Scott County, Arkansas

Location: Go North on Waldron Bypass approximately 1/2 mile to junction of highways US 71 and 28 West. Go west exactly 7 miles. Turn right (north) onto Center Point Road at Center Point Cemetery Sign. Go 1/2 mile. Cemetery is on left next to road.
Description: Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter - Section 7 - Township 3N - Range 30 West.

Census Taken March 2004 by Carolyn Hanna and Lorene Davis
Special Thanks to Mr. Louie Plummer for his invaluable input

If you would like a copy of the photograph of your ancestor's tombstone, please contact Carolyn Hanna and it will be sent via E-mail. Please put "Center Point Cemetery Photo" as the subject of your message.

A.H., *Alfred Holmes, See comments
Abbott, Logan, 13 May 1911-16 Dec 1992, "Loving Father of..", Children listed
Abbott, Mary Myrtle, 9 Mar 1914-22 Dec 1994, Wife of Logan Abbott
Akin, Joel W., 15 Oct 1845-17 Dec 1917
Atwood, Frances W., 27 Jun 1898-14 Nov 1981, Dbl w/ Sherman B.
Atwood, Maudie M., 9 May 1905-3 Apr 1924, "Adopted as Essie Ratcliff"
Atwood, Sherman B., 20 Jan 1894-1 Mar 1978, Military Footstone reads: "Sherman Blaine Atwood - US Army Cpl. WWI"
Bailey, Dossin, 13 Aug 1882-18 Apr 1897, Son of J.R. & S.A.
Bailey, Harriet, 26 Nov 1896-15 Aug 1900, Dau of S.M. & M.L. (faint)
Bailey, J.R., 4 Sep 1848-5 Sep 1929
Bailey, Lively J., 23 Mar 1896-23 Jan 1903, Son of J.R. & S.A.
Bailey, Maggie Lee, 1871-1915
Bailey, Nena, Jan 1913-Oct 1916
Bailey, Susan Ann Trigg, 22 Jan 1848-21 Jul 1925, Wife of J.R.
Baker, Charles W., 11 Mar 1872-23 Aug 1954
Bennett, Dewey J., 1898-1956, Trip. w/ Dosha & Dewey Jr.
Bennett, Jr., Dewey, 1933-1991, Trip w/ Dosha and Dewey- FH also
Bennett, Dosha M., 1900-1997, Trip. w/ Dewey & Dewey Jr.
Bowles, Elvin Mason, 16 Aug 1921-3 Oct 1990, Dbl w/ Margarette
Bowles, Margarette Holmes, 31 Jan 1927-7 Jan 1988, Dbl w/ Elvin Mason
Broaddrick, Reatha Jean, no dates, Infant
Campbell, Annie E., 12 May 1864-12 Apr 1948, Dbl w/ William H.
Campbell, Mary, 26 Feb 1896-7 Jun 1963
Campbell, Virgel Elmo, 12 Jul 1918-12 Feb 1938
Campbell, William H., 24 Jan 1864-14 Feb 1944, Dbl w/ Annie E.
(Wm has a footstone that appears to be his old headstone w/ same info.)
Casey, Eithe A.,4 Jul 1901-12 Jun 1902, Aged 11mo 8dys - Dbl w/ Sabra (This headstone sits with graves on both sides marked with small markers.)
Casey, Elbert C., 10 Jun 1894-2 Oct 1967, Dbl w/ Lola L.
Casey, Elbert W., 1865-1930, Dbl w/ Mary E.
Casey, Ellis Andrew, 29 Mar 1891-4 Jan 1979
Casey, Ezra L., 9 Mar 1888-10 Jan 1918
Casey, Jesse L., 9 Dec 1861-6 Feb 1905, Husband of C.A. Casey - W.O.W.
Casey, Leona, 26 May 1895-9 Dec 1967
Casey, Lola L., 5 Jan 1898-2 Jan 1980, Dbl w/ Elbert C.
Casey, Lonzo, 16 Nov 1914-20 Jun 1936
Casey, Mary E., 1872-1956, Dbl w/ Elbert W.
Casey, Mattie V., 4 Nov 1898-5 Jun 1916, D/o E.W. & Mary E.
Casey, Sabra A., 17 Oct 1898-12 Sep 1900, Aged 2yrs & 5dys -Dbl w/ Eithe
Clement, Alvin Hollis, 22 Sep 1921
Clement, Charlie, 25 Jul 1893-9 Aug 1975, Dbl w/ Eulalia
Clement, Dora Belle, 3 May 1871-29 Nov 1941
Clement, Earl Bailey, 16 Feb 1923-9 Oct 1928, Son of Chas. M. & Eulalia
Clement, Eulalia Lee, 10 Apr 1891-24 Jul 1957, Dbl w/ Charlie
Clement, John Marion, 14 May 1865-18 Nov 1950
Clement, Kenneth Earl,26 Jul 1955-30 Mar 2003
Clement, Mollie, 22 Sep 1920-23 Sep 1920
Crabtree, Nettie, 11 Apr 1888-7 Feb 1951
Davis, L.V. Plummer, 28 Apr 1921-4 Nov 1988, Dbl w/ W.W. "Dick"
Davis, Ruby A., 16 Jan 1913-29 Jan 2002, Dbl w/ Wm. T. "61 Years"
Davis, W.W. "Dick", 3 Aug 1924, Dbl w/ L.V. - Md. 1 Mar 1944
Davis, William T. "Bill", 1 Jun 1910-31 Mar 1993, Dbl w/ Ruby - Md. 5 Dec 1931
Draper, Darla Sue, 13 Jul 1974-1 Jul 1992
Draper, Dessie, 15 Apr 1935-none, Dbl w/ Dwaine
Draper, Rev. Dwaine, 11 May 1934-22 Aug 1998, Dbl w/ Dessie - Md. 10 Dec 1960
Eaves, Gene, 1 Apr 1937-2 May 1989, Dbl w/ Kay
Eaves, Kay, 9 Apr 1939
Edminson, Garnet J., 25 Jan 1931-13 May 1972, Military Stone reads: "Illinois - 1C2 U.S. Navy - Korea"
Urn encased in concrete and Plexiglas with headstone on top of it.
Flynn, C. Frank, 14 Feb 1879-22 Apr 1959, Dbl w/ Pinky Mae
Flynn, Infant, b/d 1934
Flynn, Mattie, 6 Dec 1905-22 Mar 1986
Flynn, Pinky Mae, 17 Apr 1877-13 Jan 1940, Dbl w/ C. Frank
Foster, John J., 1847-1921
Frazier, Allen, 15 Oct 1922-21 Mar 1994, Dbl w/ Melba - Md. 8 Mar 1942
Frazier, Melba, 26 Sep 1921-23 Dec 1981, Dbl w/ Allen
Goolsby, Jerry K., 10 Jan 1947-6 Oct 1997, Dbl w/ Pamela - Md. 9 Sep 1977
Goolsby, Pamela J., 3 Feb 1959, Dbl w/ Jerry - (Children Listed)
Griffin, Robert B., 4 Apr 1997-6 Apr 1997, Son of Robert & Larrain - "Robert Boyd Griffin" on FHM
Grigsby, Curtis, 27 Feb 1907-26 Feb 1960
Grigsby, Sallie, 1878-1947, Dbl w/ Tom
Grigsby, Tom, 1873-1950, Dbl w/ Sallie
Grimes, William F., 20 Mar 1936-9 Dec 2000, Military - A2C US Air Force
Harris, Guy Junior, 2 Nov 1927-6 Apr 1989, Dbl w/ Ruby Alice, Military Footstone reads: U.S. Army - Korea
Harris, Ruby Alice, 3 June 1933
Harrison, Larry Don, 8 Sep 1939-25 Apr 2002, Dbl w/ Mary Sue
Harrison, Mary Sue, 1 Oct 1951, Dbl w/ Larry Don
Helms, Annie B. "Midge", 30 Sep 1923, Dbl w/ Earl - Md. 10 Sep 1940
Helms, Earl "Punder", 21 Mar 1918-29 Mar 1997, Dbl w/ Midge (Children listed)
Helms, Fannie Mae, 1904-1973
Helms, Joe, 13 Dec 1869*-31 Jul 1941*, Carved rock w/ metal plate
Helms, Mary Lou, 1934-2002, F.H. Marker
Helms, McArthur, 1942-1943
Helms, Randolph, 1892-1965
Helms, Robert Lee, 1947-1947
Holmes, Alfred A., 1919-1973*, See notes.
Holmes, Alvena, 6 Oct 1977-3 May 1936, Dbl w/ Edd
Holmes, Annie J., 21 Oct 1904-22 Apr 1971, Dbl w/ Gay W.
Holmes, Edd, 17 Jan 1877-1 Mar 1970
Holmes, Gay W., 12 Jan 1902-25 Aug 1972, Dbl w/ Annie J.
Holmes, Stella Looper, 7 Sep 1946-2 Apr 2000, M/o ... (Children listed)
Hough, Annie, 1901-1964*, See notes.
Hunter, Leo E., 5 Nov 1926-21 Mar 1927, Son of Mr. & Mrs. D.O. Hunter
Jeffers, Ella Clement, 1878-1941, See Comments
Jones, Arlon Glenn, 22 Jan 1914-7 Jul 1915,Son of Della May & J.M.
Jones, C.A., 21 Jul 1879-27 Jan 1884, Dau of S.P. & N. - Dbl w/ Nancy *
Jones, Carter L., 1848-1921, Dbl w/ Emmer
Jones, Cloa A., 31 Jul 1879-27 Jan 1894**, This is C.A. - See comments
Jones, Della May, 31 Aug 1896-4 Feb 1920, Wife of J.M. Jones
Jones, Emmer, 1856-1939, Dbl w/ Carter L.
Jones, Geneva N., 1864-1946, Dbl w/ S.P., Jr.
Jones, Johnnie M., 28 Sep 1888-25 Aug 1965
Jones, Nancy, 27 Nov 1843-5 May 1901, Wife of S.P. - Dbl w/ C.A.
Jones, Rae Guendolyn, 1927-1931
Jones, Jr. , S.P., 1862-1926, Dbl w/ Geneva N.
Kay, Guinn Edward, 4 Jul 1916-18 Jun 1968*, Military Footstone reads: South Carolina - US Army PFC - WWII - Footstone d.o.d. reads 18 Jun 1967*
Kemp, Arneva S., 15 Aug 1931-9 May 1990, Dbl w/ Wm. K.
Kemp, William K., 30 Jul 1927-none, Dbl w/ Arneva - Md. 3 Jan 1949
Kluck, Thomas Bryan, 8 Dec 1981-8 Dec 1981, Son of Tom & Peggy
Latta, Lary Gail, b/d 1 Oct 1947
Leeper, Catherine I., 1931-1989, Dbl w/ Pete- Md. 24 Jun 1950
Leeper, Clyde W., 1892-1974, Dbl w/ Lillie M. - Military Footstone reads: "Arkansas - Pvt US Army - WWI - 26 Jan 1892 - 8 Apr 1974"
Leeper, Eula Nelle, 11 Aug 1922-1 Feb 1923
Leeper, Jesse Ray, 30 Apr 1936-14 Nov 1936
Leeper, Lillie M., 1900-1977, Dbl w/ Clyde W. -md. 15 Aug 1920
Leeper, Radean, B/D 1927, "Infant"
Leeper, Roy Claydeen, 13 Jul 1927-27 Jul 1927, Son of Mr. & Mrs. Ira Leeper
Leeper, Theo "Pete"1926-1996, Dbl w/ Catherine
Looper, Jewell F., 18 Jan 1922, Dbl w/ Seaborn
Looper, Seaborn A., 17 Aug 1915-19 Jul 2002, Dbl w/ Jewell, Military Footstone: USArmy WWII
Looper, Todd Aaron, 12 Jun 1965-9 Aug 1987, Father of... (children listed)
Lynch, Alta Mae (Blackmon), 1899-1975
Lynch, William Walter, 1896-1979, Military Stone - Pvt. Army WWI
Mack, Hiram H., none-none, Civil War Stone: Co. F 59th Ill. Inf.
Mack, J.H., 1869-1921
McDaniel, Infant Son, 20 Aug 1985-20 Aug 1985, Son of Loyd and Jody
Meredith, Donald F., 10 Jan 1935-9 Aug 1984, Military Stone: US Army - SP4
Meredith, Mack, 18 Nov 1907-29 Jan 1987, Dbl w/ Noma, Military Footstone: US Army PFC - WWII
Meredith, Noma, 30 Jul 1907-30 Apr 1992, Dbl w/ Mack
Metcalf, Mollie, 1860-1927
Metcalf, Will, 1877-1915
Moore, Elisha W., 4 Sep 1974-4 Sep 1974, F.H. Marker reads "Elisha Willene"
Moss, Scott Richard, 22 Feb 1974-23 Feb 1974
Newman, Bryant, 1924-2003, F.H. Marker
Newman, Buford F., 7 Mar 1902-30 Dec 1981, Dbl w/ Mary Marie
Newman, Burley, 1913-1956
Newman, Della Mae, 23 Aug 1905-17 Sep 1971, Dbl w/ Wm. Lester
Newman, Etta Bell, 4 Nov 1919-none, Dbl w/ Orvel
Newman, Eva, 1898-1902, Triple w/ Vivian & Malvin
Newman, Infant, b/d Sep 1943, Dau of Bryant & Melba
Newman, J.M., 7 Aug 1873-12 Feb 1966, Husband of Katie
Newman, James, 1984-2003, Funeral Home Marker only
Newman, Katie, 7 Dec 1881-11 Dec 1955, Wife of J.M.
Newman, Malvin, 1896-1898, Triple w/ Vivian and Eva
Newman, Marvin, Nov 1916-Aug 1917
Newman, Mary E., 1876-1954, Dbl w/ Wm. R.
Newman, Mary Marie, 11 Nov 1906, Dbl w/ Buford - Md. 2 Oct 1946
Newman, Nancy Ann, 1836-1917, Mother of Will and Jim
Newman, Sr., Orval "Bob", 10 Aug 1914-12 Oct 2000, Dbl w/ Etta Bell - Md. 30 Jul 1937
Newman, Vivian, 1901-1903, Triple w/ Malvin and Eva
Newman, William Lester, 28 Apr 1889-22 Jun 1986, Dbl w/ Della Mae
Newman, William R., 1871-1964, Dbl w/ Mary E.
Nichols, John Thomas, 16 Sep 1946-20 Feb 1999, SP4 - US Army Vietnam
Parker, Mary Sue Newman, 24 Oct 1955-25 Jan 1992, D/o Willie & Flora Newman, M/o... (children listed)
Parks, Mahala A., 7 Oct 1848-27 Mar 1912, Wife of G.W. Parks
Peikert, Arvetta, 1924-1981, Dbl w/ Lyndell - Md. 28 Jun 1941
Peikert, O. Lyndell, 1920-1988, Dbl w/ Arvetta, Military Footstone: "Orian L. Peikert, Jr. - 4 Oct 1920 - 8 May 1988 - Army Pvt WWII"
Phipps, A.W., 12 Feb 1883-27 Dec 1915
Phipps, Alonzo, 10 Sep 1879-19 Jun 1904, Husband of Orlenia
Phipps, Elias Lot, 1866-1947, Dbl w/ Polly Ann
Phipps, Infant, none-none, Infant of E.L. & P.A. Phipps
Phipps, Infants, none-none, Infant of E.L. & P.A. Phipps
Phipps, J.B., 11 Jun 1855-5 Jul 1899, Aged 44 Yrs 24 Days
Phipps, Jeff E., 9 Jan 1911-29 May 1911
Phipps, Oscar --?--, illeg?-Sep 196?, Aged ?41 yrs 22 Days -comments
Phipps, Polly Ann, 1872-1946, Dbl w/ Elias Lot
Plummer, C. Elvin, 1890-1963, Dbl w/ Lela A.
Plummer, Dottie G., 21 Jan 1916, Dbl w/ Euell - "Married 66 years"
Plummer, Euell A., 1 Jun 1913-26 May 1999, Dbl w/ Dottie
Plummer, Eulalia, 11 Jan 1858-30 Apr 1945
Plummer, Infant, 7 Jan 1940-7 Jan 1940. "Our Little Angel Baby"
Plummer, Ivan A., 15 Feb 1912-12 Jan 2000, Dbl w/ Lois- Md 9 Oct 1943
Plummer, James T., 7 Mar 1851-11 Aug 1929
Plummer, Lela A., 1894-1971, Dbl w/ C. Elvin
Plummer, Lois I., 29 Nov 1916, Dbl w/ Ivan - "56 years"
Plummer, Lorene Davis, 26 Apr 1925, Dbl w/ Glen
Plummer, Lowell Arvil, 11 Nov 1913-11 Jun 1950
Plummer, Marion A., 18 Aug 1879-17 Jul 1947, Dbl w/ Minnie
Plummer, May, Day & Ray, 1910-1910*, See comments
Plummer, Mildred, "Our Baby", 1912-1912
Plummer, Minnie, 27 Jan 1886-23 Dec 1918, Dbl w/ Marion A.
Plummer, Noel Glen, 10 May 1919, Dbl w/ Lorene
Richmond, HenryEtta, 21 Oct 1883-12 Aug 1902, Wife of W.I.
Richmond, Monroe H., 16 Feb 1892-5 Sep 1893, Son of S.D. & Lida (faint)
Richmond, Silvey J., 16 Aug 1881-7 Jul 1904
Russell, Leonard J., 1907-1980, Military Stone: Army PFC WWII
Ryburn, Belle, 2 Jun 1863-20 May 1911, Stone is between graves and dbl w/Walter. Footstones mark graves next to headstone.
Ryburn, Ben, 9 Apr 1887-26 Dec 1905, Son of H.R. & Belle
Ryburn, Henry, 27 Feb 1854-17 Nov 1927
Ryburn, Infant, b/d 1899, Dau of W.F. and Ether
Ryburn, Walter, 13 Mar 1894-7 Dec 1910
Slaughterbeck, Dallas E., 1906-1936
Slaughterbeck, Irene J., 1908-1980
Sparks, Lois Marie, 1932-1983, Funeral Home Marker only
Staggs, Ben F., 1888-1973, Dbl w/ Polly A.
Staggs, Evelyn "Hall", 15 Apr 1921-5 Feb 2000, Dbl w/ Stanley
Staggs, Polly A., 1892-1976, Dbl w/ Ben F. - Md. 22 Sep 1907
Staggs, Stanley "Bill", 9 Apr 1916, Dbl w/ Evelyn - "Wed 62 years"
Stewart, Charley I., 1909-1963, Labor Union Insignia reads: Local No. 1884 - Labor - Omnia - Vincit
Stewart, Mary Ann, 25 Jan 1891-11 Mar 1978, Dbl w/ Vester
Stewart, Vester, 31 Jul 1885-29 Nov 1969, Dbl w/ Mary Ann
Stringer, Infant, none-none, Son of Red and Bessie
Stuart, Alpha Omega, 1901-1983
Stuart, Ama R. Casey, 15 Aug 1925-14 Dec 1994, Dbl w/ T.H. - Md. 5 Dec 1942
Stuart, Bessie, 1904-1983, Dbl w/ Louis
Stuart, Billie Gene, 9 Nov 1930-26 Nov 1932
Stuart, Darlene, 28 Mar 1924-28 Mar 1924
Stuart, Dorothy Fay, 22 Jun 1926, Dbl w/ Lester Gerald
Stuart, Emily Jane, 24 Apr 1857-3 Jan 1923, Wife of Jackson Stuart *comments
Stuart, Ida L., 1895-1964, Dbl w/ Luther J.
Stuart, J.B., 25 Nov 1923-30 Mar 2000, Sgt US Army Air Forces WWII
Stuart, J.L., 1897-1931 (Very large monument with Military Footstone: "Stuart, Lester J. - 20 Apr 1897 - 25 Jan 1931 Arkansas- Pvt Co. G331 Inf. WWI"
Stuart, Jackson, 6 May 1850-28 Jul 1941, *comments
Stuart, James David, 31 Jan 1881-5 Mar 1957, Dbl w/ Minnie Lee
Stuart, John K., 1 Jan 1856-3 Aug 1943
Stuart, John Kenneth, 7 Jul 1934-22 Oct 1988, Dbl w/ Lessie - md 20 Sep 1958, Military Footstone: A3C US Air Force - Korea
Stuart, Lessie Dean, 1 Aug 1935, Dbl w/ John K.
Stuart, Lester Gerald, 13 Aug 1926, Dbl w/ Dorothy - Md 26 Nov 1947
Stuart, Louis, 1887-1963, Dbl w/ Bessie
Stuart, Luther J., 1889-1971, Dbl w/ Ida L.
Stuart, Minnie Lee, 4 Aug 1896-4 Feb 1977, Dbl w/ James David
Stuart, T.H., 22 May 1920, Dbl w/ Ama
Stuart, William C., 1897-1972
Taff, Irma L. Plummer McCutcheon, 4 Dec 1927-27 Sep 1994
Tharp, Celia Ann, none-none, "Mother"
Tharp, John Calvin, none-none, "Father"
Tharp, John Henry, none-none, "Brother"
Tull, Ethel, 29 Aug 1885-28 Sep 1934, Dbl w/ Joseph Mance
Tull, Jim B., 8 Sep 1877-15 Jun 1930
Tull, Joseph Mance, 5 Nov 1881-13 Feb 1958, Dbl w/ Ethel
Tull, Lonnie J., 1884-1968, Dbl w/ Ollie
Tull, Lou Veda, 1 Jan 1925-17 May 1931
Tull, Ollie, 1892-1968, Dbl w/ Lonnie J.
Tull, Retha Avery, 11 Feb 1914-27 Apr 1970, Dbl w/ William W.
Tull, Ruby, 1915-1921
Tull, Tom H., 1878-1963
Tull, William W., 17 May 1909-7 Jul 1967, Dbl w/ Retha Avery
Turner, Wanda J. Helms, 10 Jan 1951-14 Oct 1999
Walker, Jerry Lee, 8 Apr 1923-26 Apr 1930
Walker, Myrtle F., 19 Oct 1901-27 Jun 1985
Walker, Nora May, 18 Apr 1938-30 Aug 1939
Walker, William T., 29 Mar 1894-23 Jan 1981
Ward, Pearl, 1898-1975, Funeral Home Marker Only - Next to Blackmon�s.
Ware, Marget E., 9 Jul 1878-22 Jun 1902, Dau of Sarah E. & W.Y - Dbl w/ Sarah. Headstone is center - graves to each side with footstones.
Ware, Mattie, 13 Oct 1885-16 Apr 1939, Dbl w/ W.C.
Ware, Sarah E., 11 Jan 1842-22 Apr 1909, Wife of W.Y. - Dbl w/ Marget
Ware, W.C., 30 May 1876-29 Sep 1931, Dbl w/ Mattie
Weir, Frank L., 21 Jun 1896-11 Aug 1952, "Colorado - 1st Inf. 13 Div. WWI"
Williams, Daryl Gene, 31 Jul 1956-22 Dec 1975, Unique stamped metal in rock

Note: Due to the layout of this cemetery and the obvious placement of fieldstones and unmarked graves, I chose to record the location of all the fieldstones that we observed. The fact that stones are near graves listed obviously does not mean they belong to that family. However, we tried to locate them to the closest grave in hopes they would be. There may be instances where we counted footstones as headstones as we could not tell at times in which direction the graves lay. Every effort was given to be accurate. We sincerely apologize for any errors.

A special thanks goes to Mr. Louie Plummer for identifying several unmarked graves and offering stories on others. Louie is the son of C. Elvin and Lela Casey Plummer, and the grandson of James T. and Eulalia Plummer, and Elbert and Mary Casey, all of whom are buried at Center Point. His input was invaluable. His grandfather, James T., donated the land that the old part of the cemetery sits on. Later, Mr. Looper donated another parcel to enlarge it. The Plummer family owned the land surrounding the cemetery, as well, and a great-grandson, Gary, still owns much of the original family acreage. C.H.

The first person buried in the cemetery was Monroe Richmond, a child of S.D. and Lida Richmond.

The grave of Alfred A. Holmes is marked with a cement block with the letters �A. H.� painted on it. The grave was almost lost, but was finally located by Mr. Plummer. A descendent placed the marker.

On a previous census, the name Annie Hough was recorded but was not found. Efforts to find her in a census or obit book was not successful, either.

Joe Helms info is carved on a rock with a metal plate that is faded to near illegibility. The birth and death dates were taken from a previous census and cannot be verified at this time. There is a fieldstone between Joe Helms� and Lois Sparks� graves. It is pure speculation that this may be his first wife. �Advance Reporter - 24 Sep 1925 - Mrs. Joe Helms, aged 47, died at Fort Smith Sept 16 where she had been for treatment. Her home was near Center Point where her remains were laid to rest Friday 18. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Reed of Heavener, assisted by J.R. Bailey. A husband and three children are left to mourn her departure. Deceased was highly respected and loved by all who knew her. She was a sister of S.P. Jones of Waldron.� It should be noted that the Jones plot is nearby. Mr. Plummer stated that Lois Sparks was a daughter of Mr. Helms, however, she would not have been the daughter of this first wife in question.

Oscar Phipps stone has metal plate that is almost illegible and has name painted on stone.

A concrete border surrounds the graves in the Plummer and Casey plot : Mattie V., James, & Eulalia Plummer, Elbert & Mary Casey, and an unmarked concrete block. According to Mr. Plummer, the unmarked grave belongs to Alta (Lasiter) Plummer, the wife of Claude Plummer. He recalls she died in childbirth and the baby rests here with her. From Cynthia Cooper: Alta Lasiter was the first wife of my grandfather, Oda Elmer Plummer, and she died in childbirth.

There are 4 fieldstones directly east of this plot. There are also three fieldstones north of this Plummer and Casey plot. Mr. Plummer gave me the following information:
The grave closest to the Plummer/Casey plot is thought to be that of an old prospector with the last name of Chamberlain. Mr. Plummer stated the old man lived with James T. Plummer when he took sick and died, and Mr. Plummer buried him near his own family plot. Nothing much is known about the man, other than he used to roam the mountains looking for ore and minerals.

The next stone just north of that marks the grave of a man named �Fortune.� Letters have been carved into the rock and are nearly illegible at this time. Mr. Plummer said he was a bachelor man and lived with �Old Man Coy.�

The next stone just north of that is the grave of Old Man Brice. It has a very old metal F.H. Marker that is now illegible. Mr. Plummer stated the man ran a store at Oliver. He remembers this being the first time he ever saw a hearse bring someone to a cemetery, and recalls what an impression it made on him. (From the Advance Reporter: �17 Oct 1929-- Mr. Brice, who has been in the mercantile business at Oliver for the past year or so, died Thursday evening and was buried in the Center Point Cemetery Sunday evening. The funeral was prolonged for his daughter to arrive from Washington, D.C., but for some reason she could not be here.�)

C.A. Jones and Cloa A. appear to be the same person. One stone (faint), appears to be at the head of the actual grave and states, �Cloa A. - Dau. of S.P. & N. Jones - Jul 31 1879 - Jan 27 1894. (The 1880 census has Annie Jones being 9 months old, living with Samuel and Nancy Jones in Lafayette Twp.) She is also on the same stone as Nancy, her mother. It reads, �C.A. - Dau. of S.P. & N. Jones - Jul 21 1879 - Jan 27 1884. This large stone lies between the 2 graves, with Nancy buried on the other side. She has a footstone marked �NJ�. (Note the discrepancy in death dates.) It is my opinion that the information on the original headstone is correct and that Cloa A. died in 1894. The reason is that 1884 was too early for the cemetery, with the first grave being 1893. This grave is almost in direct line (west) with that first grave and would make sense that she was buried soon after in 1894.

There are 2 identical stones with broken glass over tin that is almost illegible. The information is ruined. According to Mr. Plummer, these are the graves of triplets May, Day and Ray Plummer. They were the children of Marion and Minnie Ware Plummer. It is thought they were born and died in 1910. In the 1910 census, as of May, Mrs. Plummer had 4 children with 4 living, so they were probably born just after the census was taken.

There is a fieldstone between Marion and Minnie Plummer and the triplets. Mr. Plummer stated that he was almost sure this is the grave of Thomas O. Plummer, a brother of his father�s. He thinks this was the second grave at Center Point. It is directly due west in line with that of the 1st known grave.

There is an unreadable, very old metal funeral home marker west of the Tharp�s that Mr. Plummer states is that of James Reed, and related the same story as found in the Advance Reporter as follows: �25 April 1929 - Center Point News - James Reed, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Reed, passed away on Friday, April 19th. He suffered many days with blood poison caused from cutting his foot on an ax. He will be greatly missed by his friends and loved ones. He was laid to rest on April 20th in the Center Point Cemetery. Brother Rube Piles conducted the funeral service.�

Two fieldstones between Akin and Bennett plots.

Fieldstone next to Nena Bailey grave.

Two fieldstones next to Charles Baker grave.

Three fieldstones north of Sabra Casey grave.

Fieldstone next to Curtis Grigsby grave.

Fieldstone between Jeff and �Infants� Phipps graves.

Four fieldstones between Alonzo and Oscar Phipps graves.

Four stones north of Elias Lott Phipps grave.

Two fieldstones north of J.B. Phipps grave.

Fieldstone north of Lois Sparks and east of Jackson Stuart graves. According to Mr. Plummer, this is the grave of Mrs. Rhoda Brown, widow of �Uncle Eb Brown� and grandmother of Otto Brown. He recalls she was milking a cow and fell over dead. They lived near the Nelson place in Hon.

Fieldstone next to Lou Veda Tull grave.

Fieldstone between Ruby Tull and Flynn�s plot. As a sidenote, Mr. Plummer�s dad saved little Ruby one day when she fell into a water-filled ditch while playing near a mailbox. He stated she was a very bright and happy child.

The Infant Plummer stone marked �Our Little Angel Baby� belongs to a child of Opal and Arnold Plummer.

Next to it is a stone marked Infant Flynn. This is a child of Bill and Mattie Flynn.

Fieldstone between Marget Ware and HenryEtta Richmond graves.

Eight fieldstones in a row north of Jeffers and west of Tull�s plots.

Four fieldstones are rocked off in gravel area with Ella Clement Jeffers appearing to be the end grave.

Five fieldstones north of Bailey�s plot.

There is one fieldstone adjacent (south) of Hiram H. Mack grave, and two stones directly north.

Jackson and Emily Jane Stuart have impressively large monuments and above ground vault lids.

One fieldstone next to Charley Stewart grave.

A concrete border surrounds the following graves: C. Elvin, Lela A., and Lowell Arvil Plummer.

One fieldstone next to Mollie Clement grave. This has been identified by a relative, Anne Clement, as the infant of Charles and Eulalia (Bailey) Clement, who died about 1929.

Two stones south of Bill Davis grave.

Six fieldstones in a row between Crabtree and Mack plots.

There are 3 stones between Will Metcalf and John Foster. Mr. Plummer stated that two of these belong to his two sons who died during the influenza outbreak shortly after WWI. He remembers their names as Caleb (or Calup) and Jessie. He stated his dad helped take care of them during their illness. He recalls their daughter Julie helping his family pick cotton when he was a little boy and that she would walk along with him and help put cotton in his sack. Mrs. Foster moved away after her husband died. The following stories were found in the Obit books: �Scott Co. Record - 15 Feb 1917 - Center Point - Hon Twp. - The death angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calup Foster and took from them their little baby girl. Our sympathy is with the bereaved ones.� (This could explain the third unmarked grave.) Also: �Advance Reporter - 8 May 1919 - Lambert Foster returned Sunday to his home near Oliver, from overseas service. There were five of the Foster boys. Three went to France and are still living. Two remained home and died last fall of the flu.�

Mr. Plummer related a story about Will Metcalf. He lived in a rent house belonging to Mr. Plummer�s grandfather that sat near the cemetery to the north. Mr. Metcalf was riding on a hay wagon filled with hay and had a pitchfork in his hands. The hay tipped over and Mr. Metcalf fell on his pitchfork. He reportedly pulled the pitchfork out of himself but died shortly after.

In an on-going Obit project, I have been taking the names of those deceased from the available Obit Books at the Historical Society, and trying to match a grave up with them in the cemetery mentioned. The following are graves that were not found, but were recorded in obits taken from newspapers. Be aware that information in the papers can be wrong. This is an incomplete list and will be updated later.

* Alonzo Phipps is believed to be listed as Orlando Phipps in Scott Co. Obit Book Vol. 1 - pg. 38. Death date and age is exact. (Waldron Reporter - 23 June 1904 - Orlando Phipps, age 24, died Saturday at his home in Cauthron Twp. He leaves a wife and child but had recently had his life insured for $1000 in the Mutual Life Ins. Co.)

* Advance Reporter - 9 Aug 1917 - Center Point - The death angel hovered over the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown and took dear little Lois.

* Advance Reporter - 8 Feb 1917 - Center Point - Mother Belt was laid away to rest in the Center Point cemetery last Sunday.

* Center Point - Hon Twp. - Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Jones went to Hon Sunday to attend the funeral of Aunt Ann Anthony. (This grave could be in the Anthony Cemetery nearby.)

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