Scott County, Arkansas

Go south from Waldron on U.S. Highway 71 about 12 miles to just past Y-City. Turn right on Kulp Road
beside the Wayside Chapel. Go about 3/10 mile and cross the bridge; turn left on Herr Road. Go about 4/10
mile. The cemetery is on the right side of the road in a field. It is enclosed by a chainlink fence.
Surveyed and photographed by Bob, Delaine and David Edwards on 8 April 2006. If you would like a copy of
the photograph of your ancestor's tombstone, please contact Carolyn Hanna and it will be sent via E-mail. Please put "Hensley Cemetery Photo" as the subject
of your message.
Allison, Ruben C., 8 Jul 1848 - 8 Nov 1919
Bell, Maggie, 22 Mar 1900 - 31 Oct 1900, D/o Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bell
Carpenter (No other information, painted on a rock.)
Hensley, Arlin, 13 Aug 1909 - 26 Apr 1983, PFC US Army WWII (Military Marker)
Hensley, James W., 1867 - 1952
Hensley, Nora E., 1887 - 1965
Lovett, Calvin C., 5 Aug 1923 - 19 Jan 1999, Dbl/w Mildred L.
Lovett, Mildred L., 12 Sep 1922 - 19 Jan 2001, Md 7 Apr 1947, Dbl/w Calvin C.
McCollum (No other information, painted on a stone.)
Rogers, Jonathan, died 10 July 1895
Rogers, Jonathan, 1815 - 1895
Thomas, Albert, No dates
Thomas, Elizabeth, No dates
Thomas, George W., 1832 - 1910
Thomas, George W., 1832 - 1910, Co A, 46 GA Inf, CSA (Military Marker)
Thomas, Marthan, 1841 - 1894
We counted approximately 15 graves marked only with fieldstones.
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