The Upshaw
Submitted by Jan
Tucker Baldenweck
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Here are the Upshaws at home in Dalton. The log house was built
in 1828 and was still standing last I knew. Pictured are Zillie, Albert,
Samantha, Mr. Upshaw "Jack", Lydia, Felix, Thomas, and Maryann. Sorry,
I can't quite make out the dog's name, Sewelen?

This one is Rront row: Andrew Jackson Upshaw, Thomas
Blackman Upshaw, Lydia Rice Upshaw. Center: Albert Lee Upshaw.
Standing: Zillie, Samantha, Felix and Maryann. Zillie later married H.Y.
Tucker, Samantha married Joseph Hammett Robinett, and Maryann married John
Thomas Baker. This image was originally taken from a tintype.

Samantha Upshaw Robinett.

I am pretty sure that the young man on the right is Thomas
Blackman Upshaw. I think that the other man is probably a brother-in law, John
H. Baker, or Joseph H. Robinett. If anyone can confirm the identity of either,
please email me. This photo was one of several that I have that are in the green
paper frames like those used by G.F. Lemmons, a Pocahontas photographer. I guess
that the photos were taken about 1900.