Greene County Arkansas
Paragould, AR
Centennial Edition
Church Work in Paragould Has Kept Pace With the Commercial Progress of the Town
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Fraternalism is Rife in Paragould and the Societies are Strong
Paragould is strictly a fraternal town, The spirit of fraternalism pervades the people and all the popular fraternal orders maintain their organizations here. Below we give a list of the orders and the names of the officers. |
B.P.O.E., Elks; J.H. McPherson, Exalted Ruler; Joe T. Trice,
Esteemed Leading Knight; Jason L. Light, Esteemed Loyal Knight; W.P. Barton, Esteemed
Lecturing Knight; E.N. Hartman, Secretary; Cliff Markham, Treasurer; M.B. Hatfield, Inner
Guard; Eli Meiser, B.H. Crowley, A. Bertig, Trustees. The Elks have a handsome home and
occupy two entire floors of an elegant three story brick. ___________________ KNIGHTS OF HONOR: Started 1892. 50 members. Among the charter members were John M. Davis, S.L. Joseph, Rufus Hammond, F.M. Hargraves, Wm. T. Witherington, Henry Bolk, Malden, Mo., John C. Ritter, Robert S. Thompson, F.M. Richter, A.D. Dickson, E.J. Winton and J.A. McNeil. L. J. Empfield, leading officer. ____________________ CATHOLIC KNIGHTS: Henry Kueter, president; N. Stout, vice president; J.B. Kirchoff, treasurer; J. Kirchoff, recording secretary; Mr. Alvey, financial secretary. 31 members. ____________________ FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA: Mrs. Nora Johnson, fraternal worshiper; Mrs. Lillie blount, justice; Geo. W. Johnson, secretary; John C. Honey, treasurer; W.T. Gaston, guide; Mrs. Mary Young, truth; Mrs. M.E. Dickson, Mercy. 85 members. ____________________ DEGREE OF HONOR: Mrs. Ella Whitsitt, past chief of honor; Mrs. Minnie Hays, chief of honor; Mrs. Nora Johnson, lady of honor; Mrs. Ida Stuart, lady of ceremonies; Miss Reilly, usher; J.V. Landrum, recorder; Rudolph Hasley, financial secretary; Arthur Stuart, inner watch; Mrs. Carrie Foxford, outer watch; Miss Lillie Landrum, organist. 85 members. ____________________ I.O.O.F. DIAMOND LODGE NO. 237: W.W. Highfill, noble grand; Chas. Wood, vice grand; Sam Pruit, recording secretary; J.C. Bone, financial secretary; A.C. Neely, treasurer. 203 members. ____________________ PARAGOULD LODGE I.O.O.F. NO. 13: S.W. Patterson, noble grand; B.E. Kelley, vice grand; A.W. Fligor, recording secretary; J.T. Hester, treasurer. 340 members. ____________________ VICTORY REBEKAH LODGE NO.163: Mrs. Etta Hightfill, noble grand; Mrs. Luzetta Swihart, vice grand; Sam Pruit, rec. secy.; Bill Highfill, financial secretary; John Carpenter, treasurer. 40 members. ____________________ W.O.W. WOODMEN OF WORLD NO. 32: W.D. Newsom, pst commander; E.M. Fligor, lieutenant; W.A. Michael, clerk. 330 members. ____________________ NATINAL ANNUITY LODGE NO. 137: Mrs. Kipple, past president; Mrs. Welch, president; Mrs. Ferguson, vice president; Mrs. Kipple; secretary; Mrs. Greathouse, watch; Mrs. Bryant, guide. 90 members. ____________________ BEN HUR LODGE: Mrs. Maggie Fletcher, chief: G.M.Clark, judge; B.W. Hale, scribe; Ed Blake, guide. 72 members. ____________________ KNIGHTS & LADIES OF HONOR NO. 2416: Mrs. L.M. Reeves, past protector; Mrs. Nora Johnson, protector; A.T. Reeves, vice protector; E.S. Heaton, secretary; Mrs. Maggie Blunk, treasurer; Mrs. Abbie Freeman, chairman; Mrs. Edna Trail, guide; Mrs. Vail McCullough, guard; Louis Atchinson, sentinel. 80 members. ____________________ |
NATIONAL ANNUITY: J.W. Smith, V.P.; Mrs. Essie Pruit, sec.-treas. 32 members. ____________________ MIRIAM REBEKAH LODGE NO 11: Mrs. Verna Fligor, noble grand; Mrs. Minnie Piper, vice grand; Mrs. Phoebe Wachmouth, recording secretary; Miss Nellie Haynes, financial secretary; Miss Armon Truly, treasurer. 91 members. ____________________ K.O.T.M. PARAGOULD TENT NO. 6: A. Hammond, commander; S.L. Head, lieutenant commander; J.V. Landrum, recordidng secretary; W.C. Thompson, chaplain; Guy O. Piper, sergeant; F.M. Parrish, master ceremonies; Luther Vaughn, master of guards. 245 members ____________________ EASTER HIVE NO. 3: Mrs. M.E. Dickson, past lady commander; Mrs. Ella Johnson, lady commander; Mrs. Dr. Sims, lieutenant commander; Mrs. Ida Bandy, record keeper; Mrs. W.H. Wycott, chaplain; Mrs. VanTassel, sergeant; Mrs. Mattie Thompson, master of ceremonies. 100 members. ____________________ O.E.S. ORDER EASTERN STAR NO. 297: Mrs. Sam Shane, worthy protector; Mrs. L. Dillman, worshiper; Mrs. A.C. Neely, assistant worshiper; Mrs. Edwards, secretary; Mrs. J.A. Smith, treasurer; Mrs. Jap Edwards, commander; Mrs. Sam Shane, assistant commander; Mrs. J.A. Smith, worshiper. 40 members. ____________________ A.O.U.W.: Rudolph Hasley, master workman; W.C. Thompson, past master; Henry Foxford, foreman; Jno. Stull, overseer; Tom Welch, recorder; J.V. Landrum, secretary and treasurer. 286 members. This lodge owns its own handsome two story brick building, one of the finest in the state. ____________________
____________________ PARAGOULD COMMERCIAL CLUB: J.H. McPherson, president; C.W. Stedman, secretary-treasurer; L.C. Thompson, 1st vice president; I.C. Leggitt, 2nd vice president. ____________________ LADIES CIRCLE W.O.W. PINE GROVE NO. 22. Callie Wright, pst guardian; Mrs. T. Worley, advisor; Mrs. Annie Newsom, clerk; Mrs. Cora Bryant, banker; Mrs. Nora Johnson, chaplain; Mrs. Livie Coffman, attendant; Mrs. R. Purvis, sentinel. 177 members. ____________________ PARAGOULD LODGE NO. 368 F. & A.M.: J.H. McPherson, worshipful master; Cicero Thompson, senior warden; J.M. Futrell, Junior warden; J.A. Edwards, senior deacon; Mack Cothren, junior deacon; Sam Shane, secretry; B.H. Crowley, treasurer; J.A. Smith, tyler. ____________________ METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK opened a debit in Parragould in 1902 and has at present 1058 policy holders in Paragould. We would like to have the assistant superintendent's office located in Paragould. R.H. Jacques, agent.
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There can be no stronger bond of union to unite a people than the spirit of fraternalism and there are few towns where the spirit is more manifest than in Paragould. The people of Paragould are lodge and church goers. |
Transcribed by: PR Massey
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