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1956 Emissary FCHS

And now a copy of the March 16,1956 Emissary courtesy of Fredi Miller
Articles:Coach of the Week:Jim Devazier who coaches senior football and junior boys basketball is our coach of the week. Coach Devazier graduated from Forrest City High School and then completed his education at ASTC in Conway, Arkansas.
New Article:All-District Team Announced
The All-Star District players were announced after the final game in Dewitt March 3 after Stuttgart defeated Forrest City by the score of 62-59. They are Eldon Hawley, Billy Cox and Sonny Holmes.
New Article:Mustang of the Week:The Mustang of the week is Stuart "Wart" Towns. Stuart is a junior this year. His likes are Diane (Burns), track and good foods.
New Article:Young Ping Chin Receives State Degree
Corridor Catchings:(Gossip)
Hi Everybody! I'm back again with all the juicy gossip of old FCHS.
David Gunn seems to enjoy the bazooka gum Fredi Jean Miller has been giving him. Is this a new romance: Sherye Cox seems to have another crush. Raymond Davis is the "only One" for her right now. Girls take notice! I received a note which said: Carl Butts now available. Good personality and dancer. We have two steadies this week. Ann Robins and Jerry Graves and Mary Lynn Bogart and Jerry Mahan. It looks like all the Jerry's got on the ball. Good luckm Y'all!
New Article:Emissary Staff
Editor in Chief-Mabel Fong/Business Manager Sara Ann Hartz/Feature Editor-Jacqueline Ferguson/Sports Editor-Clara Faye Todd
Some advertisers:Sharpe's Clothes that suits/J.W.Lieblong Contractor/Laser's Ben Franklin & Five and Ten/Coca-Cola The pause that refreshes/the Skipper/Fussell-Graham Alderson since 1876/Corder's Big Star/KXJK/Forrest City Motor Co. Oldsmobile & Chevrolet/Fessard's Department Store/Bell's Cafe best food/Ash's lane cedar chests & samsonite luggage/City Drug Store/Planter's Bank & Trust Company/National Bank of Eastern Arkansas est.1886/Production Credit Association/Gates Brothers Lumber Company/Cohen's/St.Francis Motor Co. Your friendly Ford Dealer/Jim Edgar Drug/Palace Drugs/Broadway Drug Store/Nesbitt Bottling Co./Taylor-Casbeer for sportswear/Shryocks's/Goldstein's Ladies and Misses Shop/Ferguson's Pangborn's and Hollingsworth candy, phone 6 and 73
