Waldron News
29 April 1976
The Scott County Bicentennial Committee Salutes:
Mr. Byron Scudder Hinkle

For 51 years B.S. Hinkle was a resident of Scott County, always working for the betterment of the county in the capacity of County Agricultural Agent, licensed veterinarian and representative to the Arkansas State Legislature.

Mr. Hinkle was born in Mt. View, Arkansas on Feb. 16, 1893, to Dr. J.W.C. (Josh) Hinkle and Lucy Jane Ross Hinkle. He grew up in Mt. View and spent 13 years teaching in Arkansas and Oklahoma schools.

He was married to Bessie Lee Edmondson on June 9, 1914. They were the parents of three daughters, Juanita Hinkle of Ft. Smith, Ark., Mary Frances Myers and Johnnie Faye Owens of Waldron. Mrs. Hinkle, Mary Frances and Juanita came to Scott County with him. It was February 21, 1923 and there was a sign on his office door stating "The people of Scott County air again' county agents." Scudder set to work to change their minds. He treated sick animals at all hours of the day and night for people all over the county. He was soon on a first name basis with nearly everyone.

This was a one crop county, cotton the crop, and the land was not adapted to it. Hinkle saw the need for a diversified agricultural program, with emphasis on pastures and livestock. He had a big part in accomplishing this.

He set up 4-H clubs for the youth. Many of his 4-H members have distinguished themselves in agricultural work. He established a cattle dipping program which virtually wiped out the tick population at one time.

Under his guidance, a proper pasture and feed program was devised. Then because of introduction into the county of blooded sires, many farmers developed better cattle herds. This herd improvement was evidenced by the fact that Scott County farmers always placed well at all of the state livestock shows.

Hinkle was a member of the board of directors of the Arkansas County Agents Association and chairman of the association's retirement committee. He was a charter member of the Chamber of Commerce, Scott County Chairman of the U.S. Savings Bonds Committee, member of the Scott County Farm Bureau which he helped to establish, and a member of the First Baptist Church.

Hinkle retired from the Extension Service December 31, 1953, but continued his veterinary work. He received many awards and certificates of appreciation for his work in Scott County. Among these were the National Distinguished Service Award presented to him by the National Assn. of County Agricultural Agents, and the Lederle Award for Distinguished Farm Service.

He was elected to the State Legislature in 1958 and served until 1966. During this time he had the opportunity to introduce several bills that were important to the people of Scott County. One of which was his Brucellosis law. Having been it's victim, "Undulant Fever" for several years - he realized the importance of a compulsory vaccination of all cattle against Brucillosis, thereby practically eliminating the dreaded disease among cattle and the people who care for them.

He also drafted and sponsored the veterinary control bill which set the standards for the practice of veterinary medicine. He also served on the board of directors for the practice of veterinary medicine for several years.

He was able during his tenure to help expand electrical service to parts of Scott County that had never had electricity.

He also worked closely with the Game and Fish Commission andwas able to start the "Ball rolling" to obtain the lake that carries his name and stands as his memorial - beautiful Lake Hinkle.

A sincere SALUTE to the man who contributed so much to Scott County! Happy Birthday U.S.A.

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