Scott County, Arkansas

Going north on Main Street in Waldron, turn left on Highway 80 East. Go about a mile to Highway 248 and
turn left. The pavement will end; continue on the gravel road. Go about 10 miles and turn left on Woodbury
Lane. Cemetery is about � mile. This is a second cemetery named "Freedom" in Scott County and is located in
the eastern area of the county, about 6 or 7 miles from the Yell County line. The other is located in the
Packsaddle area north of Waldron. Surveyed and digital photographs taken of the tombstones on 2 April 2004
by Delaine, Bob & David Edwards. If you would like a copy of the photograph of your ancestor's
tombstone, please contact Carolyn Hanna and it will
be sent via E-mail. Please put "Freedom Cemetery (2) Photo" as the subject of your message.
Abbreviations Used:
D/o=Daughter of
Horton, Mary E., 11 Dec 1831-15 May 1914
Jones, ----, No dates or first name*
Jones, ----, No dates or first name*
Jones, ----, No dates or first name*
Jones, Grandma, No dates*
Jones, Isom, No dates*
Jones, Illegible, No dates*
Starr, Clyde, No dates*
Starr, Floid, No dates*
Starr, Myrtle, 17 Feb 1904-18 May 1908, D/o J.S. & Mary (Old Stone)
Starr, Myrtle, 17 Feb 1904-17 May 1908, D/o J.S. & Mary (Newer Stone)
Yandell, Savannah, 1869-1913, "Mother"
*These were cement blocks with only the name painted on them. There were a total of 14 of these; those
that had any legible information were photographed. A few were completely illegible and were not
photographed. There were also graves marked with fieldstones which were not photographed.
On 30 March 2008 Brenda Chancellor wrote: Hopefully I can help
solve the mystery of some of the unmarked graves. I was there several years ago and did a diagram of the
cemetery. It goes as follows
Left to right, front to back:
Clyde Starr, Floyd Starr, Myrtle Starr
Second row: Frank Jones, Ben Jones, Clifford Jones, Millie Jones, Isom Jones, Grandma Jones (?Martha Patsy),
Savannah Jones-Yandell, Evie Jones, Carrie Jones, unknown Jones
Third row: Unknown Jones, Unknown Jones, Baby Frazier, Mary Horton.
Those are the only ones that had any names on them at all. I think that maybe one of the unknown Jones is Martha
Patsy's husband David J. Jones since I have not found him in any other cemetery in the area. Hope this information
helps. If you find any other info on any of the family please share with me as this is my family. Savannah
Orleana was my Great Grandmother.
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