Cemeteries A - M

Welcome to Tombstones and More, a webpage established so that Randolph County researchers can share death and burial information on their family members. If you are interested in making a contribution to this page, email me. Your name and email address will be published with the information so that connections can be made. 

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St. Paul's Catholic Cemetery

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These pages last modified -- Sunday, 25-Apr-2010  


Luther Stout, September 1, 1891 - August 4, 1893 --- Contributed by Tammie Chada


Alous Stout, February 11, 1902 - September 9, 1921 
Amanda C. Stout, (Judkins), December 5, 1843 - January 15, 1906 
Carl C. Stout, February 20, 1908 - July 20, 1983 
Edith Stout (dau of J. W. & Nettie), November 1, 1911 - November 7, 1911 
Hattie E. Stout (Bellah), 1869 - 1960 
Hite Stout, June 25, 1905 - September 11, 1933 
James Stout, 1896 - 1954 
John F. Stout, January 1, 1869 - June 14, 1906 
Retha Stout (Mars), 1901 - 1972 
Robert G. Stout, January 3, 1869 - July 6, 1902 
Samuel Stout, September 27, 1839 - August 15, 1894 
William N. Stout, November 30, 1878 - February 25, 1915 
Contributed by Tammie Chada

Mariah E. (Segraves) Hogan (w/o John G.) 14 Jun 1855 - 16 Jan 1944 
John G. Hogan (s/o Martin M.) 1851 - 1933 
Ada Hogan 4 Oct 1878 - 2 Jul 1882 
John G. Hogan (Jr) 18 Aug 1889 - 29 Sept 1889 
Submitted by Gava Graham

Submitted by M. Johnson

Water Valley, Randolph County, AR

BLANSETT, Thomas, b. 10 Oct 1841, d. 16 Sept 1929; husband of Elmira HAWKINS BLANSETT. 
BLANCETT, Joseph, b. 29 Mar 1847, d 15 Feb 1899; husband of Mary Ann RIDDLE, and son of Martha BLANCETT. 
BLANCETT, James, b. 1 June 1849, d. 22 Oct 1889; husband of Benetta Jo ODOM and Thalia RAGLIN, and son of Martha BLANCETT . 
Contributed by Norman BlansettGeorge Washington Pickett, born oct., 1872, died 1912, hus. of Cora Belle (Blansett) Pickett, unmarked graveCora Belle (Blansett) Pickett, born apr., 1873, died 1908, wife of Geo. W. Pickett, unmarked graveinfant Pickett, born 1898, died 1898, dau. of Geo. W. & Cora B. (Blansett) Pickett, unmarked grave
Submitted by Carol Thompson.

BRADY CEMETERY (also known as White & Valley Chapel Cemmetery)
Located in field, chain link fence, Valley Chapel community, Randolph County, AR

BRADY cemetery (also called White & Valley Chapel cem.), located in field, chain link fence, Valley Chapel com., Randolph co., Ark.James Edward Pickett, born aug., 1829, died 7 dec., 1905, son of Andrew & Elizabeth (Campbell) Pickett, hus. of Emily Galbraith (third wife)    NOTE: dates on marker are wrong.  CSAJohn R. Brady, born 20 sep., 1839, died 7 dec., 1916, hus. of Mary Josephine (Pickett) Bradye, Co. D, 7th Rgt. Ark. Inf. Cav., CSAJohnie Brady, born 26 feb., 1904, died 24 june, 1904, dau. of J.R. & M.J. (Pickett) Brady.
Submitted by Carol Thompson

While there during September 1999, I transcribed all of the readable
grave markers.  My list includes 17 names, including two of the four
listed on your web site.  Here is my list, along with comments.
The cemetery is enclosed by a chain link fence in the middle of a cow
pasture, about 100 yards or so from the gate.  Several of the grave
markers were simply rocks and the inscription had long ago faded.  There
were also several graves at the west end that had sank at least one or
two feet.  And, no marker.

John R. Brady
Company D, 7th Regt., Arkansas Infantry, CSA
1842 - 1917

James E. Pickett
1831 - 1807

Mary Susan Anderson
May 24, 1880  -  March 24, 1914
(Note:  Mary is my grandmother.  My father replaced the old marker with
the one now there about three years ago and got the dates wrong.
According to her official death certificate, She was born March 24, 1888
and died March 24, 1914 on her 26th birthday.  My father has intended to
correct it, but, at age 87, likely will not)

Paul Russell White
1818 - 1818

Lela Lillian White
1914 - 1914

Mother Anna White
March 4, 1893 - September 19, 1946

Father John White
December 20, 1884 - February 27, 1964

Earl M. Riddle
April 9, 1919 - April 8, 1953

Warren Riddle
March 1, 1903 - June 21, 1997

Nancy Depew
"Mother of Mary Wells"
February 18, 1857 - March 9, 1917

Wright H. Hadley
November 27, 1926 - November 28, 1926

J. P. Tyler, Jr.
June 8, 1927 - June 12, 1927

Mother Josie Henderson
1867 - 1941

Father B.B.
December 25, 1966 - March 29, 1914

Daughter Ida
November 4, 1898 - January 29, 1915

Mother Rosetta
August 7, 1877 - February 11, 1952

Pierce White
1858 - 1914

Submitted by: Elmer T. Anderson


Hubert Homer Lynxwiler October 17, 1908 - February 12, 1985 --- Contributed by Tammie Chada


Harriet Jane (Thronebury) Wooldridge b. Feb. 1, 1841 d. Dec. 29, 1875 
William A. Wooldridge b. Feb. 23, 1824 d. Oct. 2, 1890 
Contributed by Sandy Noordhof

Ravenden Springs, Arkansas
Turn off Hwy 90 onto Oak Ridge Rd. at Ravenden Springs, Ar. (there is not a road sign but this is the road that leads to the school) go 2.6 miles turn Left onto Sassafras Trail (gravel road) then go abt � mile road will fork stay to the right you will pull up to gate. There are 20 or more graves that are marked by stones, no name or dates but have flowers placed on them.

BESSIE ALLISON (Dau of Henry Davis and Fannie [Edney] Davis), 17 May 1902- 18 May 1987 
LILLIE P. ALLISON, 18 Oct. 1895- 22 April 1941 
WILMA D. ALLISON, (Dau of Leander Allison and Lillie P. [Crawford]), 6 June 1920- 22 Nov. 1941 
FRED BAILY,1886-1947 
RETTIE BAILY, (Dau of C.C. Murphy and Susan Malinda [Gage] Murphy), wife of Fred, 1890-1926 
EDGER E. DAVIS, 9 Oct. 1883- 5 March 1938 
GEORGE TRUMAN DAVIS (Son of Edger Davis and Leona [Allison] Davis), hus. of Mable (Franklin), 19 Aug. 1923 - 30 Jan. 1980 
CLETA( DAVIS) HOWARD, (Dau. of Edger Davis and Leona [Allison] Davis), 21 Nov. 1931 - 8 May 1982 
EDNEY B. ODOM, (Dau. of John Ora Allison and Bessie [Davis] Allison), 12 Dec. 1927- 3 Jan. 1976 
Contributed by Joye Obarts

Ethridge Morris, b. 11-29-1917, d. 11-07-1994, husband of Vergie Collins Morris. 
Cleo Collins, b. 2-29-1921, d. 2-?-1987, husbund of Ethel Henson Collins. 
Dola Collins, b. 4-27-1913, d. 3?1999 (no husband or children). 
Contributed by Jennie Green

I tried to indicate the joint headstones by placing a ~ in front of the name: 
Marie GATES 8-2-1947 to 7-21-1990 
Pearl M. SEATON 5-2-1906 to 11-10-1985 
Sam A. SEATON 12-17-1883 to 2-24-1962 
Michelle BURCH 10-15-1973 to 11-2-1973 
Troy Doss SHEPARD 1941 to 1967 
Bud SHEPARD 5-3-1919 to 10-13-1989 
Rev. Elmer Preston LOVEN 12-10-1919 to 12-26-1998 
Bessie Evelyn ALLISON 5-1-1902 to 5-18-1987 
~ Edney B. 12-12-1927 to 1-3-1976 ODOM and Raymond C. 4-27-1923 
~ Raymond F. 10-4-1902 to 12-18-1987 WHITE and Velma F. 4-1-1913 
~Troy N. 6-6-1898 to 12-19-1979 BROWN and Viola 4-7-1907 
LeRoy GAGE US Army WWII 1-21-1923 to 12-18-1995 
~ Luther 11-9-1880 to 4-30-1966 GAGE and Lula R. 11-20-1896 to 10-17-1959 
~ Mary E 1876-1951 GAGE and Jaspor N. 1875 to 1942 
Joseph GAGE Pvt. US Army WW II 6-9-1909 to 11-29-1990 
~ Ezell 5-20-1928 to 3-11-1950 GAGE and Devell 6-27-1920 to -20-1941 
~ Lorene 1910 to 1911 STARLING and Truman 1919 to 1921 
~ Ruth 11-11-1894 to 3-17-1972 GAGE and Charles 10-25-1894 to 2-20-1934 
~ Gerald 2-21-1923 to 6-2-1927 GAGE and Guy 4-30-1918 to 4-17-1919 
"J.W." James William PARRISH 6-24-1923 to 3-27-1980 
Guthrie T. PARRISH 10-4-1929 TO 2-2-1968 
LOONEY infant 4-19-1948 
Jimmy Dale PARRISH 1949to 1996 
Kenneth D. PARRISH US Army WWII 2-23-1919 to 3-20-1979 
Alice J. PARRISH 11-3-1946 to 12-9-1946 
Owen L PARRISH AR Pfc381 inf WWII 3-26-1922 to 4-20-1945 
Duel R PARRISH AR Pfc 119 Inf 30 Inf Div WW II 8-11-1917 to 10-16-1944 
~ Samuel L 9-21-1886 to 11-9-1942 PARRISH andAltie 9-27-1895 to 10-26-1953 
Billy Lee PATTERSON infant son of Wayne & Treva 1-9-1944 
Leda Barger age 73 
Mrs. Barbara Ann Cantwell 1947 to 1989 
Cleta Davis HOWARD 11-21-1931 to 5-8-1982 
~ Thomas A. 1879 to 1957 ULRICH and Minnie 1890 to 1980 
Kent Huntzinger husband to Sheila Adkins Huntzinger 10-5-1956 to 8-3-1995 we love you dad Kyle, Torey, Sara, Bret, Kalie 
~ Edward L 1-9-1877 to 1-5-1961 SNELL and Emmer 1-26-1884 to 7-22-1963 
Mary E. PRICE 1866to 1943 
Joseph D. PRICE 2 & 3 Ar Inf Pvt CSA 5-10-1844 to 2-24-1931 
Mary D. wife of J.D. PRICE 1-28-1864 to 6-12-1929 
Leeander husband of Sallie PRICE -23-1894 to 8-5-1927 
Willie Lee BAKER 2-13-1885 to 4-7-1924 this stone is very hard to read especially dates 
~ S.M. 9-23-1865 to 3-24-1950 MURPHY and CC 10-27-1862 to 2-2-1892 
Willard T. SHEPHERD 10-8-1921 to 12-4-1921 
~ Raleigh T 3-19-1859 to 9-15-1937 GANN and Mary F. 4-5-1873 to 8-10-1931 
~ John B 6-8-1899 to 1-24-1976 SHEPHERD wed 8-29-1920 and Ethel E 9-14-1902 to 4-16-1999 
~ Lillie P 10-18-1895 to 4-27-1941 ALLISON and Lee Ander 7-6-1897 to 2-2-1987 
Wilma D. ALLISON 6-6-1920 to 11-26-1941 
Agnes Allyene PATTERSON 12-8-1925 to 7-22-1992 
Arthur Linley PATTERSON 5-18-1956 TO 3-7-1975 
William Tea Vinson paper marker hard to read 
Infant son Mr & Mrs Ted Vinson 
Lewis B Farmer 5-23-1892 to 7-16-1967 
Jerry C Franklin 3-17-1952 to 10-27-1982 
~ Cleo 3-29-1921 to 3-15-1987 COLLINS and Ethel Irene 7-11-1926 to 8-5-1991 
Beloved Brother Tracy W COLLINS 2-19-1972 to 2-16-1992 
~ Vergie (Collins) MORRIS and Etheridge K 11-29-1917 to 10-7-1994 
Cordia White 3-1-1877 to 3-4-1970 
~ Raymond R 4-10-1934 to 9-11-1992 CRAWFORD and Sallie B 10-2-1903 to 7-12-1994 Sp4 US Army Korea 
Geraldine LAGHLEY 11-24-1928 TO 9-25-1998 
George T. DAVIS 8-19-1923 to 1-30-1980 
Edgar E DAVIS 10-9-1883 to 3-5-1938 
B.C. MURPHY 11-27-1913 to 5-1916 hard to read 
~ Rettie 1890 to 1926 BAILEY and Fred 1886 to 1947 
~ Bertha M 6-7-1883 to 7-28-1956 MURPHY and George C 4-2-1885 to 9-3-1958 
~ Belle 1887-1985 KING and SF 1883-1957 
Submitted by Sherry


Martha J. Flannery Swan, 24 Oct. 1869 - 12 Sept. 1908; Daugher of Thomas J. & Rachel Taylor Flannery. Wife of James Franklin (Jim) Swan. 
James Franklin (Jim) Swan, 18 July 1854 - 21 June 1928. Memorial marker beside his wife. He is buried in Rosemound Cem., Commerce, Texas. Son of George W. and Sarah Catherine Chesser Swan. 
These are minor children of James Franklin & Martha Flannery Swan who are buried in Chesser Cemetery: 
Nemer Ethel Swan - 2 Nov. 1895 - 9 April 1898 
Early Thomas Swan - 30 Nov. 1898 - 30 Oct. 1900 
Hite Swan - 18 Jan. 1901 - 10 Sept. 1907 
Baby Boy Swan - 22 Jan. 1908 - 10 Feb. 1908 
Laffate (Fate) Swann, Sr., 4 April 1903 - 25 June 1962; Son of James Franklin & Martha Flannery Swan. Husband of Hazel Austin Swann. 
George W. Swan, 1818 - 8 Jan. 1862 (unmarked grave); Husband of Sarah Catherine Chesser Swann. 
Sarah Catherine Chesser Swan, June 1836 - Winter of 1900-1901 (unmarked grave); Wfe of (1) George W. Swan and (2) Elisa Smith. Daugher of James & Sarah Catherine Best Chesser. 
George Madison Swann, 19 March, 1856 - 14 Aug. 1915; Son on George W. & Sarah Catherine Chesser Swann. 
Dollie Leathers Swann, 16 Aug. 1857 - 1883 (unmarked grave); Wife of George Madison Swann. Daughter of Rubin & Elizabeth Roach Leathers. 
Mary Lee Leathers Swann, 1868 - Dec. 1885 (unmarked grave); Wife of George Madison Swann. Daughter of Rubin & Elizabeth Roach Leathers. 
Eliza Lee Donnell, 16 Aug. 1869 - 7 Jan. 1903; Wife of George Madison Swann. Daughter of S. F. & Sarah Flannery Donnell. 
Lucas R. Swan, 1879 - 1899; Husband of Mattie Rock. Son of George Madison & Dollie Leathers Swann. 
Hubert Lee Swan, 20 Nov. 1885 - 23 Feb. 1945; Son of George Madison & Mary Lee Leathers. 
Jane Sutton Swan, 12 June 1882 - 13 June 1945; Wife of Hubert Lee Swan. 
Floyd T. (Jake) Swann, 29 March 1895 - 10 March 1959; Son of George Madison & Eliza Lee Donnel Swann. 
Essie Dell Partner Swann, 31 July 1902 - 31 Dec. 1989; Wife of (Jake) Swann. Daug. of Will Partner. 
Howard W. Swann, Sr., 11 Aug. 1898 - 14 May 1945; Son of George Madison & Eliza Lee Donnel Swann. 
Virginia Ruth Wayland Swann, 5 Sept. 1897 - 18 Feb. 1989; Wife of Howard W. Swann, Sr. 
Howard W. Swann, Jr., 19 Sept. 1922 - 16 Jan. 1937; Son of Howard W. & Virginia Ruth Swann. 
James Chesser, 1811 - 1872, (unmarked grave) b. Davidson Co. Tenn; Husband of Sarah Catherine Best. Son of Hosea Chesser & Sarah Reeves. 
Sarah Catherine Best Chesser, 1806 - Aug. 1870, (sandstone marker) b. Davidson Co. Tenn.; Wife of James Chesser. 
Benjamin Franklin Chesser, 29 Oct. 1831 - 31 Dec. 1875; Son of James & Sarah Catherine Best. 
Ellen Adeline Ellis Chesser Wyatt, 13 Dec. 1842 - 22 Sept. 1899; Wife of Benjamin F. Chesser and Daniel D. Wyatt. Daug. of Wm. F. & Nellie Ellen Chesser Ellis. 
Thomas J. Flannery, 29 Dec. 1841 - 11 Jan. 1908; Son of John T. & Nancy Spiva Flannery. 
Rachel Taylor Flannery, 1 Oct. 1849 - 10 Oct. 1913, (unmarked grave beside her husband); Wife of Thomas J. Flannery. Daug. of John D. & Nancy Roberts Taylor of Oregon Co., MO. 
Marion Clyde Chesser, 4 May 1895 - 30 Nov. 1967; Husband of Ada Mae Allen; Son of Eugene & Margarett Chesser. 
Ada Mae Allen Chesser, 19 July 1897 - 2 Oct. 1956; Wife of Marion Clyde Chesser. 
Della Riggs Chesser Lemmons, 4 Oct. 1888 - 12 April 1981; Wife of (1) John Chesser and (2) Richard Lemmons; Daug. of Wm. Finis Riggs & Mary Elizabeth Bates. 
Linda Diane Swan Leathers, 14 June 1955 - 22 April 1978; Wife of Gary Leathers; Daug. of Wier Ray (Hootie) Swan and Dixie Looney Swan. 
Alice Chesser, 11 June 1851 - 23 April 1880; Wife of Jerrome B. Chesser. Daug. of F. McLain or F. McClain. 
Anna Elizabeth Chesser Teel, 20 July 1856 - 3 Feb. 1931; Wife of James William Teel. Daug. of Edmond & Elizabeth Puryear Chesser. 
Phillip A. Leathers, 1845 - 1931; Husband of Margaret C. Chesser. 
Contributed by Ann Crumpton

Carroll Franklin Koons 3 May 1880-4 Feb.1938.Husband of Cora A. Mitchell Koons 
Cora A. Koons 15 Dec. 1883-4 Feb.1961.Wife of Carroll F. Koons 
Janetta Louise Koons 5 Aug. 1937-3 Oct 1937. 
Sylvia Jean Koons 21 June 1941-21 July 1944. 
Ronald & Donald Koons b:&d: Jan. 1936 twin sons of James Carroll Koons and Fern Myers Koons. 
Koons unknown unmarked grave 
Koons unknown unmarked grave 
Charles E. Keifer 1926-1931 son of Lottie Mitchell Keifer Tillman. 
Charles E. Mitchell 19 Jan. 1871-4 March 1965, husband of Mary E. Mitchell 
Mary E. Mitchell 24 June 1879-16 Oct. 1965, wife of Charles E. Mitchell 
James W. Mitchell 13 Aug.1904-25 Aug. 1969, son of Charles E.&Mary E. Mitchell 
M.L.(Bill) Tillman 12 June 1908-6 Jan.1973, Husband of Lottie Mitchell Tillman 
Lottie Mitchell Tillman 6 Aug. 1908-wife of Bill Tillman 
Fred E. Mitchell 15 Dec. 1913-25 Oct 1970, Husband of Delilah J. Mitchell 
Reva G. Mitchell 5 Aug 1909-7 Aug. 1977,wife of Olla E. Mitchell 
Edgar C. Gunter 5 May 1927-7 Oct 1980, Husband of Dorothy Mitchell Gunter 
Paul Lee Goings, Sr. 16 Nov. 1913-25 Dec 1987, husband of Nellie Irene Mitchell Goings 
Michael Shawn Mitchell 29 March 1973-23 Nov.1985. Son of Dickie and Becky (Ponder) Mitchell. 
Carl E. Mitchell 20 June 1912-27 May 1992 Husband of Thelma L. Mitchell 
Lonnie Ray Haney -13 Jan. 1999 Husband of Marie Mitchell Haney 
Arthur Myers 10 Feb. 1884-3 Jan. 1933. Husband of Cora A. Myers 
Cora A. Myers 22 Jan 1890-13 Dec 1962 Wife of Arthur Myers 
Noel R. Myers 16 Feb. 1908-21 Dec 1931 son of Arthur and Cora Myers 
Koons, Janetta Louise, b: 8-5-1937, d: 10-3-1937, daughter of Johnnie and Alice Lee (Purdy) Koons. 
Koons, Slyvia Jean, b:6-21-1941, d:7-21-1944, daughter of Johnnie and Alice Lee (Purdy) Koons. 
Olla E. Mitchell b: 9-21-1902, d: 3-27-1999. Husband of Reva G. Mitchell 
Contributed by Robin Alphin Hamm


William Moses Mitchell, B: Feb. 17, 1868, D: 6-26-1941, husband of Mary 
Mitchell, son of William Mitchell and Mary (AuBuchon) Mitchell. 
Mary Mitchell, B: July 3, 1872, D: March 6, 1933, wife of William Moses Mitchell. 
Contributed by Robin Alphin HammOlin Thompson, born 26 july, 1860, died 12 dec., 1929, husband of Mahulda Ann (Pratt) ThompsonMahulda Ann (Pratt) Thompson, born 14 april, 1861, died 10 nov., 1943Clarence Olin Thompson, born 3 dec., 1899, died 22 aug., 1987, husband of Bessie Jane (Mitchell) Thompson, son of Olin & Mahulda Thompsoninfant Thompson, born and died Sept., 1828, son of C.O. & Bessie Thompsoninfant Thompson, born and died Nov., 1933, son of C.O. & Bessie ThompsonWilliam M. Thompson, born 1 feb., 1885, died 23 may, 1913, son of Olin & Mahulda Thompson, husband of Elsie (Mace) ThompsonNora Isabelle (Thompson) Jackson, born 4 may, 1895, died 14 sept., 1991, dau. of Olin & Mahulda Thompson, wife of J.F. JacksonJames Francis Jackson, born 18 jan., 1891, died 15 sep., 1940, husband of Nora (Thompson) JacksonThelma Jackson, born 11 march,1918, died 11 may, 1918, dau. of J.F. & Nora JacksonRobert L. Gordon, born 2 nov., 1878, died 19 april, 1908, husband of Betty (Thompson) Gordoninfant Gordon, born 18 nov., 1903, died 18, nov., 1903, child of Robert & Betty (Thompson) GordonVera Josephine (Thompson) Thompson, born 4 feb., 1890, died 24 oct., 1918, wife of Luther H. ThompsonWanda Marvarine Thompson, born 14 april, 1916, died 2 feb., 1917, dau. of Luther & Vera ThompsonLouis G. Thompson, born 25 may, 1918, died 13 april, 1918, son of Irving & Katie (Thompson) ThompsonJohn Olin Thompson, born 22 sep., 1922, died 7 july, 1924, son of Irving & Katie (Thompson) ThompsonMinnie C. Thompson, born 28 nov., 1892, died 6 sep., 1894, dau. of Olin & Mahulda (Pratt) Thompson
Submitted by Carol Thompson.

Located just off Highway 328W, about three miles west of Maynard is a concrete marker enclosed in wrought iron fence which reads, " Site of Salem Church - Organized 1818 - the first Baptist Church constituted in Arkansas." On a hilltop just east of this site is the present day Columbia - Jarrett church building and cemetery.

This church resulted form consolidation of two pioneer settlements, Columbia and Jarrett. This particular area has borne many names during its existence. The Columbia area supposedly was first known as Fourche de Maux and was named for a French trapper who was the first white man in the area. Other names by which it has been known are Fourche de Thomas, Foster and Lindseyville. 

Historians tell us that Columbia just may be the site of the first settlement in Randolph County. The Fletchers, Lindseys, Jarretts, Morrises and Davises and other families located there soon after 1800. Since early in the Nineteenth Century, the Columbia settlement has been popular and reflected its influence on the history of Randolph County. Being located on the Old Military Road, which traversed the county from Pitman's Ferry to Old Davidsonville, many historical figures of early American history journeyed though this part of the country. Written by Nick Shivey 

Columbia-Jarrett Cemetery

Akin, Infant; Daughter of Ruff & Magi; twin sister of Jennie Lee; born & died 15 Jan 1929 
Akin, Maggie; wife of Rufe E.; 1886 - 1953 
Akins, Rufe E.; son of John William and Sally (Morgan); 28 Jan 1892 -8 Jan 1972 
Carroll, Opal Akins; wife of Estes; 1916 - 1946 
Cassidy, Oma A.; (Ann Pickett) wife of Thomas C.; 1898 - 
Cassidy, Herbert E.; son of Thomas and Oma Anne (Pickett); Husband of Mary L. (Brown); W.W.II Veteran; 17 Aug 1925 - 7 Oct 1999 (Obituary) 
Cassidy, Thomas Cleo.; son Theodore & Florence (Stevenson); 25 May 1894 - 2 Mar 1976 
Counts, Eva Ann 1867 - 6 Dec 1965 
Elkins, Billie; Wife of Bob; 5 Oct 1915 
Elkins, Bob 6 Jun 1915 
Harris, Fleecy A.; wife of Estel; Daughter of Wyllie and; Kizzie (forest) William; 12 Sep 1891 - 9 Sep 1983; no tombstone
Hill, Bernadine; wife of Lester, daughter J.E. & Alice (Wooldridge); Jarrett 21 Sep 1919 -13 Oct 1983; Funeral marker 
Hill, James Lavon; son of Lester; 12 Oct 1944 - 9 Dec 1944 
Hill, Minerva Alice; wife of Clarence; Daughter of J.E. & Alice(Woolridge) Jarrett; 13 Apr 1932 - 25 Sep 1975 
Hill, Shirley Ann; daughter of Lester; 2 Jul 1941 - 11 Jul 1941 
Hubbard, Ida E.; wife of J.W.; 2 Feb 1897 - 15 Jul 1921 
Jarrett, Albert; son of J. C. & Alice; 20 Jun 1901 - 1 Oct 1908 
Jarrett, Alice; wife of James C.; 26 Jan 1874 - 21 Aug 1919 
Jarrett, Ava Jewell; wife of James Joe; 19 Sep1930 - 
Jarrett, Charles I.; 10 Feb 1853 - 21 Feb 1890 
Jarrett, Edna Mae; wife of Oscar M.; 14 Nov 1905 - 17 Feb 1959 
Jarrett, H. C.; husband of L. C. C.; 19 Dec 1827 - 4 Nov 1868 
Jarrett, James C.; 7 Sep1868 - 15 Feb 1936 
Jarrett, James Ervin; son of James & Alice (Carroll); 6 Jan 1894 - 19 Jun 1976 
Jarrett, James Joe; 8 Jun 1926 - 20 May 1961 
Jarrett, Joseph A.; 3 Feb 1864 - 17 Aug 1957 
Jarrett, Louis C.; 1 Mar 1851 - 6 Oct 1915 
Jarrett, Louelar [C]; wife of L. C.; 17 Sep 1854 -30 Jan 1914 
Jarrett, Mary Alice; wife of James Ervin; 2 Dec 1899 - 1986 
Jarrett, Oscar Mc Clure; husband of Katie (Ramsey); son of J. C. & Alice (Carroll); Pvt U.S. Army WW1; 7 Jan 1897 - 21 May 1983 
Jarrett, Sular A.; son of L. C. & L. E.; 21 Jul 1887 - 25 Jul 1908 
Johnson, Joseph D.; died 6 Jan 1951; Age 65 yrs 9 mos 23 days 
Kerley, Infant twin sons of Otis and Iva; born/died 3 Jun 1948 
Kerley, Otis Byron; husband of Ivan Christina Jarrett; died 20 Oct 1984; age 77 yrs 11 mos 
Koster, Anne; wife of Lewis; 1 Jun 1901 - 1 Dec 1972 
Koster, Lewis; 15 Jan 1885 - 8 Jan 1969 
McCoy, Jennie; wife of T. R.; daughter of John William & Sallie (Morgan) Akins; 15 Aug 1888 - 25 Nov 1970; (No tombstone - Obituary) 
Osborn, Fleecy; wife of Leslie; 12 Sep 1891 - 9 sep 1983 
Osborn, Leslie; 19 Dec 1891 - 10 Jul 1944 
Osborn, H. Ray; Pfc U.S. Army W.W.II II; 17 Aug 1914 - 7 Jun 1975 
Pease, Carrie E.; wife of George E.; 2 Nov 1866 - 16 Jun 1962 
Pease, Eula; daughter of George and Carrie; 1905 - 1918 
Pease, Florence; daughter of George and Carrie; 1903 - 1918 
Pease, George E.; 30 Oct 1859 - 16 May 1948 
Pease, Mildred L.; wife of Murray L.; 15 Apr 1916 
Pease, Murray L.; 5 Feb 1903 - 24 Jul 1973 
Pease, Nelson Henry; son of George Lincoln and Carrie E. (Chase); 2 May 1891 - 16 Feb 1972 
Punch, Mamie R.; daughter of Leondus and Carrie (Killion) Rhodes; 26 Nov 1906 - 13 Oct 1976; (no tombstone - obituary) 
Purdy, Jessie; son of Tom and Nettie; 1 Dec 1897 - 23 Jul 1906; (from 1969 EHC list) 
Roberts, Earl C.; 6 Nov 1906 - 2 Dec 1974 
Roberts, Ida C.; wife of Jacob H.; 1875 - 1950 
Roberts, Infants; twins of J. H. and Ida C.; born and died 21 Sep 1903 
Roberts, Jacob H.;1879 - 1910 
Roberts, Ruby Estell; wife of Earl C.; daughter of Max & Oma (Anne Pickett) (Cherry); 2 Feb 1917 - 26 Sep 1980 
Shank, Avid N.; 1911 - 2968 
Shank, Elnor.; daughter of J. Frank & Marion 
Shank, J Frank; 1882 - 1950 
Shank, Marion Edith; wife of J. Frank; 1886 - 12 Aug 1965 
Shank, Mildred O.; wife of Robert A.; 29 Nov 1913 
Shank, Pauline; daughter of J. Frank & Marion 
Shank, Robert Arnold "Jack"; son of Frank & Marion (Pease); 14 Jan 1914 - 18 Oct 1970 
Shank, Walter; son J. Frank & Marion; Williams, Alice R (Montgomery); wife of David Edgar; 13 Feb 1908 
Williams, Anna B.; wife of Luther P.; 2 Nov 1918 - 
Williams, Annie E. wife of C. Luther; 23 Jan 1888- 28 May 1966 
Williams, C. Luther; 14 Sep 1883 - 10 Dec 1951 
Williams, Charles S; 19 May 1925 - 20 Nov 1928 
Williams, David B.; 1911 - 1951 
Williams, David Edgar; son of Wiley and Kizzie (Forest); 15 Nov 1889 - 8 Jul 1978 
Williams, Felix; 22 Oct 1875 - 27 Dec 1940 
Williams, Felix Vester; 23 Jul 1909 - 
Williams, Infant; son of C. Luther and Annie E.; born and died 13 Jul 1927 
Williams, Infant; son of Anna and Luther; died 8 Feb 1940 
Williams, James M.; 13 Apr 1940 
Williams, Jennie E.; wife of Felix; 15 Aug 1889 - 25 Nov 1971 
Williams, John S.; 18 Nov 1904 - 5 Jul 1954 
Williams, Kissy R.; wife of Wiley; 28 Aug 1861 - 6 Aug 1943 
Williams, Lester D.; son of C. Luther D.; 13 Jan 1914 - 25 Oct 1919 
Williams, Lillian Ines; daughter of Felix and Jennie; 26 Jun 1912 - 15 Jul 1917 
Williams, Luther P.; 20 Jan 1914 - 29 Sep 1973 
Williams, Mamie; wife of John S.; 26 Nov 1906 - 13 Oct 1976 
Williams, Margaret Elgie; wife of felix Vester; daughter of Silas Alford & Etta Lou (Cull) Brooks; 2 Jun 1908 - 8 Apr 1985 
Williams, Thomas Vester; 25 Aug 1933 - 29 Sep 1935 
Williams, Wiley; 19 Jul 1859 - 12 Aug 1924 
Williams, Wilma; wife of David B.; 1915 
Submitted by Ken Jarrett

Maynard, Arkansas

The deed to the cemetery, dated 21 Nov 1912, was granted by T W Cates and Emma Cates, his wife, to Simon Cox, C H Greer and Peter (Simon Peter) Sammons (Samons). 

PLEASANT BRANCHFLOWER HATLEY, June 1839 - 28 Dec 1928. Tombstone is a Confederate upright marble marker. 
IMO COX MALONEY, b 1 Mar 1942; d 9 May 1999. (Daughter of William Cox, sister of Cleavan Cox.) 
CHARLES G. PARKER (hus of Elizabeth C. Cox and Etnna Mae Parker) 27 Nov 1836 - 17 Sep 1905 
ELIZABETH C. (CHARITY) COX (CHARITY E. PARKER), first wife of C G Parker, abt 1846 - abt 1897. Unmarked site, but located at the rear East Section per Cleavan Cox. First to be buried in the cemetery located at the rear of the two acre site. Married 23 Jul 1865. 
ETNNA E. MAE (MAY) PARKER (second wife of C G Parker) 27 Oct 1857 - 25 Apr 1936 
A. C. PARKER (son of Charles & Etnna Parker) 12 Jan 1897 - 1 May 1932 
RACHEL PARKER HAGAR(dau of Charles & Etnna Parker) 27 Oct 1892 - 20 Aug 1927 
S P SAMONS (Simon Peter Samons), 11 May 1862 - 14 Sept 1944, (S P was one of the original deed holders) 
MARGANIE PARKER SAMONS (wife of Simon Peter Samons) 14 Oct 1877 - 29 Jun 1951 
There is an old soap stone marker with no writing and a tree stump with a stone near Simon Peter, that is felt to be the markers for JAMES SAMMONS (b. abt March, 1820; d. after 1900) and his wife, PERMELIA ELIZABETH HURN (b. abt 1837; d. after 1900), parents of Simon Peter, William and my grandfather, JAMES BENJAMIN. 
ADELINE HATLEY (OOTEN) SAMONS, (first wife of William Matthew Samons, bur in Miller Cemeter, Maynard/Supply) 22 Jun 1864 - 18 Apr 1888 
LUCHEN WREN BENTON (bro to Drucella S. Benton, second wife of William Matthew Samons) 1883 - 2 Jun 1955. 
ANNIE C. BENTON (wife of Luchen) 1891 - 11 Dec 1952. 
EFFIE LIDDELL BENTON (dau of Luchen & Annie Benton) 26 Oct 1907 - 8 Oct 1909 
MARY E. PARKER DUFF (dau of Charlie Parker & Elizabeth C. Cox) 6 Oct 1866 - 16 Sept 1895. 
ELIJAH DUFF (hus of Mary E. Parker) 1862 - 1914. Note:  I know there is an Elijah Duff w/a middle initial "L", listed as husb of MARTHA M, BUT I'm not sure he is also the husb of Mary E.  If so, he died one month before his son, Jessie.  That's not unsual.  I know Mary E was already desceased, so he probably is the same person. 
JESSIE DUFF (son of Elijah Duff & Mary Parker) 12 Oct 1893 - 16 Mar 1914. 
ROSETTA HATLEY SAMONS, June 1881 - Feb. 8, 1912, Daughter of P. B. F., Wife of JAMES B. SAMONS. Mother of Adrian D. and Joseph A. - A dreadful Death, but forever young
Submitted by Dolores Samons Harvell


Thomas R. England, b. 1-16-1847, d. 4-10-1924 
Contributed by Kathy England Davis

Anna Lee Bellah, August 22, 1934 - October 26, 1934 
Helen Genette Bellah, October 27, 1941 - October 10, 1943 
Infant Son Bellah (son of A. L. & Bertha) August 21, 1920 - December 3, 1920 
Leonard Bellah, Jr. (aka Jack) 1899-1933 
B. H. Toy ( son of C. F. & SLD) February 12, 1915 - September 27, 1916 
C L. Toy (son of C.F. & S.L.D.) January 20, 1917 - August 26, 1920 
Contributed by Tammie Chada

BLY, Malinda J., b. ca 1843 - d. 29 March 1873 AR.; wife of Thompson Mcgovern BLANCETT 
BLANCETT, Joan Estelle, b. 29 March 1873 Ar. - d. 29 March 1873 Ar.; Daughter of Thompson Mcgovern Blancett and Malinda J. Bly 
BLANCETT, Minnie M., b. 7 May 1879 AR. - d. 13 May 1879 AR.; Daughter of Thompson McGovern Blancett and Laura Kline/Cline 
BLANCETT, L. A., b. 9 oct 1881 AR. - d. 1 Aug 1883 AR.; Daughter of Thompson Mcgovern Blancett and Laura Kline aka Cline 
Contributed by Norman Blansett

BANKS, Barthenia Matilda (Bates), (1June 1880 - 1 Sep 1861), daughter of F&D Bates 
BATES, Don (27 Aug 1875-18 Feb 1928), son of F&D Bates 
BELK, Ethel ( Aug 1894-29 Apr 1985) (DUTY), daughter of E & L Duty 
DUTY, Conrad ("Coon") (Abt 1839-13 Nov 1874), son of E&M Duty 
DUTY, Elijah, (12 Dec 1869-7 Mar 1956), son of C&M Duty 
DUTY, Emmett "Bud", (1896-1931) served in WWI, his headstone shows a "doughboy," son of E&L Duty 
DUTY, James A. ("Jim"), (28 Apr 1871-21 Sep 1913 or 1908), son of C&M Duty 
DUTY, "Lula" (BATES), (Dec 18, 1871-Feb 9, 1906), wife of Elijah, daughter of F&D Bates. On her tombstone it says, "She was a kind wife, affectionate mother, and friend to all." 
DUTY, Roy, (8 Nov 1904-13 Mar 1928), son of J & L Duty 
RAINES, Era (DUTY) (5 Jun 1904-27 Jan 1987), daughter of E&L Duty. 
WICKER, Eular Elizabeth (BANKS) (20 Oct 1900-19 Oct 1984), wife of S. Wicker, daughter of B&J Banks. 
WICKER, Shelby Otto, (9 Jul 1897-28 Nov 1977). 
Cora Elizabeth ARNOLD, born Dec. 17, 1889 in Oregon County, Mo. and died July 11, 1963, at her home.
Contributed by Betty Snow


Andrew Anderson Denton born June 15, 1875 died July 11, 1936 
Pearl Isabell Yarber Denton born May 1, 1875 died September 2, 1923 --- Contributed by Elaine Denton


Benjamin O. Owens, Arkansas Pvt 1 Co. 164 Depot Brigade World War I, July 25, 1892-July 31, 1958. The tombstone has a circle above his name with cross inside marker. Contributed by Pat Barnes Alred

Letha H. Owens, Rest In Peace, Sept. 17, 1910- Sept 16, 1951 Contributed by Pat Barnes Alred

Roberts, Minnie E. Odom (Woodall)   daughter of James R. Woodall and Mary (McNatt) Woodall 
  1st husband - Ira Odom   2nd husband - Thomas M. Roberts   28 Aug 1887 - 25 Aug 1947 
Roberts, Thomas M.   son of  Milton Roberts and Nancy (Ainley) Roberts   12 Nov. 1886 - 27 June 1958  Contributed by  Danny Ewing 


Wanda Lewallen Garner   3 Oct 1924--23 Jun 1980
Willard Roy Lewallen   11 Sep 1923-- 23 Sep 1923  son of J A & Idell
David Collins Roberts   23 Jul 1833---3 Jan 1906  son of  Thomas & Mary
Glenburn Fredrick (Fred ) Roberts  16 Jan 1911-- 10 Jul 1986 son of SC & EJ
Emily Jane (Janie) Ulmer  Roberts  16 Mar 1874---20 Apr 1950 wife of S C
Leander Roberts    2 Sep 1866-- 22 Sep 1884 son of D C & M E
Lora Nell (Johnson) Roberts   27 Aug 1915--- 12 May 1995 wife of Fred G.
Malinda E (Finley) Roberts   29 May 1840---10 Mar 1873 wife of David C.
Marion Wade Roberts   15 Apr 1938---30 Dec 1943 son of Fred & Nell
Martha A. Roberts   31 Aug 1864--26 Nov 1883  dau of  D C & M E
Melvin L. Roberts   2 Jun 1897--25 Apr 1969 son of S C & E J
Stephen Columbus (Step) Roberts  18 Feb 1872--19 May 1954 son of  D C & M E
William Thurman Roberts   8 Oct 1907--12 Dec 1998
Vida Mildred (Johnson) Roberts  18 Nov 1914--30 Sep 2000  wife of Thurman
Dick Nelson Roberts  8 Apr 1942--6 May 2006
Harry Russell  1 Dec 1899---26 Dec 1899 son of W R & M E
Ina Celest Russell   6 Jul 1881-- 23 Nov 1901 dau of  W R & M E
Mary E (Ulmer) Russell   23 Jan 1859---25 May 1909 wife of Wiley R.
Notre May Russell   10 Aug 1884-- 19 Aug 1885  dau of  W R & M E
Wiley R Russell   25 Jul 1857---11 Jan 1917
Ada Lucy ( Roberts) Ulmer   27 Jan 1888---11 Nov 1956 wife of John E.
Clyde H Ulmer   14 Dec 1898 -- 27 Jul 1934
Elizabeth Jane (Richey) Ulmer   14 May 1834--19 Feb 1888 wife of John William
Elma T Ulmer  1884-- 1966
Ulmer dau of WT & RJ  born & died 31 Jul 1905
John William Ulmer Jr   9 Apr 1833---9 Sep 1911
John E Ulmer   10 Oct 1891  -- 24 Jan 1962
John W Ulmer 1887--1958
Martha Eunice (Patrick) Ulmer  15 Jun 1854-- 15 May 1926  wife of William M.
Neldagene Ulmer  d. 30 Sept 1928 age 2
Rachel Jane (Roberts) Ulmer   21 Feb 1877-- 2 Feb 1946  wife of Wm T.
Rayburn Ulmer   25 Sep 1913--27 Sep 1913
William Marion Ulmer   2 Oct 1853-- 9 Jun 1942  hub. of  Martha E.
William T Ulmer   27 Apr 1876--12 Feb 1917
Johanna "Rice" (McNeece) Ulmer    Oct 1851 --30 May 1937-(no stone Obit-)wife of John
Susan Permelia (Waddle) Roberts   23 Dec 1843--11 Jan 1927 wife of D.C.
Dennis Dean Winebaugh   30 Jul 1939-- 28 Apr 1991
Eunice Malinda (Roberts) Williams   26 Nov 1915 --7 Jul 1997
Wilber L Williams   20 Aug 1920- 19 Apr 2002

Submitted By:  Freda Roberts


Birdie Seagraves (Johnson), 1889 - July 20, 1961 
Burley Seagraves March 25, 1894 - September 24, 1948 
Caroline Segraves (Waddle), October 1844 - 1927 
Idella Segraves (Cowhorn), February 17, 1875 - September 17, 1950 
John V. Segraves, December 6, 1876 - October 30, 1936 
Rosa B. Segraves, March 10, 1897 - ?? 
Rufus H. Segraves, June 25, 1866 - January 9, 1935 
Sular Segraves, 1886 - 1962 
Vincent C. Segraves, Jr, Civil War Veteran, February 26, 1840 - January 26, 1924 
Contributed by Tammie Chada

Kissiah (Chorice) Goodman, (wife of Philip Goodman) b. Oct. 10, 1859 d. February 7, 1899. 
Daisy (Sullivan) Goodman (wife of William Elbert Goodman) b. Nov. 6, 1883 d.February 10, 1906. 
Contributed by Rita DonCarlos

Benjamin Wiley Crays dod 9-7-1933 
Ida Bennett Crays 1-7-1885 - 6-4-1959 
Submitted by Claudette Reed

Bertha Mae Oglesby June 17, 1888 Mar 18, 1978 d/o Mary C. Sullivan 
John Wesley Oglesby Jan 21, 1886 Aug 14, 1972 
Mary C. Sullivan Oct 15, 1857 Feb 3, 1940 
Contributed by: Jonna Parish


Emma Jane Stout (Dismang), November 6, 1888 - November 14, 1976 
Harry Stout, January 16, 1911 - September 9, 1983 
James S. Stout, 1862 - 1952 
Lee N. Stout, March 8, 1889 - September 30, 1950 
Maudie Stout (McCord), February 8, 1911 - ?? 
Nancy A. Stout (Redwine), 1870 - 1959 
William T. Stout, July 5, 1886 - November 28, 1911 
Contributed by Tammie Chada

located in Warm Springs, Arkansas

Rudy Easter (MOCK) RUSSELL, d/o Matthias MOCK and Leah SHAVER, born 1813, Sumner Co., TN, married Isham (Isom) RUSSELL, 17-NOV-1831, Lawrence Co., AR, died ?? 
Isham (Isom) RUSSELL, s/o William RUSSELL and Mary Ann ??, born 1812, AR, married Rudy Easter MOCK, died ?? 
Edmond D. "Dock" RUSSELL, s/o Isham RUSSELL and Rudy Easter MOCK, born 1840, AR, died ?? 
Contributed by Gena Davis


James Andy Collins 1-23-1890 died 9-3-1938 husband of Mandy 
Mandy Elizabeth Jones Collins 7-5-1892 Died 8-21-1969Wife of James 
Audery Collins 1-3-1928-died 7-5-1930 daughter of James and Mandy 
Submitted by Gregory Green

Ravenden Springs, Randolph Co. Arkansas
Located 1 1/2 miles southeast of Ravenden Springs, Randolph Co., AR

Ellen Davis.....June 18, 1859-June 3, 1892 
John Davis.....Oct. 28, 1857-Jan. 28, 1909 
Martha E. Bailey.....August 3, 1861-Sept. 9, 1931 
George W. Bailey.....Jan. 25, 1857-Sept. 17, 1939 
Will S. Bailey.....November 11, 1889-Jan. 25, 1958 
Olga Davis.....June 10, 1912-1917 
Glen Davis (son of Elmer).....March 17, 1913-September 4, 1920 
Henry Davis.....Dec. 24, 1889-Dec. 19, 1966 
James D. Davis.....Oct. 2, 1867-Dec. 17, 1932 
Myrtle Davis.....March 9, 1875-June 14, 1946 
Nettie B (Lillard) Davis.....Feb. 10, 1995-Oct. 26, 1962 
Sarah Davis.....March 13, 1877-Nov. 23, 1956 
William Soloman Davis (son of James Denton Davis).....Sept. 25, 1906-Feb. 23, 1926 
Contributed by Pamela Davis Carr

LANE, Arthur L. .... b: Sep 8 1897 d: Sep 10 1963 [ h/o Virlie L. ROGERS] 
LANE, John C. [Cole] .... b: May 27 1861 d: Jul 27 1927 [h/o Margaret MARTIN, then Mary Ellen BECK; s/o Jacob & Harriet] 
LANE, Mary E. .... b:Jan 9 1871 d: May 8 1955 [w/o John C.] 
LANE, Thomas Reynold .... b: Feb 15 1889 d:Aug 14 1966 [h/o Virgie A. ROGERS; s/o John C. & Margaret (MARTIN) LANE] 
LANE, Virgie Ann .... b: Jan 8 1891 d: Dec 23 1939 [w/o Thomas R. LANE] 
LANE, Virlie Lee .... b: Jan 12 1897 d: Aug 16 1983 [w/o Arthur Lee LANE] 
LANE, William Lesley .... b: Sep 20 1918 d: Aug 4 1986 [h/o Vernie (HAMPTON); s/o Thomas R. & Virgie A (ROGERS) LANE] 
LANE .... b: 1922 d: 1922 [infant son of Arthur & Virlie LANE]
Submitted by Sherry Link

JENKINS, William Levander, (son of Aaron & Mary McIlroy Jenkins) 1 May 1876 - 11 Jan 1966 
JENKINS, Myrtle Flora (Beck), (dau. of Oliver Perry and Eliza Young Beck) 30 Apr 1884 - 1 Mar 1972 
JENKINS, Wilson Cleaford, (son of Levander & Myrtle Beck Jenkins) 17 Nov 1923 - 19 Jan 1934 
JENKINS, William Bernard, (son of Levander & Myrtle Beck Jenkins) 11 Feb 1909 - 23 Dec 1973 
HURT, Vera (Jenkins), (dau. of Levander & Myrtle Beck Jenkins, wife of Aulcy E. Hurt) 3 Oct 1914 - 2 Feb 1999 
HURT, Carol Francis, (dau. of Aulcy and Vera Jenkins Hurt) 22 Aug 1942 - 17 Nov 1942 
HURT, Aulcy E., (husband of Vera Jenkins Hurt) 3 Feb 1887 - 16 June 1964 
BECK, Oliver, (husband of Eliza A.E. Young) 1831 - 1912 
BECK, Eliza A. E. (Young), (wife of Oliver Beck) 1836 - 1924 
Submitted by Eula Schell.Mary Josephine (Pickett) Brady, born March 1878, died 1961.

Ferd Brady, born 26 feb., 1904, died 1972, son of J.R. & M.J. (Pickett) Brady, single.
Submitted by Carol Thompson.



George Washington Crays 3-22-1886 - 7-17-1961 
Submitted by Claudette Reed

Located near Reyno, AR

JOHNSTON, Minnie Florence .... b: Mar 1 1874 d: Feb 14 1942 [w/o William L.SHELTON, then Wm. (or Walter) S. JOHNSTON; d/o Moses & Eliza E. (WILLIAMS) LANE] 
JOHNSTON, William (or Walter) Stidman .... b: Feb 11 1873 d: Oct 30 1964 [w/o Minnie F (LANE)] 
LANE, Louis Napoleon .... b: Aug 2 1882 d: Mar 26 1908 [s/o Moses & Martha A. (BRYAN)] 
LANE, Moses .... b: Feb 291844 d: Jul 18 1923 [s/o Randolph & Biddy LANE] 
LANE, Martha [VANDEGRIFF] .... b: Apr 4 1858 d: Jan 24 1894 [she rests in an unmarked grave next to Moses] 
SHELTON, Myrtle .... b: Apr 18 1895 d: Feb 17 1911 [ d/o William & Minnie (LANE)] 
Submitted by Sherry Link

Abt 14 mi west of Doniphan, Ripley Co, MO, Hwy P

JOHNSTON CHAPEL, Methodist Church & Cemetery, organized 1865-1866.  Present building erected 1890, in memory of B. Phillips.  (located between Warm Springs, Ark. and Tucker, Mo., intersection of P & DD Hwy.)

Jeff D. Cates, Aug 31 1878 - Jan 21 1952 
Millie Cates, Jan 1 1891 - Feb 15 1958 (Wife of Jeff Cates; d/o John A. Yarbrough) 
Mildred Siegrist, Nov 7 1925 - Apr 17 1952 
Lena Kay Cates, Apr 30 1951 - Jun 20 1951 
Ralph Cates, Oct 7 1940 - Dec 7 1940 
Roshier C. Cates, Jan 14 1853 - Nov 21 1932 and Sarah E. Cates, Ja 23 1866 - Dec 1 1947 
John Henry Cates, Jan 20 1892 - July 21 1970 and Liza Mae Cates, Dec 13 1905 - Feb 1 1993 
Grover C. Cates, 1889 - 1976 and Vermi A. Cates, 1911 - 
Rev. Charlie T. Cates, July 2 1927 - and Auldean (Smith) Cates, Apr 6 1935 - Married Jan 6, 1951 
Contributed by Steve Looney

Hill, Arthur b. 4-9-1895 d. 5-4-1970
Hill, Pearl Azilee b. 8-2-1899 d. 12-18-1987
Hill, Sandy Pvt. US Army 10-7-1918
Hill, Lodemey b. 12-15-1854 d. 4-22-1921 "A tender mother and faithful friend."
Hill, J. T. 5-7-1850 d. 4-15-1927
Hill, Floyd Rusel b. 12-3-1921 d. 3-26-1930 "Our Darling"
Hill, James A. b. 7-24-1877 d. 7-17-1934 Husband of Nancy A.Hill
Hill, Nancy Ann b. 9-14-1882 d. 7-3-1966 "Resting in Peace"
Hill, Odes R. b. 2-14-1910 d. 3-25-1992
Hill, Lawnie Elmer b. 11-26-1915 d. 2-5-1998
Bingham, Almus b. 2-12-1891 d. 1-12-1975
Submitted by Dan Hill
J.R. Gibson, born 16 aug., 1844, died 29 june, 1927, husband of Margerite Gibson,  ( Pvt. Co. N `15 Mi Cav CSA)
Rudy L. Gibson, born 31 jan., 1848, died 6 march, 1920, wife of Jessie R. Gibson, Sr.
Opal Phillips, born 17 jan., 1927, died 9 nov., 1949Zelda Phillips, born 4 sep., 1919, died 24 apr., 1939Thelma Phillips, born 13 may, 1921, died 6 aug., 1951      ( double marker for next two)Birdie B. Phillips, born 18 sep., 1896, died 31 jan., 1986Joseph F. Phillips, born 24 june, 1894, died 18 aug., 1958
Submitted by Carol Thompson.


Benjamin DuBois, b. 9-15-1877, d. 8-26-1890 
Elias Hodge DuBois, b. 2-10-1844, d. 8-22-1901 
Elmer Clarence Dubois, b.12-30-1894, d. 4-21-1985 s/o John Andrew and Nora Johnson DuBois 
Elmer Durell DuBois, b. 4-17-1915, d. 11-18-1933 
Glen Dubois, b. 4-22-1917, d. 4-22-1917 
John Andrew DuBois, b. 8-03-1870, d. 9-05-1951 
Lenora J. Johnson DuBois, b. 3-02-1871, d. 8-27-1951 w/o John Andrew 
Martha Viola King DuBois, b. 12-31-1895, d. 7-07-1981 w/o Elmer Clarence 
Mary M.N.L. Sanders DuBois, b. 4-14-1844, d. 1-15-1922 w/o E.H. 
Sarah Adeline DuBois, b. 9-18-1875, d. 9-17-1876 
George Calvin England, b. 7-07-1874, d. 8-20-1949 
Ida England Wiggs, b. 2-10-1883, d. 9-15-1918 w/o John Washington 
Albert England, b. 11-28-1889, d. 3-28-1890 
Rebecca DuBois England, b. 1-01-1852, d. 2-05-1901 w/o Thomas R. 
Daniel Thomas England, b. 7-25-1881, d. 2-19-1889 
Henry Arthur England, b. 4-15-1880, d. 9-10-1889 
Henry Martin England, b. 12-28-1844, d. 12-16-1911 
Manerva C. England, b. 12-05-1857, d. 7-30-1887 
Martha Ann Glidewell England, b. 3-30-1821, d. 3-11-1877 w/o Newel J. 
Mary England, b. 2-21-1885, d. 2-13-1898 
Newel J. England, b. 2-04-1826, d. 8-14-1909 
Cordelia England Stark, b. 1872, d. 1955 w/o Leon Calvin 
Leon Calvin Stark, b. 1870, d. 1960 
Contributed by Kathy England Davis

William (4) Looney homeplace, abt 5 mi south of Dalton, Randolph Co, AR
off Hwy 93 (Owners' permission required to visit)

Catherine Louisa Downey, 1830 - 1927

Notes: Only these 2 gravestones are legible. The JMHA marker is a small slab with letters barely visible. There is also a slave cemetery further from the old house. It has no markers and would not be noticeable unless you knew where to look.
Contributed by Steve Looney

17 miles north of Pocahontas, Randolph Co, AR; 3 miles west of Warm Springs, off Hwy 251; (on Blackwellden Rd--not marked).
Macedonia is now surrounded by private property, and is gated.  Landowner's assistance may be required to access the road leading to the cemetery. The vast majority of the gravemarkers are uninscribed fieldstone.  A few of the engraved markers are illegible.

Almon, John M., Jun 21, 1851 - Nov 16, 1907 and Linn, Sarah J., May 29, 1849 -  Oct 5, 1926 (dbl headstone) 
Baker, James F. Jan 26, 1862 - Feb 8, 1946 and Baker, Maggie E., Jan 3, 1868 - Jan 30, 1938 (dbl headstone) 
Baker, Mary, 1887 - 1919; w/o German M. Baker 
Bellah, Sinda, Oct 28, 1874 - Nov 20, 1907 
Billips, Jehu, Jun 18, 1896 - Mar 22, 1972 
Billips, Mary, Mar 25, 1878 - May 8, 1955 and Billips, Lou, Dec 9, 1871 - Apr 15, 1960 (dbl headstone) 
Billips, Sisrow R., Oct 30, 1878 - Apr 21, 1909, husband of Hattie Billips 
Billips, Emily F., 1851 - 1936 
Billips, Gilbert, Feb 10, 1908 - Jul 13, 1909, s/o S.R. & Nettie Billips 
Blackwell, A.M., Jul 18, 1888 - Jan 21, 1980 and Blackwell, Lula M., Jul 17, 1891 -  Oct 13, 1981 (dbl headstone) 
Blackwell, Daily H., Mar 5, 1909 - Dec 1, 1988, AS US Navy WWII 
Blackwell, Dizard, Jan 18, 1827 - Mar 19, 1918 
Blackwell, Homer, Oct 11, 1923 - Dec 12, 1927, s/o Fred & Pearl 
Blackwell, L.A., 1939 - 1977 and Blackwell, Patricia, 1935 - (dbl headstone) 
Blackwell, Lucinda, 1830 - 1907 
Bounds, Earl, Sep 22, 1902 - May 24, 1921 
Brock, Martha C., May 16, 1833 - Jun 15, 1914 
Burrow, Daisy M., May 26, 1907 -  Jun (?), 1908 
Burrow, Dell, Jan 25, 1916 - Aug 15, 1916, Child of J.W. & Scyble Burrow 
Burrow, INFANT, Jan 18, 1912 - Jan 18, 1912, Child of J.W. & Scyble Burrow 
Burrow, Lehman, Sep 20, 1910 -  Jul 20, 1911, Child of J.W. & Scyble Burrow 
Burrow, Ed C., Sep 6, 1898 - Sep 27, 1900 
Burrow, Lowlie E., Jul 29, 1902 -  Nov 14, 1902 
Burrow, Luviney L., Jun 12, 1827 - Apr 13, 1893, w/o Wm Burrow 
Burrow, Nettie, Jan 12, 1890 - May 9, 1890, daut. of M & M Burrow 
Burrow Ray E., Mar 10, 1897 - Sep 25, 1897 
Burrow, Rosetta M., Aug 25, 1889 - Nov 10, 1889, daut. of JM & JE Burrow 
Burrow, Willie, Apr 10, 1892 - Nov 15, 1894, s/o M. & M.A. Burrow 
Burrow, Wm, Dec 1, 1827 - Dec 31, 1912
Camp, Juanita Lee, Sep 20, 1923  -  Mar 27, 1971, daughter of A.M. Blackwell 
Roman, Lillie Mae, Aug 22, 1911 - Apr 9, 1928, daughter of A.M. Blackwell 
Coleman, Joseph S., May 7, 1836 - Sep 2, 1925, MUS CO I 18 TENN INF CSA 
Coleman, Virginia A., Nov 20, 1839 - Dec 1, 1927, w/o JS Coleman 
Coward, Laura, Jun 12, 1849 - Aug 28, 1918 
Creason, Eli, Aug 15, 1840 - Aug 7, 1909, h/o Nancy Creason 
Creason, Eli Monroe, Sep 27, 1862 - Jul 9, 1881, s/o Eli & Nancy Creason 
Creason, Nancy, May 28, 1840 - Nov 19, 1923 
Cunningham, Andrew M., May 10, 1883 - Jan 15, 1917 
Cunningham, Hershel, Jan 15, 1913 - May 22, 1934 
Dixon, Jessie L., Infant 
Dixon, Clyde W., Infant 
Dixon, Versie L.,Infant 
Dixon, Sarrah, Jul 13, 1843 - Apr 11, 1879 
Edwards, Anita Carol, Jul 26, 1950 - Jan 9, 1951, Baby 
Gatewood, Elizabeth L., Nov 4, 1847 - Dec 29, 1884, w/o E. Gatewood 
Hogue, Lemuel, Jul 16, 1871 - Jun 13, 1958 
Hogue, Mary Phydellia, Jul 7, 1873 - Jan 13, 1913 
Hovis, R.H., Mar 19, 1870 - Feb 15, 1916 
King, Lula, Died 1800s, w/o James M. "Bud" King 
Littleton, Mary - No Dates 
Looney, John L., 1882 - 1965 
Looney, Roland James, Mar 4, 1924 - Dec 30, 1988, Cpl US Army Air Corps WWII 
Miller, N.G., Jul 5, 1849  - Jan 23, 1892, h/o of E.J.(?) Miller 
Miller, Tempie A.,1858 -1940 (this is Tempie A. Looney-Flanigan-Morgan-Miller ---csl) 
Nettle, Mary S., Jul 1, 1840 - Oct 9, 1907, w/o Hon Perry Nettle 
Nettle, Perry, No Dates, Co C 38 Ark Inf CSA 
Nipps, C.E., Jul 7, 1843 - Nov 6, 1924 
Nipps, Margaret, Jan 27, 1848 - Feb 16, 1902, w/o C.E. 
Pay, Myrtle, May 25, 1886 - Feb 2, 1914, w/o W.J. Pay 
Pay, William J., May 2, 1865 - Feb 25, 1945 
Perry Hite Glendon, No Dates 
Infants of Tillie & Andrew Cunningham (Unsure if there are 2 or 3 names here ---csl) 
Roberson, Eva, Dec 7, 1876 - Apr 20, 1905 
Smith, Freddie A., Mar 14, 1886 - Aug 31, 1961 
Smith, Mark, Mar 1, 1884- Nov 4, 1971 
Stone, Bertha A., Oct 7, 1863 - Sep 17, 1893, w/o L.W. Stone 
Stone, L.W., 1854 - 1936 
Thompson, G.B., Jan 6, 1864 - Jan 29, 1927, h/o Edna Thompson 
Thompson, Martha, May 4, 1844 - May 2, 1899, w/o J.A. Thompson 
The Macedonia Cemetery was personally visited and the tombstone information recorded on July 9, 1999, by Steve Looney


Isaac KIDD, Son of Philip Walker Kidd and Christiana (Kitty) Witt Kidd 
Husband of Ada (Geneva) Shaver, Father of Otis, Cletis, Edith, Dorothy, Hite, Martin and Carl Kidd 
February 13, 1880 - December 2, 1961 (no tombstone) 
Contributed by Elaine Kidd O'Leary

Faith Halford ADKINS (formerly Myers), b. March 6, 1898; d. August 30, 1966. 
Lester CAPPS, b. September 1, 1891; d. September 14, 1962 
Maudie Capps CONDICT, 1901-1987 
Albert Bill MYERS, 1896-1934 
Evelyn MYERS (Unmarked) 
Margeret MYERS (Unmarked) 
Arley MYERS, b. August 1, 1894; d. February 25, 1957 
Contributed by Will Walker

Vester C. Hackworth, December 10, 1935 - July 1, 1981 
Wiley R. Hackworth, February 25, 1904 - May 19, 1972 
Mazie H. Hawkins, January 6, 1901 - April 2, 1963 
Monroe E. Hawkins, February 4, 1898 - February 21, 1968 
Benjamin Nimow Johnson, December 27, 1891 - March 5, 1985 
Elzada O. Johnson (Toy), November 23, 1918 - June 21, 1972 
James Gary Johnson, January 11, 1948 - May 07, 1988 
Janis Kay Johnson (Land), February 12, 1952 - October 07, 1990 
Anna L. Presley (Dickson), 1908 - ?? 
David A. Presley, March 03, 1917 - January 24, 1986 
Elvin Cecil Presley, 1903 - 1950 
Louise Emma Presley (Sparks), April 7, 1879 - February 21,1964 
Ezra N Presley, September 30, 1900 - November 4, 1981 
Glenburn Presley, 1911 - 1933 
James Wesley Presley, December 18, 1864 - October 2, 1920 
Mary Emma Presley (Jackson), August 2, 1866 - March 11, 1950 
Myra P. Presley (Spikes), August 26, 1901 - ?? 
Thomas N. Presley, November 30, 1875 - November 28, 1952 
Lee Stout, December 26, 1886 - January 30, 1980 
Wayne C. Stout, March 20, 1936 - February 20, 1963 
Lucinda M. Toy (Weaver), September 23, 1887 - June 1, 1967 
Mary Jane Toy (Bennett), July 17, 1890 - December 28, 1977 
Thomas T. Toy, August 16, 1882 - October 4, 1960 
Z. R. Toy, May 18, 1878 - May 16, 1963 
Contributed by Tammie Chada

Hurshiel Ellis Waymon, b. 1-APR-1914, m. Floyce Imogene BAKER, 5-AUG-1932, Pocahontas, AR, d. 26-JAN-1981. 
Sarah Jane PRATT, d/o Rev. Jesse Richardson PRATT and Elisabeth GIBSON, b. 13-OCT-1859, Ironton, Iron Co., MO, m. Henry Sterling BENNETT, 21-JUL-1879, Pocahontas, AR, d. 3-FEB-1924. 
Contributed by Gena Davis

Marion Luther (Lute) Alphin b: Jan 10, 1883, d: July 28, 1952, husband of Clara Brown Alphin. 
Clara Brown Alphin b: Nov. 10, 1887, d: Sept. 25, 1963, wife of Marion Luther Alphin. 
Helma G. Jones Alphin b: April 7, 1911, d; Dec. 25, 1996, wife of Lyman Alphin. 
William Henry (Bill) Brown b: Oct. 15, 1904, d: July 1,1997 husband of Ora Pearl Brown. 
Ora Pearl Brown b: Nov. 6,1906, d: Nov. 27, 1980, wife of William Henry Brown. 
Clarence Gene Brown b: July 27, 1930, d: July 27, 1951, killed in Korean War. Son of William Henry and Ora Pearl Brown. 
Uriah Shepherd b: March 13,1881, d: March 12, 1952, husband of Margret (Maggie) Brown Shepherd. 
Margret(Maggie) Brown Shepherd b: June 11, 1884, d: Jan 4, 1949. wife of Uriah Shepherd. 
Jessie P. (Shepherd) Tyler, b: Aug. 28, 1910, d: Jan. 8, 1992, wife of Herman Tyler. 
Herman Tyler, b: Feb. 6, 1906, d: May 14, 1993, husband of Jessie Shepherd Tyler. 
James Carroll Koons, b: April 7, 1907, d: 1967, husband of Fern Myers Koons. 
Fern Myers Koons, b: Jan 19, 1910, d; Jan 2, 1987, wife of James Carroll Koons. 
Contributed by Robin Hamm

Sylvester (Buster) Segraves (s/o James Joseph)29 Oct 1922 - 1 Sept 1988 
James Monroe Segraves (s/o Thomas Henry) 15 Jan 1871 - 1960 
Mary Jane (Jack) Segraves (w/o James Monroe) 1872 - 
Robert Lee Segraves (s/o Thomas Henry) 8 Feb 1873 - 1 Jan 1961 
Cora Isabell (Stockwell) Segraves (w/o Robert Lee) 20 Feb 1877 - 31 Mar 1955 
John Roy Johnson 9 Feb 1904 - 15 Dec 1960 
Elva (Segraves) Johnson (w/o John Roy) 6 Sep 1907 - 6 Jan 1993 
Marlin Farris Stanfill 26 Apr 1894 - 20 Sep 1977 
Matilda E. (Segraves) Stanfill (w/o Marlin) 16 Oct 1897 - 23 Sep 1978 
Cecil Monroe Hufstudler 15 Jan 1925 - 3 Nov 1988 
James Joseph Segraves 4 Jan 1900 - 25 Feb 1990 
Thelma Lee (Broadway) Segraves (w/o James Joseph) 30 Jun 1905 - 3 Sep 1997 
Leroy (Josh) Segraves (s/o James Joseph) 24 Nov 1925 - 10 Sep 1992 
Ed Rose 13 Jun 1904 - 10 Dec 1995 
Ruth (Segraves) Rose (w/o Ed) 24 May 1902 - 26 Oct 1998 
Pearlie (Hudson) Rose 3 Oct 1918 - 6 May 1988 
Submitted by Gava Graham

Claud Crays 11-26-11 - 3-3-86 
Randel Crays 12-29-58 - 10-26-73 
Claud Dean Crays 4-25-53 - 8-18-95 
Luther Crays 7-3-1891 - 7-30-68 
Ella White Crays 1-26-1894 - 6-7-90 
Submitted by Claudette Reed
Bessie Jane (Mitchell) Thompson, born 31 july, 1899, died 12 july, 1969, wife of Clarence Olin ThompsonEdith Lorell Mitchell, born 19 may, 1923, died 3 jan., 1924, daughter of Ira & Virginia (Thompson) MitchellRobert Dale Mitchell, born 5 march, 1940, died 18 aug., 1940, son of Ira & Virginia (Thompson) MitchellHazel Christene (Thompson) Pickett, born 1 april, 1925, died 8 oct., 1994, dau. of C.O. & Bessie Thompson, wife of Wm. S. Pickett
Submitted by Carol Thompson.


Charles F. Toy, October 12, 1875 - July 19, 1961 
Sina E. Toy, (Bellah), May 5, 1883 - January 5, 1960 
Bennie Lois Toye (Daniels), December 20, 1907 - March 7, 1988 
J. Nathan Toye, born & died 1956 
James L. Toye (Toy), May 11, 1902 - August 25, 1982 
Kris L. Toye, born & died 1961 
Scott Toye, December 8, 1960 - September 28, 1981 
Shawn D Toye, born & died 1966 
Contributed by Tammie Chada

Jesse Goodman b. ? d. March 23, 1902. 
Contributed by Rita DonCarlos

Caleb McMillion b. 27 Jan 1850 Green County TN. d. 30 Mar 1921 Randolph County Ar. Married three times. Abrena Brooks Minton, Lucinda Wright, Susan C Brooks 
Lucinda Wright McMillion b. 1856 Randolph County AR d. 1888 Randolph County AR, m. 17 Nov 1874 Caleb McMillion 
William Smith b. March 1864 MO d. 1910 Randolph County AR m. Arminta Emmiline McMillion 30 July 1897 
Arminta Emmaline McMillion Smith b. March 1880. d. 
Ethel May Smith March b. 4 Sept 1898 d. 16 Jan 1957 m. Riley S March 
Contributed by Darla Hopper

Ewing, John Lynn   1863 - 1955 Ewing, 
Carl Wayne   son of John L. Ewing   10 Dec 1901 - 24 July 1975 Ewing, 
Willie Noel   son of John L. Ewing   20 July 1909 -  1 Jan 1997 
Ewing, Lessie Grace (Wien)   11 Oct 1911 - 24 Aug 1993 
Roberts, Glenn A.   son of Thomas M. Roberts and  Minnie (Woodall) Roberts   23 Aug 1908 - 13 Mar 1961 Roberts, Clida (Graham)   daughter of John J. Graham and Mintie  (Taylor) Graham   wife of Glenn Roberts   25 Nov 1905 - 15 Nov 1990 
Contributed by  Danny Ewing

See Randolph Memorial Gardens

Also known as Pratt Cemetery
located in Warm Springs, Randolph Co, AR
Take Highway 115 north out of Pocahontas about 3 miles until you reach the Highway 251 junction. Take Highway 251 approximately 15 miles to the Warm Springs-Middlebook Rd. Take a right (east) and go 2.5 miles. The cemetery sets on the right side of the road.

Martha Matilda (RUSSELL) PRATT, d/o Isham RUSSELL and Rudy Easter MOCK, born 1-FEB-1846, AR, married Robert Gibson PRATT, 30-MAR-1865, Pocahontas, AR, died ?? 
Reverend Jesse Richardson "J.R." PRATT, born 1804, TN, married 1.) Frankie FOX, IL, 2.) Elisabeth GIBSON, 1844, Washington Co., MO, veteran of Blackhawk War and Civil War 
Elisabeth GIBSON, d/o Robert GIBSON, Sr., and Martha BELTON, b. 24-JAN-1821, Rockingham Co., North Carolina, married Rev. Jesse Richardson PRATT, died16-JAN-1905, 
Robert Gibson PRATT, s/o Rev. Jesse Richardson PRATT and Elisabeth GIBSON, born 18-DEC-1844, Ironton, Iron Co., MO, married Matilda Martha RUSSELL, veteran of Civil War, died 28-AUG-1890, 
Sterling Price PRATT, s/o Rev. Jesse Richardson PRATT and Elisabeth GIBSON, born 7-JUNE-1862, Ironton, Iron Co., MO, married Clida A. ALEXANDER, 26-SEP-1881, Pocahontas, AR, died 7-NOV-1916 
Contributed by Gena Davis

Tradition is that John H. Yarbrough (f/o John A. Yarbrough) and wife Lucinda Hardin Yarbrough are buried at Mud Creek Cemetery (also known as PRATT cemetery) east of Warm Springs, AR. If so, then neither he nor wife have a gravestone. No grave found. Contributed by Steve Looney

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