Arkansas, Northwestern Counties History, 1889

This village is situated in the municipal township of Hartford, on Section 17, Township 4 north, Range 32 west, being in the valley between Poteau and Sugar Loaf mountains. It was established about the year 1868 by Dr. J. D. Williams. William J. Fleming and William Stevenson opened the first store in the place. It now consists of the following business houses, to wit: General merchandise - J. D. Williams & Son, J. B. Forrester, R. Y. Baldwin, J. C. White & Co.; four blacksmith shops, one boot and shoe shop. There is also a grist-mill and cotton-gin owned by J. B. Forrester, a union church edifice used respectively by the Methodist, Baptists and Cumberland Presbyterians, and a public school-house. The physicians are Drs. S. A. Brown and J. D. Williams. The population of the village is between 200 and 300. It lies in what is called the upper Sugar Loaf Valley, and like other Sebastian county towns it is surrounded with beautiful mountain scenery. It is distant two miles from the western and three miles from the southern boundary of the county.

Society. - DuVal Lodge No. 249, A.F. & A. M., was instituted July 1, 1871, by Dr. E. R. DuVal, with the following officers: J. L. McCracken, W.W.; Sanford Berry, S.W.; W. J. Fleming, J. W.; N. A. Jackson, Treas.; C.E. Goddard, Sec.; S. M. Griffith, S.D.; W. P. Guyon, J. D.; J. P. Landers and C. H. Davis, Stewards; G.S. Tatum, Tyler.