“Logan County, the sixty-fifth county created, was first given the name of Sarber county, after J. Newton Sarber, Senator from the Sixth District. It was formed March 22, 1871, out of territory taken from the counties of Yell, Johnson, Franklin and Scott. The temporary seat of justice was located at Reveille, C.P. Anderson, James L. White and James S. Garner were appointed Commissioners to locate the county seat permanently; but afterwards, in 1873, James R. Saferry, Daniel R. Lee and James A. Shrigley were appointed to locate it, and they established it at Paris, where it has since remained. By Act of the Legislature of December 14, 1875, the name of the county was changed to Logan county, in honor of Colonel James Logan, on of the pioneers in that part of the State. “ Cited from “A Pictorial History of Arkansas From Earliest Times to the year 1890” By Fay Hempstead, St. Louis and New York N.D. Thompson Publishing Co. 1890 Book located in the Johnson County Library. CLICK to Read the rest of the Article
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1895 Map of Logan County |
Fall Colors at the top of Mt. Magazine November 3, 2008 |
“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards;...We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors.. [they] transmitted them to us with care and diligence.” Samuel Adams |
Towns in 1890 were Paris (incorporated February 8, 1879), Boonsville, Magazine, Rosevill, National Springs, Chismville, Caulksville, Ellsworth, Prairieview, Morrisons Bluff and DublinThere were courthouse fires in 1874 and 1877. |