The Montgomery County Herald
Friday Sept. 25 1891 Mt. Ida, Arkansas
Published Weekly, Every Friday at Mt. Ida
Publisher; J.S. Nelson, Editor William Cochran
Subscription rates: 1 year $1.00, 6 months 50 cents, 3 months 25 cents
A "Snap Bargain"
Fifty five acres of rich land, near Silver City, for one fifth of all made on it. For information call at this office, or call on Mrs. J.D. Blackmon at Mayberry Springs, P.O. Box address Bear City.Mt Ida High School
W.G. Fail, Principal
Miss Annie Fail, AssistantRiffe & Henderson
General Blacksmiths and woodworks, Mt. Ida, ARKSheriff: J.N. Wasson
W.B. Watkins D.S.Watkins & Witt
Attorneys at Law
Mt. Ida, ArkansasPole McPhetridge
Attorney at Law
Dallas, Ark.S.P. Vaught
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent
Black Springs, ARK.
Special Attention Given to Collections"The Golden Rule" S. Gross- proprietor, Black Springs
Dry Goods, Clothing and Boots
Barter of all sorts taken in exchange for merchandiseHopper to the Front
We had preaching Sunday night at the school house by Rev. W.W. Carson, a large congregation greeted the able devine. Cotton is opening some, but as yet, I hear of no picking.Accidentals
We noticed in one of the past issues of The Herald a list of names of those who were divorced last term of the Circuit Court. Among those mentioned were Mrs. Sarah Bates. She never enjoyed single blessedness a week till one William Mullings, a young widower, a farmer and fiddler, threw his strong lasso of affections around her and led her to his home without resistance. However, her brother John Gladden, considered himself damaged and actually took off the fiddlers grown daughter to cover damages. James (Jim) Bates, ex husband of Mrs. Sarah Bates, is on the road to matrimony; we understand he has been buying beef lately and giving it to a little widow.Rock Creek Budget
We regret to inform you that Mr. C.H. Palmer our clever PM and merchant has been afflicted with a cancer. Messrs. J.J. Arnold and W.D. White have gone to Texas seeking a location. They have become dissatisfied here. Mrs. Carter and Miss Anna Hart of Hearn, Ark. and Miss Obera Hughes of Amity have been visiting relatives and friends here.We had a law suit in town, Jas. Watson had Simpson Morris arrested for cursing him. The court fined Mr. Morris $5 and all cost.
Our friend, Maxie Hicks, passed through town Saturday morning, going to Amity to engage in a game of baseball.
Sulphur Springs Pebbles
Fodder saving and turnip sowing is about over. Sorghum making in vogue. Messrs., Crowel, Qualls and Robinson are out attending their respective duties and their machines. The Sabbath School at Liberty Hill church is moving along nicely, with James Story as superintendent. Messrs., Robinson and Bonner had a little bad luck in the brick business, they lost about 5000 on account of excessive rain. We understand Prof. Austin who is teaching school at Pleasant Hill and his students contemplate having an exhibition at the close of the school, which occurs the last of September. Mrs. Charlotte Qualls of Muddy Creek says there is going to be two weddings.The Montgomery County Herald
Friday June 8 1894 Mt. Ida, Arkansas Vol. V. No.8
Mr. Alf Whittington has secured a school in Caney Township for a term of four months, commencing fourth Monday in July.
Mt. Ida Normal School
John L. McConnell and Chas. A. McConnell instructors.
John L. McConnell - County Examiner, Montgomery ARK May 15, 1894W.O. Bell.
Prepared to grind wheat at my mill located on the Caddo, five miles west of Black Springs.Major Henly of Lee County, an attorney at law has permanently settled in Caddo township and will practice his profession in Black Springs. He reports that there will be a large immigration in Montgomery this fall from the part of the State where he recently resided.
Bear Tips
Mr. Harold Hankins has been employed to teach our school instead of Mr. Joe Smith. It will be a four months term. Mr. T.A. Vollenliner and Mr. John Rouse have gone on a peddling tour again this week.There was a pleasant little hop Friday night. Pete Sutton and Bob Fletcher furnished the music.
Mr. A.M. Beam came home and made his family a short visit and left for Telluride, Colorado, where he is engaged putting up one of his plants.
Mr.Orson Hager, James Jewell, Miss Kitty Hager went to town Saturday. Miss Ellen Wheeler very mysteriously disappeared from Bear the first of last week.
Mr. C.F. Britsch has again purchase the old McIson house from Chas. Posey. Mr Britsch evidently has not lost hope in Bear yet. Col. Eldridge had a chill last night.
Messrs. Dave and Lincoln Bump left for Hot Springs Sunday, they expect to be gone till July 1. Mr John P.W. Williamson of Silver gave us a call last week.
Mr. John Congo has fixed up his wagon ready for business. John is the only wheelright by trade in Bear and puts up an excellent job.
Services Sunday night by Rev. Seymore was made rather short on account of his wife being very sick. Rev. Wasson preached to a large congregation at Waver last Sunday.
Delinquent Taxes County Clerk J.S. Nelson Owner & Town Lot School District Black Springs
J.M. Highsmith 6 49 Oden F.P. Gill 8 43 Bear City Miss Allie Learned 11>20 52 Mrs Lizzie Maurer 21 52 M. Moscowitz 16 52 W.H. Price 34 52 R.M. Luion
64 52 C.L. Guy 136 72 Frank Fisher n half 36 52 R.L. Rouse 83>86 52 M. & H. Moscowitz 4, 95, 96, 130 52 P.H. Bump 2 52 G.W. Elder 25, 26 52 W.L. Conger 25 52 C.C. Caspin 15 52 B.A. Aulf 107 52
First Addition to Bear M.L. Geronid 7 52 J.G. & W.M. Childs 1,2,9 52 Beams Addition to Bear F. M. Spiva 11,12 52 D.M. Guy 2 52 Town lots in Crystal Springs M. Moscowitz 11,12, 8 J.J. Cunningham 5,6, 8 J.F. Smith 3,4,5,6,98 8 J.L. Tharp 15 8 Joseph Reed 8 Township and range where recorded in newspaper but not transcribed here. Reference: Microfilm at Montgomery County Library, Mt. Ida.
______________________________________________________________________________Sale of Delinquent Lands. The land and lots and parts of lots returned delinquent in Montgomery County, Arkansas, for the year 1893, together with the tax and penalty charged there on agreeably to law and contained and described in the following list. Parts of sections were recorded in newspaper but not transcribed here. Reference: Microfilm at Montgomery County Library, Mt. Ida.
Sale of Delinquent Lands Owners name Parts Sec Twp Range No. Acres School District J M Cearly 20 1N 23 80 41 A C Price 29 1 23 40 41 A N Keeom 32 1 23 40 41 Louise Housley 31 1S 21 40 57 R H Moore 30 1 21 10 2 Isaac Neal 32 1 21 37 , 83 60 A J Brown 34 1 22 1.5 6.07 1 J H Cearly 22 1 23 27 1 23 80 16 P J Costlow 11 1 24 40 17 E Y Cheatham 14 1 24 40 17 John R Baggs 16 1 25 20 7 Lucida Cunningham 26 1 23 40 57 W S Hinton 17 1 25 80 7 M A Mathews 29 1 26 40 12 W L Cockrell 29 2 21 8 52 J D Johnson 33 2 21 40 57 S Berry 5 2 22 10 57 Wm Webb 25 2 22 160 8 Baldwin & Small 36 2 22 40 8 E W Reetor 36 2 22 40 8 S B Sherer 19 2 23 10 61 W A Giles 24 2 23 40 22 Logan H Roots 22 2 26 80 19 C A Abernathy 23 2 26 40 19 G P McKinney 30 3 25 1.50 49 George E White 36 3 25 80,40,40 40 J L Diggs 6 4 23 40,80,40 45 T F Yandell 32 4 23 40 48 N W Meredith 5 4 21 40 40 Elijah Flemons 19 4 24 40 10 Peter E Green 20 4 24 40 26 Elijah Flemons 20 4 24 40 10 G F Stroope 29 4 24 40 47 J F Robins Est. 2 4 25 30, 27, 45 29 J L McDonald 29 4 25 70, 75 30 P A McAnally 34 4 25 40 30 A V Lewis 19 4 26 31 B Brown 36 2 24 35 Minnie Cave 36 2 24 35 The Montgomery County Herald
Vol. 2. No. 50 Mount Ida, Arkansas Thursday June 16 1927
John H. Freeman, editor and publisher
Published every Thursday at Mt. Ida
Subscription $1 a yearThe Maddox and Lawrence dipping vats, in Lawrence Township, dynamited Sunday night. Three suspects held Jeff Butler, Liston Haseman and Earl Ryan, residents of that section are held as the guilty one. The two vats were located two miles apart.
Prof. and Mrs. W,G. Fail of Idabel, OK who have been visiting here with their daughter, Mrs. G.A. Whittington returned home Wednesday.
Mrs. W. M. Ally and daughter Juanita of Hot Springs were in Mount Ida last weekend visiting with Mrs. Ally's daughter Mrs. Viola Freeman.
The county fair will be held in the fall under the supervision of Prof. H.L. Smith and Prof. T.A. Humble and Morris Elder as directors.
Do you want a home. I will give you 80 acres on Polk Creek for a Ford car and $100 in money, if you trade soon. Chas. H. Thompson, the Land Man, Norman, Ark.
Loran and Andrew Rankin and families are leaving for Seminole, Oklahoma, the oilfields.
Wesley, Hollis and Chesley and Mrs. Nellie, Velma and Lillie West spent Sunday afternoon with L.R. West and family.
Mr & Mrs. Luke Standifer have been spending a few days with the latter mother, Mrs. Dona Vines.
Notice of Intention to Apply to Probate Court for Order to sell lands.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as guardian for Floy, Roy, Odell and Robert Simpson, minor heirs of Robert E. Simpson, deceased, will apply to the Montgomery Probate Court at its next term day held more than thirty days after date of this notice for an order directing and authorizing her as such guardian to sell all right title and interest of said minors in and to SE ź of SWź SWź of SEź, Section 35 T1, SR 24 west, for the purpose of securing funds with which to educate and support and maintain said minors, and for other purposes.
This May 14th 1927, Georgia Parr
Guardian A foresaid
C.H. Herndon, att'y for GuardianBlack Springs News
Mr & Mrs Ted Bates and children visited Freeman Bates and Family of Mauldin Sunday.Oden News
Born to Mr & Mrs. Eddie Mahurin, a very fine boy.Story News
Miss Malinda and Martha Abee were in our midst Saturday evening. The school board employed them to teach the summer term.The Montgomery County Herald
September 6 1928
Established 1881Bud Johnson of Oakwood brought to Mount Ida the first cotton of the season. His bale was ginned Wednesday morning by T.M. Scott. Mr Johnson received a premium of $19.00 given by the merchants and businessmen of Mount Ida. The total received was 22 cents a pound. Lee Wilhite, living on the T.M. Scott farm brought in the second bale.
The following is a list of those who donated to the premium list.
E.C. Black
Scott, Brakefield & Co.
Montgomery County Bank
W.R. Whatley
J.T. Holt
A.L. Gray
Joe Dillerperhy
D.A. Oncal
W.E. Kilby
Chas Sekavec
Grover WatkinsJ.H. Ally
Wm Davis
Whittington's Pharmacy
Joe. A. Guthrie
G.S. Bearce
Brakefield & Radford
T.A. Humble
Irvin Freeman
C. Witt
C. Cacrita Sercive StationJohn Rogers has sold his farm consisting of 400 acres to Edgar Black, County Treasurer. The deal was closed Monday. Mr Black will take immediate charge. Mr Rogers has purchased property at Mena and will move soon.
Irvin Freeman has purchased the Paves Service Station
Mr Day of Texas, brother of Mrs L.L. Wilhite is visiting Mr and Mrs Wilhite this week.
Friends of Vernon Standridge and Miss Martha Goodner were surprised of their wedding a week ago last Sunday in Hot Springs. Mr Standridge is the son of Cicero Standridge of Elnora and a brother to the former county Judge Arthur Standridge. Miss Goodner is a daughter of Mrs George Goodner of Mount Ida.
Jake Gibbs and brother of Dutch and Isom Gibbs is visiting them at their home at Gibbs.
The Review Democrat
Thursday, Jan 5, 1925, Womble, Ark., [now Norman]
H. C. Brewer came to Montgomery County in 1830 on a big bay mare. He located south of Mt. Ida. His son, H.C. Brewer, Jr., was born in 1844. His father died in 1874. H.C., Jr. became the father of S.W. Brewer, born in 1871. H.C. located three miles west of Oden, lived there 56 years. His son, S.W., has been on the old home place for the past 53 years. He has today stock from the mare his grandfather brought to Montgomery county from Kentucky over 100 years ago. Clipping courtesy of Bettie Dowler
The Montgomery County Herald
Mount Ida, Arkansas Thursday September 21 1939
Celebrates 80th Birthday with Big Dinner
The home of Mrs J.M. DeMint about four miles northwest of Oden, was the scene of a happy occasion. Present were a son Earl S. DeMint, wife and three children of Nacogdoches. A daughter, Mrs. D.A. Hughes and her husband Dr. D.A. Hughes. Mrs. DeMint moved to her present homesite with her husband and family from Kansas City, Missouri in 1912.Alf Gossip
School started here on Monday Sept 11 1939 with Arvell Hughes as principal and Mrs Jeff Carpenter as teacher.Norman
The seniors of Norman High School met Sept. 18 and elected as their class officers for this year as follows:
President: Pete Hart
Vice President : Daniel Spires
Secretary: Addelyne Parkerson
Treasurer: Herbert Barentine
Reporter: Edna Bryant
Social Committee: Cecil Gill, James Wall, Majorie Fisher and Willa Marie DaltonOden News
Pink Fryar of this place and a Miss Wooten of Norman were married here Saturday night by W.R. Standridge J.P.Joe Simpson, superintendent of Oden schools, with his family moved into John Johnson's house Saturday. W.D. Taylor who had been living in the Johnson house moved into the house recently vacated by Gip Standridge.
Miss Billie Jackson of Cherry Hill is visiting her sister Mrs Gip Standridge. Mr & Mrs Marvin Jackson and daughter Ellen of Cherry Hill visiting Saturday night with his sister Mrs Gip Standridge and family.
Mr & Mrs S.N. Hickey and Mr & Mrs C.P. Pierce and two daughters visited at Briggsville Sunday with Mrs Hickey's sister Mrs Henry Brown and family.
Mrs Clint Foster and son of Opal visited here Friday night with her sister Mrs Gip Standridge and family. Mr & Mrs Hilliard Standridge and son and daughter of Mena visited the later part of the week with relatives here.