Thomas Harrison Carter

Find A Grave

Col Thomas Harrison Carter
Birth Date: 13 Jan 1826
Birth Place: Tuscumbia, Colbert County, Alabama
Death Date: 3 Oct 1912
Death Place: Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas

Col. Thomas H. Carter, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of this section of the state, died Thursday, shortly after 2 o'clock at his home, 420 North Eleventh St. this city (Ft. Smith,) at the advanced age of 86 years, after an illness which has kept him confined to his bed the greater portion of the time for more than a year. His remains will remain at his late residence until Saturday morning when they will be transferred by train to his old home at Beverly where they will be interred in the family cemetery in which the ashes of his father and mother have reposed for more than fifty years. He is survived by his wife, ne Miss Savage, two brothers, Dr. Wallace Carter and Mr. Aldrich Carter of Ozark, and two sisters. Mrs. Griffin of San Antonio, Texas and Mrs. Barnes of Charleston, Arkansas.

Col. Carter was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama in 1828 and came to Arkansas with the remainder of his father's family when Arkansas was practically a free state. he lived, until a few years ago, on a beautiful farm, to which he gave the name of Beverly and which he homesteaded from the government. His house was made of logs hewn from the forest that covered the greater portion of the tract and yet still stands, almost as solid as when built. His old home was the best known place in Sebastian County while he occupied it, and was a favorite stopping place for everybody who passed that way, for the doors were always open and the wayfarer might always be assured of a welcome the genteel colonel and his hospitable wife.

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