Mrs. Dena McCallister Barnett of Charleston, Mo., furnishes this fine photo of the Midway School sometime around 1911. Midway was located approximately "midway" between Dalton and Elevenpoint. Pictured are, front row, from left, Basil Barnett, Paul Barnett, Earl Smith, Clyde Smith, Floyd Ballard, Lillian McIlroy, Winnie Ballard, Hite McIlroy, Clara McIlroy, Bess Wells, Tom Wooldridge, Jim Wooldridge. Second row, from left, Ralph Barnett, Earl Bounds, Fred Frazier, Malinda Smith, Robert Hicks, Chloe Hicks, Eura Ballard, Ollie Jones, Lelah McCallister, Ella Wells, Nell Wells. Third row, from left, Earl Rickman, Grover Ballard, John Hicks, Mrs. Florence Ballard, Jackie Louis Jones, Dena McCallister and Wesley Stone. Fourth row, from left, Willie Frazier, Jake Smith, Myrt Walrond, Verse Ballard, Fannie McCallister, Miss Nita Ball Mock (teacher), Mamie Martin, Everett Stubblefield, Loyce Williams, Alma McIlroy, Pearl Ballard, Ella Williamson and Alma Jones.