Ouachita CountyProfessional Researchers, Volunteers & Other Research Services |
This section is reserved for those who offer genealogy services either as a professional or volunteer. If you would like to participate or would like to volunteer to do 'lookups' for the county and surrounding areas, please contact Carol Smith. Please include your URL (if available) and fees/charges (if any). If you have genealogy books or time and would like to 'volunteer' to do look-ups, please provide a list of publications or sources you have available and information you require to being your research.
Ouachita County Cemeteries: Carol Smith
1850 Census for Ouachita County : Brenda Morris
1860 Census for Ouachita County: Betsy Mills
Ouachita County Land Records before 1858: Ed Sanders
Ouachita County Lookups Kay Thomason
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