1W53-516-601-27 Vacant . .
1W73-675-829-15 Vacant . .
1W73-676-829-16 Vacant . .
1W73-677-829-17 Vacant . .
2W23-201-220-19 Vacant . .
2W25-218-239-21 Vacant . .
2W32-287-317-17 Vacant . .
2W33-298-330-20 Vacant . .
2W33-299-330-21 Vacant . .
2W33-300-330-22 Vacant . .
2W39-356-393-30 Vacant . .
2W50-447-491-11 Vacant . .
2W50-448-491-12 Vacant . .
2W50-449-491-13 Vacant . .
3W08-067-075-13 Vacant . .
3W13-107-118-08 Vacant . .
3W13-109-119-13 Vacant . .
3W23-204-239-23 Vacant . .
4W19-155-233-19 Vacant . .
4W19-156-233-20 Vacant . .
4W19-157-233-21 Vacant . .
BR081-572-603-27 Valliant Everett 10 MM
BR081-572-603-24 Valliant Harriett 38 FB
BR081-572-603-28 Valliant Johnson 8 MM
BR081-572-603-23 Valliant Luther 38 MB
BR081-572-603-25 Valliant Maude 15 FB
BR081-572-603-26 Valliant Sarah 12 FB
AS050-405-419-10 Valyer John 45 MM
AS050-405-419-12 Valyer Louis 16 MM
AS050-405-419-13 Valyer Maria 13 FM
AS050-405-419-11 Valyer Sophia 29 FB
AS041-327-338-10 Van Buren Green 27 MB
AS040-319-331-20 Van Buren Henrietta 4/12 FB
AS040-319-331-18 Van Buren Martin 38 MB
AS041-327-338-11 Van Buren Sarah 20 FB
AS040-319-331-19 Van Buren Susan 23 FB
BR046-321-345-34 Van Leigh Blanche 40 FW
BR046-321-345-37 Van Leigh Charles 12 MW
BR046-321-345-35 Van Leigh Corrinne 18 MW
BR046-321-345-33 Van Leigh Henry 46 MW
BR046-321-345-36 Van Leigh Willis 16 MW
1W20-217-262-01 Van Norman Danl 27 MW
BR050-347-371-27 VanBuren Duke 19 MB
BR050-347-371-25 VanBuren George 42 MB
4W40-344-463-14 VanBuren Georgia 3 FM
BR050-347-371-28 VanBuren Joseph 17 MB
4W40-344-463-11 VanBuren Martin 28 MM
4W40-344-463-13 VanBuren Mary 5 FM
BR050-347-371-26 VanBuren Rachael 40 FB
4W40-344-463-12 VanBuren Rebecca 27 FM
3W63-555-631-15 Vance Charles M 10 MW
3W63-555-631-13 Vance Edward 17 MW
3W63-555-631-11 Vance Frank 22 MW
FO04-026-026-10 Vance George 10 MB
3W63-555-631-12 Vance Henry M 20 MW
CA48-324-348-23 Vance Hester J 18 FW
3W63-555-631-08 Vance James M 55 MW
3W63-555-631-10 Vance James W 25 MW
FO04-026-026-09 Vance Jane 42 FB
FO07-048-053-33 Vance John 51 MB
3W63-555-631-09 Vance Mary A 49 FW
3W63-555-631-14 Vance Mollie A 15 FW
3W09-078-087-19 Vance Nannie 37 FW
CA48-324-348-22 Vance R M 27 MW
4W21-172-259-02 Vandergriff Joseph 31 MW
4W22-187-278-20 Vanerble Joshua 26 MM
AS007-57-59-29 Vanghan Wm 53 MW
AS007-57-59-30 Vanghan Wm 7 MW
4W34-280-395-08 Vanland J A J 19 MW
CY09-070-070-39 Vann Margarette 29 FW
CY09-070-070-40 Vann Robert 2 MW
CY09-070-070-38 Vann Thad 28 MW
4W18-148-227-39 Vannuble Allen 16 MB
4W18-148-227-36 Vannuble Fanny 50 FB
4W18-148-227-40 Vannuble Joshua 40 MB
4W18-148-227-37 Vannuble Malinda 13 FB
4W18-148-227-38 Vannuble Pinkey 8 FB
AS006-45-47-28 Vantren Francis 23 FB
AS006-45-47-29 Vantren Martha 1 FB
AS006-45-47-27 Vantren Martin 16 MB
EM35-258-296-32 Vanzine Benjamin 15 MW
EM35-258-296-33 Vanzine Francis P 13 MW
EM35-258-296-34 Vanzine Mary Ellen 11 FW
EM12-083-099-12 Varney Alonzo 10 MW
EM12-083-099-15 Varney Anna 8/12 FW
EM12-083-099-13 Varney James 4 MW
EM12-083-099-11 Varney Mattie 31 FW
EM12-083-099-14 Varney Mattie 2 FW
EM12-083-099-10 Varney Milo 41 MW
3W08-069-077-24 Vaughan Francis E 39 FW
3W01-002-004-09 Vaughan Francis M 2 MW
3W08-069-077-23 Vaughan James S 49 MW
2W37-340-377-40 Vaughan John 25 MW
BR063-438-466-09 Vaughan Matilda 20 FB
3W01-002-004-08 Vaughan Myra 23 MW
BR063-438-466-08 Vaughan Robert 26 MB
BR063-438-466-10 Vaughan William 6/12 MB
BR057-399-423-21 Vaughan Willie 9 MW
3W08-069-077-25 Vaughan Wm H 9 MW
CA12-077-077-38 Vaughn Clarinda 45 FW
GR17-130-143-38 Vaughn Elizabeth 4 MW
GR17-130-143-34 Vaughn Harriett 30 FW
GR17-130-143-33 Vaughn J W 42 MW
GR17-130-143-39 Vaughn James 3 MW
GR17-130-143-37 Vaughn John 8 MW
GR17-130-143-35 Vaughn Sarah 14 FW
CA12-077-077-40 Vaughn Sarah J 3 FW
GR17-130-143-36 Vaughn William 11 MW
CA12-077-077-37 Vaughn Wm 52 MW
CA12-077-077-39 Vaughn Wm 15 MW
CA05-027-027-15 Verser Arther P 5 MW
CA05-027-027-13 Verser Emma P 27 FW
CA05-027-027-12 Verser F P 41 MW
CA05-027-027-16 Verser Haun J 5/12 MW
CA05-027-027-14 Verser Ida 6 FW
BR074-515-546-12 Vessey Annie 4 FM
BR074-515-546-09 Vessey Frances 30 FB
BR074-515-546-10 Vessey Frank 15 MB
BR074-515-546-11 Vessey George 13 MM
BR074-516-547-17 Vessey Jennie 20 FB
3W59-521-597-09 Vickers Agnes 23 FB
3W59-521-597-11 Vickers Jimmie 5 MB
EG21-162-163-15 Vickers Manda 18 FW
EG21-162-163-14 Vickers Mary 45 FW
3W59-521-597-10 Vickers Mattie 10 FB
EG21-162-163-17 Vickers Morehad 9 MW
3W59-521-597-08 Vickers Saml 33 MB
3W59-521-597-12 Vickers Saml 1 MB
EG21-162-163-16 Vickers Wm 11 MW
4W14-110-168-22 Vigneau Bernard 21 MW
3W69-613-688-36 Vincent Adeline 36 FM
3W30-265-315-34 Vincent Emma 9 FB
3W30-265-315-36 Vincent George 6 MB
3W30-265-315-33 Vincent Mary 31 FB
3W30-265-315-35 Vincent Susan 7 FB
1W06-078-102-32 Vincent Thomas 50 MB
3W30-265-315-32 Vincent Thomas 32 MB
3W30-265-315-37 Vincent William 3 MB
CA04-024-024-29 Vinson Alpha 41 FW
CA04-024-024-32 Vinson Jemima 8 FW
CA04-024-024-30 Vinson Jessee 17 MW
CA04-024-024-31 Vinson Parmelia 13 FW
CA04-024-024-28 Vinson Thos 45 MW
BR067-469-499-27 Virginia Bush 11 MB
BR068-469-499-25 Virginia Wise 26 MB
1W14-167-208-20 Vogels Abe 13 MW
1W14-167-208-19 Vogels Marian 25 FW
1W14-167-208-21 Vogels Moses 10 MW
1W14-167-208-22 Vogels Rachael 7 FW
1W14-167-208-18 Vogels Samuel G 26 MW
CY02-015-015-31 Volentine A 44 FB
CY02-015-015-32 Volentine Alferd 17 MB
CB25-206-205-12 Volentine Ann 20 FM
CB25-206-205-11 Volentine Benj 50 MB
CY02-015-015-33 Volentine Elizabeth 15 FB
CY02-015-015-37 Volentine James 10 MB
CY02-015-015-39 Volentine Martha 5 FB
CY02-015-015-34 Volentine Mary 16 MB
CY02-015-015-38 Volentine Mary Jane 8 FB
CY02-015-015-36 Volentine May 11 FB
CY02-015-015-35 Volentine Monday 13 FB
CY02-015-015-40 Volentine Rosa 4 FB
4W30-247-354-02 Volmer Henrietta 23 FW
4W30-247-354-01 Volmer Lewis 30 MW
4W30-247-354-03 Volmer Morris 4 MW
4W30-247-354-04 Volmer Samuel 2 MW
4W25-207-311-22 Vorhees Saml 26 MW
4W10-078-107-39 Vose Albert 27 MW

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These pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations, including links to other pages or websites. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than personal use must obtain the written consent of Charlotte Ramsey or her representatives (c)2002

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