Please Use the format below to submit a Query, Marriage Record, or an Obituary. You may submit your Query to the Marion Co. web site by e-mailing your information to me, or you may go directly to the Rootsweb Message board, or you may submit your query to both, the best thing about submitting your query to the Marion Co. web site is the ease in which you have in searching for a certain person or a person that submitted the information. When you submit a Query, Marriage Record, or an Obituary, Please include which one you are submitting in the first line of the message so that I will know where to post your information. IMPORTANT: Please remember when e-mailing me, to put Marion Co. in the Subject line, otherwise your e-mail may be deleted
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Click here to e-mail your information to me using the format below.
Thank you so much.
Your NAME:
Use source date if submitting Marriage or Obit information
If you don't have an e-mail address please submit a snail mail address in it's place
Your URL:
Please make sure your Surnames are in ALL CAPS.
For some of you it might be easier to copy the format and paste it in the e-mail and then fill it out there. Thank you.
Subject: Marion Co.
Your NAME: Karen Stevens
DATE: Aug. 2, 1912
Your URL:
Use URL only if you have a web page you would like to share.
QRYTEXT: Query. This is my sample text, seeking birth records for my grandmother Walsie Edith (HURST) HUFF she was born in Marion Co., Flippin, AR to Benjamin & Indiana (RITTER) HURST on Aug. 2, 1912.
If you have any questions please