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This work was copied from the original Marriage Book "D" which is in the office of the county clerk, Monroe County Courthouse, Clarendon, Arkansas. The first 52 pages of the book contain the index, with marriages beginning on page 53 and continuing through page 576. The book contains 1,082 mar- riages, in addition to marriage licenses which begin on page 431. There are 31 credentials for ministers scattered throughout the book.
Book "D", the second oldest Monroe County marriage record book in existence, contains marriages from 8 January 1860 through 28 November 1877. As it cov- ers the Civil War period, the last entries during the war were recorded in 1862 on page 117. Monroe County Courts were suspended and all records were removed and hidden until courts resumed in July 1865. Page 118 contains the first entries filed after the war on 14 August 1865 and recorded on 31 October 1865. Thus, many who performed marriage rites during the war had to hold records for several years before filing them. It is possible that some were never filed.
Book "D" does not contain all of the Monroe County marriages for the years 1866-1877. The third oldest existing marriage book, "Marriage Records 1867- 1908", also contains marriages for these years on the first 90 pages. This book was started with the intention of keeping the "colored" records separate but the attempt was unsuccessful, as both this book and Book "D" contain both white and colored records.
No attempt was made to correct the improper spelling in Book "D", and as the copying of the names required interpretation of the handwriting, there are certain to be errors of interpretation as well as those of the usual nature found in publications of this type. It is therefore suggested that this work be used only as a guide, and that if there are questions, the original record should be consulted. For this reason, the numbers at the left of each entry are Book "D" page numbers, thus.making it easy to check the records or to obtain copies.