Greene County Arkansas
Paragould, Arkansas
Centennial Edition Section 5
10- Section 5, Centennial Edition Monday, August 29,1983, Paragould Daily Press
1912 "Buttermilk Special"
Momma's 'wash pan' My mom --Bessie Gordon McFall -- was a small, neat person, but very self-conscious. She took everything seriously. Momma never felt like she was quite dressed up without her hat when she went to town. In the spring of 1946, she got a new hat. She was proud of it and it really looked nice on her. That summer, I had to have an appen- dectomy. I was in the old Dickson Memorial Hospital in a ward that had five beds at that time. Momma rode the bus from Goobertown to spend the day at the hospital with me. Mom didn't know anything about what affect medicine could have on a person. About the only medicine we had at home was Carter's Little Liver Pills, Castor Oil, Salts, Castoria for small children and chill tonic or Vick's salve. In one of the beds, a girl had just had an injection for pain. She got to talking silly. All of a sudden, she sat up in bed, pointing at Mom, and said, "See that women over there? She has a wash pan on her head." Everyone laughed and I was so sore, it hurt to laugh, but I couldn't help it. Mom was really put out. She never wore that hat again. She put it in the stove and burned it up. We teased her off and on over the years about her hat, but she never did see the funny side of it and probably wouldn't appreciate me telling it on her, even to this day. Murlene Dial
I remember: A taxidermist's dream
An impressive
demonstration In about 1926 or 1927, Bill Moore had a livery stable on Highland Street. The front door was on Highland, about where Holland's Home Appliance shop is now. The building was a large structure, probably made of corregated metal. It had a wide passageway down the middle from the large front opening to the large rear opening, with horse stalls on each side. Bill Cannon worked there and one day as a boy I heart Mr. Cannon and some of the adults there arguing about hot to drive a buggy. The large rear doors of the stable closed against a pipe driven into the ground in the center of the passage- way. The pipe protruded about five inches or so above ground level. So with the doors open, the pipe was a stob about 1 1/4 inches in diameter, sticking up about 5 inches in the center of the rear doorway. Finally, to settle the argument, Mr. Cannon hitched a horse to a buggy, took his position in the buggy and started from the front doorway toward the rear doorway. He coaxed the horse to a fast trot and ran both the front and the rear wheels of the buggy directly up and over the top of the stob; that is, the wheels literally rolled over the pipe itself. It was the most amazing exhibition of control over a horse and buggy that I ever saw. Just west of Bill Moore's livery sta- ble, Mun Brannon had a blacksmith shop. This was in the 1925-27 time frame. I used to hang around there watching Mun shoe horses, repair wagon wheels and shrink the metal tire onto the wood or fix links in log chains and the like. Mun had joined a religious group which was, I think, called the House of David. I had read that members of this group did not believe in cutting their hair, fingernails or beards. Sometimes Mun would get to discus- sing these House of David beliefs while I was hanging around there and I can recall that the arguments he would make to those who questioned him were along this line: The Lord made people with hair, beards and fingernails and, therefore, to cut them off was an expression of displeasure with the Lord's creation. Phil Heget |
Transcribed by: PR Massey
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