SCOTT COUNTY, 1918-1920
Deb Robinson has located the Arkansas State Penitentiary books covering the years 1918 through the 1970s, with several years missing. These books were found in the Saline County courthouse and are being indexed and shared by Deb. She has called the state prison system to see if there are files that still exist for these entries and there are. So if anyone wants to contact the prison, here is the procedure:
1800's to 1995: Call either Gean Yelverton or Sheila Moses at the Arkansas Department of Correction, 1-870-267-6425. They will look for the file and if it exists, they will make copies at $.75 a page.
1995 to Present: Call Gail Ramsey at Central Records at Pine Bluff, 1-870-267-6684. The cost will be the same. Many of the records did not survive the moves throughout the years, so they may not exist.
Every county in the state is included in these books and this information will be available on the internet. Posted below is the information for Scott County only. These records were copied by Deb Robinson with some help from Cindy Gill.
Name |
Prison # |
Notes |
Book Source |
Book Years |
Baker, Fred |
16017 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Bates, Vallie |
19519 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Bode, C. |
16347 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Dickens, Frank |
19520 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Hair, John |
18901 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Hayes, Bob |
16647 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Hicks, Elisha |
18902 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Hogueland, Joe |
15061 |
Rel.Exp. 1-10-18 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Hogueland, John |
15061 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Martindale, J.W. |
16348 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Nick, Joe |
17054 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Pruitt, Jay |
18903 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Searl, Jack |
19521 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Ward, Scott |
16018 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |
Whitlaw, Chas. |
15058 |
AR State Penitentiary |
1918-1920 |