This is one of the few surviving copies perhaps the only one, of the Greene County Events, a weekly newspaper published in Paragould by Frank M. Dalton. The 4-page paper is addressograph stamp in the right margin indicates that this issue originally belonged to subscriber W. L. Sims. The laminated original was donated in October 2000 to the S.S. Lipscomb Room of the Greene County Library by Hazel Wilkins of Jonesboro.

The 1891 date is especially important because of the loss of the 1890 Census. It is hoped that this paper might help at least some people fill the gap created by the loss of that census.

Below is some of the interesting stories from the paper.

Greene County Events

An Independent Democratic Paper, Devoted to Politics, Literature Education, Agriculture &  News of the Day


Paragould , Ark. Saturday, September 26, 1891 Vol.10 - No. 4


Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher is
disgusted with the Brooklyn statue of her late husband because it makes him "look like a tramp".

The autumn leaves are assuming the shades of decay, the town cow is taking in the situation around Dick Jones' gin warehouses and other town cow winter resorts, and everything indicates the near approach of fall weather.

Col. Elliot F. Shepard expresses the opinion that if Chicago permits the opening of her exhibition on Sundays some dreadful calamity will be called down upon the city. Can this be a threat that he will go to live there?

The Forrest City Times says there is considerable activity in real estate in St. Francis county.

Beebe is shipping seven-pound peaches to Little Rock.

New Tin Shop

Court and Center Streets, Paragould, Ar.

I have opened a Tin Shop on the corner of Court and Center street, and prepared to do all kinds of work in the line. I am no beggar but , but solicit a shop of public patronage.

L. D Errick

E. B. & C. P. Ritter

New Era

Meat Market

Pruett Street, Paragould, Arkansas (Next to City Hall)

Market always supplied with all kinds of meat.

Fresh Meat, Game and Poultry * Those having stock to sell call and see us.

E.B. & C.P. Ritter

Ashley Jones, a young man from West Point, Ark. had his skull mashed in St. Louis Friday morning by a man named bland. He died Saturday, and his remains were taken home for burial.

Bob Thomason and W. Branton killed thirty-one snakes at Saline camp ground one day last week.

Marmaduke House

W. A. Ross, Proprietor

Marmaduke, Ark.

New House, well furnished, tables supplied with the best the country, affordable headquarters for commercial travelers.

W. S Barker - Carpenter and Furniture Repair Shop

All work done at reasonable rates. Doors, Windows frames. Made to order.

Emerson Street, Between Pruet and Center.

The Indiana and Arkansas Lumber Company are erecting a large saw mill at Oil Trough.

W.R. Smith is building an addition to his residence on Poplar Street.

McWhirter & McKinney have a meat market on Court Street.

G. W. Cox has succeeded J. W. Perkins in the Pruett street livery business.

Wm. Worrell, proprietor of the great Indian remedies, exhibited in our office a tape worm 25 feet long, taken from a gentleman at Corning.


  Mrs. Gallager, of near Bethel, who claims to be 103 years old and is able to do her own housework, to sew without glasses & dance without fatigue should, keep remarkably quiet. There is a great demand for ballet girls.

Diphtheria is epidemic in Shelbyville, Ind. The public schools have been closed and a general quarantine established. Thirty death occurred within forty-eight hours, and adults are being attacked as children. The disease is now in every portion of the city, and physicians are alarmed at its malignancy.

The superintendent of the census has figured it out and finds that the average wealth of our people is $1000. If he'll visit us with a magnifying glass and discover the $1000 we are entitled to under his system of "figgering" we'll make him a present of a saw-buck, for his trouble.

Greene County, Arkansas Court, October Term, 1891

Hon. W. C. Jones, Judge

Your petitioners, the undersigned citizens and householders, living on and near the county road leading in a northerly direction from Paragould, known as the Gainesville and Paragould road, District No. 36, respectfully ask your Honorable Court to appoint reviewers to view and mark out the following changes in said road, to-wit: Beginning at a point where said road strikes the north line of the southwest quarter of section 29, township 17 north, range 6 east: thence east to a point due north of a tract of land bought by M. Umstead: thence in a southerly direction to Eight Mile Creek at or near the Staker factory; thence east to the street or road running on the west side of the Staker factory.

J. R. Brannon, John Good; F. M. Tansil; J. J. Cole; H. W. Glasscock; J. W. Crawford; J. W. Schwratz and 42 others.

Morrilton is soon to have electric lights.

B. P. Osburn

Dealer Kn, Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Supplies, Paragould, Ark.

Warning Order

Before J. M. England, a Justice of the Peace for the township of Hurricane County of Greene, State of Arkansas.

M. E. Sours formerly M. E. Kelton, Plantiff, vs. T. B. Akre, Defendant.

The Defendant T. B. Akre is ordered to appear in this court within thirty days and answer the complaint .

This 17th day of September 1891.

J. M. England JP

Land Office at Little Rock, Ar.

Notice is hereby given that the following named - settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof support of his claim, and that said property will be made before the County, or in his absence the County clerk, Greene county, Arkansas at Paragould. On Oct. 20th, 1891 via: Frank M. Dixon, H. E. No. 15334, for the N. Section 13, Township 18, North. He names the following witnesses prove his continual residence upon, cultivation of, said lands via: Zarah Jackson, Jack Wood, James A. Sparks, Ham H. Cooper, Gainesville, Ark.

P. Raleigh, Register


  The crop reports from this and the adjoining States state that rain is very much needed. The earth is dry and parched and growing crops and growing crops are in danger. If Gen. Dyrenforth, who reports some success in "fetching rain in Texas," were here, he would have a rare chance to convert the people of this region to the belief that the clouds may be gathered and compelled to pour rain by means of his invention and at will.

Mrs. Tennessee Loy, wife of Cart Loy, living fifteen miles west of Hot Springs presented her husband with one girl and two boys a few days ago. The girl baby weighed six pounds and a quarter and the boys seven pounds and a quarter each.

The Cotton Exchange at Pine Bluff was open on Thursday.

Road Notice

Notice is hereby given that there will be presented to the next County Court of Greene County, Arkansas, which meets on the 5th day of October, 1891, for the opening up of a county road on the Greene county and Craighead county line commencing at the residence of Mart Cook, and running west on said line and thence on the most practicable cable line to the ford on Cache River.

J.A. Lamb, H.R. Schisler and others.

Hooker's Saw Mill

Four miles north of Gainesville, on the Helena Branch Railroad.

Having been rebuilt and refitted with first class machinery, is again in operation, turning out all kinds of lumber on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Orders solicited.

J. W. Hooker, Proprietor

Gold and Coal

Wanted a good reliable miner to open up a gold mine, one half mile south of Jackson's Commissary, on Sugar Creek. Apply to J. F. Kennemur, Crowley, Greene Co. Ark.


At my Residence

Ladies don't fail to see my fine play of Millinery, which I offer for sale at greatly reduced prices the next thirty days, consisting of Ladies and children's hats, the latest trimmings. Ladies Summer Corsets, bridered, Dress and gloves. I have on hand a large stock of out of style Hats, ladies and children's which can be bought at 10 to 25 cents.

Respectfully, Mrs. J. K. Goodson, Gainesville, Ark.

M. B. Harvey , of Marmaduke , has opened a hotel in the Smith building on Pruet street.

There are eleven prisoners confined in the county jail at this place , as we learn from Jailer Cox.

Petty thieves broke into the grocery store of J. f. Herington , on North Pruet street, and appropriated about $10 worth of groceries.

Anderson Foster of Marmaduke , came down Monday for a coffin for James Barton , who died suddenly of congestion of the brain.






Bethel Events

The weather the past week has been somewhat warm.

Cotton picking has commenced.

Quite a number of our farmers have gathered large quantities of fodder.

Uncle Bird Boliff has recovered from the injuries received in the accident he met with some time ago, in a runaway, so as to be about.

Mrs. W. D. Yopp has been quite sick the past week; she is somewhat better at this writing.

Monroe Willey has purchased the J.H. Woods place , near Woods-Chapel. Monroe is a good farmer.

"Squire" Isom, of Finch, has rented the Mart Baldwin place on Greathouse creek.

John Branch, Sr. is clearing twenty acres on Village Creek. John is a first-class farmer.

Ed Woods has purchased Uncle  Andy Webb's old store house and is going to open up soon a store. Success, Ed.

Our old reliable grocer, Uncle Andy Webb, is preparing to build a new store house. Uncle Andy is doing a good business in bolts, staves and x-ties.

Joe Woods, one of our stirring farmers, has the honor of driving one of the finest matched teams in the country.

Jim Bolin has purchased quite a large number of young cattle and hogs the past week. Jim is going into the stock business.

William Jones is building on his place in the East bottom, and clearing a large tract of land.

Prof. Findland Wood has returned from Missouri, where he has been teaching penmanship. The Professor is surely an accomplished penman and hard to beat at his profession.

Uncle Andy Webb and lady have gone to Tennessee on an extended visit.

Miss Delta Virgen and Miss Leola Clark, of the East Bottom, have been visiting at Aunt Nancy Adams the past week.

Will Corrigan, who met with the sad accident a short time ago of losing his limbs, is progressing finely, so he informs his parents by mail. One of his limbs is about healed. He hopes to come home soon.


S.R. Simpson, County Examiner, held his third public examination on the 18th and 19th. There were thirty five teachers present. W. P. Spires, W. P. Brown, H. A. Miller, and Miss Jennie Wayland were granted licensees to teach. The teachers organized themselves into a teacher's co-operative association to be known as the Greene County Teachers Co-operative Association. Prof. Simpson informs us that he will revoke the licenses of all teachers who failed to attend without good excuse.


Reports from the northern corn-raising states say that the recent heavy frosts have destroyed a great deal of the crop. The corn crop however will be very large.


An exchange says: "To kill worms in trees, bore a hole in the trunk, near the ground, and pour in coal oil and sulphur mixed to about the consistency of syrup. It will kill the worms." And, we might add, it will kill the trees, too.


Programme- Of Teachers Co-operative Association, held at Paragould the last Saturday in October, 1891:

Introductory Address- R. E. L. Johnson.

Ricitation - Miss Jennie Knox

Select Reading - Miss Lena Watson

School Management - S. R. Simpson

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Franklin - C. W. Barbee

Teaching Numbers to Beginners - W. T. McKelvey

How to Teach Geography to Beginners- C.D. Morris

   All teachers invited. Home furnished to all.

Geo R. Hopkins, President   --   Miss Jennie Knox, Secretary.


Gainesville Events


Time Table

Crowley's Ridge Branch I. M. Ry.


Trains North

Local, Mixed Train No. 104 --------------- 3:45 p.m.

St. Louis & Memphis, Ex. -----------------11:31 p.m.


Trains South

Local No. 104 ----------------------------------. 7:23 a.m.

St. Louis & Memphis Ex-------------------- 4:24 a.m.

C. H. Telle, Agent



Dry, Dry and Dusty. Very dry and dusty.

Bishop ford, of Gentry, is off for Texas this week.

H.F. Glasscock and family are spending the week at the Commercial Hotel.

The little child of Mrs. Della McElfrish died Wednesday at the Commercial Hotel.

John Douglass is now a citizen of Gainesville, occupying the M. L. Wood property.

J. W. Newberry and family, Don Byers and family, and his mother, Mrs. J. R. Snodgrass, left on Thursday evening's local for Cisco, Texas.

Dr. H. McC. Webb leaves today for Philadelphia, Pa. to spend the fall and winter attending the medical institutes on specialties of his profession.

S. J. Crawford, formerly of the firm of Crawford & Weatherly, has left us for good; at least he has taken up his bed and board at Paragould, with the Crawford Bros. Jack, we are sorry for you, for we know you cannot hollow as of old, in old Gainesville.

Messrs, J. E. Haines, C. L. Kennard, J. O. Kennard, C.O. Halm, J. W. Baker, H. Eighme, W. B. Bird and John Rice, all Encampment members of the I. O. O. F. of Jonesboro, visited Gainesville and assisted J. R. Snodgrass in organizing Liberty Encampment No. 20, with 24 charter members present.


David Jenkins who escaped from the penitentiary fourteen years ago, has been recaptured.


Thirty Bales of cotton were sold at Stephens last week at prices ranging from 1 1/2 to 8 cents.


Died on the 21st inst. Percy, little son of P. W. and Mrs. Nannie Moss, aged 13 months. We tender our sympathy to the parents and many friends.


Died, on the 21st inst. of typhoid fever, Mrs. N. P. Garrett, in the 51st year of her age. She leaves four children to mourn her departure. Peace for her ashes.


F.R. Clark brought to this office a sweet potato vine which had taken root on the second ridge and contained 50 potatoes. How is that for "taters"


Marriage licenses issued by the clerk since last report: H. G. Gregory and Lou Hanks, R.H. Green and Della Kennemur, D. R. Brown and Charity Coleman


We are much pleased to again see that popular milliner, Miss Mary E. Wamack, amongst us, and as for style in trimming ladies hats she can't be equaled. She is still with the popular house of Bertig Bros.


Esquire Jim Webb is preparing to build. Our town is surely on a boom. 


Esquire Wm. Sims graced our town with his presence Saturday last.


There is considerable sickness among the children on the Ridge.


Ed Deicher met with a very painful accident last week. In scoring a stick of timber his axe glanced and cut one of his feet in a severe manner, causing a very severe and painful wound.


Woods Chapel school will close Friday afternoon, October 30,.All are cordially invited to attend the Closing exercises. Prof. Coster has brought his scholars to a high standard of perfection in their studies.


Woods Chapel singing school is improving under the lead of Prof. Allie Wood. Prof. Wood is a fine vocal teacher.


Mrs. C. Jernigan has been quite sick this week, is somewhat better.


It is with profound sorrow I chronicle the death of Mrs. Ada Sims (nee Hargroves) wife of one of our respected citizens. Mr. Joseph Sims, who passed quietly away Monday evening, September 14th, 1891, after a lingering illness of several months. She will be missed for her Christian influence and kindly manner too all. She has gone before to join the angel hosts above. She leaves her husband and two children to mourn their loss. They have heartfelt sympathy of the entire community .


Ed Virgen and quite a number of our young people have gone to the East Bottom, cotton picking.


Wyatt Mooring Dead

Wyatt Mooring, of Paragould, Ark. was drowned August 27th, while duck hunting on St. Francis river. He was 51 years of age and an old confederate soldier, enlisting under Captain Isler, the first company from Madrid Bend, and served his country the entire four years, except eighteen months in prison at Rock Island. In 1866 he was married to Miss Kate Donaldson and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his sad fate. He was and honorable, upright citizen, a kind and devoted husband and an affectionate and indulgent father. May God be with the bereaved in this trouble and distress.


J. J. Cole has moved to Bertig.


Dr. Grizzard has moved into his new residence on Main Street.


Mrs. Holliman has gone to visit her little daughter Hattie May in Tennessee.


S. L. Joseph is in St. Louis making purchases.


Mrs. Wm. Johnson has returned after spending the summer with friends in Illinois.


Mrs. D. C. Norvell is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Barton at Jonesboro.


Mr. Brewer is building a residence on Hunt street.


Ashford Jackson and wife have return from Malden and report their brother improving.


S. G. Dilliman and family left Tuesday for St. Louis, where they will reside in the future.


Dr. Hammond has returned from a protracted visit to friends and scenes of his childhood in East Tennessee.


Mrs. Davidson left Wednesday for her home in Tennessee, after attending the funeral of her daughter, Mrs. Garrett.


Simon Jacobs, the popular merchant in the Opera House block, will go to St. Louis Monday for the purpose of replenishing his stock. He will tell you all about it through Events when he returns.


For Sale or Rent

Large two story dwelling, Near Wrape's Factory. Can give possession at once.

Jno. B. Holman


Notice Land Office at Little Rock, AR

Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has fled notice of his intentions to make final proof of his claim and that said proof will of his claim proof will be made before the County Judge. on Nov, 21st. 1891. Milliam H. Cooper Sec. 18, Township 18 north, Range 4 east.

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land . wit. W. N. Douglas, Joseph Spence, D. P. Boyd, James Sparks, of Gainesville, Ark.

P. Raleigh, Register.


Famous Great Inducement

On the 25th, we bought out the entire establishment of E.W. Newsom, formerly Hillis & Newsom, and we bought the entire stock at a Great Sacrifice and and now we are willing to share our profits with our friends and customers in this vicinity. We had opportunities to turn this stock over to four different merchants from other places at the same prices we are now offering these goods to our customers, but we would rather give our friends and customers the benefits of these rare bargain prices.


Gents finishing goods

Gents Straw Hats, fine Hats

Ladies Misses, children's and Gents Shoes and Slippers

Respectfully yours,

The Famous Bertig Bros., Proprietors.


B. H. Crowley, W. S. Luna

Crowley & Luna

Attorney's at Law Office over Greene Co. Bank .


W.W. Bandy

Attorney at Law, Office upstairs in the Trice Block, on Emerson St.


S.R. Simpson

Attorney at Law, Office over J. S. Blackshare's store on Pruet st.


F. C. Johnson ,Dentist

Cocaine, Nitrous Oxide Gas and other Anesthetics given for painless extraction of teeth. Office in Gager House Block. on Pruett.


C. E. McWhorter, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Drugstore at Gainesville, Ark.


J. R. Snodgrass, Notary Public Office at Post Office, Gainesville, Ark.


Livery Stable

A. P. Cox Proprietor

Fine Horses and Rigs.


H. S. Trice

Undertaker, East Side Court Square

Full Line of Coffins, Burial Cases and Robes.


Notice to Farmers

The Gainesville Roller Mills

Malin & Sons, Proprietors

Will open to the Public about the first of July and will run as an Exchange Mill. We will pay the Cash for Wheat and sell flour and Meal

For Cash, or at Wholesale Merchants

Please don't ask for credit, as we will be obliged to refuse. Bring in your wheat at once and get the money for it.

M. Malin & Sons


James W. Hardy at the Depot at Gainesville, Ark.

Dealer in Dry goods, Family Groceries and Provisions, Glassware and Queensware, Staves and Stave Bolts, country Produce Bought and Sold.


Cancer Cure

The only sure and Permanent Cure 
That has ever been discovered


Taken out by the roots bt three applications of the


Twenty Years Experience                  No Cure, No Pay.


J. R. Brannon, Paragould , Ark.

We the undersigned citizens of Paragould, Ark. do hereby certify that we have been acquainted with Mr. J. R. Brannon for several years and know that he has cured several cancers in this county, and know of none he has undertaken that he failed to cure. C. Wall M.D. President of Bank of Paragould, R. Hammond practicing Physician, W. H. Hicks M.D. and Druggist, J. S. Parker, Postmaster , H. L. Bramlett, Dep. sheriff, J. N. Johnson, Justice of the Peace, L.C. Thompson, Merchant,