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Prairie County, Arkansas
Abram, Beulah |
August 29, 1938
Abram, Charley |
November 19, 1914
Abram, Color |
February 10, 1916
Abram, Florence |
December 21, 1916
Abram, Fred |
February 5, 1924
Abram, Gracie |
May 11, 1921
Abram, Ishmael |
October 2, 1916
Abram, John |
April 22, 1917
Abram, John |
August 25, 1922
Abram, Laura |
February 12, 1936
Abram, Lavinia |
February 6, 1920
Abram, Lorine |
November 16, 1936
Abram, Mary Fra. |
April 8, 1916
Abram, Ruthie |
August 12, 1919
Abram, William C. |
January 1, 1941
Abram, Wm Cha. |
May 16, 1914
Abrams, Ella |
July 28, 1922
Abrams, Laura |
January 12, 1918
Abrams, Laura Jan. |
April 18, 1925
Abrams, Willie |
December 24, 1921
Abran, Sallie |
June 30, 1936
Abrom, Wayne Art. |
September 26, 1946
Abston, Columbua |
January 19, 1939
Abston, Rosie |
September 20, 1928
Adam, Lonnie Elm. |
November 27, 1927
Adams, A.M. |
December 28, 1932
Adams, Carrie Bel. |
July 12, 1914
Adams, Cora Liz. |
January 15, 1928
Adams, Elizabeth Fra. |
November 25, 1930
Adams, Emaline |
February 16, 1925
Adams, Frank |
August 9, 1914
Adams, Frank Fin. |
April 7, 1942
Adams, Hazel |
April 26, 1914
Adams, James |
March 16, 1925
Addeson, John |
January 23, 1925
Addison, Lonnie |
October 21, 1945
Adkins, Annie |
August 6, 1921
Adkins, Fannie |
April 8, 1914
Agnew, Lizzie |
June 30, 1924
Aiken, John |
October 19, 1948
Aiken, Mary |
February 5, 1934
Aiken, Sam |
June 24, 1926
Aikens, Hermon |
July 14, 1934
Aikens, Nancy |
August 21, 1923
Aikin, Gordon R. |
August 7, 1945
Akin, Sylveste Hoo. |
February 21, 1917
Akins, Luella |
January 23, 1936
Alcorn, Emmanuel |
November 22, 1936
Alexander, Ara |
July 6, 1934
Alexander, Beulah |
August 19, 1935
Alexander, G.H. |
December 31, 1936
Alexander, John |
April 18, 1938
Alexander, Mary |
March 20, 1914
Alexander, Milton Sen. |
January 20, 1939
Alexander, Renda |
January 2, 1930
Alexander, Viola |
December 31, 1936
Alford, W.N. |
April 15, 1921
Alford, W.T. |
April 5, 1921
Alger, J.E. |
November 19, 1926
Allen, Alice |
March 2, 1927
Allen, Augustas Geo. |
May 23, 1920
Allen, Eli Jac. |
December 29. 1947
Allen, Everett |
January 28, 1947
Allen, Fannie |
October 19, 1917
Allen, Irene |
July 18, 1936
Allen, Joseph Wil. |
June 28, 1943
Allen, Mary |
January 7, 1923
Allen, Mary |
August 20, 1929
Allen, Mary |
May 8, 1937
Allen, Normon Lee |
November 29, 1948
Allen, Tom |
December 23, 1925
Allen, U.G. |
April 16, 1938
Allen, William A. |
July 22, 1938
Allen, William P. |
March 2, 1944
Allsup, George |
September 13, 1942
Allurson, Hattie |
May 12, 1926
Amons, John B. |
January 19, 1926
Ammons, Sim |
September 2, 1915
Anderson, Alonzo |
April 11, 1925
Anderson, Cal |
September 2, 1917
Anderson, Charlie |
March 24, 1947
Anderson, Fannie |
March 15, 1920
Anderson, Frank |
June 15, 1941
Anderson, Harry |
May 2, 1927
Anderson, John H. |
February 27, 1915
Anderson, Julia |
May 22, 1924
Anderson, Lennie |
July 2, 1939
Anderson, Maggie |
December 26, 1914
Anderson, Mary |
November 1, 1918
Anderson, Rebecca |
January 19, 1931
Anderson, Robert |
January 4, 1935
Anderson, Sarah |
January 22, 1929
Anderson, Wash |
December 19, 1928
Anderson, Will |
September 21, 1929
Anderson, William |
July 13, 1917
Anderson, William E. |
October 21, 1920
Anderson, Willie Bel. |
October 27, 1927
Andrews, Lou |
November 18, 1926
Andrews, Sylvia |
October 31, 1915
Anselman, Anton |
March 23, 1923
Ansley, Effie |
October 12, 1918
Anthony, _____ |
December 26, 1916
Anthony, Abraham |
August 1, 1918
Anthony, Alma |
June 5, 1919
Anthony, John Mor. |
August 17, 1927
Anthony, Mon L. |
December 25, 1925
Anthony, Murie |
December 31, 1916
Anthony, Robert |
September 10, 1926
Anthony, Robert Hen. |
May 5, 1950
Apperson, James T. |
April 20, 1915
Appleby, Notley |
June 24, 1932
Armstrong, Leander K. |
October 10, 1936
Armstrong, Nealy D. |
May 20, 1933
Arnold, Betty Jea. |
February 24, 1934
Arnold, Flora May |
July 9, 1920
Arnold, Henry |
November 25, 1918
Asbill, Robert Fra. |
June 4, 1943
Ash, John Cal. |
May 7, 1919
Ashby, Lee |
February 6, 1921
Ashby, Wesley A. |
August 31, 1937
Ashley, Vanette |
March 23, 1926
Atkins, Alfred |
May 17, 1916
Atkins, J.A. |
June 22, 1928
Atkins, Nancy |
July 31, 1920
Atkins, Ray |
August 24, 1925
Atkins, Richard |
December 3, 1930
Atkins, Robert |
May 4, 1923
Atkins, Thomas Pin. |
June 29, 1940
Atteberry, Mary All. |
March 30, 1932
Atteberry, Perry Cha. |
March 30, 1932
Aulston, Mary |
August 28, 1915
Ault, Charles Hen. |
April 22, 1922
Avants, C.C. |
April 9 1929
Avants, Cora |
June 9, 1926
Avery, Charles |
February 10, 1918
Avery, Ossie Bel. |
July 6, 1939
Aycock, Christop. Col. |
September 7, 1945
Aycock, John Car. |
May 12, 1948
Aycock, Nettie J. |
December 22, 1929
Aydelott, Elizabet. |
February 24, 1914
Aydelott, William Leo. |
July 16, 1929
Aydelotte, Edgar Lew. |
April 25, 1947
Ayers, Lucy |
January 7, 1916
Ayers, Robert Lee |
November 14, 1926
Ayrs, Hugh |
March 10, 1925
These pages last modified -- Tuesday, 05-Jan-2010 15:55:06 MST