Greene County, Arkansas

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 Volume 2, Number 38, on June 30, 1911.


Below we give the names and the schools that several of our teachers will teach in the near future.

Oscar Harvey - Brighton

J. R. Simpson - Oak Grove

C.E. Bond - New friendship

Claude Bradsher - Walnut Ridge

Jesse Bradsher - Big Island

Burrell Williams - Cooper

Woody McBride - Barton

Tom Ross - Wood

Octo Brewer - Tokio

F. M. Farrell - New Home

Lawson Houston - Toddsville


Bertie Williford - Ramer, Mitchell , Harvey's Chapel

Cloe Kirby - Mooring

Iva Hodges - Providence

Katie Clarida - Mounds

Vernie Greer - Purcell

Vercie Cribbs - Hickory Grove


The 54th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. B. B. Stone and the 42nd of that of Mrs. J. A. Cribbs was celebrated at the residence of the latter in Marmaduke by a surprise dinner of which 107 guests partook. The Cackler wishes the recipients of Sunday's dinner many returns of their anniversaries.

Farmers Bank of Marmaduke

Eli Mieser,  Pres.,  J. R. Burks,  Vice Pres. J. W. Lipscomb, Cashier

We beg to announce that we are now open and ready for business, and offer any and all conveniences and accommodations offered in larger towns.

Capitol Stock , $ 25, 000


After a good deal of strenuous work by the committee for which the thanks of our citizens is due them , the sum ($800) necessary to secure a slack-barrel factory for Marmaduke has been subscribed, as is attended by the list printed below.

Marsh & Randol,  D. M. Vowell,  Jim Boone,  Bertig & supply Co.  Robt Cudd, Marmaduke Pharmacy, Dr. E. L. Kennedy , J. H. Stephen , R. B. Dunn, M. L. Pickens , Square Deal Store Co. , R. . C. Cavitt , M. L. Parrish , J. C. Stars , Wilder Carpenter, R.W. Merriwether, Tom Waters, L. D. Early, M. V. Reese, D.M. Vowell & Co., Lindsay Mfg Co., J. D. Block, W. A. Welton , J. F. Skelton, Wm Kendall, John M. Gale, Milton Hamilton , W. H. Robinson, A. H. Moore, Thos Rasberry, W. R. Beasley, A.A. Arnold, A. L. Harvey, M.L .Williford , B. F. Hatch , W. W. Rogers , J. T. Foster, P. E. House &Co. , Will Williford , B. C. Moore, T. H. Seagroves, T. L. Ross, J. H. Boone, J. C. Thomas, H. B. Snider, J. E. Hawkins, Marmaduke Store Co. , J. R. Burks, Bank of Marmaduke, Drs. Bradsher & Speer , J. H. Liggett, J. D. Miller, J. M. Jones, Stone & Wright , W. J. Lively , J. G. Cole , J. P. Thompson , R. M. Stone, O. C. Harvey,

Best Grade

A report from Mr. Rogers , county examiner , says that Miss Mamie Patishall , a poplar young lady of this place , received the best grade in the examination that was held several days ago at Paragould. Last year this honor went to Claude Bradsher.

Hurricane Township

Several of our farmers are sowing oats.

Luther Starnes and Robert Letbatter visted the Smoot boys Sunday.

Marshall Starnes and family attended the birthday dinner at J. A. Cribb's Sunday and reported a fine time.

Virgil Presson and Cecil Craig attended church here Sunday , also Mr. Trantham of Old Friendship.

Miss Hester Starnes spent Monday night with Pearl Owen .

Loye Presson , who has been sick for some time is reported much better.

The Sunday morning rain caused us to have no Sunday school but Bro. Castleberry filled his regular appointment .

New Berry Notes

Health is good .

Ira Cook and family of Paragould are spending a few days with Clay Hunter and Family.

Mrs. Roland and Carl Uhlamb of Paragould spent last week with Will Nerhine and family.

J.A. Presson's fifty-sixth birthday was celebrated last Thurs. by a large crowd and a fine dinner . All reported a fine time.

Mrs. D. R. Alexander left Monday morning for a visit with friends and relatives in Kentucky and Tennessee.

Clay Hunt and Ira Cook and their families spent Monday at the home of Sam King.

New Friendship

The farmers are busy sowing peas and working their crops .

King Stepp and family of Spring Grove visited Mrs. Peebles this week.

No services were at Old Friendship Sunday on account of the rain.

Some of the people are picking and canning blackberries.

J. F. Dollins and wife and W. W. Gresham and wife visted at W. C. Carmack's Sunday.

The nice showers we are having are making the grass grow as well as the crops.

Mesdames Peebles and Weatherly visited Grandma Haygood, Tuesday who was sick.

Will Dollins is very low with consumption and not expected to recover. He is at the home of his father-in-law, Harvey Weatherly.

Rippy Escapes

Word has been received here that John Rippy, who was sent to the pen for five years about three months ago at Paragould for shooting Mrs. Lilly Goff on Brushy Ridge last Christmas has escaped from the gang of convicts he was with on the railroad near Little Rock. This word came from Sheriff Lawson.

Mooring Items

Ike Howard of Paragould visited friends here Saturday.

Misses Barbara, Ruth and Maude Johnson of Halliday spent Sunday with Miss Mabel Atchison.

Miss Noma Hood went to Halliday Sunday morning for a few days to visit with friends.

Mr and Mrs. E. P. and Mr. and Mrs. Arter Holt were Marmaduke visitors Sunday.

Burrah Jarvis of Marmaduke is spending the week with his parents here.

Clarence Jarvis visited a friend at Hurricane.

Prof. Wright of Paragould visited Jesse and Claude Bradsher Tuesday.

Frank Christian was here Sunday from Stonewall visiting friends. His sister, Miss Nellie, who had been visiting friends here for several days returned home with him Monday.

Jesse Bradsher spent Monday at Paragould.

O. E. Robertson who has been working at a handle mill near Campbell, Mo. returned Sat. night.

Tommie Ross and Uncle Wm. Stone returned the first part of this week from a short visit with relatives and friends in Kentucky and Tennessee.

Miss Estelle Stovall of Reeves, Tenn. is here visiting her brother A. C. Stovall. Miss Stovall may remain here for several weeks.

W. F. Moore and family returned the first the first part of the week from Anniston, Mo. where they visited his brother George Moore and family.

John Church of Oak Grove was here Sat. visiting J. E. Tanner.

Charley Horton of Kennett spent a few days here this week visiting his sister, Mrs. W. W. Rogers.

T. H. Seagroves and J. H. Harvery were at Rector, Mon. where they papered a four room house and got back on the southbound passenger train.

Special Price on Tailored to Order Clothing

My Company has some choice Spring and Summer Woolens on which they are making a special price, as they do not want to carry them over.Yours for Tailoring
J. D. Miller

In Our Grocery department we still offer O. K. Coffee at 21cents, Pea Berry at 23 cents, Lilly White flour at 65 cents, and $ 1.25 per sack, Canvassed Meat at 14 cents, and genuine Leaf Lard at 12 cents, A Satisfied Customer, brings many more.

J. H. Liggett & Son.

Ramer Neighborhood

Grass is trying its best now.

Mrs A. S. Beaver is still on the sick list. She has been under the weather for several weeks now.

Miss Sadie Frock of St. Louis is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity and contemplates staying about a month.

The young folks of the neighborhood gathered in the home of A. P. H. Gerdes last Saturday night for a social. They did some fine singing.

James Hendley was a pleasant caller at Hy Gibbs Sunday.

James Hendley made a business trip to Marmaduke Saturday.

Young Frank Miller, who had a severe attack of rheumatism, we are glad to note has improved so that he is able to walk without crutches.

There is better prospects for good crops than several years at this time of the season generally speaking, in this vicinity.

District 84

We are having plenty of rain and the crops are looking fine.

Miss Mary Nance was the guest of Mary Gay Sunday.

Dell Remer is here visiting his sister Mrs. Mary Like.

Some of the people of Hurricane are aware that Clarence Jarvis don't rubber at them. Stay with it Clarence you are the real "It" with District 84 and your not hard of hearing either.

Richard Gray and Walter Holt left Mon. morning for Arbyrd, Mo. where they work this summer.

Mrs. Bertha Bowen and Nola Wiley spent Sat. at Mrs. J. C. Bowen's.

George Surrell and wife spent Sunday with Issac Benton.

Charlie Holt is on the sick list.

The ice cream social at F. O. Seifert's Wed. night was well attended.

Miss Fern Seifert, Clarence Jarvis, Bertha Seifert and Henry Foster attended the ice cream social at Miss Beaulah Power's Sat. night.

Charlie Holt says he likes to go to ice cream suppers and wears his white cap. But his best girl don't like it so well.

Lem and Delbert Bowen and Oscar Seifert were at the fishing lake fishing Sat.

Miss Myrtha Haneline visited her sister, Mrs. Arthur Letner, Mon.

Vern Seifert and Lydie Fletcher say that they have had the swellest beaus in the country. What's their names girls? come again Hurricane don't be so easy.

Bank Of Marmaduke

W. E. Talley, Pres.,  A. M. Hall, Vice Pres.,  
A. E. Randol, Cashier,  S. F. Boone, Bookkeeper

On Flour and Feedstuff of all kinds we have them all skinned.

P. E. House & Co.

Marmaduke, Ar.

Frank Skelton

Attorney at Law

Office ground floor of First National Bank

Paragould, Ar.

Chas. Thompson

Painter and Signwriter

Carriage Painting Specialty

Marmaduke, Ar.

J. C. Thomas


First Class Rigs Furnished on Short Notice

See the Patent Gate for which Henry Ray is selling the patent right. It sells itself when you examine its merits. There's a sample in town west of the bank , It's use save time and trouble.

J. R. Black , M.D.
Oculist and Optician

Post Graduate Eye Department, Chicago Eye and Ear College

Office over Security Bank & Trust Co. Paragould , Ark.

Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!

A Sacrifice in Prices we are making prices that cannot be underbid !

D.M. Vowell & Co.

The sidewalk fever has been spreading all over town to a great this summer and we know have a large number of new walks that are a credit to the property owners of our pretty little town.

Harley Like was at Rector Sunday.

J. W. Lipscomb was a visitor at Rector Sun.

J. E. Tanner was at Rector Sun. visiting friends.

Miss Sallie Kennedy spent last Sat. at Paragould.

Miss Maggie Irby was visiting friends at Rector Sat.

A. A. Arnold and family spent Sunday at Rector visiting relatives.

W. A. Welton and J. Frank Skelton of Paragould were here Tuesday.

John Lefner and his mother left Sun. for a short visit with relatives at Martin, Tenn.

Miss Haley of Rector was here Sat. and Sun. visiting Mrs. A. E. Stovall.

Mrs. John Collins of Nettleton returned Wed. after visiting relatives in the vicinity.

Misses Sula and Toy Cavitt spent part of the week at Cardwell, Mo. where they visited Miss Lilla Hartsoe and friends.

Miss Hazel Nutt of Jonesboro was here Sat. visiting her Uncle W. F. Nutt and his daughter.

Prof. A. D. Garner from the Monea College at Rector was here Mon. He reports that a good attendance at the college this fall.

Uncle Jimmie Gossett returned from Holland, Tennesse were he visited old friends.

Rev. N. W. Hampton preached at Union Grove Church on the 2nd Sat. in June. He is 78 years old and still able to preach the gospel.

John F. Hall of Martin Tenn. who is a traveling salesman representing a saddle company out of Chattanooga, and a cousin to Miss Beurah Crutchfield, near town spent several weeks the Crutchfield family.


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