Before 1900 the largest religious groups in Arkansas were the Baptist and Methodist Episcopal (now United Methodist). The following directories may be used to locate other church records:
A Directory of Churches and Religious Organizations in the State of Arkansas. Little Rock: Historical Records Survey 1942. (FHL book 976.7 K24h; film 823,676, item 6.)
Guide to Vital Statistics Records in Arkansas: Volume II, Church Archives. Little Rock: Historical Records Survey, 194-. (FHL book 976.7 K2h; film 873,998, item 2.)
Many denominations have collected their records into central repositories. You can write to the following addresses to learn where the records are located:
Riley-Hickingbotham Library Arkansas Baptist State Convention Collection
Ouachita Baptist University
410 Ouachita
P.O. Box 3742
Arkedelphia, AR 71923
Little Rock Conference Depository
Methodist Headquarters Building
1723 Broadway
Little Rock, AR 72004North Arkansas Conference Depository
Olin C. Bailey Library
Hendrix College
Washington and Front Streets
Conway, AR 72032
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This page was compiled by Edward Hayden.
Copyright © 1998 by Edward Hayden, Coordinator. All rights reserved.
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