Greene County, Arkansas
Man Killed by Falling Tree
January 9, 1909
Transcribed by: Sandy Hardin
Jack Baker residing near Marmaduke,
meets death by a peculiar accident on his farm.
Jack Baker, residing one mile South of Marmaduke was accidentally killed yesterday on his farm by the falling of a tree. He and Tom Schoot were cutting an Ash tree, when the tree fell it lodged on a Maple tree that had been partially cut. Mr. Baker took his axe and attempted to dislodge the falling Ash and succeeded in doing so but at the cost of his life. When he knocked the tree from it's lodging place it bounded, struck him in the breast and fell across him. Mr. Schoot hurriedly cut the trunk of the tree and rolled it from the prostate body but not until life was extinct. Baker was a man of family and was formerly Cotton Belt Section Foreman at Marmaduke, but on account of ill health quit railroading and went to farming. He was an Odd Fellow and the funeral was held at Harvey's Chapel. Conducted by the Odd Fellows. The accident caused much sorrow in the community and great sympathy is felt for the bereaved family of the unfortunate man. |