Capt. James W. HIGGASON

"In reviewing the various business interests of Polk County, Ark., the name of Higgason is found to be among the most prominent, for since 1877 he has been one of the leading merchants of this section. He was born in Mississippi, in 1833, to Dr. George and Mary (DAVIS) HIGGASON, the former born in Virginia, and the latter in Alabama, their marriage taking place in the last named State, after which they removed to Mississippi, in which State the father passed from life in 1844, the death of his widow occurring in Polk County, Ark., in 1873, she being a worthy member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. Higgason was a successful physician of many years' standing, and in whatever locality he resided he soon became well known and prominent. He was at one time member of the Mississippi Legislature, and as early as eighteen years of age was with Gen. Jackson at New Orleans. Capt. James W. Higgason was the eldest of their seven children, but his early educational advantages were limited. In 1861 he became a member of Company A, of a Mississippi regiment, with which he served in the capacity of quartermaster until May, 1863, when he was captured at Chickasaw Bayou, and was kept a prisoner on Johnson's Island until the close of the war. For some years thereafter he followed the occupation of clerking, but in 1869 went to Sebastian County, Ark., where he conducted a mercantile establishment until 1871, moving then to Dallas, and there continuing the business for six years. He then came to Cherry Hill, and by honest business methods and a desire to accommodate his patrons he has built up a good and paying trade. He fully deserves all the success that can befall him for the possesses all the attributes of an upright and substantial citizen. His sister, Margaret L., lives with, and keeps house for him."


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