
Ouachita County

Biographies in


William R. Johnson, farmer, Stephens, Arkansas. Mr. Johnson was born in McNairy County, Tennessee on April 7, 1844 and is the son of Aden and Matilda Ann (Smith) Johnson, the former a native of North Carolina, born in 1816, and the latter of Tennessee, born about 1830. The parents were married in the last named State, and there resided until 1845, when they moved to Ouachita County, Arkansas. Mrs. Johnson died in Hempstead County, Arkansas in 1873. Mr. Johnson is now residing with his second wife in Erath County, Texas, whither he moved in 1885, and has always followed agricultural pursuits. To his first marriage were born four sons and six daughters: William R., J. W., C. C., Thomas A. Fannie, Amanda, Adelaide, Alice, Lena, and an infant deceased. William R. Johnson enlisted in the Confederate army on December 16, 1861, in Company B, Sixth Arkansas Regiment, and served three years and nine months, participating during that time in many severe engagements. He was shot through the right shoulder at the battle of Murfreesboro, was in the battles of Chickamauga, Bentonville, in the ninety days' campaign of Gen. Joe E. Johnston, and was captured at Jonesboro, Georgia. He went to Nashville, and at the end of eighteen days was exchanged. He returned to his home in Ouachita County, Arkansas on May 6, 1865, and on December 7 of the same year was married to Miss Sarah T. Jenkins, a native of Ouachita County, Arkansas, born in 1847, and the daughter of James and Catherine (Parker) Jenkins, both deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are the parents of twelve children, ten of whom are living: Mattie, Vena, Delia, Lenna, Hattie, Willie, Roxie, Robert, Thomas and Oleva. Mr. Johnson has resided near his present property since 1845, and is now the owner of 164 acres of land, with about seventy acres under cultivation, located eighteen miles southwest of the county seat. He is a member of the Masonic lodge at Stephens and in politics is a Democrat, casting his first vote for H. Seymour. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church.[INDEX]

Henry T. Jones, another old settler, and a prominent farmer of Washington Township, was born December 11, 1838, in Pickensville, Pickens County, Alabama, a son of Thomas and Sarah (Frazier) Jones, natives of South Carolina (Fairfield District). Thomas Jones was born in 1797, his father also being of South Carolina, of English descent. Thomas Jones was reared and married in South Carolina, and in 1838 moved to Alabama, where the subject of this sketch was born, in December of the same year. In 1848 he came to this county and entered a tract of wild land in the woods, and cleared up the farm on which our subject now resides. He died September 6, 1854. At the time of his death he owned over 1,000 acres of land, and about sixty slaves. His wife died December 25, 1848, at the age of thirty-seven years, a member of the Presbyterian Church. They were the parents of seven children, two of whom are now living, viz: the subject of this sketch , the eldest and Sarah (now Mrs. Jesse McMahan of this county, whose sketch appears in this work). Mr. Jones was reared on the farm on which he still lives, and received a good education in the common schools of this county. After his father's death he carried on a mercantile business at Beach Hill, which was owned by his father. In 1861 he enlisted in the Sixth Arkansas Infantry, in which he served as orderly sergeant of Company E. In December, 1861, he as transferred to quartermaster's department, and served in this department until the close of the war. He never took part in any battles. He was captured at the siege of Vicksburg, but was immediately paroled and put in camp in Mississippi. At the close of the war he returned home and resumed farming on the old homestead, at which he has continued ever since. Mr. Jones was married March 28, 1867, to Miss Hattie A. Cobb, a native of Florida, born October 3, 1844 in Monticello, Florida. To this union have been born four children, three of whom are still living, viz: Lena (an attractive young lady, born February 13, 1868), Joel (born November 19, 1869), Sula (born October 21, 1827), and Hattie (deceased). Mr. Jones owns a farm of over 700 acres of fine farming land, with 100 acres under cultivation, raising principally cotton. He also devotes considerable attention to raising cattle and sheep. He operates a large steam cotton-gin and grist-mill, the capacity of the former being ten bales of cotton per day and of the latter, seventy-five bushels per day. Mr. Jones is a member of the K. of H. and County Wheel. He was an Old Line Whig, but is now independent in politics. Mrs. Jones is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. Jones is a successful farmer, a good citizen, and takes an active interest in all public enterprises for the good of the community.[INDEX]

Hon. James W. Juniel is a member of the State Legislature, is Sate agent for the Memphis fertilizer, and is a prominent planter of Freeo Township. He was born in Halifax County, Virginia April 22, 1844, and is a son of John and Julia (Wilkins) Juniel, the former a native of Virginia, born in 1817. They were married near Halifax Court House, and in 1850 came to Ouachita County, Arkansas settling on a farm. He is one of the pioneers, and one of the oldest men in the county, and on coming here the nearest trading point was Camden, then a mere village. The mother died on August 12, 1856. The paternal grandfather, John Juniel, was born in Virginia and died in Ouachita County, in 1861, his wife dying in 1858. The great-grandfather, Sylvester by name, was born in England, and died in Virginia a few months after coming to the United States. Rev. John Wilkins, the maternal grandfather, was probably born in Virginia, and there died a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and he and his wife died when Mrs. Juniel was very small. Hon. James W. Juniel was the eldest of six children, and was reared on a farm, receiving his education in McKenzie College of Texas and was in the junior class when the war broke out. He immediately left school and joined Company G, Twelfth Arkansas Infantry, but was disabled at Belmont, was discharged and returned home. After recovering he joined Company G, Third Arkansas Cavalry, and severed under Generals Forrest and Wheeler until December, 1863, when he was placed in the secret service on account of his success as a scout, and acted as a spy for the Confederacy until the close of the war under Capt. A. M. Shannon, and operated in Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. He was wounded twice at Murfreesboro, was capture three times, but managed soon to make his escape each time. After the general surrender his command was ordered to escort Jeff Davis to the sea, and was with him at Atlanta, Georgia, for the last time. He came home in August, 1865, and began farming and merchandising at Holly Springs, and was there married on November 8, 1866, to Mary, daughter of Judge James and Mary A. (Hudson) McDaniel, the former of whom was born in North Carolina. At the age of sixteen he went to Alabama, and began as a laborer near Montgomery, but afterward came to New Edinburg, Arkansas and here spent the rest of his life, becoming a wealthy citizen. He was probate judge of Bradley County for a number of years, and for a great many years was justice of the peace and postmaster of Eagle Creek. He was a prominent Mason, and was one of the first settlers of his vicinity. He and his wife died in 1887, after having reared a large family of children. Mrs. Juniel was born near New Edinburg, and has borne Mr. Juniel three children, a son and daughter now living: James W. and M. E. Edna. Mr. Juniel has about 3,500 acres of land on Ouachita County, and his wife has over 500 acres in Cleveland County. He has resided on his farm since 1870, and is one of the leading planters in this portion of the State. He is a Democrat in politics, and in 1888 he was elected to the State Legislature from this county, and was chairman of a number of important committees. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., St. John's Lodge, at Holly Springs, and is a member of the K. of P. Lodge, at Camden, also the K. of H. of that place. He belongs to the Agricultural Wheel, and has been a delegate tot he State Wheels on a number of occasions. [INDEX]

C. S. Keith, farmer and stock-raiser, Camden, Arkansas. Mr. Keith has been located in this county for many years, and he is well established as a practical farmer and a successful stockman. He was born in Tennessee, in 1845 and is the son of John H. and Leutia (Davis) Keith, natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, and the grandson of W. A. Keith, who was a solider in the war for independence, and who was a school teacher, having a superior education for those days. The latter was a native of Scotland, and received his education in that country. The father of W. A. Keith and the great-grandfather of our subject was Robert Keith, who was rear admiral of the British fleet prior to the Revolutionary War. The father of our subject, John H. Keith, was one of the leading ministers in the Old School Presbyterian Church in Tennessee and Mississippi, moving to the latter State in 1848, and taking charge of the Danville Presbyterian School, which position he held for about ten or twelve years, or until 1860. One year later he moved near Searcy, White County, Arkansas and there continued to minister to the spiritual wants of his fellow men until his death in 1867, at the age of sixty-five years. He also carried on farming, having purchased a tract of land close to Searcy. His ministerial duties extended over a period of forty years. He had received an excellent education in North Carolina, and was a man beloved and eminently esteemed by all who knew him. Of the seven children born to his marriage, four are now living: John Y. (an attorney, of Madison County, Tennessee), C. S., James O. (resides in this county, engaged in farming), and Charlotta A. Mrs. Keith died in 1876, near Camden, at the age of sixty seven years. C. S. Keith had good educational advantages in Tennessee and Mississippi,but the war breaking out, interfered very much with his schooling. In 1862 he enlisted in Company I, Third Missouri Volunteer Infantry, United States Army, and served until the first attack on Vicksburg, in December, 1862. He was in the battle of Cotton Plant. From there he went up the river, where they captured Arkansas Post, from there to Napoleon, Arkansas and from there to Milligan's Bend, where Mr. Keith was captured by a portion of Capt. Johnson' men. He was paroled by order of Lieut. Gen. Holmes, and later came to Camden, where he remained during the remainder of the war. He was wounded at Arkansas Post, in the left shoulder. Mr. Keith was sergeant of his company, and after both the captain and lieutenant were killed, he commanded the company during this fight. After the war he engaged in the grocery business, which he successfully carried on two years. He then moved to the country, rented land for three years, and then purchased 300 acres, one and a half miles south of where he now lives. In 1873 he purchased his present farm, consisting of 160 acres, with only three or four acres improved, and he now has about 100 acres cleared, has erected good buildings, steam gin and grist-mill, and has made many improvement. A. A. Tufts of Camden, has an interest in the mill and gin and he and Mr. Keith are the owners of about 10,000 acres of land in various portions of the county. They have some well improved farms, and also have some fine trade of wild land. Mr. Keith does some merchandising on his farm, more to supply his own forces than for a general mercantile business and also owns, in connection with Mr. Tufts, some city property in Camden. He was married in 1865, to Miss Mittie A. Thomas, of Camden, and to them were born four children: Sarah L. (wife of J. H. Henderson), J. H. (who died in 1889, at the age of twenty one years), J. Y. (at home), and Ella W. Mrs. Keith died in February, 1889, in full communion with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Keith is a member of the A.F. & A. M, Camden Lodge No. 11, R. A. M., Whitefield Chapter. He is also a member of the Commandery of this order. Mr. Keith has held the office of justice of the peace of this township for fourteen years, and is at present an incumbent of that office. He has also held the office of school director for twenty years. In 1872 he was appointed assessor of the county by Ex-Governor Hadley, and served two years, and was at one time associate justice of the peace of the county court. Politically, he is a Republican.[INDEX]

Robert Lester, farmer, Lester, Arkansas. Mr. Lester is a native of Georgia, his birth occurring in 1827, but his ancestors were early settlers of Virginia. His parents, William and Sarah (Brown) Lester, were natives of the Old Dominion, the father born in 1796 and the mother in 1798. William Lester was a very extensive planter, and was the owner of about forty Negroes. He emigrated to Georgia about 1800, and there passed his last days, his death occurring in 1874. The mother died in 1863. Both were members of the Baptist Church. They were the parents of five children, three of whom are now living: Robert, Sarah (wife of George Holliday, of Georgia), and Joshua. The paternal grandparents of our subject, Louis and Rhoda (Russell) Lester, were also natives of Virginia. Robert Lester was educated in the common schools of Georgia, and at the age of twenty-three years commenced life for himself as a farmer on his own land in Georgia. This he carried on in connection with overseeing until the breaking out of the war. He entered the Confederate service in 1862, was a member of Echolls' artillery, and served principally under Gen. Cobb. He was in no hard engagements, but participated in several severe skirmishes. He surrendered in Washington, Georgia, but his company surrendered at Smithville, North Carolina. Returning home he found himself broken in health and fortune. His slaves, which he had inherited from this father's estate, remained on his farm until two years before Mr. Lester came to Arkansas, which was in 1871. He first settled within one mile of where he now lives, on 120 acres of land, and to this he has since added 80 acres, on which he now resides. He has in all about 100 acres under cultivation, and on this raises from one-half to three-fourths of a bale of cotton to the acre. He was married, in 1861, to Miss Martha A. Daniel, of Georgia, and the daughter of Woodson and Mary (Meeler) Daniel, natives of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel were the parents of two children: Mrs. Lester, and a son, J. C. (who resides in Georgia). Mr. Daniel was born in 1808 and died in 1862. To Mr. and Mrs. Lester have been born ten children, only two of whom are now alive: Sarah A. (wife of Braxton Bragg, a relative of General Braxton Bragg), and Nettie L. (wife of W. L. Worthington, M. D., of this county). Mr. Lester has been a member of the Masonic fraternity since 1851, and is a member of Camden Lodge No. 11. He favors all public improvements for the benefit of his county, and is a liberal patron to schools, churches, etc. Politically, like the majority of the citizens of this county, he is a true Democrat. Mrs. Lester is a member of the Baptist Church.[INDEX]

S. B. Lide, treasurer of Ouachita County, Arkansas. In the history of the growth and prosperity of this county, Mr. Lide has borne a prominent part, and his career has been such as to give encouragement to young men without means, for his present competence and enviable social position have been gained through his own merits. He was born in Dallas County, Alabama, January 28, 1847, and he is a son of Eli H. and Martha J. (Blackwell) Lide, the former of whom was born in Darlington, South Carolina, in 1796. After residing in Alabama for a time, he moved to Texas, in 1854, but died of Asiatic cholera on the way. He was the owner of ninety slaves which he was taking with him and out of that number lost forty by the same disease. He had been a farmer and merchant. His wife died in Camden, Arkansas in 1880. They were the parents of two children, S. B. Lide being the only one now living. The mother married a second time, and by this husband became the mother of nine children, four of whom are now living. S. B. Lide came to Arkansas with his mother, in 1857, and located on a farm six miles west of Camden, and here he received his early education, being an attendant of the district schools. He remained at home until 1864, when he ran off and joined the army, and served until the final surrender, then returned home and entered the mercantile business, and for the past eleven years has been connected with Dr. J. W. Brown. He was married in 1876, to Miss Susan Graham, by whom he had three children: Martha B., Montrose G. and James E. Mrs. Lide was a niece of ex-Governor William A. Graham, of North Carolina, and she and Mr. Lide were members of the Baptist Church. Miss Kittie Scott became the second wife of Mr. Lide, in 1888, and they have one child, Lawrence D. Mr. Lide is well and favorably known throughout the county, and in 1886 was elected county treasurer, and the manner in which he discharged his duties was so satisfactory that he was re-elected in 1888.[INDEX]

Jesse T. McMahan, a pioneer farmer of Ouachita County and an eminently self-made man, was born June 3, 1830, in Greene County, Illinois, a son of Robert and Nancy (Conway) McMahan, natives of Tennessee and Kentucky. Robert McMahan was a son of Robert McMahan, Sr., also a native of Tennessee. Robert McMahan, Sr., moved to Illinois being among the first settlers of the State, and the first settler of Madison County. He was there married to his first wife, who bore him six children. They were captured by the Indians, and Mrs. McMahan and four of the children were killed. One, an infant, was left at home in the cradle, being overlooked by the Indians, and the other, a girl, was carried captive and held by the Indians for four or five years. Mr. McMahan escaped a few days after his capture and returned to his home to find the baby starve to death in its cradle. He then returned to Tennessee, where he married his second wife, the grandmother of our subject, Nancy Custer, of Tennessee, and soon after the birth of their son, Robert, father of our subject, they returned to Madison County, Illinois, where they lived until the father's death. Four or five years after the capture and massacre of his wife and family, Mr. McMahan reclaimed his daughter from the Indians, paying them a ransom for her release. Her name was Lucy. She married a man by the name of Gaskell, and was the mother of several children, and died in Madison County since the war. Mrs. McMahan (the grandmother of our subject) died about 1865, aged one hundred and five. Robert McMahan (the father of our subject) was born in 1785, and reared to pioneer life in Madison County, Illinois and married Miss Nancy Conway, a native of Kentucky, born about 1795, a daughter of Jesse Conway. His death occurred in 1869, and his wife followed one year later. They were both members of the Baptist Church. They were the parents of twelve children, ten of whom are still living- five boys and five girls - viz: Margaret (now Mrs. McBride, of Nebraska), Mary, Mrs. Cochran (a widow residing in Scott County, Illinois), Henry (a farmer of Greene County, Illinois), Rebecca, Mrs. Smith (of Scott County, Illinois), Jesse (the subject of our sketch), Jane, Mrs. Wells (of Nebraska), Nathaniel ( a merchant of Manchester, Illinois), William (a miner in Missouri), Hestor, Mrs. McPherson (of Greene County, Illinois) and George ( a merchant of Green County, Illinois). Jesse McMahan, the subject of this sketch, was reared to farm labor in Illinois, and although he had no chance to attend school much, he obtained a common school education. In 1848 he came to Arkansas, and worked out at farm labor, sending his wagon home to his parents. Two years late he came to Camden, Ouachita County, where he commenced work for himself, being employed in the office of the constable at writing. Then he engaged in business as a butcher for a year or so, after which he went to school at Mine Creek, Hempstead County, for six months, then returned to Camden, and was again employed in the constable's office, which was at that time a very important office. He then formed a partnership with a man by the name of Jennings, and embarked in the grocery business. One year later he sold out his interest, then clerked in a dry goods store a year or more, after which, in the fall of 1854, he engaged in steamboating on the Ouachita and Red Rivers, and has since been engaged in that business in connection with farming, having an interest in a steamer , and was employed as pilot on the same until 1883. In 1861, Mr. McMahan enlisted in the First Arkansas Infantry, of which he was captain, and served until April, 1862, when he was wounded at the battle of Shiloh, being shot in the mouth, the ball tearing out part of the lower jaw, teeth, and part of his tongue. He received a discharge on account of disability, and returned home. He first enlisted as orderly sergeant for a term of twelve months, and upon the reorganization of his regiment he was made captain of his company. The First Arkansas Infantry was organized before the State seceded. Mr. McMahan participated in the battles of Bull Run and Shiloh, besides many skirmishes. October 29, 1863, he was married to Miss Sarah Jones, a native of this county, and a daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Frazier) Jones, natives of Virginia and South Carolina, respectively. She was born February 10, 1846. They have never had any children of their own, but have raised seven orphan children. They are now bringing up three children: Alice Scogin, Georgia Scogin and Thomas McMahan (his name also was Scogin, but was adopted by subject and wife). Mr. McMahan bought his present farm in 1863, and moved on the place in 1865, and although he has been engaged in steamboating, he has since carried on the farm and resided here, and since 1883 he has devoted his whole time and attention to farming., dairying and stock-raising. He owns 585 acres of land, with 160 acres under cultivation. His principal crop in the past has been cotton, but since 1883 he has been devoting his time to stock-raising and dairying, and now owns about 200 head of cattle, and sells more milk and butter than any other farmer of Ouachita County. He is a lover of fine stock, and owns some thoroughbred Jersey cattle, and Brown Leghorn and Wyandotte fowls, Toulon geese and Pekin white ducks; he also raises horses and mules and hogs for market. Both he and wife are earnest members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. McMahan is a member of the Masonic order and of the County Wheel. Politically he affiliates with the Democratic party. He is one of the leading farmers of Ouachita County, and takes an active interest in all laudable public enterprises.[INDEX]


Dr. John M. Mahan is one of the leading medical practitioners of Ouachita County, and has been in the active practice of his profession at Bearden, since 1886. He was born in Dallas County, Arkansas in 1851, and is a son of David and Elizabeth (Goggins) Mahan, who were born in Kentucky and South Carolina, respectively, but their marriage took place in Alabama. In 1851 they came to Dallas County, Arkansas and in 1870 settled in Franklin County, where Mr. Mahan died in 1880, aged seventy-two years, his wife dying in 1876, at the age of sixty-two. The paternal grandfather, Hezekiah Mahan, died in Missouri his father having been an Irish gentleman, and a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The maternal grandfather, James Goggins, died in Coosa County, Alabama. Dr. John M. Mahan was the seventh of nine children who live to be grown, and in his youth became thoroughly familiar with farm work, receiving an academic education. He began the study of medicine with his brother, Dr. William W. Mahan, and in 1873, entered the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1877. Previous to graduating he had practiced a short time with his brother, but after that event he settled at Mulberry, Franklin County, Arkansas, and here practiced his profession, until 1886, when he came to Bearden, where he has built up an excellent practice, and has a nice home. In 1880 he was married to Miss Katie, a daughter of John A. and Permelia Goodgame, a sketch of whom appears in another part of this work. She was born in Dallas County, and she and the Doctor have four daughters. He is in every respect a self-made man, for the war left his father in very poor circumstances, and he has thus compelled to educate himself. The father also had worked himself up in the world, and he was compelled to leave his Kentucky home, when a mere boy, owing to the ill treatment of his stepmother. He went to Alabama, and at the breaking out of the Rebellion, was a man of considerable means.[INDEX]


William T. Martin has been a resident of this State since 1856, and was born July 16, 1851, in Leake County, Mississippi, a son of J. Saddler and Jane (Mann)Martin, natives of South Carolina and Alabama, respectively. James S. Martin was born in 1822, a son of James and Melinda (Wallace) Martin, both of Scotch-Irish descent. James Martin was a son of a soldier in the Revolutionary War. James Martin, Sr., died when the father of our subject was a boy. James S. Martin (known as Saddler Martin), was a farmer by occupation, and moved to Alabama with his father when he was fourteen years of age. In 1843 he came to Mississippi, where he married the mother of our subject, and was engaged in farming until 1856, when he came to this State, locating in Bradley County, where he resided until his death which occurred in June, 1884. In 1862 he enlisted in Dockery's regiment of Cavalry, Confederate army, and served until the close of the war. He was in Price's raid through Missouri, and in the battles of Pilot Knob. Mr. Martin was twice married: First, to the mother of our subject, who was a daughter of James and Bettie (Manning) Mann, natives of Georgia. She was a member of the Baptist Church,and died in 1853, after having borne her husband two children: William T. (the subject of this sketch), and an infant (who died before named). In 1855, Mr. Martin married Miss Penina Mann, a sister of his deceased wife, by whom he had ten children, four of whom are still living: Duff (a farmer of Valley Township), Loraine (now Mrs. Snead, of Texas), James and Ollie (twins, living at home in Bradley County). Mrs. Martin died in 1879. Both she and husband were members of the Baptist Church. The immediate subject of this sketch was reared in Bradley County, on his father's farm, receiving his education at the common schools of that county. When he was twenty years of age he went to Texas, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits. He remained at this place only one year, and then went to Jackson, Mississippi, where he was employed as a traveling salesman for the leading agricultural machinery company of that place for two years. In 1879 he came to this county and purchased an improved farm of 240 acres, with 125 acres under cultivation, which he still owns and makes his home. In 1883 he commenced to study law in connection with farming, under Col. Benjamin Johnson, of Camden, and in 1886 was admitted to the bar, and immediately commended the practice of law at Camden. He continued to practice until September, 1888, when he was offered the position of general agent and correspondent for the Memphis Avalanche, for the States of Arkansas, Texas, Southern Missouri, Northern Louisiana, and part of New Mexico and Colorado, which position he accepted and still holds, traveling over all of that country. In 1876, Mr. Martin married Miss Emma Broughton, a native of Georgia, born in 1855, a daughter of Jacob L. and Mary (Broughton) Broughton, natives of Georgia and the fruits of this union have been seven children, viz: Henry, Maggie, Annie, Charles, Lucy, Lillie and Willie, all at home. Both Mr. and Mrs. Martin are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. In his political views Mr. Martin affiliates with the Democratic party, and is well known throughout the county. [INDEX]


John W. Moon, one of the best known farmers of Marion Township, was born in Madison County, Alabama, May 25, 1836, a son of Jackson and Sarah (Moon) Moon, also natives of Madison County, the former born in 1814, a son of John and Mary (Lewis) Moon. John Moon was born in Pennsylvania in 1789, and was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was with Gen. Jackson, at the battle of New Orleans. He was a son of John and Mary (Horn) Moon, the former of whom was a son of a Quaker (to which sect all of his ancestors belonged), of English descent, who resided in Pennsylvania. He and six brothers enlisted in the Revolutionary War, contrary to the creed of the Quaker religion, for which they were ex-communicated. Mary Horn (the great-grandmother of our subject) was a daughter of John Hoof, of Pennsylvania. She died at the advanced age of one hundred and twelve, when the subject of this sketch was five years old. Jackson Moon was an old planter of Alabama, owning several hundred acres of land and a number of slaves. He was married to the mother of our subject in 1835. She was the daughter of Joshua and Sarah (Perkins) Moon the latter lived to be ninety seven years of age. The results of this union were two children, John W. and Nathaniel J, whom death was caused by falling from a wagon in 1858. The father died May 31, 1839, and his widow afterward married Mr. W. C. Renfroe, of Alabama, and lived until 1870, dying in Texas. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm in Alabama until 1849, when his mother and stepfather moved to Arkansas, locating in this county. When he was eighteen years of age he commenced working for himself at farm labor, and also by working in a grist and saw mill in Bridge Creek Township. He was married on September 15, 1866 to Elexa Frances Tyson, who was born in Henry County, Tennessee in 1846, a daughter of Uriah and Sarah M. (Lewis) Tyson, natives of Tennessee. The fruits of this union have been nine children, all living, viz: William Uriah (teaching school and living at home), James N., John R., Sarah A., Samuel E., Mary F., Martha B., Van T. and Clara L. Mr. Moon owns 647 acres of land, of which 200 acres are under cultivation, and devotes his attention chiefly to the cultivation of cotton and corn. He is also engaged in raising horses and cattle. Mrs. Moon is a consistent member of the Missionary Baptist Church. Socially Mr. Moon is a member of the Masonic order, and politically, belongs to the Democratic party. He takes a great interest in politics, and is well known throughout the county, where he is highly respected. Mr. Moon enlisted in June 1861, in the Third Arkansas Cavalry, in which he served until the close of the war, through which he was color bearer and held the rank of third lieutenant. The principal battles in which he participated were: Thompson's Station, Corinth, Iuka, Knoxville, Chickamauga, Atlanta, and others, following Sherman to the sea, east battle of Johnson's Army at Smithville. He was wounded at Thompson's Station in the back of the neck, and returned home November 10, 1865. He was in all of the battles of his brigade, with the exception of the skirmishes. He carried the colors of his regiment through the last three years of the war, and had two flags shot to pieces in his hands, and many narrow escapes.[INDEX][PAGE 6]