Front Row:
ZACHARY, Bee 7th from the left Kathryn Sterne
BEAUCHAMP, Sebron Jackson 9th from the left Carolyn Merchant Horn
2nd Row
DEHART, Thomas A. 3rd person from left Geneva Cole
JOHNSON, Nathanial Barney (3rd TX Cav) 6th from the left
Wayne Minor
KITTLEY, H. Ben(of Wilton AR) 4th from the leftWilton AR
McCALL, James M. (4th AL Cav Co. B of Wilton AR)13th from the left standing next to the tree Tom McCall
NELSON, Sam Huston 11th from the leftChris Nelson
REED, James Isaac 9th man from the left Jenny Garner
STOKES, James H. (of Howard, AR) 8th from the left
Kathy Hudson
STOKES, Joseph Franklin (of Athens, AR) 7th from the left
Kathy Hudson
3rd Row
PITTS, Obediah Walter P. (3rd TX Cav CoH) 3rd from the left
Wayne Minor