The old Black Springs rock school, believed to be the sixth grade, with twenty-five pupils from the Black Springs, Sulphur Springs and the Gaston areas.
Teacher: Mr Roy Simpson
Front Row L to R> 1. Lois Standridge, 2. Oleeta Marie Standridge, 3. Odell
Bates, 4. Madine Lively, 5. Marjorie Prouse, 6. Marjorie Standridge, 7. Ena
Mae Butler, 8. Lottie Mae Duke, 9. Edith Black
2nd row L To R> 10. Freeda Loudermilk, 11. Jim Tom Edge, 12. Thelma Hays,
13. Harold Cowart, 14. Maurice Butler, 15. Austin Swindle, 16.
______Burkhart, 17. Burt McMillon
3rd Row L to R> 18. Granville Warren, 19. Freda Mae Strickland, 20. Margie
Page, 21. Darrell Watson, 22. Charles Bates, 23. John Prouse, 24. Pauline
Head, 25. Pauline Duke
The above photo and information is courtesy of Mr Harold Cowart. Thanks Harold. If somebody can help identify the pupils please free to contact let Harold and I know so we can make any changes. Additional information welcome. Posted 31 May 2002.