Charles Ewell Shopfner
1921- after 2015

Charles Ewell Shopfner was born in Fort Smith, Sebastian Co. Ar. to Fred Carl & Edith N. Moody Shopfner. He married Pearl Frances Geiger June 22, 1947 in Kansas while he was in medical school there.

Charles registered for the military draft February 16, 1942 in Payne Co., Okla while he was in school there. His residence was in Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ar. He enlisted with the US Army November 13, 1942 at Little Rock, Arkansas. According to his wife's obituary he served a second time also. On the 1950 census they are living in Adams County, Colorado at the Fitzsimmons Govt. Gen Hospital and he states he is in the armed forces. Nothing more has been found about his service. After his military service was over they lived in seveal places including Colorado, Oklahoma & Alabama.

A death date has not been found for Dr. Shopfner nor a burial location although his wife was buried in Grand Junction, Colorado. He was still living when his wife passed away in 2015.

He was very well known in his field as a physician and there are many articles quoting him in the newspapers thru the years.

Kansas City Times
Kansas City, Mo.
Aug 8, 1964

June 19, 2015
Daily Sentinel
Grand Junction, Colorado