Scott County, Arkansas

Boothe, Scott County, Arkansas, on Highway 71 north of Waldron.
The tombstones were copied and a digital photograph was made of each stone with a visit
on October 17, 2003 by Barbara Hale Reynolds.
Anyone wishing a copy of the photograph of their ancestor's tombstone may contact me
and I'll be glad to send it via Email. Please put "BJF Trotter Cemetery" as the subject
Abbreviations Used:
D/o=Daughter of
Dbl/w=Double stone with
H/o = Husband of
S/o=Son of
W/o=Wife of
DeHart, Onetta, Sep 14, 1915-Feb 1, 1978
Harwell, Gerald, May 27, 1919-Nov 5, 1991; Dbl/w Nadine Harwell
Harwell, Nadine, Mar 6, 1920-Sep 30, 1991; Dbl/w Gerald Harwell; Md. Dec 25, 1941
Mitchell, Billy M., Jan 15, 1926-Dec 10, 1998; Dbl/w Dora Dean Mitchell
Mitchell, Dora Dean, July 16, 1926-Nov 5, 1984; Dbl/w Billy M. Mitchell
Mitchell, Grace, Sep 12, 1905-Nov 1, 1989; Dbl/w Herman Mitchell
Mitchell, Herman C., Aug 2, 1905-Mar 2, 1975; Dbl/w Grace Mitchell
Mitchell, Shelby, Only date: Sep 2, 1940
Mitchell, Sidney T., Nov 9, 1927-Nov 20, 1943
Moore, Melba Dean, Nov 12, 1928-Jun 8, 1992; Dbl/w Ora Lee
Moore, Ora Lee, Feb 17, 1917-Mar 7, 1979; Dbl/w Melba D.
Moore, Ora Lee; SSgt. US Army WWII; 1917-1979
Nichols, Stephanie Gail, Jun 13, 1966-Jul 16, 1966
Pate, W. T., Jr., Nov 18, 1883-Jan 4, 1938
Sorrels, Amorita M., 1914-1997; Dbl/w Cecil D. Sorrels
Sorrels, Ben D., 1934-1996; Dbl/w Leigh Sorrels
Sorrels, Cecil D., 1907-1982; Dbl/w Amorita Sorrels
Sorrels, Delphia, Died: Nov 23, 1907 Age:4y/7m/11d; d/o S.J.& MA; "Little Delphia"
Sorrels, Edith R., No dates; Dbl/w Nolan Irby Sorrels
Sorrels, Irene, Jan 14, 1924-Living; Dbl/w Sorrels, Samuel J. Jr.
Sorrels, Leigh, 1935-Living; Dbl/w Ben D. Sorrels
Sorrels, Mineola, Jan 31, 1884-Apr 21, 1951
Sorrels, Nolan Irby, Nov 7, 1912-Mar 18, 1992; Dbl/w Edith R., Md. Oct 23, 1938
Sorrels, Sam J., Sr., Sep 26, 1881-Sep 18, 1957
Sorrels, Samuel J. Jr., Sep 15, 1920-May 31, 1989; Dbl/w Irene Sorrels
Sorrels, Vernie D., Jun 27, 1910-Jun 27, 1912; D/o S. J. & Minnie; "Our Darling Baby"
Trotter, B. J. F., Jun 5, 1836 - Jan 23, 1910
Trotter, Dorothy, Oct 9, 1914-Living; Dbl/w L. A.
Trotter, Gertrude M., 1892-1973
Trotter, Hansel H., 1892-1969
Trotter, L. A., Nov 10, 1917-Living; Dbl/w Dorothy
Trotter, Roger, 1886-1963
Trotter, Rose Etta, Apr 3, 1886-Mar 1, 1952 w/o S.R. Trotter
Trotter, S. E. A., Aug 12, 1857-Feb 24, 1901. W/o BJF Trotter
Trotter, S. R. "Buster" Nov 25, 1881-Mar 5, 1957
Vestal, Homer K., 1913-1957
Wilson, Frankie, only date: Jan 10, 1915; d/o Virgil & Beulah
Winters, Cordie Boothe, Aug 17, 1876-Dec 12, 1903 *See Note
Winters, Minnie, Nov 17, 1897-Sep 13, 1903; D/o E.T. & Cordie
Note: This tombstone is broken off just above the dates. I speculate that this is
Cordelia Boothe Winters. She was listed as Cordella Boothe in her marriage record to
Elijah Winters; as Cordie on her daughter�s tombstone; and as Christopher C. in the 1900
Scott County, Arkansas Census.
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