written by W.G. Whittington and Jerry Witt in 1953.
The Mt Ida Methodist Church first member was Hon. J.B. Fulton. He was received into the church in the year 1868. We called him "Uncle Jim". He lived across South Fork Creek, just north of Mt. Ida about mile on the farm now owned by Mrs. Dora Tollerson. He crossed the creek, in a canoe, at what has been known for many years as the Fulton boat landing; he walked to church. Many people now gone have been baptized in the stream at the place where he crossed; he was the First Superintendent of the Sunday School that we know anything about; was the outstanding Lay Leader of the church and sometime occupied the pulpit when the Pastor failed to reach this appointment.
During the early years of the church, the Parsonage was located at Black Springs. Our Preachers were then called "Circuit Riders". They rode horseback over and across the hills and carried their bible and change of clothes in a pair of saddle bags slung across the back of the saddle. The Preacher in the early days of the church stayed the most part with Mr. Fulton, in his home, but in later years, it was the custom for them to put their horse with Mr. C.J. Watkins who owned and operated the Watkins hotel for many years. The Preachers continued to stay at the Watkins Hotel and get the best food and treatment in the country until the parsonage was erected her in Mt Ida and the Pastor brought his family here to live. Our first church service held in the old courthouse house that later became Mt Ida's first school house that stood in the south part of the town, east of the Watkins Hotel and later this old building was used as a barn. W.G. Whittington and Jerry Witt attended their first school in this old Church building.
On February 1st, 1888, G.D. Goodner and wife, executed a deed to Our Lot No. 16 of Whittington's addition to the town of Mt. Ida to the Methodist church for the sum of $25.00 The present church was located on this lot. A short time after receiving this deed, Messrs. Louis and Robert Jackson built out first Church house out of the virgin timber that was as at that time plentiful in Montgomery County. Our new stone building has been built around the old church house. Mr. G.D. Goodner who was of a large family of Goodner's that settled in the early pioneer days at Oden, was elected and served as Clerk of the Circuit Court for many years, was one of the early and first members of our church. He was a fine singer and lead the singing in both church and Sunday School services. He would take a tuning fork and strike it on the end of a bench and put it to his ear to get the proper pitch. All the members carried to church a small hymn book, bound in leather but had no music - nothing but words. In church the preacher would start the singing and the congregation would all join in if they knew the song. If they didn't know the song, the preacher would read off a line and they would sing that line and on through the song. The sermons were long and the children would get sleepy. Most mothers carried a satchel with some ginger bread or cookies and let the children have a few bites to quiet us down and assuage our hunger. After the sermon, the preacher was invited to go home with some of the members for dinner. The best chicken and pies if anything was left, the boys who had to wait for the second table as we called it - had a feast.
The trustees named in the deed above mentioned from G.D. Goodner to the church property are as follows: J.B. Fulton, George Golden, C.J. Watkins, H.A. Whittington and A.J. Pool.
The Pastors of the church beginning with the year 1868 are as follows: John Holmes 1868 4 years Wm.C. Adams 1872 4 years E.M. Whitmore 1876 4 years B.E. Mitchell 1880 2 years R.S. Scott 1882 2 years W.R. Harrison 1884 1 year 37 members joined Joseph Nicholson J.C.A. Marshall 1886 C.C. Godden 1887 C.S. Bayless 1888 B.A. Frow 1889 C.W. Drake 1890 J.Y. Christmas 1892 -1893 Est. the Black Rock Campground camp meeting near Gaston J.B. Williams Benson W.F. Campbell C.L. Williams Hugh Rendy Bro. John McKennon Bro. Bass C.A. Fuller 1911-1914 J.C. Johnson 1915-1918 J.M. Yearwood 1917-1918 David Boll 1917-1918 J.M. Hamilton 1919-1922 present District Superintendent; The church acquired the ground from Jerry Witt where the parsonage stands. George Cagle 1922-1924 A.W. Hamilton 1 year C.D. Meux S.B. Mann George Warren W.J. Whiteside Fred Arnold Robert Beasley W.S. Cowart 1940-1950. Built the present church building and parsonage
W.G. Whittington, our druggist for many years, gave the best years of his life to the work of the Superintendent. Mr. C.H. Herdon will long be remembered for his splendid administration of said duties. Max O. Witt has been superintendent now for several years. Reverend Osborne White is the Pastor. Under his charge the membership is growing and more people are coming to hear him. Mrs. Dora Tollerson has been secretary of or Sunday School for 30 years and was we have always found her at her place of duty. Pioneers of this church were devoted and faithful workers; they gave liberally of their time and their lives to promote the cause of Christianity in this community and we hope those to follow will keep the fires burning; the fire of loyalty to the church and to God.
W.G. Whittington and Jerry Witt
April 1953.
In 1986 the Reverend Kurt Boggan served. In 2001, Fred Hunter's Sunday mornings were busy as he held Sunday Worship at the Joplin United Methodist Church at 8.30am, onto the Oden United Methodist Church with Sunday Worship at 9.50am then back to Mt Ida United Methodist Church for Sunday Worship at 11am. In 2008 the pastors at the First United Methodist Church, 243 Whittington Street, Mt Ida are Ted (Thomas E) DeWeese & Terry Scott and Sunday Worship is still at 11am.
Our sincere
thanks to Bill Ray, grandson of Mr W.G. Whittington, for providing
the transcript and photographs.
Posted June 2001
Local Methodist Church to celebrate sesquicentennial September 22, 23
By Montgomery County News - September 19, 2018
The roots of an Arkansas community can often be found within the rich history of
its spiritual foundations. This is seen clearly within the 150 years of service
to Mount Ida given by the members of the Mount Ida First United Methodist
Church. Over the years where members of the community have gathered to worship
God and serve the community. The work of the church spans the breadth of need
and service in the community, continuing a work that began in 1868.
The first pastor of record for the church was John Holmes and
the first member was James B. Fulton. According to a history of the church
compiled in 1953 by W.G. Whittington and Jerry Witt, Fulton was better known as
"Uncle Jim."
Almeda Fulton was the first recorded baptism in the church in 1872.
"Uncle Jim"
had to canoe across a creek to get to church every service and was
the first Sunday School Superintendent. He provided a place to stay for many of
the early pastors who were known as circuit preachers. They would ride their
horses from church to church preaching and officiating services as needed. Some
of the pastors also stayed at the Watkins Hotel owned by C.J. Watkins where they
would also stable their horses.
Services were originally held in the old courthouse, which later became Mount
Ida's first school. Services were originally held in the old courthouse, which
later became Mount Ida's first school.
The first church building was built at the current location when the land was
sold to the Methodist Church for $25 by Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Goodner, February 1,
1888. The original building was built out of local virgin timber by Louis and
Robert Jackson. The stone structure now used by the congregation was built
around the original structure. Goodner was an active member in the church who
often led singing during services.
Trustees listed on the original deed include: J.B. Fulton, George Golden, C.J.
Watkins, H.A. Whittington and A.J. Pool.
J.M. Hamilton was the pastor from 1919-1922. He would go on to become the
District Superintendent. It was under his leadership that the church acquired
the ground where the parsonage now stands.
W.S. Cazort served as Pastor from 1940-1950. It was under his leadership that
the current church building and parsonage was built. During this time the church
took in 96 new members. Pastor Russell Hull in Sept. 2018
Montgomery Co. ARGenWeb Project