Madison County Biography of:

"John Coleman JOHNSON. Among the men who represent the mercantile interests of Madison County, Ark., is Mr. JOHNSON, who is a native of the county, and was born August 5, 1853, being a son of Jacob D. and Sarah E. (YOUNG) Johnson, who were Tennesseans.

The father was killed in a skirmish on Richland Creek during the war. He became a resident of Madison County when a boy, and at the breaking out of the war enlisted in Captain SMITH'S company of cavalry, and served as first lieutenant part of the time. He was a Democrat and farmer.

His widow afterward married E. H. [Elijah Ham] SHIPLEY, who is now deceased, and is residing in Madison County. She is 58 years of age, and is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. Five children were born to her first marriage and three to her last.

John Coleman JOHNSON, who is the eldest child, made his home with her until he attained his eighteenth year. He then began depending on his own resources for a living, and spent some time at Hindsville learning photography, and afterward engaged in merchandising. In 1876 he came to Drake's Creek with a capital of $55, and since that time has been a prosperous merchant. In 1882 he formed a partnership with John KENNAN.

When nineteen years of age he was married to Sarah E. LEONARD, who was born in Tennessee in 1855, and by her became the father of the following family: Rosa M., Nina P., Elbert O., living, and Charles L., Thomas and Willie, deceased. Mr. JOHNSON is a notary public, and a Democrat, and is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

Mrs. JOHNSON's parents, James G. and Louisa A. (HALL) Leonard, resided near Knoxville [ch: Knox Co], Tenn., and came to Arkansas when she was a child. The father died the first year of the war and the mother a few years later. Their children are Samuel T., Sarah E., Rosa F. and David Y.

They were taken to rear by an aunt, who started with them to Tennessee, but the boat on which they were making their journey became imparied and sank. All were taken off the boat except Sarah E., who threw herself into the river. Her brother Samuel, who was then but nine years of age, swam a distance of over 100 feet to her rescue. He caught her by the hair and swam with her to the land. They finally reached Tennessee, where they remained until the close of the war, and then returned to Arkansas." (Goodspeeds History of NW AR…)

Jacob D. JOHNSON was the son of John Clark and Mary Jane "Polly" DRAKE Johnson who appear in Richland Twp. HH#279 in the 1850 Madison Co., AR Census. John Clark JOHNSON was the son of Martin and Sarah COMBS Johnson, Sr., the former of whom is listed with his 2nd wife, Mary Ann WARREN(?) Hawk JOHNSON, on the 1850 Madison Co., AR census, Richland Twp. HH#302. Polly DRAKE was the daughter of Jacob and Hannah ROSS Drake. Jacob and Hannah ROSS Drake are listed in Richland Twp. HH#281 of the 1850 Madison Co., AR Census.

See Also the The Combs-Johnson-Murrell-Genealogy
and The Madison County Biographies of
Richmond, Robert L. and Thomas M. JOHNSON.
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Last Revised 26 May 1997.
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