1851 Wagon train settlers from

Ferrymen used to shout, "Chock your wagons and calm your horses" before crossing a river.

There are probably more connections here than we realize. If you are related to one Fryar, Goodner, Singleton or Willhite in the Oden area you are related to all.


Several families, consisting of 42 persons using 13 ox-wagons, embarked for this new-found paradise. They were the Willhites, the Fryars, the Goodners, and the Singletons, many of whose descendants still live about Oden and up and down the Ouachita from Mena to Mt. Ida. The folks that came except Isaac, Jr., William and Elizabeth Fryar and the Willhites became dissatisfied and left Montgomery County, AR only to return in four or five years.

Settlers from Tippah Co. MS to Oden, Ark.
37 settlers in 1849
13 settlers in 1851
18 settlers in 1857
68 wagon train participants as of 14 March, 2025

Settlers from Tippah Co. MS
Family Name Age Jan 1849 DOB & State Relationships
FRYAR Garrett 48 1790 TN Head
  Elizabeth GOODNER 38 25 Dec 1800 NC half sister to Nancy, brother of   J.C. Goodner
Eleanor 23 1825 TN daughter
James S. 18 1830 TN son
Susanna 16 1832 TN daughter
Narcissus 14 1834 TN daughter
Sarah 12 1836 MS daughter
Catherine 11 1837 MS daughter m. Nicholas GENTRY
William 8 1840 MS son
David 6 1842 MS son
FRYAR Isaac, Jr. 49 1799 NC Brother to Garrett
  Nancy GOODNER 52 1796 NC half sister to Elizabeth
Mary Ann 23 1825 MS m. John B. Garrett
Thomas 21 1827 TN  
John 20 1828 TN  
Garrett 18 1831 TN  
Henry 15 15 May 1834 MS  
FRYAR William 29 May 17 1820 TN s/o Isaac




Elisabeth Darcus SINGLETON 25 Nov 16 1823 TN brother to Bartley
Nancy Ann 2 Nov  8 1846? MS  
Mary Jane "Polly" 1 Apr 29 1848 MS    
FRYAR Thomas 21 1827 TN brother to William




Polly SHIRLEY? 15 1834 KY
Isaac 1 1848 MS
William M.J. (Hute) -8 23 Aug 1849 MS
WILLHITE John Calvin 25 1822 AL Brother to Julius
   Nancy FRYAR 23 1824 TN d/o Garrett & E. Fryar, sister to (Polly)
Mary Elizabeth  5 1844 MS m. Marion Singleton
Sarah Elender Milton   3 1846 MS daughter
Susannah   1 1849 MS daughter
WILHITE Julius A. 31 1818 AL brother to J.C.Willhite


Mary Caroline (Polly) FRYAR 29 Dec 1822 TN d/o Garrett & E. Fryar
George A. 10  9 Nov 1838 MS m. Louisa Ann Singleton 
Daniel 7 1842
Nancy Jane 4 Aug 1844 MS m. D.F. Singleton
John Henderson 10 Jun 1846 MS  
Julius David 1 Sep 1848 MS m. Sarah Adeline Singleton 

The pioneering settlers listed below probably arrived in Montgomery Co. in the winter of 1851. D. M. Goodner and E. J. Willhite were married 18 August, 1851 at Tippah Co. MS. This couple is not listed in the Montgomery Co. marriage books. The Tippah Co. MS courthouse was destroyed by fire during the Civil War. In my notes I have Susanna Catherine, daughter of Henry S. and Miriam Goodner, being b. in Montgomery Co. 3 Jul. 1851. When was she born? Oral history says the Goodner family came from Tippah Co. in 1851. We do know that John Calvin Willhite and his family came to Waters, AR from Mississippi by wagon and horseback to join his brother Julius.

"My father, John Cunningham Goodner, moved from Wayne County, Tennessee to Tippah County, Miss, in the early part of the year 1842, and lived in that county until October 1851, when he moved to Montgomery County, Ark. where he lived until his death on September 26, 1871." T. J. Goodner of Potter, 1900

Family Name Age in Jan 1852 DOB & State Relationships
GOODNER John Cunningham 50 31 Dec 1802 NC brother to Elizabeth


Susannah SMITH 48 26 Aug 1804 GA wife
James Monroe 18 14 May 1833 TN son
John Green Hill 16 27 Jul 1836 TN m. Ardena J. Singleton
Naomi Ann Malvina 14 21 May 1837 TN m. Samuel Mitchel Smith
Guilford Dudley 13   2 Jan 1839 TN m. Mary E. Derr
GOODNER David Milton m. Aug. 18, 1851, Tippah Co. MS 25 4 Feb 1826 TN s/o J.C. Goodner
  Elizabeth Jane WILLHITE 28 1824 AL wife sister to J.C. Willhite
GOODNER Henry Smith m. Feb. 10,1848, Tippah Co. MS 24 5 Nov 1827 TN s/o J.C. Goodner
  Miriam Lorrania WILLHITE 23 22 Jun 1828 AL wife, sister to John & Julius
William David 3 5 Nov 1848 MS son
Amanda Malvina 1 1850 MS daughter
SMITH Samuel Mitchell 17 Sept 10 1831 TN m. Melvina Goodner. Samuel was a nephew to Susannah Smith Goodner.
1857 Arrivals from Tippah Co. MS Age in 1857 DOB & State Relationships
SINGLETON Bartley William 42 1815 TN sibling to Elisabeth  & Vaden
page 497b   Martha K. STEVENS 52 1825 TN  
Thomas 12 10 Apr 1845 MS m. Darcus Fryar d/o W & E. Fryar
Joel Benjamin 8 Nov 1848 MS  
John W. 7 10 Feb 1850 MS m. Ardena E. Fryar  d/o W & E. Fryar
William 4 1853 MS  
Mary Ann 2 5 March 1855 MS m. Isaac "Hock" Fryar   s/o W & E. Fryar
SINGLETON Vaden 45 1812 TN brother to Elizabeth & Vaden


Darcus STEPHENS 45 c. 1812 ?TN Good chance Darcus & Martha were sisters!
Doctar Franklin 20 8 Feb 1837 KY nephew to Bartley. s/o Vaden. m. N.J. Willhite
Ardena J. 1 7 13 Mar 1840 MS sister m. J.G. H. Goodner
Francis M. 14 1843 MS daughter
Louisa Ann 11 Aug 1846 MS m. George A. Willhite
Taylor 8 1849 MS son
Sarah Adeline 6 1851 MS m. Julius D. Willhite
Charles 5 1852 MS son
Dorcas Melvina inf. 1857 MS daughter
Singleton Marion (male) 13 1843 MS Who were Marion's parents?

GRS CD#2, Marriage Records: IL, IN, KY, OH, TN. Vaden Singleton m. Darcus Stephens on June 23, 1835, in Hickman Co., KY. Sec iv, ch 35. KY.  Had eight children. Tippah Co. MS 1850 census lists Vaden's son Franklin as being 13 and born in KY.  The next child listed was Ardena age 9 and born in MS. The other children listed were also born in MS.  They were: Francis M. age 7; Laurissa age 4; and Taylor age 1.

Warranty Deed; Deed Book G, page190: Dorcas Singleton, deeded two acres of land to "the Baptist Church of Brushy Creek" on 24 April 1880. Donated. Dorcas Singleton was named administratrix of Vaden Singleton's estate. The first record in the probate book (page 599) shows her as administratrix. This was on 5 July 1872. Perhaps locating the packet for probate No. 101 would shed more light on this. The property was deeded about four years later. This appears to be the decision of the widow, rather than a follow-up on something her husband had done. Maybe she gave the property so that they would put a building there and maintain the cemetery. It would appear that Vaden Singleton was buried in Brushy cemetery about 1872. B.?M. Singleton's estate went into the minutes on 7 October 1869, page 477 of the probate book. It states that he left a widow and there were no debts. Bartley William SINGLETON died July of typhoid fever. I wonder if he is in the mortality schedule for 1870?


The 1840 Federal Census schedule for Tippah Co., MS page  shows head of families
page # and line, head of household:
184   1 Fryar, John
184   3 Fryar, Thomas
186   2 Singleton, John
187   7 Singleton, Vaden
188   9 Willhite, George
188 16 Fryar, Garrett 
188 17 Willhite, Julius
188 18 Fryar, Isaac
189   7 Singleton, William

The 1850 census for Tippah Co. MS shows:
FRYAR 519B-530A
SINGLETON 502A-502B-521B-537A-537B-539A
WILHITE 530A-530B (George and Nancy had four children that settled around Oden)

Henry Goodner 22 TN
Myma 22 AL
David  2 MS
Melvina  3/12

John C. Goodner 47
Susannah 45
James 17 TN
John  14 TN
Malvina 13 TN
Elinor 78 MD
David M. 24
Thomas Eason 3

3      431 Vaden Singleton 38 M  TN Farmer
              Dorcas                 38 F    NC
              Franklin               13 M    KY
              Ardena                 9 F     MS
              Francis M.           7 M    MS
              Laurissa               4 F      MS.
              Taylor                  1 M    MS

The 1850 Federal Census index for Montgomery Co. shows FRYAR & WILHITE pages 406B-407A Polk Twp.  No Goodners, Ridlings or Singletons.
dwelling #23 Wilhite, John C. 26, Nancy 24, Elizabeth 6, Sarah A., 4, Susanna 1
dwelling #30 Wilhight, Julius 32, Polly 28, George 11, Daniel 8, Nancy J. 5, John H. 4, Julius 1

Polk Township  REEL NO:  M432-28  PAGE NO:  406b
 14  22   23  Breshears      Henry 	 24   M	 farmer Ten.
 15  22   23  Breshears      Polly Jane	 24   F  	Ten.
 16  22   23  Breshears      Winney   	  5   F  	Ark.
 17  22   23  Breshears      Anna     	  3   F                 
 18  22   23  Breshears      Ellen    	  1   F
 19  23   24  Wilhite         John C.  	 26   M  farmer Ala.
 20  23   24  Wilhite         Nancy      24   F  	Ten.
 21  23   24  Wilhite         Elizabeth   6   F  	Miss.
 22  23   24  Wilhite         Sarah A.	  4   F  	Miss.
 23  23   24  Wilhite         Susanna  	  1   F  	Miss.

 24  24   25  Fryer           Isaac 	 50   M  farmer N.C.
 25  24   25  Fryer           Nancy  	 54   F  	N.C.
 26  24   25  Fryer           Betsy    	 26   F  	Ten.
 27  24   25  Fryer           John     	 20   M  farmer Ten.
 28  24   25  Fryer           Garrett  	 19   M  farmer Ten.
 29  24   25  Fryer           Harry    	 16   M  farmer Ten.

 38  27   28  Fryar           William    30   M  farmer Ten.
 39  27   28  Fryar           Elisabeth  20   F  	Ten.
 40  27   28  Fryar           Nancy  	  3   F  	Miss.
 41  27   28  Fryar           Polly Jane  2   F  	Miss.

1860 (June 21) Federal Census of Polk TWP Page 33 shows David M. Goodner, Julius Wilhite, James Fryar and John Willhite families all neighbors. Living with Guilford Goodner and his wife Mary Derr is Amos, Elinor and Sarah Ridge. Could this be the Ridling family? Who are the parent's of Susan Fryar, line 28?

Marriages in Montgomery Co. AR.

Missouri Ann GARRETT	 17 m Robert W McCONNELL 19 19 Apr 1858 Bk A pg 141.
Susannah FRYAR		 22 m Jesse BESHEARS	 23 16 Jan 1851 Bk A pg 59 by John B. Garrett, JP 
Elizabeth Jane LOGAN	 16 m James GOODNER	 21  4 Aug 1853 Bk A pg 78
Maryrett PIPKINS	 23 m James FRYAR	 22 11 Sep 1851 Bk A pg 68 by John B. Garrett, JP 

In 1991 after the death of Hal Goodner, grandson of Henry and Miriam Goodner, an auction was held at his place, just north of Oden up Brushy Rd on the right. Sold was a wagon including the hoops and yokes that made this journey, that had crossed the Mississippi River by raft. He had the parts stored in the barn, white with red roof, and enjoyed showing the items.  Hal and his father and grandfather for 140 years kept the items. They wanted them be placed in a museum and now they are gone out of the district. 2002 Hal's barn was demolished. Never got a photo of it. The 1997 Montgomery County Arkansas Cemeteries book contains listings for 82 Fryars, 63 Goodners, 98 Singletons, 78 Willhites and 49 Garretts. The majority are buried in the Oak Hill, Oden, Brushy and Pine Ridge cemeteries. 


1848 Wagon Train from Tippah Co. Mississippi to Montgomery Co. Arkansas

The following article appeared in the Mena Weekly Star November 28, 1929.  It was contributed by Julius Wilhite, of Mena, Arkansas.  Julius was the son of John Henderson "Dock" Wilhite. Remember this is a secondary source and we doubt if the sons of John C. Wilhite are listed correctly. Also looks like the Goodner's came to Oden two years later.

Back in the days when this part of Arkansas was very young, Henry BESHEARS settled where Oden now stands. He had come from Mississippi and kept writing back (on the fast mail of the day) to his old neighbors about the wonderful country he had found, the Ouachita bottom lands and abundant game.

Finally, several families, consisting of 42 persons using 13 ox-wagons, embarked for this new-found paradise. They were the WILHITEs, the FRYARs, the GOODNERs, the SINGLETONs and the RIDLINGs, many of whose descendants still live about Oden and up and down the Ouachita from Mena to Mt. Ida.

This was in January, 1849, and may have been occasioned partly by the goldrush to California. If such was the case, they probably were fortunate in being detained by the tall timber of the Arkansas forests, for had they proceeded to cross the plains, their bonds might have served as markers, as many did, for those who finally reached that destination.

George WILHITE, came to Tippah County, Mississippi.  His sons, John C. and Julius were members of the caravan that came to Oden.  Among the sons of John C. were Henry, David, now 74, John Greene and James 78; and those of Julius were "Dock" 82, crippled father of Julius, now living in Mena and Julius, 80, now living north of Oden at WILLHITE Town. Uncle Julius and his wife have been married nearly 61 years. Both are still active, but Mrs. Wilhite is fast losing her sight, which greatly hinders her in her efforts to do her house work, but with Mr. Wilhite's aid, she says she gets along fairly well.

It seems in the days of abundant game, hunting was not altogether a one-sided affair. Especially so was this with regard to the bear, for while Mr. Man was out hunting the bear, Mr. Bruin was nosing around the herd of hogs, sleeping out in the woods, in search of a big fat porker. Mr. Wilhite tells of a bear aiming to help himself to a hog within 20 foot of the old home. When he was interrupted, he ran into a small thicket. Mr. Wilhite's brother shot into the thicket and killed the bear, purely by guess. Wolves also, he says were dexterous hunters of the sheep.

Uncle Julius' present excitement with the animal kingdom centers in his little farm mule. He says Mr. Mule's safety is gauged thermometer like the amount of food given him--feeding him well when he will admit of it, and lessening the amount when he gets too gay. When properly gauged he will walk down into a ditch for Mr. Wilhite to mount; but if fed too highly, no ditch for him. Likewise is he when he meets a car, docile and unafraid on light feed, but turns and makes for distant parts when he feels his corn.

Also he relates that the mule's behavior is perfect when he goes into the garden to plow, but turn him into a corral or pasture--and good-bye. Lindberg himself can't make a prettier get-away. His flight, of course, is not as long as Lindy's ocean hop, but it is as nicely executed and as clear of all obstructions.

J. David WILHITE, 74, son of John C. and Mrs. Wilhite, 70, have been married 52 years. They live in Oden where they have very pleasant surroundings for their late years.

Mr. Wilhite was a merchant in Oden for 22 years. Five years ago he retired from business, selling a farm among other property.

James WILHITE, 78, is the oldest member of the John C. Wilhite family living. He lives near the Polk-Montgomery line, west of Waters. He was found to be very jovial, and entertaining talker and especially conversant with the early history of the country. He and Mrs. Wilhite have been married 50 years. From him were the facts gotten about the early history of the family.

Julius Wilhite of Mena, son of "Doc" Wilhite, reports that his father is too feeble to attempt an interview."

Another Version

"Thirteen ox drawn wagons left Tippah County, Mississippi, in the spring of 1848.  Horses or mules would have never made it.  They crossed the Big Muddy at Vicksburg on a ferry.  They stayed lost in the river bottom lands for three months.  No roads, no bridges, very few fordable places.  Their goal was to reach the gold fields of California, but the rivers, creeks, and bayous kept turning them north until they finally reached what is now Arkadelphia, where they came to a traveled, almost road.  Traveling was easier, and the road did tend to the west, but to the north as well.

In early fall, they came to a fork in the road.  It had a sign post that told where each fork went, but none of them could read and they were no better off.  They decided to wait until someone came along that could read.  They had about as much of being lost as they could stand.  While waiting, hunting parties set out and found game very plentiful.  They really liked what they saw.

It was nearly a month before another wagon train came along, but no one in it could read either.  Winter was getting close, so they put up a few log shacks.  The more they saw of the country, the better they liked it, so they decided to stay.  In the spring of 1849, a man came by on horseback that told them one sign said Texas, the other said Fort Smith.  But by then, they had cleared some ground and had corn planted. A third wagon train came along and also decided to stop.  Thus the village of Oden was born." The Wilhite items were submitted by Bettie Dowler.


Tippah Co. MSGenWeb           
    Connecting Families Using Rootsweb software, Steven Rutherford, has created a database connecting the families of Tippah County.

Other Montgomery Co. settlers from Tippah Co. MS


Dr William Wesley Hargrove a practicing physician and surgeon and farmer of Oden, Ark., was born in Tippah County, Miss., in 1844, to James Washington and Martha Ann (Poole) Hargrove. The family came to Montgomery Co. in 1861. James SR. died in Montgomery Co. in 1863. W.W. enlisted in Witherspoon's Battalion in 1862. Moved to Cooper, TX about 1900. Died Jan. 1921. James

Samuel Mitchell SMITH

S.M. Smith became a citizen of Montgomery Co. in 1852, but was born in Bedford Co., Tenn., September 10, 1831, to Josiah and Nancy (Roberts) Smith. In 1847 they moved to Tippah Co. Sam married four times. In 1853 he married Melvina Goodner, 16, a daughter of John C. and Susannah Smith Goodner. Malvina died Oct. 1862. It is odd that this marriage is not recorded in the Montgomery Co. marriage books. Then married Martha Derr, sister-in-law to Guilford Goodner, in Feb. 1863. Martha died Oct. 1864. Married for the third time in 2 Oct, 1865 to Miss Mary Ann Fryar, 17, and she died in died Oct. 1883. Who were Mary Ann Fryar's parent's? Born about 1848. Josiah and Susannah SMITH Goodner were brother and sister.


It is believed that John B. Garrett was the first of many to come to the Montgomery Co. AR from Tippah Co., MS. about 1847. He served one term as County Judge of Montgomery County from 1850-1852, and served three terms as County Sheriff of Montgomery Co. from 1854- 1860. John B. Garrett died in 1861.

John B. Garrett b. abt. 1820 in TN. Died June, 1861 in Montgomery Co. AR. He had married Mary Ann "Molly" Fryar in 1841 in Tippah Co. MS. She died about 1861. They had eleven children. The first four being born in Tippah Co. MS. John B's parents were George W. Garrett and Harriet Anderson. George W. Garrett, and his uncle, Caleb Garrett, were pre-1800 settlers in Nashville, TN and both were in the 1st West Tennessee Militia that fought in the Battle of New Orleans in late 1814 and early 1815.

Mary Garrett 1861-1926 (not Mary Ann), buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, is Marian N. (Mary N.) Chapman the daughter of Thomas Newton Chapman and Manilla Poteet; she was the 2nd wife of James Knox Polk Garrett; which makes her a daughter-in-law of Mary Ann "Molly" Fryar Garrett, 1825-1861.

It is coincidence only that Marian N. (Mary N.) Chapman was born in 1861and Mary Ann "Molly" Fryar Garrett died in 1861; their lives did not physically cross during 1861.
1870 United States Federal Census
Name: Thomas Chapman
Birth Year: abt 1841
Age in 1870: 29
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1870: Polk, Montgomery, Arkansas page 3
Post Office: Mount Ida

Household Members: 	Name Age
			Thomas Chapman 		29
			Manilla Chapman 	30
			Marian N Chapman 	 8
			Martha Chapman 		 3

Fact-1: Her name as listed in the 1870 census was Marian N. (Could it be that the census taker heard Mary N.; then wrote Marian?) [Probably]
Fact-2: Her maternal grandmother's name was Mary N.
Fact-3: Her paternal grandmother's name was Mary.

It is very likely that John B. Garrett is buried next to his wife Mary "Fryar" Garrett (she also died abt. 1861) who is buried in the Oak Hill Cemetery. John's gravesite is probably without a readable marker. Mary Ann is buried there next to her parents, Isaac Fryar, Jr. and Nancy "Goodner" Fryar.

1.Thomas J. Garrett b. abt. 1842 Tippah Co. d. before 1860 in Montgomery Co. AR.

2. Missouri Ann Garrett b. abt.1843 Tippah Co. MS, m. Robert Wilson McConnell April 19, 1858 Montgomery Co. AR. He died March 25, 1862 between Pea Ridge, AR and Ft. Smith, while serving with Company F, 40th Arkansas Infantry, during the Civil War. She and Robert McConnell had a daughter Sarah A. born ca 1859 in Montgomery Co. AR.. Missouri Ann, aged 20, married 2nd, George C. Hileman, aged 17, on 14 May 1863 in Montgomery Co. AR. George was b. in 1844 in Union Co., IL. He died before 1880. A daughter J. Hileman was born about 1870 in Montgomery Co. AR.

3. John Garrett b. abt.1845 in Tippah Co. MS. Died in March 1860 at age 14 of cong. chill. There was another John A. Garrett, age 12, that died in Sept. 1859 in Montgomery Co. AR.

4. Caleb b. abt.1846 Tippah Co. MS. Died before1860.

5. Eliza Jane Garrett b. Dec, 1849

6. Samuel "Sam" William Garrett b. Aug 27, 1851 d. Dec. 17. 1937 m. Nancy Louisa Goodner b. 28 Dec. 1855, a daughter of Henry Smith Goodner and Miriam L. Willhite. Sam and Nancy are buried at Pine Ridge with two of their children Waymon 1883-1970 and Hattie Fountain 1889-1969

7. James Knox Polk Garrett b. abt 1854. Married 4 times. I believe Mary N. Johnson & Mary N. Wilson are the same person probably were divorced and then remarried.
1st - G.J. BURTON - 21 Aug 1873 - Mt. Ida
2nd - Mrs. Mary N. JOHNSON - 13 Oct 1878 - Mt. Ida
3rd - Mary "Mollie" A. SALYERS - 15 Mar 1892 Polk Co., AR
4th - Mary N. WILSON - 20 Jan 1905 Mt. Ida.

Children that I know belong to James and Mary N.
Richard Caleb GARRETT - born May 1893
J.K.P. GARRETT, Jr. - born Nov 1898
Gibson GARRETT - born Aug 1894

Mary N. Garrett divorced James K.P. Garrett on 6 July 1893. He was appointed Guardian of minor heirs (who are his) in 1893. J.K.P. Garrett data submitted by Theresa 27 March 2001.

8. Mary Ann "Molly" Garrett b. Jan. 23, 1856. Died Feb. 22, 1942 Pine Ridge m. Oct. 11, 1877 in Mt Ida to Josiah Milton Joseph Smith b. Sept. 27, 1855 in Montgomery Co. Died 27 Feb. 1891. His was the third grave at Pine Ridge Cemetery. He was the son of Samuel Mitchell Smith and Naomi Ann M. Goodner.

8. Mary Ann "Molly" Garrett b. Jan. 23, 1856. Died Feb. 22, 1942 Pine Ridge m. Oct. 11, 1877 in Mt Ida to Josiah Joseph Milton Smith b. Sept. 27, 1855 in Montgomery Co. Died 27 Feb. 1891. His was the third grave at Pine Ridge Cemetery. He was the son of Samuel Mitchell Smith and Naomi Ann M. Goodner.

There is an early Garrett-Fryar-Goodner connection in Guilford Co, NC (re: Garrett Fryar b. 1790 in Guilford Co, NC/m. Nancy Goodner), but I do not know the exact nature of the connection. Also, some of the Goodners (re: Henry S. & James M.) were born in Wayne Co, TN at the same time that George W. Garrett and family lived there (1829-1837). George W. Garrett, Isaac Fryar and Garrett Fryar were next door neighbors in Tippah Co., MS according to the 1840 census reports. Can anyone provide clues to the early family connections? Thanks, James C. Garrett Updated 11July, 2010


Nicholas Gentry married Catherine FRYAR b. 1837 Tippah County, MS to Elizabeth and Garrett Fryar.  Where the Gentry's from Tippah Co. MS? Children:
1. Mary E. Gentry was born 1859 in Montgomery Co. AR m. John Jr. FRYAR 23 Jun 1878 in Montgomery Co. Mr. John FRYAR, JR 27 to Miss Mary E. GENTRY 18 License 6-21-1878- married 6-23-1878 by H. C. Brewer, J.P~- F/R 8-3-1878 G. D. Goodner, Clerk.
Who were the parents of John Jr. FRYAR? They had five children including one son Nicholas Fryar, 1893 - 1930, buried in the Quinton Cemetery, Haskell Co. OK.
2. John Garrett Gentry, was born 1862 in Montgomery Co. AR m. 1878 to Mary, surname unknown.
3. Robert Lee Gentry was born 1864 in Montgomery Co.
4. William Gentry was born 1866 in Montgomery Co.
5. Nancy J.Gentry was born 1870 in Montgomery Co. and m. Pledger 03 Dec 1891.
6. Rebecca Gentry was b. c.1874 AR.

Montgomery Co. Marriages
Nicholas Gentry age 57 m. Mrs Mary Jane Gardner age 45 22 Feb. 1883. Bk B. pg 159.

1860 Mortially schedule:
Hugh Gentry  37 m. b. Ala d. Feb inf. of kidney
Polly Gentry 32 married b. Ala d. Jan intermittent fever

1860 Federal Census for AR show Elizabeth, William, Thomas and Nicholas Gentry all living in Polk Co. AR. How are they related? By 1870 only Elizabeth and Nicholas were found in the county. Thomas Gentry enlisted in the Co. F, 4th AR Infantry, Confederate Southern Army was captured and died as a prisoner of war. Others to enlist include:
James Fryar, 1st Corporal
William Fryar....died illness of injury
Jesse F Garrett....Sgt. Garrett color bearer was shot and killed Murfreesboro, Tenn
D M Goodner
G D Goodner, 3rd Lieutenant...Wounded Murfreesboro, Tenn.
J G Goodner
J M Goodner
F M Singleton...Died illness or injury
George Wilhite

Elizabeth Gentry was born about 1831. Elizabeth Gentry died 15 Nov.? When? at near Oden, Ark. Elizabeth 'Betty' Gentry and George A. Willhite were married July 20, 1856. Elizabeth Gentry and George A. Willhite were divorced 4 March, 1861 at Mount Ida, AR.

Where the Breshears from Tippah Co.?

Montgomery Co. ARGenWeb Project

Please feel free to contribute names, ideas, links, answer the questions and let me know any dates and errors. Many thanks. 

My husband's grandmother is descended from the Willhites, Fryar, Goodner and Singletons. Cordie is descended from Garrett & Elizabeth Goodner Fryar on her father's side. On her mother's side from William & Elizabeth Singleton Fryar and Isaac & Nancy Goodner Fryar. Elizabeth and Nancy Goodner's were sisters. I consider it an advantage, one less line to research, others say it is confusing.

Cordie Willhite

An old Irish saying "Son, get your wife and your horses from the same village - that way you know the blood line"!