncrief/Bonnie Eldridge/Jerry Bunch/Burl Lieblong
Continued:Jimmy Jacobs/Tera Van Blake/Louise Ferguson/Jackie D'Arcy/Ann Craig/John Tedford/Elizabeth Hambleton/Eddie France/Mike Deaderick
Ushers:Mike Deaderick/Forrest Bogart/Duane Stephens/Doug Smith/Anne Ellis/Mimi Butler/Gay Burke/Paula Light
Commencement Program:On May 22 at the Junior High School
Participants in the program:Joy Collins/Parnell Hammons/John Bowen, Jr./Linda Graff/Charles Price/M.S.Smith/Eugene Warren/Lewis C. Hawley
Ushers:John Bridgeforth/Joe McCown/Stevie Stevens/Jimmy Lowe/Ann Rector/Charlotte Sulcer/Patsy Pettus/and Claudette Lindsey

Some of the graduates:Page 1
Ann Cranor(Wants to go to Switzerland)/Barbara Kilgore(Ambition to be a secretary)/Emma Gene Hubert(She wants to make the world a better place)/John Tedford(One of the Little Rock transfers, wishes to be a successful businessman)/Rhesa Davis(Plans on attending the U of A)[He did!]/John Bowen(Ambition to go to Yale or Vanderbilt to become a doctor)/Linda Poe(Ambition to graduate from Harding College)
Some of the graduates:Page 2
Allen Clark(Ambition to make a million dollars)/Dema Bowen(Ambition to be a secretary)/Barbara West(Ambition to be a commercial artist)/Clara Parkman(Plans to join Donald after graduation)/Barbara Davis(Her plans are to serve in Navy or Air Force, and then get married and have a lot of money)/Patsy Jewell Long(Plans to join her husband after graduation)/Bonnie Eldridge(She wants to go to college and be a bookkeeper)/Nadine Early(Likes Carl Swanson and lemon chiffon pie)/Marshall May(Ambition is to get out of school, get married, and get rich)[Sounds hard to do all three to me!]
Continued on page 2:Judy Neyman(Judy wants to be her own boss)/Shirley Munn(Ambition is to be out of HS and attend Arkansas State)/Johnny Mitchusson(Loves to fool around with machinery)/Barclay Christopher(Ambition to be a good student at Mississippi State College for Women)/Henry Heustess(Wants to be a farmer after college)/Mary C. Lindsey(Wishes to get a good education at Mississippi State College for Women)[Two in a row]/Jennie Gwinn(She wants to be a mountain climber after attending Hendrix College)/R.D.Thompson(A fisherman and hunter, wants to be a biologist.)/Judy White(Ambition to be somebody important)/Virginia Meggs(Wishes to get rich quick)/Linda Kay Jones(Wants to be a big banker)/Elizabeth Hambleton(Plans on attending Sothwestern in Memphis)/Jimmy Ruiz(Loves apple pie, girls and cars)/Mary Ann Perry(Ambition to marry Jimmy Casey)/Nancy Cofield(Wishes to be a receptionist for a big company)/Mary Helen Gann(Wants a job with a high salary)/[How High]/Tommy Clark(Wants to live happily!)/Doyle Butts(Plans to travel around the world)/Patsy Gore(Loves enchiladas and pink Lincolns)[Quite a combination, must be more]/Stanley Roberts(Ambition to be a successful cattle rancher and get married)
Continiued from Page 2:Mary Dickerson(Plans to be a bookkeeper)/Rick Rudy(Favorite pastimes are playing the accordian and sleeping)/Mary Ned Mallory(Wants to marry a rich, ambitious man)/Edgar Borden(Plans on joining the service, and then be a success in life)/Jackie D'Arcy(Loves picture taking,reading and coin collecting)
More graduates from Page 3:
Christine Thomas(Wishes to better her life in any way possible)/Paulette Goad(Ambition to lead a happy life)/James Kyle(Loves sports and watching television)/Leon Lachat(Wants to be a good farmer)/Donald Blankenship(Plans on joining the US Air Force)/Joe Kerr(After graduation from college, to join the service)/Ann Craig(Always wanted to get married and raise a family)/Roger Davidson(He wishes to raise fruit and be a rancher)/Buddy Shoemake(Wants to be President of the United States)/Amy C. Britton(Loves her husband and friendly people)/Doug Rucker(Plans on being a doctor after attending Baylor)/John Riffey(Does not like the New York Yankees, loves Boris Karlof)/Charles Price(Wants a little white cottage with roses all around it)/Bobby Morgan(Ambition to enjoy life, have a new car, and a good job)/Diane Wilson(Plans on attending Quachita college and later a christian home)[I think she did!]
More from page three:
Bobby Clark(Wants to represent the Mid-South in the Golden Gloves National Tournament in Chicago and win)/Terry Hutcherson(Have plane will travel)/Linda Graff(Ambition to be a member of the United States Foreign Service)/Parnell Hammons(Plans on being a doctor after attending Baylor)[He made it]/Nalup Chu(Loves exotic foods)/Jerry Fleming(Plans on joining the Army and be a heavy construction equipment operator)/Harold Grobmyer(Plans on being a millionaire who travels all over the world)/Eugene Stephens(Plans on joining Marines and be a leatherneck)/Eddie France(President of the Senior Class, ambition to be an engineer after college)/David Laser(Ambition to be a success)/J.W.Johnson(Ambition to get married after joining the service)/Jerry Steed(Ambition to go to college and major in business at Arkanas State Teachers College)/Oscie Gatliff(Wishes to work at White Sands, New Mexico after attending Mississippi State College)/Bobby Jean Kimble(Wants to have as much fun as possible-[loves horses in 2005])/Eloise S. Latham(Ambition to be a good housewife)/Wanda Lou Rice(Wishes to be a successful commercial artist)/Neel Moore(Ambition to be successful, dislikes judge's daughters, loves second hand lipstick)/Earl Thomas Moore(Ambition to have plenty of money, a big house, a big car, and many children and be a bachelor)/Mary L. Gilmer(Wants to get rich quick)/Jean Hughes(Wishes to be a bookkeeper for a large firm)/Raymond Parker(Wants to be a CPA after college)
Some of the graduates:Page 4
Wayne Jackson(Loved Track)/Jay Jolly(Ambition is to be a grocery store manager)/Tera Van Blake(Ambition to be a good secretary or receptionist)/Stanley Roberts(Ambition to be a successful cattle rancher)/Dorris Drew(Ambition to get married)/Jerry Bunch(Plans on flirting with girls at the U of A)/Audrey Warren(Very talented personality)/Louise Jackson(Loves reading)/Mary Lee Padget(Ambition to be a millionaire and drive a pink Cadillac convertible)/Louise Ferguson(Likes Vernon Lockhart and was Sect.of Senior Class)/Mary C. Creekmore(Ambition to join husband in Chicago, Illinois)/Betty Jean McCollum(Ambition to be a private secretary)/Ray Trail(Ambition is to be a member of the "Wild Hogs" and play professional football)/Sue Bowman(Ambition to be a housewife)/J.V.McKinney(Plans on going to Quachita College)/Don Mason(Plans to join the Marines)/Mary Ann Smith(Ambition to be a good secretary)/Stevie Moncrief(Ambition to be a commercial artist after the US Navy)/Burl Lieblong(Plans to be a CPA)/Alan Tyson(Going to Quachita College, and then be a foreign missionary)/Ernestine Byrd(Ambition to be a graduate of Arkansas State and be a successful business woman)/Gilbert Taylor)Wants to attend Quachita College)/Noel Ferguson(Ambition to be a doctor{I think He made It])/Jimmy Jacobs(Ambition to be a doctor[I think he made it')/James E. Ferguson(Ambition to be an electrical engineer)/Richard Peterson(Ambition to be a "Dynamic Think Tank")/Tommy Devazier(His ambition was to become a T.V. and Radio Repairman.)
And now the gossip::::::
My Favorite Senior---And Why
Pam Daniels-JUDY WHITE-she is so dependable
Marchis Vanblake-TERA VANBLAKE-for telling me what to expect for the next two years
Wanda Walters-AUDREY WARREN-she is always friendly with everybody and always has a wonderful smile for everyone
Shirley Turner-ANN CRANOR-she has such a wonderful personality
Buddy Hughes-BURL LIEBLONG-he is so witty
Larry Sulcer-DOYLE BUTTS-he is friendly and witty
Billy Ellis-TOMMY DEVAZIER-he is friendly and and always willing to help
Jimmy Lowe-J.V.MCKINNEY-he is so friendly and always has a funny joke to tell you
Anita Sue Patterson-MARSHALL MAY-cause he's so darn contrary
Donna Christian-STEVIE MONCRIEF-I think he makes a good Romeo!
Sherry Rice-BOBBIE KIMBLE-she doesn't have a lick of sense
Walter Cox-TERRY HUTCHERSON AND RAYMOND PARKER-because they are two good looking hoods
Sine Die! Hope you enjoyed all this reminiscing! Hope I spelled that right...
