Salem City, Ar
Arkansas, Northwestern Counties History, 1889

This is a very pleasant village, located in the south-central portion of the county, five miles south on a direct line from Greenwood, and near Hodge's Prairie. it is very pleasantly located, and from it a magnificent view of the Poteau and Sugar Loaf Mountains and of the Back Bone and Black Jack Ridges is obtained. William J. Witcher, the original proprietor of Salem, came from Virginia in 1850, and settled on the land where the village is located, and has resided there ever since. In 1868 he laid out the town of Salem, and he and W. Simpson erected the first storehouse and opened the first store in the place. William Belt built the next house and opened the next store. In 1870 Mr. Witcher put up the first steam grist-mill and cotton-gin in the place, and in 1880 John F. Williams erected a steam flouring mill and cotton gin.

The following is a directory of the business of Salem at the present writing: General merchandise, W. G. Graves, George A. Graves, E. M. Davenport, J. F. Marshall; groceries, J. W. Johnson, B. A. Cross; drugs, N. D. Woods; hardware, John Caldwell; grist mill and cotton gin, B. A. Cross; two blacksmith shops; one church; Buckner College; post-office, William J. Witcher, postmaster; physicians, J. H. Foster, l. C. Greer, E. M. Davenport; attorney, J. M. Hudson; hotel, Isaac Davis.

Societies. - Reed Lodge no. 163, A.F. & A. M., was organized in 1855, about a mile and a half southeast of the present site of Salem, and the same year a church and hall was erected there conjointly by the Masons, Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians. it was a two-story frame, and the church room was below and the hall above. Soon after the war this lodge moved across the line into Scott County, and located at the present site of Mansfield, where it still exists.

Pulliam Lodge No. 133, A.F. & A. M., was organized under a dispensation dated in January, 1875. The first officers were George W. Graves, W. M.; George H. Council, S. W.; J. K. Bell, J.W.; J. W. Sorrel, S.D. pro tem.: J. R. Ford, J.D.; R. P. Pulliam, Sec'y; W. J. Williams, Treas.; M. L. Spessard, Tyler. About the time this lodge was organized they erected a hall at Salem, consisting of a two story frame building, with the first story fitted for a school room and the second for the hall proper. The present offices of the lodge are J. W. Young, W.M.; G. H. Council, S.W.; J. J. Holland, J.W.; W. G. Graves, Sec'y; J. H. Caldwell, Treas. The membership of the lodge is twenty-five in good standing.