Ouachita Calhoun Genealogical Society Membership Form

Annual membership fee is $15. Membership includes the bi-annual subscription to "Researchin' Ouachita-Calhoun Counties", aimed at meeting the needs of researchers. The publication is published twice a year in April and October. Monthly meetings are held regularly on the fourth Sunday afternoon at 2:00 P.M. in the Library.

Print this form for and mail today for membership!

MAIL TO : Ouachita-Calhoun Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 2092, Camden, AR 71711

Don't forget to include your Membership Fee!


Address: _____________________________________________

City:_____________________________State:__________ Zip:_____________

Phone: {______}____________________

Email address: ____________________________________

Surnames you are researching in Ouachita and Calhoun counties: (specify which county)___________________________________________________________



Form provided by Ouachita County Genealogy Page hosted by Carol Smith

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