Scott County, Arkansas

Going North on Main Street in Waldron, turn right on White Oak Road and go about 3/4 of a
mile. The cemetery is on the left on private land, in the middle of a field. Surveyed
and digital photos taken of the stones on 13 January 2010 by Bob & Delaine Edwards &
Carolyn Hanna. If you wish a copy of the photo of any of these stones, please contact
Carolyn Hanna and it will be sent to
you via email. Please put "Salem Cemetery" as the subject of your message.
All of the names and dates are inscribed on one large stone. Calvin R. and his wife Nancy's
names are inscribed on the front and the children's information is inscribed on the right
side of the stone.
Taff, Calvin R., Died 12 Dec 1880, Aged 58y, 6m, 29d
Taff, Cynthia E., Died 15 March 1876, 13y, 3m, 4ds
Taff, Margaret A., Died 15 Aug 1859, aged 8 years
Taff, Minerva H., Died 3 July 1866
Taff, Nancy H., Died 5 Mar 1880, Aged 54y, 11m, 3d, w/o C.R. Taff
There are also small separate stones for each person with only the names, no dates:
C.R. Taff
C.E. Taff
M.A. Taff
M.H. Taff (No Photo Available)
N.H. Taff
One other stone is in the cemetery for the Taff's granddaughter:
Infant Daughter of W.J. & M.W. King, Born & Died 5 Jan 1887
While transcribing records from the probate file of Calvin R. Taff, Carolyn Hanna found a
RECEIPT showing the purchase for $100.00 of the 6 foot tall monument with instructions for the names to be
inscribed on it "with a little headstone to each (of) the children's graves" to be received at Salem Graveyard
between 25 and 30 of Dec. 1881.
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