Montgomery Co. Arkansas Civil War Veterans
Until man achieves wisdom there will be war.

Military Research
Montgomery Co. ARGenWeb Project

The last  reunion for Montgomery Co. Civil War veterans was held in August 1912. Six attended.

AYERS, Thomas Jefferson (1837 -1916) 
CSA - Pvt. 2nd Arkansas Infantry, Company "B"
The fourth of eleven children born to Daniel AYERS and Betsie GROSS was Thomas Jefferson AYERS born 9 Feb. 1837 in Mississippi; his parents have been practically impossible to trace.  The records of Company "B" show that T. J. AYERS was enlisted at the assistance of Lt. RICHARDS on 6 May 1862 at Marianna, Lee, AR for the period of the war. Pvt. AYERS was shown on the muster roll for 30 June 1862 to 31 August 1864.

Major General W. T. SHERMAN had successfully cut HOOD’s supply lines in the past by sending out detachments, but the Confederates quickly repaired the damage. In late August, SHERMAN determined that if he could cut HOOD’s supply lines - - -the Macon & Western and the Atlanta & West Point Railroads - - - the Rebels would have to evacuate Atlanta. SHERMAN, therefore, decided to move six of his seven infantry corps against the supply lines. The army began pulling out of its positions on 25 August to hit the Macon & Western Railroad between Rough and Ready and Jonesborough, GA. To counter the move, HOOD sent Lt. Gen. William J. HARDEE with two corps to halt and possibly route the Union troops, not realizing SHERMAN’s army was there in force. On 31 August HARDEE attacked two Union corps west of Jonesborough but was easily repulsed. Fearing an attack on Atlanta, HOOD withdrew one corps from HARDEE’s force that night. The next day Union corps broke through HARDEE’s troops which retreated to LOVEJOY’s Station , and on the night of 1 September, HOOD evacuated Atlanta. SHERMAN did cut HOOD’s supply line but failed to destroy HARDEE’s command. The result: Union Victory; Campaign: Atlanta campaign (1864); Dates: 31 August - 1 September 1864. Principal commanders were: Major General William T. SHERMAN (US), Lt. General William J. HARDEE (CS); Forces engaged: Six corps (US); two corps (CS); estimated casualties: 3,149 total (US 1,149; CS 2,000).

Pvt. AYERS name appears on a roll of prisoners of war exchange by order of Major General SHERMAN. Commander, Military Division of Mississippi at Rough & Ready, GA  near Jonesborough on 19 - 22 September 1864. He was captured on 1 September 1864.

"TJ" moved to Montgomery Co. about 1870-71. He was a farmer as were many others.  Records from B. Robbins & Son General Mercantile in Womble show he purchased plowlines, nails, shovel, horse shoes, ax grease, snuff, molasses, etc.   Other records indicate that Dr. R. R. Lefevers of Womble treated "TJ" and prescribed medicine.  Office visits in 1915 were $1.50.  The Caddo Valley Bank (also Montgomery County, AR) was the depository used to hold his notes.  The bank was directed to deliver to Mrs. Emily Ayers all notes and other papers belonging to the estate of T. J. Ayers who died July 16, 1916 and is buried at the Black Springs Cemetery, Methodist (right/east) side along with his first two wives Lucy Ann nee Bennett d.1888, Martha A. nee Love d. 1914.  Submitted by Ginny Ayers Spann July 15, 2000

Confederate Pension Records
Surname: Ayers, Thomas J.
Application Number: 7869
Widow Surname: Ayers, Emily
Company: D
Regiment: 2
State Served From: Arkansas
Division: Infantry
Pension County: Montgomery
Death Date: 7/16/1916
Application Year: 1901
Comments: Widow applied 1917 / Parole

BLACK, Henry James (1830 -1911)  
CSA - Enlisted in Confederate Army July 27, 1862 at Carrollton, Ga. by N. J. Ross for a period of 3 years.  Last paid Feb. 28, 1863 by Capt. A. D. Absences. Remarks:  Absent, sick.
Henry J. Black Private Co. H. 41st  Regt Ga.  Appears on a Register of C. S. A. Post Hospital, Dalton, Georgia.
Injury or disease:  Dyspepsia
Admitted Nov. 21, 1862
Returned to duty Dec. 6, 1862.

July 1, 1863 to October 31, 1863  Paid $44.00 at Selma, Alabama December 16, 1863 as payment while Private in Confederate Army. (Co. H 41st GA Reg.) Paid by E. T. Fellowes, Capt & a Quartermaster.  Signed by Henry J Black (and his mark).  Witness: G. Elelate, Private Co H: 41st Ga. Reg.

Submitted by Eunice McCammon, gggdaughter. Posted 7 April 2001.

Henry James Black (1830-1911) was a civil war veteran from Carroll Co, GA. His name was put on the headstone stone wrong. James Henry Black is wrong.
He is buried in Gaston Cemetery.  He was married to Jane Roberts Black. Henry James BLACK born in South Carolina moved to Redbird, Montgomery County, Arkansas in 1870. He served in the Civil War in Co. H “Wool Hat Boys”, 41st Georgia Infantry with his 3 brothers-in-laws and 1 cousin. Buried at the Gaston Cemetery, Montgomery County, Arkansas. They were "hard to wear out", and since the men wanted their group to be strong and "hard to wear out" as well they took on the name Wool Hat Boys.

BOGLE, Robert (1833-1866)
CSA - Pvt. Co. F, 4th Ark Reg.
Robert Bogle was born in 1833 in Cannon Co., TN. He came to Arkansas by July 2, 1853, when he married Elizabeth Ann Scott, the daughter of William T. Scott and Eliza Leonard. The Scotts had come from Lincoln and Marshall Counties, TN at about the same time as Robert. Robert and Elizabeth had three children, John Wilson Bogle, William Robert Bogle, and Sarah Elizabeth Bogle. Elizabeth Bogle died in 1859.

Private Robert Bogle enlisted in Company F, 4th Ark Reg., CSA at Miller's Springs, MO, 17 Aug 1861. He traveled 300 miles on foot from Montgomery Co. AR to
enlist at Miller's Springs, MO, 17 Aug 1861. The 4th Ark. Regiment was reorganized at Corinth MS 8 May 1862. Consolidated with 1st & 2nd Mounted Rifles, 4th Infantry Battalion, and 9th & 25th Infantry Regiments, and designated as the 1st Mounted Rifles. Consolidated at Smithfield, NC 9 April 1865.)

Enlistment papers say Robert was age 28, 5'3" tall, hazel eyes, sandy hair. Farmer. Honorable discharge because of injury to foot, rheumatism. Records note that he was never paid, was in hospital or dismissed by sergeant because of injuries to foot, and rheumatism. Robert was released on furlough from the hospital on an unknown date. Captured 28 July 1864 on the White River in AR and sent to Military Prison at Alton, IL 26 Nov. 1864. Transferred to Rock Island, IL 7 Dec. 1864. At the time of Robert's capture on the White River, his unit was far to the east in Georgia, but there were numerous skirmishes taking place nearby. On June 22 on the White River there were two US soldiers killed, 4 wounded, and 2 Confederates killed. On July 2 near Pine Bluff, AR was another confrontation. On July 14 near Farr's Mills, on July 26 at Wallace's Ferry, and on July 27 at Massard's Prairie, in Sebastian Co., 5 mi. SE of Ft. Smith. (Microfilm M317 Roll 71). At any rate, at the time of his capture, Robert stated that he was in Company F.

Robert died April 17, 1866, not long after returning from the war. I believe he may have died as a result of some illness contracted at Rock Island. He is buried in South Fork Cemetery in Montgomery County, AR.

Submitted 18 March 2007 by Amy Doyle. I descend from Robert's eldest son, John Wilson Bogle, who was my g-grandfather.

BUTTRAM, Robert H. (1837-1918)
CSA Co. G. 2 Reg. AR Mounted Rifles 
Buried at the Joplin Cemetery with wife who died in 1908. He remarried but was later divorced.
 He ran a general mercantile store in Joplin. 

Robert H. Butram was a recruit (not an original member) for Company G. enrolled after 27 July 1861. Company G. was organized at Paraclifta, county seat of Sevier County, Arkansas in the early summer of 1861 by Henry K. Brown, a veteran of the Mexican Wars. Originally called "The Sevier Rifles" and was the second company to be organized at Paraclifta. Robert H. Buttram is buried at Joplin Cemetery, Montgomery Co. AR. Aug 31 1837 - Jun 6 1918. 'Rebels Valiant' by Wesley T. Leeper gives the story of the Second Arkansas Mounted (dismounted) Rifles. Pioneer Press, Little Rock. 1964.  

CAIN, John Dixon USA
Served in the Company E, 1st Arkansas Infantry Volunteers, USA and 4th Arkansas Cavalry Volunteers and in Co. D 4th Arkansas Cavalry Volunteers with Lt Jonas B. Spiva, probably his brother in law by marriage. Spiva's wife was Mary Cain and they lived four dwellings from each other in 1860. Thomas J. Rawls b, June 1845 in AR. d. Apr 4, 1915 in Montgomery, AR, m. 6 Jun 1867 to Mary Melissa Cearly in Hot Springs. She was age 25 b. ca, 1855 in Ark. He had served in Co. D 4th Ark. Cav. and was a member of Capt, Morgan Usserly's Co., First Reg. Ark. State Guards.
Cain was incorrectly listed as a deserter. On 15 April, 1864, while discharging his duty in Montgomery County, Arkansas, was killed by rebel guerrillas near Sugarloaf Mountain, Montgomery County, Arkansas not far from his home in Cedar Glades. His wife, Nancy,  is listed on the 1
870 census for Montgomery Co. AR as head of house hold with three children aging from 14 to 10.
John D Cane, 23, married to Nancy M. Careley, 18, 27 Oct. 1855, Bk A, pg. 105. Montgomery Co. AR.

1860 Mazarin, Montgomery Co. AR
John Cain   age 28 		TN	Farmer, 200, 550, 
Nancy       age 23  		MO
Mary        age 42 [sic]  	AR
Melinda     age  2  		AR

John D. Cane was enrolled on the 1st day of March, 1863, at Fayettiville, Ark, in Co. E., 1 Regiment of Arkansas Volunteers to serve 3 years, or during the war, and mustered into service as a private on the 1o day of March 1863, at Fayetteville, Ark, in Co. E. 1st Regiment of Ark, Inf. Volunteers. Deserted Oct. 31 1863 at Ft. Smith, Ark. Charge of desertion removed. Detailed on recruiting service No. 1st 1863 -killed in a conflict with the enemy in Montgomery county, Ark. April 15 1864 Killed by guerrillas in an engagement while in the service of the United States

I, J.M. Johnson, am personally acquainted with John D. Cain late a private in Company E 1st Arkansas Infantry Volunteers. On or about 1st November 1863 gave him authority to recruit for US service in the Western __ of Arkansas. Killed in an engagement with rebels. I had no official or personal knowledge of this but learned it from Jersons? who was on recruiting service with him and believe the report to be true.

CHAPMAN/CHAPMOND George Riley born 1832, died , Jan. 2, 1876 Cedar Glades, AR
George R. Chapman served in the 4th Arkansas Infantry Co. F. from Aug 17, 1861 to March 1, 1862. He also served in the 33rd Arkansas Infantry. He was left behind, sick, when the 4th Arkansas Infantry was transferred east of the Mississippi River, and subsequently enlisted in Co. I, 33rd Arkansas Infantry, at Caddo Gap, Arkansas, on June 24, 1862. He was reported present for duty on all muster rolls through August 31, 1863. His last record in this regiment is on on a January 27, 1864, list of men from various regiments "now in the cavalry without authority, in Capt. Heads company." He then switched sides and enlisted in Co. D, 4th Arkansas Cavalry (U.S. Volunteers), on March 10, 1864 to to June 30 , 1865. Co. I, 33rd Arkansas Infantry, was raised in Montgomery County. Capt. John C. Head commanded an independent cavalry company raised in Scott County.

COX, Moses Charnock - (1845-1914)
CSA - Arkansas Company I, 33 Arkansas Infantry Pvt./Sgt.
Buried: Cox/Head Cemetery (Caddo) - Near Black Springs, AR. 
Moses C. Cox and William J. Cox (corporal/sergeant) both served in Co. I. 33rd AR Inf. and were brothers, the sons of George R. Cox, who settled in the Black Springs area in the 1850's at Cox Springs. They also had another brother who was in the Civil War, John Randolph Cox, but I am unsure if he is buried in Montgomery Co. He was hanged about 1863 in the street at Black Springs, for killing his girl friend, as he went into a rage when he came home and found her married to his brother William J. Cox. Reference : "The Mountain Signal", March 1999 issue, published in Mena, by Shirley Goodner who has done a series on the Cox family since Dec. 98. 
Submitted by Olena P. Lively

Dresda Mullings has great-grandfathers, who were American Civil War veterans and both are buried in Montgomery County, AR. Posted 1 April 2005

CROCKETT, David Morrow
CSA Co. K 19th MS
Born 1826, Waxhaws, Lancaster Co, SC
Died before 1900, Platta, Montgomery Co, AR
Burial site unknown.

Crockett served as Sergeant - Captain, CSA 19th MS Company K, Jake Thompson Guards. The members were raised in Itawamba & Tishomingo Counties, MS. Present at the muster June 12, 1861. He was a first lieutenant and promoted to captain, April 19, 1862. Resigned, March 28, 1863 [Source: MSGenWeb Tippah Co MS]
Wounded: Wounded in the shoulder near Richmond at the Battle of Gaines Mill, Henrico Co, Virginia. Missing, hospitalized, discharged, remained at Richmond, VA, recovering for about one year before returning to MS. [Source: Pension Claim National Archives records]
 "Arkansas Confederate Pension Index," author Desmond Walls Allen, published by Arkansas Research, PO Box 303, Conway, AR 72033. Extract of those named CROCKETT: Crockett, A. W.; Crockett, D. M.; Crockett, Henry J. This family was (and are) members of the Old Waxhaw Presbyterian Church (aka Waxhaw Meeting House).

MULLINGS, Pleasant Marcus
CSA  Co. F29th AL
Born 14 Jul 1828, Blount Springs, Blount Co, AL
Died 3 Aug 1898, Mazarn, Montgomery Co, AR
Burial site Nelson Cemetery.

Mullings served as 1st Sergeant - 1st Lieutenant., CSA Company F, 29th Regiment, AL Infantry, Tiger Boys. Its members were recruited in the counties of Blount, Shelby, Talladega, Barbour, Russell, Montgomery, Bibb, and Conecuh Counties, AL. [Source: National Park Service, Civil War Soldiers & Sailors System]

Wounded: 21 Jul 1864 wounded in both thighs near Atlanta at the Battle of Lovejoy Station, Clayton Co, GA. He was shot twice by a single bullet. That bullet popped out of Mulling�s leg twenty years later. [Source: Pension Claim National Archives records]

Alabama Regiment History: "Hold at all Hazards, the Story of the 29th Alabama Infantry," author W. A. Zorn, published by Zorn at P. O. Box 1075, Jesup, GA 31545. 1987

Moses was the son of Thomas Moses Curtis and Mary Polly Moffitt. Moses married to Sarah Sallie Clemens and they had 4 children:
a. Thomas Andrew Curtis  b. 1852 in Georgia
b. Sarah Naomi "Oma" Curtis
c. William Allen Curtis
d. Dycie Curtis

During the Civil War the Confederate men came to the farm, bringing the wounded and caring for them and their horses. Moses took Thomas Andrew who was about 13 at the time and they hid under the corn crib until they left and then my great grandfather Moses took Thomas with him and found the Union Army and they fought together until the war was over. They must have fought with General Sheridan as an oldest son was named Sheridan in honor of this man, and that would of been something a father would of done to honor his grandfather. Where ever General Sheridan was, I believe these two Curtis men fought with him. When Moses came home the Confederate soldiers had killed Sarah "Sallie" C. Curtis in retaliation and the children had been farmed out to other Curtis relatives. After Moses returned he gathered his three other children and moved to Tennessee and married Elizabeth Ann Grubb b. April 5, 1833 and she died on December 23, 1903 in Story, Arkansas and is buried in the Reed Cemetery.  Elizabeth married Moses on June 3, 1866 and they had the following children. In 1880 they moved to Montgomery County, Arkansas.  
a. James Grant Curtis b. June 15, 1867 Knoxville, TN d. Aug 10, 1933 buried in Reed Cemetery. Grant m. Nancy Eldora Qualls on July 15, 1891. She was b. Aug. 23, 1867 and d. Oct. 26, 1956 at Bristow, OK. She is also buried in the Reed Cemetery.
b. John Asberry (Asbury) Curtis b. October 20, 1868 at Athens, Tennessee d. January 3, 1943 near Adna, Washington. John was a farmer and logger - he married Emily Lucindy "Lou" Qualls on Oct. 1, 1893 at Story.
c. Amos H. Curtis born March 4, 1870 in TN and d. Sept. 16, 1880 
d. Benjamin Lafayette Curtis b. July 23, 1874 at Riceville, TN and d. Dec. 5, 1951. Wife as Lessie May Lamb.
Submitted by: Penny Curtis Spencer April 1. 2001. 

Buried Reed Cemetery. 
Curtis, Moses  Dec 26, 1826 - Mar 14, 1908 
Curtis, S.L. 1849 - 1911 wife of T.A.

GORE, Elijah - pension files for one Sarah J GORE of Killeen, TX.
Sarah J GORE of Killeen, TX. Her husband was GORE who died on 14 June 1928. He married Sarah on 8th of March 1877 in Montgomery County, Arkansas. He served in Company E. of the 12th Arkansas- Gridston Regmt, although they were not able to prove it. Apparently they did as she received a pension before she died on 18 Sept., 1931. W.V. TAYLOR, was her son-in-law. Other names on the records are Fred FOSTER, J.L GOWER, J.S. PRUIT, Jno. BREWSTER, W. C. LOVE, and J.O. STORY.

HEFFINGTON, Morgan, Corporal 
Company C "Caddo Rifles", 4th (MaNair's) Arkansas Infantry Regiment., CSA.
Morgan Heffington enlisted as second corporal in Co. C, 4th Arkansas Infantry, at Camp Etter, Mount Vernon, Missouri, on August 17, 1861, for twelve months; reenlisted for two years at Corinth, Mississippi, on May 8, 1862; deserted on the retreat from Jackson, Mississippi, on July 22, 1863.  His father, Henry Heffington, served in the state legislature 1856-1860, representing Polk/Montgomery Co. area. 
On the 1860 Arkansas census Heffington, Morgan is found in Gap Township, Montgomery Co.AR. Morgan died in the war.

HOWTON (Houton), David H., Corporal (1840 - 1909) 

CSA - Company K, 10th Kentucky Partisan Rangers
Service record: He enlisted in Company K, 10th Kentucky Partisan Rangers on September 28, 1862 in Hopkins County; Listed as present for November/December 1862 muster roll; Captured July 20, 1863 at Cheshire, Ohio while on Morgan's Indiana-Ohio Raid; Received July 26, 1863 at Camp Chase, Ohio; Sent August 14, 1863 to Kemper Barracks in Cincinnati, Ohio; Received August 18, 1863 at McLean Barracks in Cincinnati, Ohio; Sent September 5, 1863 to Camp Chase, Ohio; Sent January 22, 1864 to Rock Island, Illinois; Took oath of allegiance May 21, 1865, as a resident of Caldwell County; Previous service in Company B, 8th Kentucky Infantry, C.S.A.; Personal: He was born in Caldwell County in 1840, a son of Joseph & Jemima Howton [Age 19 in 1860 Caldwell County census]. He married Eliza Jane Hopper in Caldwell County on November 15, 1865. He was a farmer. He was a post-war resident of Caldwell County and Montgomery County, Arkansas. In 1903, he received Arkansas Confederate pension #7655. He died in 1909 and was buried in the Howton Cemetery in Montgomery County. Submitted by Steve Lynn

Confederate Pension Records
Surname: Howton
Given Name: David H.
Application Number: 7655
Company: K
Regiment: 10
State Served From: Kentucky
Division: Cavalry
Pension County: Montgomery
Application Year: 1903
Comments: approved

ISENHOWER, Moses W.  b, 1820
Co. I, 11th Arkansas Infantry Regiment C.SA. wounded (name variations: Isahoner, Isonhower )
His war records listed him as Moses M. Isonhower. He entered Co. I, at Little Rock, Arkansas, Oct. 29 in 1861. At that time he was in Montgomery County and listed as Coroner , 1861-1862. He traveled 50 miles to Little Rock. He listed his age as 35, but he was 38. He enlisted for one year but he was killed at Fort Thompson February 16 1862. Brothers

LAIRD, James J. (1833-1886)
Co. F. , 4th Arkansas Infantry

James J. Laird was born about 1833 in Arkansas. He is found on the 1850 Montgomery Co. census in the household of J.B. and Susan Garrett. It is thought by descendants that he may have been the son of Susan Laird Garrett (1817 – 1877) by a former marriage. This has not been proved at this time, however. James Jefferson Laird married Mary Elizabeth Grizzle in Montgomery Co. on 3 November 1853. They are found on the 1860 and 1870 census in Montgomery Co., where James was a merchant and a member of the Masonic organization. They moved to Scott Co., AR between 1870 and 1874. Here they settled at Cedar Creek and were members of the Big Cedar Church of God, where James J. Laird was an Elder and Deacon. He helped to build and organize this church, which was also used as a school. Church records indicate James Jefferson Laird died 1 November 1886 and his widow, Mary Elizabeth Laird died about 21 March 1887. Their known children were:
Charles J. Laird, born about 1855. He married Emily and lived in Scott Co., AR.
Susan Laird, born about 1859. She evidently died in childhood as she is not found with the family on the 1870 census.
Josephine Laird, born 1865. She married Giles D. Pettit, Jr. in 1885 and died prior to 1894 in Scott Co., AR.
Louis N. Laird, born 1868. He is found in his parents’ household on the 1870 & 1880 census; no further information.
James J. Laird enlisted 17 August 1861 in Company F, 4th Arkansas Infantry. He enlisted at a camp near Mt. Vernon, MO according to Company Muster Rolls in his military file. He served as 1st Sergeant and re-enlisted at Corinth, MS on 8 May 1862 for a period of two years. He was discharged due to illness on 6 August 1862. Information on this family is from the research of a descendant, Amie Lee Galloway of Parks, AR. Submitted by Delaine Edwards. Posted 28 July 2000

LAMB, Abram F. (1847 - 1913)
4th  Cavalry, G. Company, Union Army
Abram Franklin Lamb
b. 2 Nov. 1847 Cherokee Co., North Carolina
d. 12 Nov. 1913 Story, Montgomery Co., Arkansas
Buried in Breashears Cemetery, Story, Arkansas

Abram F. LAMB was mustered in as a private 4th Cavalry Company Union Army 21st November 1863 and discharged for disability about 21st day June 1865, having become disabled from doing duty as a soldier from on or about the 14th day of July 1864 while in the service of the United States.

Pension Record states Abram F. Lamb while on duty as a scout was wounded near the Alum Fork of Saline River, Saline County Arkansas on or about the fourteenth day of July 1864 by bushwhackers and was discharged with the regiment at the time it was mustered out of the service of the United States on the thirtieth day of June 1865 said Abram F. Lamb was wounded by a bullet passing in to his left breast where the ball still remains and one ball entering his bones remaining inside.

Abram was granted a pension in 1912 he originally applied in 1893. After his death his wife Louisa Breashears Lamb was granted widow benefits till her death in 1929. Abram is listed as been 5'5", light complexion, blue eyes and dark hair. 

Submitted by Marjorie Southard, 18 Feb. 2009. Abram's daughter Tiny Mae Lamb married Fred Winfred Southard.

LARAMORE, Obediah  
CSA & Union
Obediah Larimore never actually served in Cocke's Regiment, CSA.. He enlisted in Tumlinson's Cavalry Company at Waldron, Arkansas, on July 4, 1862; and mustered into service at Big Creek, Arkansas, on July 20, 1862. Tumlinson's Cavalry Company was organized as an independent company but was attached to Gipson's Battalion Arkansas Mounted Rifles for a time. The company was engaged at Prairie Grove, December 7, 1862, where Captain Tumlinson was mortally wounded. His company was assigned to Cocke's Regiment as (new) Company K on December 16, 1862. The December 31, 1862, muster roll states that Pvt. Obediah Lairamore [sic] had been absent without leave since December 1, 1862, before the battle of Prairie Grove. He was dropped from the rolls of Cocke's Regiment, and subsequently enlisted in Co. H, 1st Arkansas Cavalry, U.S. Volunteers, on March 10, 1863. Maybe he was recruited when the 1st Arkansas Cavalry Regt. was in his area Mt. Ida November 13 1863. Scout from Waldron to Mt. Ida, Caddo Gap and Dallas December 2-7 1863. Obediah is buried in Lone Valley Cemetery, Montgomery Co. AR.

Cocke's Regiment was officially designated as the 39th Arkansas Infantry by the State Military Board, but this designation was rarely used. Most records of the period refer to it as Cocke's Arkansas Regiment, and occasionally as the 6th Trans-Mississippi Regiment.

Two brothers, James Elija Jefferson Baker, aka "Bum", and William Whittington Baker called "Whit" relocated from Alabama to Arkansas, homesteading land on the south side of Ouachita River near Sims. Bum m. Millie Laramore and Whit m. Alice Laramore, daughters of Obadiah "Bud" Laramore

LEONARD, Benjamin Franklin
CSA & Union
Born on 30 November 1843 in Cherokee Co., GA
Died on 09 November 1923 in Montgomery Co., AR
Buried in Grenade Cemetery, near Pencil Bluff, AR

Enlisted 19 January 1861, Company "C" of the 11th Regiment, Murray County, Georgia (Murray Rifle Company), Anderson Brigade, Northern Virginia Army, Confederate States of America. Taken prisoner at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on 3 July 1863. On 4 September 1863 Ben enlisted into the Union Army. He took an oath of allegiance, and became part of Company "E" of the 3rd regiment of the Maryland Calvary. On 7 September 1863 he was officially discharged from Fort Delaware and the Confederate Army.

Ben was honorably discharged from the Union Army on July 19, 1865 at New Orleans, Louisiana, by general order 105 and special order 29. He mustered out of the Union Army on September 7, 1865 at Vicksburg, Mississippi.

On January 19, 1861, Georgia joined the Confederacy and on July 3, 1861, at the age of 17 (he said he was 18 in order to enlist), he joined the Georgia Infantry as a private of Company "C" of the 11th Regiment, Murray County, Georgia (Murray Rifle Company), Anderson Brigade, Northern Virginia Army, Confederate States of America. He was enlisted by Major J. L. Calhoun in Atlanta Georgia. His physical description on the enlistment papers was  given as follows: "Blue-Gray eyes, light hair, fair complexion, 5'9" tall." His occupation before joining the Confederate Army was listed as a farmer.

His period of service was for the duration of the Civil War. Ben was listed on the company muster roll for September- October, 1861 as "absent: sent to General Hospital." The nature of his illness is not given. He returned from the hospital to duty on November 13, 1861. On July 2, 1862, Ben was admitted to the Chinberazo Hospital No. 3 in Richmond, Virginia, with pneumonia. He was transferred to Lynchburg, Virginia the next day. Ben was one of the 7,000 Confederate prisoners taken at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on the 3rd of July 1863. They were taken to Fort McHenry Maryland on July 6. On July 12, Ben was sent to Fort Delaware, Delaware.

The Fort is located on Pea Patch Island in the Delaware River and opened for prisoners in April 1862. According to Fort Delaware official records, in 1862 the fort was capable of housing 2,000 prisoners. However, by June, 1863, there were 8,000 prisoners on the island. Most of them came from Gettysburg, including General James J. Archer. By August 1863 there were 12,500 prisoners on the island. More than 22,700 Confederate prisoners were confined there and of these, 2,346 died. Fort Delaware WAS known as the "Andersonville of the North." The dead were transported across the river to New Jersey, near Fort Mott. They buried in trenches, and individual identification was lost.

Captain Robert E. Park, 12th Alabama Infantry wrote the following about Fort Delaware, "The island was a mosquito-infested, marshy piece of ground. The only doctor was a youth of perhaps 20 years. The prisoners suffering from scurvy are a sad sight. Their legs and feet are so drawn as to compel them to walk on tiptoe, their heels being unable to touch the floor as they walk from their beds to huddle around the stove..."

In order to reduce the number of prisoners, the Union Army obtained a special order of the war department that would allow the Confederate prisoners to be discharged if they would enlist into the Union Army. Ben took advantage of this provision. He was discharged from Fort Delaware and a member of the Confederate Army on September 7, 1863. On the 4th of September, 1863, at the age of 19, Ben enlisted in the Union Army at Baltimore, Maryland. He took an oath of allegiance, and became part of Company "E" of the 3rd regiment of the Maryland Calvary for a period of three years. He gave his address as Post Office, Spring Place, Murray County, Georgia.

He and hundreds of the other Southern men who took this opportunity to escape the horrible conditions of Fort Delaware were told that they would be sent out West to guard the frontier and to fight the Indianans. Big Lie! He was never sent out West and on December 10, 1864, he was detailed as an orderly for the officers of the Regiment in the Union Army headquarters at Dauphine Island, Alabama. 

Ben was honorably discharged on July 19, 1865 at New Orleans, Louisiana, by general order 105 and special order 29. He mustered out of the Union Army on September 7, 1865 at Vicksburg, Mississippi. The Army owed Ben $.85 for clothing and $75. on his bounty claim, and he owed the Army $.79 for a plate and belt. The accounts were settled. For his Union service, Ben received a pension (application number is XC 2714 351 and pension number 1143948).

Ben returned to Murray County, Georgia, and on January 20, 1867, at the age of 25, he married Sarah Elizabeth Holland. P.H. Leonard, a Justice of the Peace and Uncle, performed the marriage. In 1869 he picked up his family and moved to Franklin County, Arkansas. He remained there for one year, then in 1870 he moved to Montgomery County, Arkansas and settled down near Oden, and started farming.

Ben never talked about his Civil War experience, probably because of his time that he spent in the Union Army. His tombstone is not marked as a Civil War Veteran nor is he listed in any of the Civil War rosters for Arkansas but he did apply for a Military Pension on October 3, 1907.  Evidently, he did not want his neighbors to know of his service in the Union Army. 
Submitted by Ernest Leonard Aug. 2004

MAY, James Hicks May-18 June 1817, 20 Dec. 1888. C.S.A.
CSA - Fourth Arkansas Infantry Regiment. Lieut. -Col.
Born in Pendleton District, SC, 1817 and when he was 10 or 12 years old, removed with his father to Greene Co., AL and in a few years moved to Tuscaloosa Co., in the same state. In this county he married Miss Maddox Clementine, and in 1840, moved with his family to Montgomery Co. AR, and purchased a farm near Mount Ida. Here he was elected a justice of the peace, and in 1848, was elected sheriff of the county, which position he held until 1858, when he retired to private life, where the cultivation of his little farm and the education of his children engrossed his whole time. In July, of the first year of the war, he enlisted as a private in Capt. John M. Simpson's Company F, and at the organization of the regiment was elected Major. James H. May, age 44, served as Major on the Field & Staff of the South Arkansas Regiment of Infantry* enrolling on August 17,1861 at Camp near Mt. Vernon, Mo., appointed Lt. Colonel November 4, 1862, resigned August 8, 1863. * This regiment subsequently became the 4th Regiment Arkansas Infantry.

Maj. May, through never very proficient as a tactician, having no taste for military display, enjoyed the confidence and affection of every soldier and officer of the command. At Elk Horn bore himself gallantly and bravely throughout the fight. When the battle if Richmond, Ky., was fought, he was absent on sick leave, but returned in time to participate in the battle of Murfreesboro TN, where he had his horse wounded, though escaping unhurt himself. A short time before this latter battle, Maj. May was promoted to the position of Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, which position he held until his resignation (upon account of sickness), which event took place about 24 August, 1863, when he returned to his home in Arkansas. He is rather over the average size and height, and in his early manhood must have been a man of remarkable physical endurance and power. "never known a truer patriot nor a better man" wrote Gammage. Reference: Gammage. W.P. The Camp, the Bivouac, and the Battlefield : being the history of the Fourth Arkansas Regiment, from its first organization down to the present date; "Its Campaigns and its Battles" / Selma 1864 / Little Rock : Arkansas Southern Press, 1958

Rufus W. May is listed in the 1850 Census as 7 years of age and son of James H. May. In the 1860 Census he is listed R. W., 18 years of age and son of James H. and Caroline F. May, Living in South Fork township, Montgomery Co. AR. Rufus W. May enlisted as a Private in Captain Simpson's Company, South Arkansas Regiment*, August 17, 1861 at Camp near Mt. Vernon/Miller Spring, Mo by Captain Simpson for a period of 12 months, on November 1, 1861 he was listed as on furlough in Montgomery County October 2 to March 1, 1862, served as a Teamster/Ambulance Driver on extra duty August/September 1863, killed in battle July 19, 1864, most likely at Peachtree Creek .

* This company subsequently became Company F, 5th Regiment Arkansas Infantry

James Hicks May was born in Pendleton District, South Carolina and was living in Montgomery County, Arkansas, when the war began. MAY Francis Caroline b 16 Jun 1827 d 29 May 1882. James Hick MAY, age 37, married Caroline Francis STANPHILL, age 27, 23 April 1854, in Montgomery County, AR. He enlisted in the "Montgomery Hunters," Co. F, 4th Arkansas Infantry, at Mount Ida on July 10, 1861. When the regiment was organized and mustered into service at Camp Etter, near Mount Vernon, Missouri, on August 17, 1861, he was elected major. He was promoted to lieutenant-colonel on November 22, 1862. Due to infirmity related to his age, he resigned on a surgeon s certificate of disability on August 8, 1863. He apparently saw no further service.  He moved to California after the war, where he died in 1888 at age 71. He is interred in Porterville Cemetery, Porterville, California. His first wife's maiden name was Clementine Maddox.

McELROY, Jeremiah - Co. K. 2 ARK INF
Private McElroy was born 01 May 1834, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, son of John and Millie (Nabors) McElroy. He appears in his father s household in the 1850 Census for the District of Saline, Saline County, Arkansas. Jeremiah apparently moved to Mississippi after the enumeration of this record, as evidenced by his marriage on 22 Sep 1854 in Marshall County to Rachel J. Sullivan, and they appear with a one-year-old son, J.T. (John) in the 1860 Census for DeSoto County, Mississippi. They moved to Arkansas in time for Jeremiah to enlist 18 Jun 1861 in Phillips County in Company K, 2nd Arkansas Infantry, CSA. He entered service as a private, received a promotion to 2nd corporal, but subsequently took a reduction to ranks. Jeremiah and Rachel settled after the war first in Jefferson County, Arkansas, where he farmed. By 1880 they had moved to Scott County, but they subsequently moved to Montgomery County, where Jeremiah died 13 Sep 1895 (this date appears in Rachel s pension application), burial in Mount Ida Cemetery, Montgomery County, Arkansas. Rachel filed Pension Application #8781 from Montgomery County on 13 Aug 1903. She died 17 Jan 1921, burial place unconfirmed. Jeremiah s grandson, Harvey F. McElroy, ordered a military gravestone on 23 Jan 1937. Jeremiah s rank originally appeared as private on the gravestone application, but someone had corrected it to corporal.

Sources:  McElroy Family Tree, (contains information about Private McElroy s birth, death, parents, marriage and children  information supported by census records)

John McElroy Household, 1850 U.S. Census, District of Saline, Saline County, Arkansas Population Schedule, Page 94B, Lines 1-8, Dwelling 136, Family 150, National Archives Micropublicat1on M432, Roll 30, Image 21.

Mississippi Marriages, 1776-1935,

J. McElroy Household, 1860 U.S. Census, TWP Not Stated, DeSoto County, Mississippi Population Schedule, Page 20, Lines 5-7, Dwelling 147, Family 147, National Archives Micropublication M653, Roll 581, Image 19.

Jus McElroy Household, 1870 U.S. Census, Bolivar TWP, Jefferson County, Arkansas Population Schedule, Page 423A, Lines 2-5, Dwelling 224, Family 224, National Archives Micropublication 593, Roll 56, Image 26.

J. McElroy Household, 1880 U.S. Census, Mountain TWP, Scott County, Arkansas Population Schedule, Enumeration District 170, Page 377C, Lines 17-19, Dwelling and Family not listed, National Archives Micropublication Roll 56, Image 3.

Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Arkansas: NARA Microcopy 317, Roll 0057

Find-A-Grave Memorial #38631337.

Francis T. Ingmire, Arkansas Confederate Veterans and Widows Pension Applications (Mountain Press, Copyright 1985) 280.

Gravestone application cited by George Martin.

 CSA -Co. F. 2nd Ark Mounted Rifles - Clark County. Pvt .
Age 21. Enl 27 Jul 1861 at Camp McRae, AR. CSA.  Discharged 20 Jan. 1862 at Shelbyville, TN. 
He is buried at the Montgomery Cemetery also called the Old Norman or Womble Cemetery. Born May 10,1840 - March 14, 1879. S/o Hugh and Sarah L. Blake.

2nd Regiment Mounted Rifles was organized by J. McIntosh at Osage Prairie, near Bentonville, Arkansas, in July, 1861. It was formed with 662 officers and men, but in January, 1862, there were 820 present. The unit fought at Wilson's Creek and Elkhorn Tavern, then was dismounted. It served under General Churchill during the Kentucky Campaign and later was attached to General McNair's and D.H. Reynold's Brigade. The regiment fought at Murfreesboro and Jackson and in many battles of the Army of Tennessee from Chickamauga to Bentonville. It reported 55 casualties at Wilson's Creek, 11 at Richmond, and 120 at Murfreesboro. Of the 125 engaged at Chickamauga, forty-two percent were disabled. Only a few surrendered in April, 1865.

Montgomery, Hugh B. 1831  1874 
CSA Co. G & H Ark. Inf. Pvt.
From cemetery book, buried Mt Tabor Cemetery. He was in Co. C 4th Ark Inf.
 Enlisted 17August, 1861 at Mt Vernon, MO. Furloughed 10 Dec1861-1Mar 1862. Deserted 4 Jun1863.
Hugh B. Montgomery was the father of James William Montgomery.

MOORE, John Lawrence 
Born in 1820 in Georgia, lived in Blount Co. Alabama and in the 1850's came with his family to Montgomery Co. Arkansas along with other families from Blount Co. such as the Powells, Lisenbys, and Wacasters. After the Civil War began, a company was formed in Montgomery Co. (July 1862) that was to be a part of the 33rd Confederate Inf. (Co.I). Many men of Montgomery Co. joined including Joseph Godene Powell whose son William Adner Powell would later marry Moore's daughter, Mary Elizabeth.  John Lawrence also joined but reluctantly.  Apparently he did not have the same sentiments for the South as many of his fellow residents did. Documents from his US pension records stated that he joined "through force of circumstance". That becomes quite clear when he deserts the Confederate Army in early 1863 near a small town called Buckshort in Arkansas.  He returned to Montgomery Co. and as he said "hung out for a while" and tried to join a Federal Cavalry Unit that was recruiting in the area but on the way to Missouri they were over taken by Confederate soldiers and Pvt. Moore was returned to his unit.  Sometime after his return his unit began moving south to Louisiana to aid fellow soldiers at Vicksburg and he once again had the chance to desert, this time in Union Parish, La.  He made his way back to Arkansas and then to Missouri where he joined the 3rd Missouri Cavalry in Oct. of 1863.  He became ill in January of 1864 with what could have been some type of dysentery because of his symptoms of severe diarrhea. In any case he did survive the war and went home to settle down and get married and raise families as many of his Confederate counterparts did as well. North and South reunited again in Montgomery Co. Arkansas.  He died at the age of 77 and is buried in Peak Cemetery along with his father who died in 1862.
Submitted by Bronte D Baker, Beeville, Texas, 30 July 2006

                John Lawrence Moore and his wife Rebecca Luncida Wacaster. Volunteer enlistment 17 October 1863 and 1864 for the Army of the USA

McCONNELL, James Arthur
Buried at Lone Star Cemetery.  As the story goes, he was killed near Little Rock and they brought him back to bury him in the family's lots.  The South Fork River was up and it covered the low bridge that separated his body from Mt Ida and they buried him in Sims.  
Submitted by Hettie & Bev

QUALLS, James Monroe - (1842-1908)
CSA - Georgia Company B, Regiment 6, Division I Pvt.
Buried: Reed Cemetery - Story, AR Submitted by Olena P. Lively

Rankin,  Mahlon J. Rankins (aka M.J.S. Rankins) 
Enlisted at Mt. Ida, Arkansas, and served at Fort Hindman, Arkansas according to pay vouchers. He was from Caddo Gap in Montgomery County. He enlisted at CAMP Hindman, which was a temporary recruiting encampment near Camden set up for the Conscription act of April 1862. During this period of time that Gen T.C. Hindman was in command of the Department of Arkansas. The site at Camden was Camp Hindman. There were two sites called Fort Hindman. One was at Arkansas Post, the other was at DeValls Bluff. His application of pension after the war says he was wounded "shot in the bowels, left knee, and left ankle" and he was severely crippled and had trouble walking with his left leg. I have been unable to find a copy of a service record. I did find his Oath of Ammesty which was filed at the Courthouse in Montgomery County, Arkansas. He died in 1902 and is buried at a cemetery in Logan County, Arkansas.

RUSSELL, Seborn - (1831 - 1896)
CSA - Co. A. 15th MS Regiment
Buried: Blish Cemetery. He donated the land in 1865.
Seborn is on the rolls of the 'Long Creek Rifles'.  He was parolled twice, once at Vicksburg on July 4, 1863 and again at Citronelle, AL on May 9, 1865.  He also had a brother Samuel J. Russell who deserted in Feb. of 1864, but returned from desertion in May, 1864 and served for the rest of the war. These two were sons of Rosanna Russell. The 'Long Creek Rifles' was organized at Bluff Springs in Attala County, Mississippi on April 27, 1861 and eventually they were mustered into Confederate service as Company A, 15th Mississippi Infantry. The original captain of the company was Lampkin S. Terry.  Other officers were John B. Love, Elijah Y. Fleming, Thomas Clark and Robert Sallis.

Bluff Springs no longer exists. It was bypassed by the railroad after the war and declined soon afterwards. The present day town of Sallis, Mississippi is near the site of Bluff Springs. Also, Long Creek is the name of a stream that runs through the area, hence the name of the company. Submitted by Ben Wynne who is interested in the 15th Mississippi Infantry history. Posted 12 July 2000.
[Samuel J. Russell is buried in the Tabernacle Methodist Cemetery, Attala Co. MS.]

SIMPSON, John H. Capt. of Co. F. 4th Ark. Inf. (d. 1862)
CSACompany F. 4th AR Inf.
A merchant in Montgomery Co, before the war was elected captain of the Montgomery Hunters.  He was shot in the thigh bone at the Battle of Elk Horn (Pea Ridge), fought in Washington County, Arkansas, on the 7th and 8th (Friday and Saturday) of March, 1862.  Capt. Simpson charged the enemy's battery to the cannon's mouth, and springing upon one of the guns, whilst waving his sword and cheering his men on, fell seriously wounded in both legs a few feet from the cannon and died about 30th March, 1862.   Reference: Gammage. W.P. The Camp, the Bivouac, and the Battlefield

CSA  PVT. 12th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry, Co. A
Jacob Irvin Stipe, Confederate veteran, filed an application for pension on the 1st day of July, 1915. He was a member of William Falkner Regiment of Cavalry, A 12 Ky volunteers, from the state of KY and served from 1863 to 1865 and was honorably discharged. Two comrades swore they had known him 50 years. These men were W.G. Pickett & J.T. Pickett of Lawrence Co., AR. Mr. Stipe was living at Oden, in Montgomery Co. AR. when he filed for this pension. He had lived at Cherry Hill, in Polk Co., at one time, for several years. He was allowed a $100.00 pension.

Macedonia Cemetery
Stipe M.A. Apr 27 1837 - May 24 1915 wife of J.I. Stripe Darling we miss thee
Stipe J.I. Feb 22 1838 - Mar 8 1917 Gone but not forgotten

SWITZER, James R. (d. July 11, 1863)
CSACompany F. 4th AR Inf. 2d Lieut.
He joined the 4th early after its first organization, and had been present at every engagement that the Regiment had fought in since the war begun. On the day he was killed he was with his company skirmishing; he had sat down by the root of a tree and was eating his lunch; the bullets were whistling around his head, but with a coolness which always characterized this "man without fear", he continued eating as if wholly unconscious of his peril. Some of his company happening to notice that his head was bowed down to his knees, and his cold meal had fallen from his hands, approached him and attempted to rouse him up, thinking he had fallen asleep, whereupon raising his head it was discovered that a minnie ball had entered just in front of his right ear and passed out behind his left, killing him instantly.  His body was borne from the field by his faithful comrades and deposited in its final resting place by loving hands. Buried near Jackson, MS.  His son C. Asbury SWITZER also a member of the Company F. died 6 days later, 17 July 1863 of illness.
Reference: Gammage. W.P. The Camp, the Bivouac, and the Battlefield page 84

TACKETT, William Garland
Co. D. 2 GA.  Calvary, GA State Guard CSA
Date of Birth: 28 Dec.  1828 in SC
Date of Death: 23 Feb 1917
Burial: Mountain Home Cemetery. Military marker. Parents: Sarah E, Rice and Lewis Tackett. All his brothers served in the CSA. John Starkes with Co. I. 30th AL. Wiley Preston lost a leg, Henry T. died in Richmond in 1861, George C. died of disease in a Lynchburg hospital in 1862. His first wife was Icy Ann Jennings and they had five children.

Martha Jane	  b. 1850 GA m. Fielding Nelson
John Anderson	  b. 1852 GA m. Martha Nicholson
George W.	  b. 1854 GA m. Pamelia Runyon
James L. 	  b. 1858 GA m. Sarah E. Shackelford
Willey Wesley P	  b. 1860 GA m. Margaret Caldwell

Wm G. Tackett is buried beside his second wife Mary M. Shaddix. They had seven children.

Sarah M.	  b. 1866 GA m. David S. Hawthorn
William M.	  b. 1868 GA m. Martha E. Millsaps
Annie Oma	  b. 1872 AR m. Alvin Farmer
L.C.	   	  b. 1873 AR m. Ardelia Tallant
Hattie	   	  b. 1877 AR m. William H. Driggers
Fanny 	  	  b. 1879 AR m. Green Stogdill
Etta 	   	  b. 1881 AR m. Thomas M. Featherston
reference: Montgomery Co. News March 1 2001.

Confederate Pension Records
Surname: 		Tackett
Given Name: 		William G.
Application Number: 	7023
Widow Surname: 		Tackett
Widow Given Name: 	Mary M.
Regiment:		Glen's
State Served From: 	Georgia
Division: 		Infantry
Pension County: 	Montgomery
Death Date: 		2/23/1917
Application Year: 	1912
Comments: 		widow applied 1917

TOLLESON, Shelby U. (1843-1928)
Private (in & out)
Co. H, 4th Arkansas Union Calvary
Enrolled:  27 Dec 1863 at Little Rock, AR  Age 20
Date of Birth:  17 Sept. 1843, Tishomingo County, MS 
Date of Death:  22 Dec 1928,  Montgomery Co, AR
Burial:  Hopper Cemetery, Montgomery Co, AR. He doesn't have a military marker, just a plain stone.
He was a farmer before and after the war.  He came from Tishomingo County, MS between 1850 and 1860, son of Thomas Jefferson Tolleson and Nancy Risinger. 
Submitted by Teresa Johnson Posted 15 Feb. 2000 Fourth Arkansas Union Calvary by Desmond Walls Allen,1987

WATKINS, Henry Watkins (1840-1902)
CSA Co. C, Avalanche Company 29th Alabama Infantry
William Henry Watkins enlisted in Co., "C", Avalanche Company 29th Alabama Infantry at Blountsville, Alabama on Sept. 23, 1861 where he served under Capt. William H. Musgrove. He was on sick furlough from July 24 to August 11, 1862. The 29th Alabama Infantry was engaged at the Battle of Resaca, Ga. where they suffered a loss of about 100 killed and wounded out of  1,100 men. William Henry was wounded slightly in the shoulder at the Battle of New Hope, Georgia where the loss was very heavy. At Peachtree Creek the regiment was cut to pieces. On July 28th near Atlanta, half the regiment were killed and wounded before they moved into Tennessee with Gen. Hood. Pvt. William Henry was a patient in Ross Hospital at Mobile, Alabama with an ulcer on February 14, 1864 then was sent to General Hospital at Greenville, Alabama on Feb. 18, 1864 where he appears on the Hospital Muster Roll until February 29, 1864. After the war he returned to Blountsville, Alabama and married Aytcha Nellie H. L. Daily. They moved to Montgomery Co., Arkansas between 1873-1874. They are buried in the relocated cemetery of Cedar Glades, Arkansas.  William died 8 July 1902 and Nellie died 26 April 1899.
Submitted by Joyce McCool  22 July 2004. "in the book "They Can't Go Home" page 438 there is a good photo of Nellie and William Watkins.

WILLHITE- George A. (1838-1927)
Union - Co. H. 2 Ark. Inf. Pvt.
Pension record from National Archives
Enlisted: Jan 9, 1864 Fort Smith
Discharged: Aug 5 1865
Widow: Louracy A. Willhite
Application #15765675 Certificate 5-12-27
CSA- Company C. 4th AR. Inf.

WILHITE- James Henderson  (1851-1932) headstone Pine Ridge
Union - Co. H. 2 Ark. Inf. Pvt.
Pension record from National Archives
Application #1097983 Certificate #1050085
Enlisted: Jan 8, 1864 Fort Smith
Discharged: Aug 8 1865
Buried: Board Camp Cemetery, Polk, Arkansas

Civil War Pensions
Publisher: NARA
State: Arkansas
Arm Of Service: Infantry
Regiment: 2
Company: H
Name: Willhite, John H.
Date: 13-JUN-1908
State/arm Of Service: Ark.
Inf. Company/regiment: H,2 Roll
Number: 003 Civil War Pensions

Organization Index to Pension Files of Veterans Who Served Between 1861 and 1900.
Publisher: NARA
State: Arkansas
Arm Of Service: Infantry
Regiment: 2 Company: H
Name: Willhite, George A.
Date: 11-APR-1927
State/arm Of Service: Ark. Inf.
Company/regiment: H 2 Roll Number: 003

WOOD, John G. (1836-1864)
Union - Co. H, 2nd Regiment, Arkansas Infantry
Born about 1836 in AR. Elijah W. Wood, age 19, and John G. Wood, age 15, were in the household of Henry C. Brewer 1850 Montgomery Co. census. John G. Wood enlisted as a Private in Co. H, 2nd AR Infantry at Mt. Ida on 10 January 1864. He died 14 September 1864 at a hospital at Lewisburg, AR while in the service. He married Mary Elizabeth Baker on 23 Feb 1861. Their two children were: John Milton Wood, born 18 November 1861 and Mary Rebecca Jane Wood, born 29 June 1863.  His widow, Mary Elizabeth (Baker) Wood married 2nd Henry Sweeden in Montgomery Co. on 22 October 1871; he evidently died and she moved to Franklin Co., AR where she married 3rd Isaac Richardson on 25 August 1877. In the late 1890s they moved to the area that is now Sallisaw, OK where Mary Elizabeth Baker Wood Sweeden Richardson died 19 Oct 1917 and is buried at the Duncan Cemetery. Submitted by Delaine Edwards. Posted 28 July 2000

I hope Montgomery County genealogy buffs will consider contributing pen portraits of any Montgomery County veteran, pension and /or service record, photographs, snippets of history involving Montgomery Co. and the 'War between the States'.  Email  to contribute.

To find if someone served in the Civil War you need to pin down:
1. His location at the time of the Civil War.
2. His approximate age at the time of the Civil War.
3. Have some idea of the last names of neighbors and relatives as Civil War companies tended to be raised locally with family and friends serving together.

Otago Witness, 9 January 1863, Page 7
What invitation would be dangerous and disloyal to a soldier?
One asking him to dinner and dessert.