Scott County, Arkansas

The five small and two larger tombstone bases pictured above, as well as the five tombstones listed below, were found
this week in a front yard in Waldron. For years the stones have been face down and used for a walkway, the residents
of the home having no idea they were anything other than a concrete walk. When they decided to remove the walkway,
they discovered these were tombstones. At this point it is unknown whether this was a small cemetery that fell into
disuse at some long ago time or whether the stones were moved there for some unknown reason. The deceased, other than
the two young Crump children, seemingly had no connection with one another. The five stones were inscribed:
Fannie T. Hunt
Wife of Joel Hunt
Born 1846
Died Nov 1874
A.G. Lee
Daughter of T.G. and M.E. Lee
Born 7 July 1895
Died 20 Dec 1895
The 25 May 1900 obituary of Thomas Green Lee states he was born in Mississippi 16 Nov 1858, was reared in Louisiana
and married M.E. Ammons in 1884. They came to Scott County in December 1886 and lived in Mount Pleasant Township
until November 1896 when they moved to Cauthron.
Infant of
L.A. and Lucy A. Crump
Born and Died 12 March 1896
Lee A. (Leander) and Lucy A. Blackwell Crump were living in Park Township at the time of the 1900 Scott County census.
Flimmon Howard Crump
Son of L.A. and Lucy A. Crump
Born 24 Apr 1888
Died 18 Sep 1891
See above.
Wm. O. Thurman
S/o G.P. and C.B. Thurman
Born 19 Feb 1899
Died 25 Aug 1899
George P. and Cora B. Thurman are listed on the 1900 Scott County census in Cedar Township.
Thanks to Carolyn Hanna for providing information about the discovery of these stones. If you can provide any insight into
any of these people, please contact us. If you would like a copy of the photograph of your ancestor's
tombstone, please contact Carolyn Hanna and it will
be sent via E-mail. Please put "Newly Discovered Cemetery Photo" as the subject of your message.
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