Ouachita County

1923 Businesses, Manufacturers, Merchants and Tradesman



Population in 1923 was 3,238


E. M. Agee, Blacksmith and Grocer

M. Amtman, Grocer

Mrs. Jennie L. Anderson, Millinery

W. P. Barnes & Son, Cotton gin

Lee Beard, Laundry

Gerard J. Bensberg, Music Director

Oscar Bird, Grocer

Leibert W. Bower, Lumberman

C. R. Cade, Grocer

Camden Auto Supply Co.

Camden Battery Co.

Camden Boiler & Welding Works

Camden Cotton Compress Co.

Camden Electric Gin Co.

Camden Foundry Co.

C. H. Newton, Camden Grocer Co.

Camden Ice & Coal Co.

Camden Milling Co., Grist Mill operation

Camden Motor Co., Inc.

Carson Dry Goods Co.

Carl A. Cawthon, Grocer

W. P. Chidester, Livery

The City Bakery

Coan & Son, Electric Supply

Coca-Cola Bottling Co.

W. A. Cohen, Millinery

W. O. Coston, Restaurant

M. L. Cross, Transfer

Duffin & Terrell, Blacksmiths

E. M. Daniels & Co., Grocers

J. J. Dowty, Stave Mill

G. D. Eldridge, Stave Co.

W. B. Elliott & Bros, Jewelry and Autos

Engelken's Cafe

John A. England, Hotel

F. A. Evans, Tires, Oils, & Filling Station

Farmer's Gin Co., Cotton Gin

Fred Farris, General Store

Abe Feibleman, Cotton

Terrell D. Fooks, Mfg & Wholesale Lumber

Clarence Ford, Creamery

Four-Four-Four Tire & Gas Co.

W. T. Frizzel, Saw Mill

H. G. Furlow, Grocer & Meat

J. L. Galyon & Son, Grocer

Stephen T. Garner, Dry Goods & Shoes

F. A. Gaston, Variety

Gloster Lumber Co.

J. H. Goodgame & Sons, Dry Goods and Grocer

C. S. Gordon, Grocer & Confectioner

George R. Gordon, General Store

S. L. Gordon & Son, General Store

Henry Grabert, Meat Market

U. G. Grindstaff, Grocer

J. B. Hanson, Contractor

A. Harper, Shoe Repair

Heine, Tailor

L. F. Henshaw, Fruit

Vess H. Hoffman, Marble

Hollis & Norman, Saw Mill

Hollis & Parker, Saw Mill

Hollis & Robertson Dry Goods, Clothing

Hosford & Smith, Restaurant

Hurley Printing Co.

Jennie Ivory, Grocer

O. U. Jenkins, Grocer

C. H. Jones, Grocer

Charles Jones, Blacksmith

G. C. Kinard, Cotton Gin

Charles Kingwell, Saw Mill

J. W. Knight, General Store

K. K. Knight, Grocer & Log Contractor

Fred Laney, Grocer

H. S. Lazarus, Plumber

Arthur Levy, Druggest

Daniel F. Lewis, Grocery & Feed Store

Lide & Bros, Dry Goods

Lockett & Copeland, Dry Goods

Mrs. D. Loda, Hotel

J. S. Lyell, Saw Mill

Mrs. L. E. McCormick, Confectioner

Minor Stave Co.

J. T. Mendenhall, Contractor & Builder

A. Mendolia, Shoe Repair

P. Mendolia, Grocer

W. B. Merritt, Grocer

Moore & Brown, Hardwood Manufacturers

J. H. Morgan & Son, Hardware

Morgan & Cossart, Dry Goods, Shoes & Clothing

C. H. Newton, Grocer

W. M. Nowlin, Tires

Dan O'Connor, Blacksmith & Garage

Ouachita Cotton Oil Co.

Ouachita Drug Co.

Ouachita Dry Goods Co.

Parker Brothers, Cotton Gin

Parker Hardware Co.

Patrick & Smead, Drugs

Pershing Highway Garage

Frank Phillips, Dry Goods

A. S. Pippin, Variety

John M. Pope, Grocer

S. B. Proctor, Furniture & Undertaker

Robert E. Purifoy, General Store & Cotton Gin

J. W. Reynolds, Saw Mill

Reynolds & Brown, Saw Mill

W. Ritchie, Contractor

Ritchie Grocer Co., Wholesale Groceries

Rockwell Manufacturing Co., Screens

Rumph & Tyson, General Store

Burrough L. Russell, General Store

W. H. Schedler, Plumber

M. H. Schneider, Restaurant

J. W. Scott, Furniture

Kitt Scott (C. C.), Furniture

William R. Smith, Meat

Smith & Burton, Gin & Saw Mill

A. J. Snider, Photographer

Snow Bros Hardware Co.

South Arkansas Grocery Co., Wholesale Groceries

Moses Stern, Hides, Furs

E. C. Stewart & Co., Cotton Buyers

Stinson & Berg, Jewelry & Understakers

Will Stone, Grocer

L. B. Stone Grocery Co.

Strong Lumber Co., Manufacturers & Wholesale

Tate & Fearing, Saw Mill

A. G. Trude, Contractor

C. D. Tull, Grocer

Jonas C. Ussery, Drugs & Sales

M. P. Watts & Bros, General Store

A. J. Westbrook, Hotel

A. A. Wilson, Grocer

J. C. Womack, Hotel

F. C. Woodruff, Plumber

 N. S. Word & Co., Garage & Sales

J. P. Wright, Lumber

Ed Yarborough, General Store

Wylie B. Yarborough, General Store

W. W. Yeager, General Store