Poinsett County, Arkansas


J. B. Lynch

Source: Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas, Poinsett County; 1889 The Goodspeed Publishing Co.

J. B. Lynch, the junior member of the firm of Grant & Lynch, general merchants of Weiner, Ark., was born in Giles County, Tenn. in 1860, and since February, 1889, he has been engaged in his present business. The firm carry a complete and select stock of groceries, canned goods, dry goods, boots and shoes, shelf hardware, furniture, etc., and will soon put in a stock of clothing for their fall trade. They are wide-awake, plucky and reliable, and fully deserve the paying trade which they have secured. Mr. Lynch is the third in a family of nine children born to W. F. and Susan E. (Gibles) Lynch, who were Tennesseeans, the father an undertaker by trade. He remained at Lynchville, Tenn., until his death, which occurred in 1882, his wife having passed from life in 1876, The father was an Odd Fellow, and was a man whom everybody respected and admired. In 1882 J. B. Lynch came to Jackson County, Ark., and began farming; in the fall of that year he went to Johnson County, and after residing in the town of Clarksville for some time, he returned to Jackson County, and came to Poinsett County in 1884, where his attention was for some time given to railroad tie contracting, continuing this till up to the time of embarking in his present business. His efforts in this direction are meeting with good results, and he can, with every assurance of success, look forward to a prosperous future. Socially, he is a member of Lodge No. 184, of the A. F. & A. M., of Harrisburg, and in politics, although not very active, he usually votes the Democratic ticket.