Greene County Arkansas
Paragould, Arkansas
Centennial Edition Section 3
Monday, August 29, 1983~Paragould Daily Press |
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Photo courtesy Melba Martindale |
Photo courtesy Mary Esther Herget |
Photo courtesy Cathryne Lane |
Some "kodaking" expeditions focused on more than just | These members of the National Embrodery Club, as they called | ||||
good times, as this before-and-after sequence shows. | themselves, may not have done much embroidery, but they did | ||||
The heavy snow of 1917 was the intended subject in the | take a lot of Kodak photographs and pose for a lot of Kodak | ||||
top photo of West Side School. But Mrs. Edgar Herrick | photographs | ||||
retraced her steps a few days later to snap a picture | |||||
of the burned out school. |
When George Eastman developed | It camewith a roll of 100 frames. After that | his distinctive camera and chose the | |||
his Kodak camera in 1888, it | film was used, the camera was taken | letter "k" because it seemed to him | |||
revolutionized photography. | to a developer, who unloaded the film | to be a "strong, incisive sort of letter." | |||
in the dark, developed and printed the | |||||
No longer would picture-taking be | pictures and returned the camera with | And that new word begat another. | |||
the province of a few handful of pro- | a new load of film ready to go. That | "Kodaking" became the thing to do | |||
fessionals. Now, everyone could take | process continued until daylight load- | on an otherwise lazy Sunday afternoon | |||
pictures. And did. "You press the but- | ing film was introduced in 1895. | In Paragould, the railroad tracks and | |||
ton, we do the rest" became the slo- | Eastman's handy snapshot camera | the mills near them were favorite | |||
gan of Eastman's company. | also introduced a new word into the | kodaking" sites. But, as these pictures" | |||
Early hobbyists didn't even have to | American vocabulary. He had purposely | show, just about any place would do. | |||
load and unload the camera. | coined one, wanting a distinctive name for |
Transcribed from the 1983 Centennial Edition by : PR Massey
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