Waldron Class of 1926

This is Mrs. Evatt's First Grade class in 1945 or 1946. The students I can identify are (starting with back row)
First Row: Mary Ann Sawyer, Donna Sue Solomon, Mrs. Evatt, Wanda Bingham, unknown, Nancy Barber.
Second Row: Unknown, Leon Ridenhour, Unknown, Brent Ellis, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown.
Third Row: Becky Rackley, Loretta Callahan, Sharon Jackson, Unknown, Adele Little, Donna Little, Unknown.
Front Row: C.B. Simpson, Don Castleberry, R.W. Sanders, Charles Hunsucker, Charles Lewis, Unknown, Unknown.

If you can identify any of the unidentified children in this photo, please contact Carolyn Hanna.
Thanks to Charles Lewis for identifying several of the unidentified students. He believes that the teacher, Mrs. Evatt, was the grandmother of Brent Ellis.

Contributed by the late Loretta Callahan Hall

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