Mrs. Suda Houston Moss, owner of this photo states that the above is Union Baptist Church Singing School (known as Gum Stump). The blackboard sign held by the girls in front states, "Eureka Normal School of Music, Walnut Ridge, Ark., Union Baptist Church, August, 1916, Burlie B. Slayton, Principal, Birdell, Ark. Age of the photo is not known. Holding the sign are, Monnie Holland (or Brown), left, and Alice Brown, right. The boy standing above sign beside Monnie is Ed Young's son and Suda Houston stands beside him. Just to right of Alice Brown at right end of sign are Clone Inman, Edgar Holland and Jesse Story. Second row, from left, Conard Gentry, next unknown, Fender Story, next 3 girls unknown, Lorine Inman, Elmer Bennett, William Story, unknown man. Third row, from left, the singing teacher, unknown man, Elsie Holland, Binkley girl, Esther Snow, Edith Raglin, young girl unknown, Mary Snow and Bessie Gentry. Fourth row, first two unknown, Zona Bennett, Mrs. Dora Story, next group, including baby unknown, and last is Nettie Jack. Fifth row, first 2 unknown, Walter Houston (with face obliterated), Lee Houston, Marion Houston holding his son, Swan, Ina Story, next 2 women unknown. Top row, from left, Mark Holland, unknown, Will Goad, Unknown. Jim Gentry is among the three who are at left of the group. Mrs. Moss states that she is sorry she doesn't know all of these in the photo, but sends it in hopes that many readers who lived in the Gum Stump area at the time will recognize faces which she does not.