Prairie County, Arkansas


February 1866 - February 1869

(Several of these are lodge tributes and not necessarily death notices. Extant newspaper issues then skip to January 1878.)

Allen, John Sydney Jones, Robert
Armstrong, Thomas Kennedy, Fannie, Mrs.
Barnes, B.M. [Bartley, administrator's notice] Lane, J.J., Dr.
Beatty, Mary Lucilla Lane, Susan B., Mrs.
Becton, F.E., Mr. Matthews, Martha S., Mrs.
Bell, J. Hardy, Mr. McCarley, Mollie Roberta, Miss
Bennett, Maggie McCarty, William
Bink, Phillip McKendree, John A.
Blakeney, Belle, Miss McKinney, Mr.
Blakeney, Sallie, Miss McLaren, George
Bloodworth, Littleton McPherson, R.M., Mr.
Branch, D.F., Mrs. McPherson, Sallie Fannie
Brown, S.R., Col. McPherson, Thomas
Buchanan, Jesse L., Mr. Miller, Thomas
Buchanan, Martha E., Mrs. Mizell, Mitchell
Buck, Silas Moore, Phillip
Campell, Randolph Morrill, John C.
Carr, Samuel Myers, Lawson [sale of land of deceased]
Christian, Richard Neel, J.L., Dr.
Cooper, Lizzie, Mrs. Oliphant, Caroline M., Mrs.
Cordell, Medora Owen, Laura A., Mrs.
Cordell, Sallie, Mrs. Pepper, Fannie B. Perry, Mrs.
Cowan, Hanana, Mrs. Pharr, Samuel A.
Cox, Lucinda E. Hill, Mrs. Poe, Hally
Crow, Joshua B. Poe, Nancy L., Mrs.
Crow, Lavinia, Mrs. Powell, Robert E.
Cunningham, C.B., Mr. Rawson, Charles
Cunningham, Fannie Reagan, Reason, Mr.
Davie, George N. [sale of land of deceased] Robinson, S.R. Mr.
Dean, Aaron [sale of land of deceased] Ruby, W.S., Mr.
Deener, Addie, Mrs. Rudisill, Cora Lee
Evans, John H. Rudisill, Emma Louisa
Falwell, James N. Rudisill, Kate Anna
Fawcett, Benjamin Sandage, Elizabeth G., Miss
Fears, Richard S. Sanders, T.H., Rev.. Dr. [Theopolis]
Ford, James [sale of land of deceased] Slater, John B.
Frith, Johnny Staggs, Mr.
Goodwin, George Stamps, Wesley W.
Graves, N.S., Dr. Stephenson, John B.
Gray, N.W., Mr. [sale of land of deceased] Stephenson, John B.
Greer, Arthur Thompson, Sallie E. Jones, Mrs.
Griffith, Joseph Underwood, Emily, Mrs.
Harvey, Charlie Wair, Maggie
Harvie, W.W., Mr. Ware, Benella, Miss
Harville, Robert Weller, M.A., Mrs.
Hayley, C.N, Mr. [Cornelius Newton] Wiley, Joseph [sale of land of deceased]
Hayley, Maria T., Mrs. Williams, Lidie, Miss
Hogard, M.G., Mrs. Wilson, Sophia, Mrs.
Hopper, "Stranger" York, wife and son of Willliam

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