Ouachita County

1900 Business Directory

In 1900, Volume One of the Business Directory of the State of Arkansas was published by the Southern Directory Company of Little Rock and Fort Smith, Arkansas. Listed below are the entries for Ouachita County.

BarhamBeardenBuena VistaCamden Chidester Eagle Mills
Elliott LesterLibertyLilleyLouannLufraLunetMillville
Ogemaw Sayre Stephens Tremont Van Duzer



Camp, W. W. - Blacksmith

Cubage, W. R. - Justice

Grayson, J. C. - General Store & P. M.

Stinnetts, J. M. - Lawyer



A. P. Lindsey, P. M.

Beaver Lumber Company

Central Hotel

Clement, W. A., Barber

Cotton Belt Lumber Company

Dickinson, Mrs. M. A., Milliner

Eason, G., Grocer

Fultz, D. W., Grocer

Gatlin, J. C., Druggist

Gatlin, W., General Store

Hotel Bearden

Ingram, E. T., Grocer

Jones, J. C., Lawyer

Jordan, A. T., Meats

Jordan, J. H., Jeweler

Juniel, J. W., Grist Mill

Lindsey, E. H., Justice of the Peace

Mahan, J. M., Physician

Mitchell & Goodgame, General Store

Murray, T. J., Physician and Druggist

Norman, E. S., General Store

Owens, T. J., Lawyer

Reed, D. W., Blacksmith

Sloan, W. E., Justice of the Peace

Stinger, J. W., General Store

Whitehead, C. W., Shoemaker

Wigginton, T. L., General Store


Buena Vista

Addy, J. H., Justice of the Peace

Armfield, J. L. - General Store

Graves, S. F., Saw Mill

Ross & Hilderbrand - General Store

Ross, W. F. - General Store

Sifford, Laura, P. M.

Wright, J. - General Store

Wright, H. W. - Grist Mill and Cotton Gin



Agee, J. K. - Tinsmith

Agee, J. M. - Blacksmith & Wagon Maker

Arntman - Bookstore & Billiards

Avera & Hays - Attorneys

Barker, J. M. - Attorney

Belzner & Co. - Saloon

Bennett House - Hotel

Berg Brothers - Dry Goods

Birnback, Jno. - Tailor

Bragg, J. N. - Physician

Brewer, E. T. J. - Barber

Broaduax & O'Conner - Blacksmiths

Brooks House, W. N. Ketchum - Proprietor

Brown Brothers - Hardware

Bry & Bro. - Dry Goods

Camden Beacon - W. P. Holmes - Editor

Camden Compress Co.

Camden Bottling Works - S. L. Gordon - Proprietor

Camden Foundry & Machine Company

Camden Machine & Supply Company - C. C. Rose, Manager

Camden National Bank, A. A. Tufts, Cashier

Camden Water Light & Power Company - H. Atwater, Manager

Chandler, D. W. & Company - Grocers

Chidester, F. B. - Livery

City Barber Shop - D. C. Gatlin - Proprietor

Delmonico Restaurant - J. C. Taylor - Proprietor

Dews, J. - Wholesale Lumber

Dunn, J. A. - Saloon

Elliott, M. A. - Druggist

Evans, W. M. - Veterinary Surgeon

Feaster, Charles - Restaurant

Flenniken, J. M. - Dentist

Fort, H. F. - Grover

Gaughan & Sifford - Attorneys

Gholson, R. A. - Confectioner

Gordon, C. S. - Confectioner

Gordon, D. W. - Grocer & Confectioner

Hale & Mendenhall - Contractors & Builders

Harris, E. J. - Confectioner

Harper & Belkey - Wholesale Liquors, Wines & Cigars

Hereford, W. N. - Dentist

Holleman & Gee - Grocers

Hudson, G. W. - Physician & Druggist

Jackson, T. L. & Co - Dry Goods

Jacobs, H. - Dry Goods

Jarinkes & Arendt - Merchant Tailors

Johnson, B. W. - Attorney

Kennedy, J. W. - Grocer

Kilmer, E. P. - Lunch Room

Lazrus House - Hotel

Lee Hop - Laundry

Legg, J. N. & Co. - Dry Goods

Lockhart, J. D. - Druggist

Macklin, J. D. - Barber

McCall, E. B. - Att. Notary & Fire Insurance

McGill, M. W. - Justice of the Peace

Martin, Mrs. May V. - Dressmaker

McIntyre, M. & M. - Saloon - M. Carr, Manager

McRae, W. E. & Co. - General Store

McVicar & Houston - Billiard Hall

Morgan, A. L. - Druggist

Morgan, J. H. - Hardware

Myar, H. W. - General Store

Ouachita Herald, Newspaper, S. F. Morton Editor & Manager

Ouachita Hotel - Alex Dryburg, Manager

Ouachita Valley Bank, W. K. Ramsey - Cashier

Ouachita Valley Poultry Farm - George W. Brown, Proprietor

Parker, J. N. - Cotton Gin

Pickett & Boddie - Grocers

Pippen, E. S. - Racket Store

Proctor, J. A. & Bro. - Furniture Store

Randall, C. H. - Grocer

Reeves & Reeves - General Store

Reeves & McCarver - Livery

Richie, Louis - Dry Goods

Rinehart & Garber - Physicians

Ritchie, George L. - General Store

Roberts, Polk - Furniture

Sawyer, B. - Dry Goods

Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Company - J. S. Roberts, Manager

Smead & Powell - Attorneys

Smith, W. R. - Butcher

Starrett, T. C. - Lumber

Stern Brothers - Butchers

Stinson & Berg - Jewelers

Stinson, Mrs. G. H. - Jeweler

Stubbs, B. J. - Barber

Terminal Hotel - E. R. Kilmer Proprietor

Thornton & Thornton - Attorneys

Tuffs & Keith - Cotton Gin

Vaughn, Anna - Restaurant

Watts, M. P. & Bro. - General Store

Williams & Bros. - Dry Goods

Williams, Harry - Racket Store and Sewing Machines



Abel & Co. - Druggists

Grayson, J. T. - Grist Mill

Green, A. L. - General Store

Norwood, C. - Physician

Purifoy, W. A. - Physician

Rushing & Comany - General Store and Saw Mill


Eagle Mills

Culp & Floz - General Store

Eagle Lumber Co., - Saw Mill

Henry, J. T. & Co - General Store



Camden Lumber Company - Saw Mill



Arkansas Coal, Gas & Fire Clay Company

Lester Mill Company - General Store & Lumber Manufacturers

Tidwell, E. F. - Physician



Parr, J. S. - General Store

Parr, J. W. - General Store

Purifoy, J. S. - Justice

Sweatman, J. H. - Blacksmith

Webb, I. B. - Justice



Agee, P. - General Store

Erickson, J. - Justice

Lerenducer, J. A. & Co - Grocers

Murray, J. Y. - Physician

Onalaska Lumber Co. - General Store and Saw Mill

Smith, W. A. - Grocer



Lagrone, R. J. - General Store & Justice

Smith, W. A. - Grist Mill and Gin



Hale, M. D. - Saw Mill

Hallon, N. F. - Physician



Bacon, J. L. - General Store

Diffee & Son - Grist Mill

McGill, M. W. - General Store

McKenzie, J. M. - Blacksmith

Stinnett, R. J. - Proprietary Medicines

Tate, R. J. - General Store



Freeman Lumber Company - Saw Mill

Gammill, S. - General Store

Hodge, J. K. - Physician

James Bros. - General Store

James, V. W. - Grist Mill - Cotton Gin - Justice

Sigenfield, S. C. - Carpenter



Breathurst, A. - General Store, Saw Mill and Physician

Campbell, C. W. - General Store and Saw Mill

Generally, Mrs. E. - Hotel

Green, A. - Justice

Holt, C. J. - Justice

Meredith, T. H. - Hotel

Jones, J. W. & P. C. - Shingle Mill

Porter, J. A. - General Store

Shackleford, Mrs. S. E. - Hotel

Tate, J. H. - Barber



Benton, J. G. - General Store

Hesterley, A. - Physician

Howard, W. B. - General Store & P. M.

Sayre Lumber Company - General Store & Saw Mill



Bragg, Mrs. C. T. - Hotel

Blake, E. H. - Furniture

Blount, A. T. - Notary & P. M.

Burris, H. M. - Grocer

Brewster, W. - Barber

Collier, J. P. - Meats

Dandy, H. F. - Carpenter

Edwards, H. - Grocer

Elliott Brothers - Grocers

Foster, A. - Grocer

Futtrell, W. D. - Grocer

Gardner & Co - Druggists

Green, W. N. - Lawyer

Greer, A. - Justice

Hardison, T. - Lawyer

Holton & Lester - General Store

Medlock, J. H. & Co. - General Store

Parker, P. E. - Physician

Parker, W. L. - Dry Goods

Parr, W. P. & Co. - Grocer

Pen, W. & Co. - Grocer

Pierce, L. R. - Grocer

Smith & Bros. - General Store

Thompson, J. S. - Physician

Wardlow, D. M. - Grocer



Johnson, W. M. - Saw Mill

Van Duzer

Gaughan, D. L. General Store & P. M.

Richardson, J. W. - Justice


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