1860 Mortality Census

1870 Mortality Census

1880 Mortality Census

Diseases That Our Ancestors Died From

St. Johns Episcopal Church Burial Records 1860's-80's

Old Sebastian Co Funeral Home Records

Ft. Smith City Death Records 1881-1924
Excellent OFF SITE LINK courtesy of the Ft. Smith Public Library -
The source of these records is the official "Record of Report of Deaths Filed With the City Clerk of Fort Smith Arkansas".
Deaths were first recorded with the City of Fort Smith in 1881, and continued to be recorded at the city level until 1965. Many local
deaths were never recorded with the city. These records will be updated periodically.

Some deaths from 1863
 There is a SEARCH BOX at the bottom of this page that will search JUST THIS PAGE, picking up the names on the
Obits and from the above links unless they are off-site links.

Obits A - C

Obits D - F

Obits G - I

Obits J - L

Obits M - O

Obits P - R

Obits S - U

Obits V - Z

Obituaries, Fort Smith Times Record, Monday,
December 30, 1996