1800 Through 1848
Lawrence County, Territory of Arkansas
From The Randolph Co. Historical Review October 1964
extracted by Helen Bly before 1964
scanned and contributed by Lenora Stewart Blankenship July 1998
EDITOR'S NOTE: As Randolph County was a part of Lawrence County until 1836, it was necessary
that first marriage records be obtained from Lawrence County. Mrs. Bly acquired these
interesting marriage records from the Powhatan courthouse. Although much of the handwriting
in the ancient record books was almost illegible, she has spelled the names as near correctly
as possible.
Remember to use the Search (Find) feature of your browser to quickly locate names you are
researching. Be sure to check spelling variations.

William Rogers to Polly Cline, May 18, 1821
James McCormick to Delitha Perkins, Aug.2, 1821
Calvert Nolen to Katherine Cline, Oct.4, 1821
Elijah Davis to Elizabeth Fletcher, July 1, 1821
William Jarrett to Hannah Deavers, Mar. 4, 1820
Jacob Wallis to Nancy Hudson, July 11, 1821
Jacob Wells to Rosannah Nucum, Jan. 10, 1822
Charles Wells to Jinny Nucum, Jan. 11, 1822
Asa Baker to Malina Pierce, Dec. 19, 1922
James Cochran to Levina Pierce, Dec. 19, 1822
Isaac Brookfield to Nancy Campbell, Mar. 23, 1823
James Jeffry to Elizabeth Caruthers, Feb. 14, 1823
Thomas Crowley to Cynthia Campbell, Nov. 3, 1823
William Mills to Clarissa Robbins, Mar. 26, 1822
Isham Alcorn to Permelia Seagraves, May 22, 1823
Moses Stubblefield to Franky McWilliams, April 17, 1823
Levi Fletcher to Elizabeth Shaver, Nov. l823
Martin Johnson to Peggy Gullitte, Dec. 18, 1823
Carlton Lindsey to Catharine Mansker, Jan. 1, 1824
Anthony Jarrett to Polly Rogers, Jan. 18, 1824
Reuben Pouty to Polly Rodney, June 10, 1824
Joseph Rasberry to Sarah Pace, Oct. 29, l824
Joseph Hardin to Ellen Davis, Dec. 19, 1VA
Willis Brewer to Isabela West, April 1, 1824
James Jordan to Melly Cochran, Oct. 28, 1824
Edward Sherrels to Rachel Lindsey, Sept. 3, 1824
Bird Keith to Sarah May, Mar. 2, 1825
Robert Frier to Lucinda Latham, April 26, 1825
EUsha Fortenberry to Sally Wayland, May 5, 1825
Stephen Reynolds to Nancy Fletcher, Feb. 8, 1826
John Moore to Anna Rickman, Mar. 30, 1826
James Davis to Delilah Austin, Oct. 8, 1826
David Hines to Margret Ann Mattix, Feb. 22, 1827
Thomas Whatices to Peggy Craven, Mar. 18, 1827
Obed Nolen Ross to Catharine Lail, April 19, 1827
Hawkins Pierce to Nancy Tucker., April 6, 1SW
Manson Davis to Atlantic Hillhouse, Aug. 7, 1828
Marl@e Bean to Hetty Stuart, Nov. 3, 1828
David W. Lowe to Cynthia -Crowley, Mar. 19, 1829
Thomas Lamb to Sally Crowley, June 21, 1829
Matthias Mock to Margarett Mansker, June 24, 1828
William McMillan to Jane Sloan, Oct. 28, 1829
Moses Robertson to Nancy Cravens, April,29, 1830
William Stubblefield to Mary L. Neal, Feb. 25, 1930
Ellis L. Ragsd!U to Zilpha Smith, April 25, 1830
Craven Pitinan to Epsy Jobe, June 6, 1830
Nimrod Capps to Cynthia Mattix, June 13, 18,30
Charles McKinley to Nancy Johnson, June 17, 1,830
Alexander Edon to Polly Wood, Mar. 13, 1830
William Colliher to Sarah Flannery, July 15, 1830
John Tyler to Jane McDonald, July 18, 1830
Jarrette Seats to Margery Tyer, Aug. 26, 1930
Henry Jones to Sally Hedges, Aug. 12, 1830
Davie Pevehouse to Cynthia Ross, Oct. 14, 1830
Colly Crawford to Elisha English Fryer, Nov. 4, 1830
Davy L. Ford to Elizabeth Luttrall, Feb. 17, 1831
William McDonald to Levina Tyler, Feb. 25, 1831
Leonard (last name not given) to Jane Bellah, Mar. 4, 1831
Lewis M. Luttrell to Cynthia Bo-ran, July 1, 1830
Arter Twiddy to Nancy Spikes, Feb. 17, 1831
James Samuel Stokes to Sarah Markham, July 14, 1831
Isaac King to Rowena Bridges, Aug. 4, 1831
William Welch to Maria Thompson, Sept. 29, 1831
Dr. Henderson White to Mary 'Dodge, Sept. 22, 1831
Daniel Mcllroy to Elizabeth Lynch, Aug. 21, 1831
Frederick Kester to Polly Humphreys, Nov. 24, 1831
Charles Bellah to Martha Breeden, Sept. 29, 1831
Dandridge Poindexter to Julia McDonald, Dec. 6, 1831
Josiah Orthen to Elizabeth McDonald, Dec. 15, 1831
Lewis Lehance to Cicisley Rommack, Nov. 20, 1831
George A. Baker to Elizabeth Janes, Mar. 7, 1832
Jesse Stinnett to Johanna Hedges, Jan. 24, 183,2
James Russell to Elizabeth Ann Thompson, Mar. 1, 1832
Aaron Archer to Elizabeth Marshall, Mar. 22, 1832
James Isacks to Arab Watson, Feb. 7, 1832
Logan R. Foster to Eliza Lewis, April 20, 1832
William Purkins to Luvena Russell, May 13, 1832
John P. Calvin to Louisa Hadley, Aug. 27, 1832
Samuel Bellih to Ferintha Hudson, July 5, 1832
Samuel Hudson to Nancy Bellah, Sept. 28, l832
John Butcher to Lizzy Baker, Nov. 25, 1832
Daniel Lofon to Rachel O. Macke, Oct. 6, 1832
Thomas Stanford to Samariles Harris, Dec. 30, 1832
George W. Cochran to Elizabeth Mattix, Nov. 29, 1832
John Rickman to Nancy Neail, Feb. 1, 1833
Washington Wells to Brunetta Stubblefield, Feb. 28, 1833
John Kellett to Lucinda Halcomb, Mar. 28, 1833
Henry Winkaler to Susan Seats, Feb. 24, 1833
Samuel Crowley to Sarah Hudgins, Feb. 28, 1833
Edward Hudson to Sarah Neal, Mar. 28, 1833
James G. Russell to Parthenia Bridges, Oct. 7, 1832
David D. Slocum to Cynthia Merritt, May 5, 1833
Jackson Willmouth to Rosannah Dunean, May 2, 1833
James Rolen to Mary Weeks, Mar. 4, 1833
Jesse Dodd to Abigail Jones, Nov. 13, 1830
William A. Tucker to Elizabeth Smith, July 25, 1833
Samuel Robertson to Minerva Campbell, Sept. 12, 1833
Hamet Mcllroy to Elizabeth Davis, July 11, 1833
William Spikes to Jane Johnson, Sept. 24, 1833
Preston Tyler to Missouri King, Jtily 20, 1833
Philip Smith to Silvia Tyler, Oct. 3, 1833
Joseph Tipton to Sarah DeVault, Oct. 6, 1833
M. Albert Maherge to Margaret Stroud, Sept. 1, 1833
Isaac Kester to Nancy Grey, Sept. 26, 1833
William Manson to Elizabeth Crabtree, Oct. 10, 1833
Samuel Linley to Letha Turner, Dec. 29, 1833
Hurn Malone to Ritha Lenix, Dec. 30, 1833
Jesse Gray to Lucinda Jane Ford, Jan. 4, 1834
Michael Dendrick Darter to Kissiah Starnes, Feb. 13, 1834
Johnson Eden to Rhoda Blythe, Oct. 24, 1834
William Gullick to Mariah Eldridge, Jan. 3, 1834
John Forester to Kathcrine Derringer, April 27, 1834
William Boid to Polly Willmeth, April 5, 1834
Littleton Bagwell to Mahala Brown, Feb. 20, 1834
Benjamin Stinnett to Elizabeth Cross, April 6, 1834
PheIix Thompson to Winey Clark, June 19, 1834
Jacob Mustain to 'Sarah Pevehouse, May 29, 1834
David Marshall to Lavina Hillhouse, May 8, 1834
Jacob Hollingsworth to Elizabeth Houpe, June 19, 1834
John B. Scruggs to Sally Fortenberry, June 27, 1934
Tiznell Perry to Sarah Tucker, July 17, 1831
Henry King to Susannah Simpson, Sept. 23, 1834
Jacob Pevehouse to Hannah Ross, Oct. 1, 1834
Isaac Jobe to Dorcas Jobe, Oct. 13, 1834
frobert M. Revil to Sarah Wells, Nov. 10, 1834
Alexander Eaton to Margaret Boid, Nov. 10, 1834
Jesse Winningham to Sally Womack, Sept. 24, 1834
James A. Branden to Sally Perkins, Nov. 13, 1834
Willet B. Crow to Sally Roaten, Nov. 9, 1834
Robert Smith to Lina Dunkin, Nov. 7, 1834
James Palmer to Mary Jane Wilson, Jan. 1, 1835
-Thomas Mock to Margaret Moore, Oct. 9, 1834
Andrew Darter to Pridee Wayland, Jan. 1, 1835
William A. Barnett to Charlotte Mangrum, Mar. 12, 1835
Charles Logan to Sally Darter, Jan. 25, 1835
Michael Ellitt to Melinda Berry, Feb. 8, 1835
Allen Samuels to Polly Starnes, Feb. 15, 1835
Joseph Childers to Polly Wayland, Mar. 5, 1835
Taylor Flortenberry to Jane Craven, Mar. 12, 1835
Henry White to Letty Bellah, Jan. 18, 1835
William Williams to Jane Reynolds, May 24, 1&35
John Donathan to Elizabeth Brewer, Mar. 8, 1835
William Ledford to Artimecia King, Mar. 12, 1835
Davis Whetstone Jr., to Hester Ann Tucker, Mar. 10, 1833
Jonathan Ogden to Mathilda Wayland, June 7, 1835
Daniel Blyth to Elizabeth Cantrell, July 12, 1835
James Blyth to Lydia Cross, July 15, 1835
Radford Raney to Huldah Morris, June 8, 1835
Samuel Miller to Betsy Pearce Sept. 13, 1835
Rodney Pearce to Nancy Grey, Sept. 24, 1835
Thomas Baker to Celia Halcombe, May 10, 1835
Isaac B. Everett to Nancy Wilson, July 23, 1835
Alexander Blankenship to Polly Murphy, Aug. 27, 1835
Harry Watson to Mary Murphy, Aug. 2, 1835
William Miller to Meranda Tyler, Aug. 13, 1835
James Newland to Margaret Campbell, Dec. 3, l@835
John H. King to Sarah Jackson, Nov. 22, 1835
Isaac M. Simpson to Martha Jackson, Aug. 16, 1835
David Duprey to Hannah Pearce, Nov. 2, 1835
Elisha Story to Prudence Pevehouse, Feb. 11, 1836
Leander P. Martin to Nancy R. Lassater, Feb. 18, 1836
William Kellet to Sally Gray, April 2, 1836
George Washington Chism to Jane Lankford, May 22, 1836
Andrew J. Hardin to Sophronia Hutchinson, May 26, l836
Archibald Yell to Maria Ficklin, July 7, 1836
Dimon Dotson to Jane Norris, Mar. 20, 1836
John Spotts to Lavinia Williams, June 28, 1836
William Ragsdell to Nancy Hudson, July 23, 1837
Camp C. Stewart to Adelaide Smith, Aug. 3, 1836
John Johnson to Olly Crawford, Aug. 12, 1836
Isaac W. Williams to Evaline Ferguson, Sept. 1, 1836
Henry B. Harris to Eliza Smith, Sept. 8, 1836
John Martin to Mary Ross, Feb. 2, 1837
Sebron Eayson to Mahala Frost, April 23, 1836
Daniel Robbins to Mary Barr, May 25, 1836
Marriage Records of Randolph Co. Book 1
Perry Stanley to Elizabeth Neal, Feb. 9, 1837
Jesse Winningham to Jane Ann Leib, April 27, 1837
James Mc Donald to Sarah Smith, Mar. 16, 1837
William Loveall to Elizabeth C. Walker, June 2,5, 1837
James M. Tyler to Eave Miller, July 10, 1837
Samuel Harrison Tyler to Manda Fry, Sept. 12, 18"
Josiah Godwin to Jane Blocker, June 29, 1837
William Tyler to Elizabeth Pratt, April 27, 1837
James Eaton to Elender Cross, April 25, 1837
William Drake to Sarah Bonan, Aug. 13, 1837
Gelson Yarbrough to Susan Ross, Aug. 3, lW7
Navel Wayland to Parmelia Forester, Sept. 3, 1837
John I,ea to Matilda Hemby, May 9, 1837
William Moore to Nancy Vernetta Pitman, July 13, 1837
John Griffin to Marian Ann Wight, Aug. 9, 1837
Clinton Stubblefield to Margarett Looney, Nov. 16 1837
James H. Houston to Fanny Black, Nov. 23, 1837
B. J. Wiley to Elizabeth Wilson, Dec. 21, 1837
Thomas O. Marr to Anne O. Bettis, Dec. 14, 1937
Richard Bellah to Sally Davis, Dec. 21, 1837
Jesse Story to Mary Blankenship, Dec. 28, 1837
Miles W. Moore to Nancy Edwards, Dec. 21, 1837
John Esaray to Lucinda Murray, May 4, 1838
Alexander R. Moore to Susan Caroline Slavens, Aug. 3, 1837
Hiram Smith to Zelph M. Simpson, Dec. 20, 1837
Griffith C. Mock to Margaret Jane Foster, Mar. 11, 1838
Mathias Mock to Amanda Rasberry, July 1, 1838
Absolem Blythe to Nancy Umbargo, Feb. 9, 1838
F. M. Smith to Lydia Brila, July 9, 1838
James Finison to Nancy Clian, July 15, 1838
Absolem Stubblefield to Fanny Sivers, July 29, 1638
Levi P. Richardson to Rebecca Sharp, Sept. 22, 1838
Jacob Smith to Mary Holderby, Aug. 2, 1838
John Kelly to Betsy Hinton, Aug. 3, 1838
John McIlroy to Sally Job, Oct. 7, 1838
John Bolinger to Mary Anthony, Dec. 27, 1838
Thomas Sullivan to Dinah Still, Feb. 17, 1839
Benjamin W. Draper to Eliza Briley, Mar. 3, 1839
Harvey Richards to @lly Murray, Nov. 25, 1838
William H. Prayer to Martha Moore, Dec. 10, 1838
Willis seats to Livicere Clark, Mar. 21, 1839
Jesse Spikes to Nancy Copeland, Mar. 21, 1839
John Welch to Elizabeth Smith, Mar. 21, 1839
John Withington to Sophia Livengood, Mar. 24, 1839
Coatsworth Thompson to Jane Sharp, Jan. 27, 1839
William McCane to Frances Sulliva,i. April 21, 1839
John McCool to Minerva Tyler, April 28, 1839
George Miller to Catharine Lynch, May 30, 1839
William G. Shaver to Mahala Blount, June 9, 1839
Thomas Black to Nancy Huntsucker, Sept. 13, 1838
William Perkins to Caty Austin Given, May 26, 1839
Alfred P. Shaver to Nancy Roswell, June 23, 1839
James Murphy to Nancy Hix, Sept. 1, 1839
James F. Davies to Elizabeth Breeden, July 21, 1839
William Seats to Mary Ann Sage, Sept. 5, 1839
Daniel Slavens to @ah Moore, Aug. 29, 1839
Starke Moore to Melinda Luttrell, Oct. 21, l839
James Brown to Amy Ray, Nov. 1, 1939
Rusell B. Markham to Fem Maria Reve@ Nov. 28, 1839
Howell White to Elizabeth Stubblefield, Dec. 12, 1839
James Murphy to Nancy Hix, Feb. 2, 1840
Isaac Clark to Hannah Hall, Feb. 14, 1840
Samuel Thompson Rice to Lucinda Alcorn, Mar. 19, 1840
John Pyburn to Elizabeth Luttrell, Mar. 1,5, 1840
Zares (Xerxes?) Briggs to Sarah Pyburn, Mar. 16, 1840
Barnett Tolbert to Elizabeth Blythe, Feb. 27, 11840
Morgan Terry to Sophia Drake, April 1-5, 1840
Elijah Drake to Mary Jane Terry, April 15, 1840
William Alexander White to Letticia Stubblefield, June 11, 1840
Samuel Henry McCullah to Sarah Alcorn, July 23, 1840
Robert Dennis to Elenor Thompson Aug. 3, 180
Peter Watson to Lucy Luttrell, Mar. 21, lB40
John H. Brown to Polly Jordan, June 14, 1840
Robert D. Eligon Stanley to Mary Stare, Sept. 10, 1840
William Stubblefield to Margarett Stanley, Oct. 1, 1840
Absolem Looney to Mary M. White, Sept. 3, 1840
George W. Cochran to Hannah Houston, Oct. 22, 1840
James Blair to Lucinda Breeden, Sept. 17, IM
William Huston to Vernetta Moore, Nov. 6, 1840
James Sloan to Margaret Rees, Dec. 24, 1840
John A. Luttrell to America Kisner, Dec. 10, 1840
Isaac Blount to Ann Luttrell, Dec. 28, 1840
Benjamin F. Hix to Rachael Moore, Jan. 19, 1841
David Smith to Mary Jane Shield, Mar. 1, 1841
Elisha Hughes to Christian Dalton, Mar. 14, 1841
William Pyburn to Elizabeth Hix Mar. 7, 1841
John McIlroy to Caroline Edwards, Mar. 7, 1841
Willis Seats to Nancy Peace May 20, 1841
Elijah Vinson to Ormenta Lail, May 9, 1941
J. C. Wilson to Jane Jordan, May 27, 1841
Carter Wood to Margaret Sullivan, June 15, 1841
Thomas J. Luttrell to Nancy Simpson, April 18, 1841
William Brannon to Sarah M. Morrow, May 11, 1841
Isaac Behannon to Sarah Cross, Sept. 10, 1841
Singleton Copeland to Adilia Winningham, June '4, 1841
Jonathan Wayland to Mary M. Kavenaugh, Aug. 31, 1841
James Morgan to Esther E. Bridges, July 22, 1841
A. Story to Christine Tyler, Nov. 18, 1841
Michael L. Stubblefield to Frances White, Nov. 25, 1841
Cornelas Banda to Mariah Isbell, Nov. 1, 1841
William Eden to Melinda Harden, Jan. 9, 1842
Isaac Martin to Eleanor Price, Dec. 2, 1841
Henry Jones to Hannah Alexander, Jan. 15, l842
William L. Rice to Rebecca Mansker, Jan. 6, 1842
Furley Brookshere to Lavina Breeden, Jan. 31, 1842
Edward McDonald to Milly Drenold, Mar. 21, 1842
Elas Smith to Serena Thompson, Mar. 31, 1842
Rizen Davis Holderby to Lucinda Smith, April 14, 1842
John E. Lamb to Lucinda Grey, June 26, 1842
Isaac Bums to Lucy Ingram, June 28, 1842
Lewis Thomas to Anna Lea, May 18, 1842
Andrew C. Kelly to Mary Wallis, July 7, 1842
Lorenzo D. Hatcher to Esther Mattix, May 5, 1842
Thomas B. Baker to Elizabeth A. Pringle, June 5, 1842
John Power to Martha Kisner July 19, 1842
William Evans to Fanny Purkins, Aug. 2,5, 1842
William S. Holderby to Susannah Barringer, July 7, 1842
Levi Barringer to Hannah Holderby, Aug. 5, 1842
Henry Minton to Nancy Lea, June 16, 1842
Frederick Smith to Polly Parker, Fall of 1841
Wiley Msenhimer to Patsy Bagley, Sept. 13, 1842
James Young to Nancy Kisner, Sept. 27, 1842
H. A. Hynes to Pernesa @oney, Oct. 13, 1842
William Spikes Jr., to Elizabeth Stubblefield, Dec. 8, 1842
Isham Mock to Polly Jarrett, Nov. 10, 1842
Frederick Smith to Nancy Graves, Oct. 20, 1842
William Nettles to Dorcus Looney, Nov. 3, 1842
Epps Looney to Elizabeth Stubblefield, Feb. 9, 1843
Jonathan Looney to Anna Jones, Feb. 2, 1943
James Martin to Sarah Ann Parker, Jan. 3, 1843
William H. Boyd to Susan Caroline Moore Dec. 21, 1842
George Washington West to Elizabeth Fletcher, Mar. 15, 1843
Manson Wilson to Nancy Lear Mock, April 2, 1843
Benjamin Quincy Allan to Sarah Perry, April 16, 1843
William Clinton Shaver to Martha Am Harper, Mar. 2, 1843
George Wilson to Polly Copeland, Mar. 2, 1843
Burwell J. Wiley to Frances Drake, May 11, 1843
Richard W. Cantrell to Martha Jane Smith, May 10, 1843
Jacob Barker to Mary Ann Moore, May 10, 1843
Arthur Shaver to Leticia Van Bibber, April 17, 1843
Banes F. Bridges to Nancy Knotts, Aug. 9, 1842
Edward P. butchell to Catherine Butler, June 30, 1843
William Fowler to Emeline Johnston, June 22, 1843
Eliphes Davis to Permelia Edwards, May 2, 1844
Joseph Cook to Ginny Draper, May 11, 1843
Thomas B. Rice to Nancy Stubblefield, June 29, 1843
J. J. Warner to Deborah Sweazea, 1840
Jackson Clark to Lucinda Peters, July 11, 1843
William D. Morgan to Anna Coe, Aug. 6, 1943
Eli Mitchell to Elizabeth Hill, Sept. 22, 1843
William O'Neal to Polly M. State, Oct. 29, 1843
Jesse J. Coe to Mary Ann Morgan, Oct. 15, 1843
Thomas Kessinger to Hannah Deaver, Dec. 24, 1843
Isaac Bly to Lucinda Revel, Jan. 28, 1844
Daniel S. Davies to Elizabeth Knotts, Oct. 29, 1843
William H. Steerman to Luneta Fortenberry, Feb. 21, 1844
Andrew McIlroy to Sarah A. Davies, Jan. 11, 1844
George Kisner to Rosa Harper, Feb. 4, 1844
Elias Kellet to Eliza Holt, Mar. 14, 1844
Elmore Mock to Caty Ann Moore Jan. 19, 1844
William Grider to Serena Davis, April 4, 1844
Absolem W. Stubblefield to Sarah Carnard, May 2, 1844
Henry D. Minton to Elizabeth Johnson, April 27, 1844
Elias Welch to Mary M. Summer, June 21, 1844
John Chisum to Liza Carver, June 4, 1844
Abraham James to Melinda B. Revell, April 18, 1844
Benjamin Fips (Phipps?), to Mary Willson, Jan. 7, 1844
John Hobs to Serena Phipps, June 6. 1844
Henry Wood to Malinda Lutteral, May 19, 18"
David Heaton to Elizabeth Claypool, June 29, 1843
Wiley J. Bridges to Minerva Poster, July 20, 1843
W. H. Bennett to Cynthia Manning, Sept. 29, 1843
N. P. Smith to Polly Riles, June 30, 1&43
Ezekial Busby to Peggy Johnston, Mar. 24, 1844
Henry Wite to Caroline Reaves, Feb. 28, 1844
Robert W. Glen to Norissa Huddle, Mar. 17, 1844
John Thompson to Elizabeth Latham, Mar. 14, 1844
Hezekiah B. Copeland to Mary Lee Ada;r, April 11, 1844
John Jacob Wallis to Susan Fugeth, Sept. 22, 1844
Franklin Jarrett to Patsy Busbay, July 11, 1844
John A. Pearce to Constant Katherine Cantrell, July 29, 1844
John Mcllroy to Mary Ann Jones, Aug. 29, 1844
William Miller to Minerva McCool Nov. 17, 1844
William Holderby to Nancy Randall, Nov. 19, 1844
Watson Tweedy to Nancy C. Rasberry, Dec. 5, 1844
Thomas Flannery to Rebecca McWilliams, Nov. 2,8, 1844
Samuel Welch to Hannah Holderby, Jan. 9, 1845
Wattson M. Adair to Mary E. Sweazea, Feb. 13, 1845
,Hyram Moore to Martha Jane Slavens, Feb. 17, 1843
Franklin Ward to Elenor Johnston, Feb. 18, 1845
Gideon F. Bryan to Charlotte Page, Jan. 30, 1M
William Merridith to Mary Ann Hinton, Mar. 23, 1845
Charles W. Lewis to Louisa Burton, Feb. 6, 1845
John G. Burrell to Nancy Elizabeth Esry, Jan. 7, 1845
William Cook to Matilda Caroline Sweazea, Oct. 31, 1844
Joseph Roberson to Sarah Hill, Feb. 27, 1845
Calvin Johnston to Cinda Davis, Jan. 30, 1845
Benjamin F. Copeland to Malinda F. Edwards, April 6, 1845
Washington Green Bohaning to Casandra Jane Jones, Mar. 27, 1845
William A. Hamil to Sarah E. Waddle, Feb. 14, 1845
William Eden to Fanny Davis, Mar. 23, 1843
John H. Imboden to Margarett J. Black, May 7, 1845
Davis West to Minerva Shaver, April 9, 1845
Isaac W. Segraves to Mary Lewis, April 10, 184,5
Isaac Minton to Sarah O. Sullivan, May 25, 1845
John J. Womack to Nancy E. Murray, May 4, 1845
William Breeding to Irena R. Sandefor, June 3, 1845
James Brown to Elizabeth Pate, June 19, 1845
John Hardwick to Elizabeth Minton, Aug. 3, 1845
Drewry S. Warren to Sarah Winningham, July 19, 1843
C. W. Price to Mary A. Winningham, July 20, 1845
John A. Johnson to Elizabeth Jane Spikes, Aug. 7, 1845
Isaac Weatherbee to Mary McDonald, May 4, 1845
Nimrod,Smith to Rebecca Copeland, Aug. 11, 1845
Jackson Hix to Jane Luttrell, June 1, 1845
Benjamin Jarrett to Narcissa Murry, July 27, 1845
James Jarrett to Nancy Dickson, Aug. 24, 1845
Dabney Wade Wodson to Leticia Chism, Mar. 22, 1845
J. M. Shaver to Mary Ann Rusell, May 12, 1845
Elijah Standby to Elizabeth Welch, Sept. 28, 1845
Absolem Simmons to Susan Halliburton, July 10, 1845
Frederick Smith to Margaret Jones, July 10, 1845
David Elias James to Margarett Woods July 31, 1845
Thomas Jefferson Marcomb to Sarah,Sulivan, Aug. 15, 1845
Barnett Talbott to Catharine Cantrell, Oct. 4, 1845
Samuel Mock to Milly McDonald, April 18, 1845
Joshua Jones to Susan Davis, Oct. 2, 1845
Thomas Johnson to Lunetta Wells, Dec. 22, 1845
Isom Tyer to Elizabeth Holderby, Nov. 17, 1845
Benjamin Cunningham to Irena Cantrell, Dec. 18, 1845
Henry Lail to Narcis Dupre Mitchell, Nov. 9, 1845
William Stogsdail to Sarah C. Justice, Nov. 23, 1845
A. J. Clubb to Mary Smith, Nov. 13, 1845
Henry Hogan to Frances Sage, Dec. 7, 1845
Godfrey LeSieur to Elizabeth Ann Marshall, Mar. 29, 1845
James H. Luttrell to Mary Kasinger, April 19, 1846
Elisha Jones to Jane Rusell, Jan. 15, 1846
Timothy Towsey to Susan Forgison, May 24, 1846
Samuel Pyburn to Lucinda Winningham, May 17, 1846
Johnston Sharp to Polly Ann Jarrett, May 31, 1846
James Wesley McIntire to Rebecca Catherine Pratt, April 5, 1846
James Morrow Reynolds to Elizabeth Jane Whitlow, May 19, 1846
Malin McNabb to Harriet Catharine Lacy, May 15, 1846
Elijah Coffelt to Margain Qualls, April 26, 1846
Binum White to Martha Bellah April 26, 1846
John Lord to Malinda Foy, May 10, 1846
Henderson Gilbert to Elizabeth Ford, May 20, 1846
William Hammond Sr., to Elizabeth Standby, Feb. 2, 1846
Jacob icoffelt to Angeline Deeds, July 14, 1846
James D. Cross to Marinda Gordon, April 7, 1846
Solomon Eldridge to Vernetta Plott, Mar. 10, 1846
James McDonald to Sarah Lorance, Feb. 10, 1846
Perry Lindsey to Selina Fedricks, Jan. 28, 1846
Benton Lindsey to Nancy Lewis, Jan. 1, 1846
Alexander Shaver to Minerva Johnston, Mar. 18, 1846
Frederick Smith to Peggy Busby, Mar. 8, 1846
Dandridge Poindexter to Prudence Pevehouse, Feb. 12, 1846
John W. Jay to Sophia Coffelt, July 14, 1846
John,E. Janes to Lydia Clementine,Crabtree, July 1, 1846
Abraham B. Stubblefield to Jerialdeen Wyatt, June 28, 1846
Sheridan Hudson to Salemah Wooldridge, Aug. 19, 1846
Joseph B. Keriick to Cynthia Ann Ferrill, Sept. 10, 1846
Isaac R. Wilson to 'Dorcus Stokes, Sept. 2, 1846
Erasmus D. Pitman to Tempy Looney, Nov. 4, 1846
William Martin to Jossiannah Price, Aug. 11, 1846
Martin Miller Hogan to Mary Ann Morris, Dec. 27, 1846
Josiah H. Martin to Hannah Johnson Halliburton, June 24, 1846
John Ragsdale to Elizabeth Fstup, June 27, 1846
Willis Tisdale to Polly Kisner, Sept. 24, 1846
James L. Hutchinson to Dinah Johnson, Aug.26, 1846
John L. Ragland to Jane Slinkard, Dec. 22, 1846
Harvey H. Rushing to Drucila Alexander, Dec. 27, 1846
Joseph Alphent to Sertilda Teel, Sept. 24, 1846
William Shaver to Polly Johnson, Oct. 1, 1846
0Meriah Lewis to Cynthia Jane Dismang, July 23, 1846
Anderson @Shovour to Elizabeth Johnston, Nov. 22, 1846
Isaac Weatherbee to Lucinda Burnett, Nov. 18, 1846
William Slinkard to Elizabeth J. Wilkerson, Dec. 23, 1846
John D. Justice to Rebecca Baily, Dec. 6, 1846
James Hobbs to Mary Ann Jones, Oct. 10, 1846
Bethal Odom to Elizabeth Green Hutchison, Dec. 23, 1846
Johnson A. Sweazea to Margaret Jarrett, Jan. 31, 1847
Stephen Stallcup to Mary Jane Tadlock, Jan. 3,1, 1847
John Y. Gunter to Basheba Shrader, Jan. 23, 1847
Presley larimore to Susan Kerby, Mar. 21, 1847
C. K. Blount to Lucinda Jane Gray, Mar. 24, 1847
William C. Shaver to Elizabeth B. Thompson, Mar. 17, 1847
Jesse Wooldridge to Sarah Blair, April 4, 1847
David R. Mattix to Catharine West, May 3, 1847
James R. Eldridge to Rosanna Baker, April 8, 1&47
Charles BeHah to Jane Wooldridge, Mar. 26, 1847
James Kellett to Cynthia Rickman, May 9, 1847
James R. Willams to Sarah Federicks, June 9, 1847
William S. Federicks to Polly Sweazea, June 17, 1947
Elisha James to Sarah Morgan, Aug. 30, 1847
George:S. Martin to Charlotte Jane Hix, July 28, 1847
John J. Griffin to Thursey Lurena Hix, July 28, 1847
B. C. House to Lucy Sally, Aug. 19, 1847
Calvin Furniman to Irena Huntsucker, Aug. 8, 1847
William C. Sparkman to Mary A.P.E. Duckworth, Aug. 8, 1847
James Dixon to Amelia Sims, Nov. 26, 1847
William A. Wooldridge to Eliza Kellett, Oct. 3,1, 1847
Thomas Brown to Catherine Bays, Nov. 18, 1847
Elijah Forister to Elizabeth Mitchell Dec. 27, 1847
Felix Batson to Camelia Jane Bettis, Jan. 12, 1848
George Wagginor to Amanda Malvina Lovan, Feb. 17, 1848
Julius Wesley Houghton to Mahala Pitman, Mar. 9, 1848
Joseph L. Stubblefield to Anna Stubblefield, Feb. 3, 1848
James W. Reeve to Rhoda Ann Whitlow, Mar. 26,1848
John Chandler to Candace K. Lane, Feb. 15, 1848
William D. Morgan to Julia H. Coe, Jan. 27, 1848
Henry M. Peters to Margaret Maynard April 9, 1848
Elias 'Phipps to Susan Maynard, Mar. 5, 1848
Alexander R. Reynolds to Elizabeth Shaver, Mar. 29, 1848
James W. Whiteside to Nancy Karr, June 11, 1848
James Mills to Minerva Jane Butler, June 1, 1848
Oliver Perry Lewis to E. H. Minerva Glascoe, June 14, 1848
George W. Patterson to Sally Ferrill, Mar. 28, 1847
John Fletcher to Barbara M. Mock, Aug. 5, 1847
William Lewis to Lucinda Elizabeth Bigger, Aug. 3, 1848
G.W. Breshears to Rebecca Hunter, July 20, 1848