Page 6                                                 FAYETTEVILLE (ARK.) DEMOCRAT                         Tuesday, July 3,  1928


French Flyers
              Start Atlantic
                      Flight Tomorrow

By Associated Press
LE BOURGET,   France, July 3--
Captains Edzigowrsky and Kapula,
if conditions are favorable, will take
off in the plane "Marshal Pilsudski"
tomorrow in a first attempt of the
year to fly from France to America.
The two Polish airmen have been
preparing for some time for the
flight, in one endurance test remain-
ing aloft approximately 40 hours.
              AT U. OF A.; VISITS CAMPUS

George Devore, 72 years old, the only
living man who helped cut the trees on the site where the administration build- ing at the University of Arkansas is located, recalled days of his youth when he visited the campus recently for the first time in 12 years.
                                  AT U. OF A. FRIDAY

   Bertha McCasserty Truitt, dramatic
reader, will give the "The Merchant of
Venice" at the University of Arkansas
auditorium Friday night, according
to announcement of W. S. Gregson,
"YM" secretary at the university. Stu-
dent activity tickets or a slight admiss-
ion charge will be required.
   Saturday, a group of summer stu-
dents will make a trip to the Pea
Ridge battlefield and to Monte Ne.
Friday night at 5:30 initiation for the
Red Red Rose will be held.
                   NAMED FOR CENTENNIAL

   Centennial visitors today and
through the rest of Centennial Week
are to be greeted by members of the
hospitality committee, who are desig-
nated by ribbons.
  Members of the group, as announced
today by W. J. Hamilton, chairman,
follow: Mrs. Hamilton, Major B. R.
Davidson, Buck Slade, Mrs. Slade,
Martha Stone, Frances Stone, George
Appleby, Jim Gregory, Mooney Sher-
man and Eddie McAllister.
               --------*--------REVOLUTIONARY GRAVE
                MARKING POSTPONED

   Services in connection with unveil-
ing of the marker to be placed on the
grave of James Leeper, Revolutionary
soldier, by the D. A. R., Marion
Chapter, to have been held Thursday
morning, has been postponed until
fall, as location of the grave, in the
center of a large field of corn, makes
it difficult to get to the spot without
destroying much of the crop. The base
and bronze marker are in readiness
and will be placed with suitable cere-
mony at the later date.
                  MAFNIFICENT HOME
                           OF COLONIAL SOUTH

   The Arkansas Building, called by
J. H. Field in one of his pictures, "A
Southern Dream," is one of Fayette-
ville's most beautiful pieces of South-
ern colonial architecture and handsom-
est residences. It was built in 1903-4 to house the Arkansas exhibit at the
St. Louis World's Fair, and there visit- ed by people from all over the world. It was bought by A. F. Wolf of Mount Nord, Fayetteville, taken down piece by piece and shipped to Fayetteville, and reconstructed here after the exposition in 1905. The building cost him $20,000 but cost much more when built originally, something like $200,000 having gone into its makeup. Fayetteville club-women, under chairmanship of Mrs. Jay Fulbright, are now considering its purchase as a woman's club building that it may be preserved for posterity as present owners, finding it too large, contem- plate wrecking it and rebuilding cot- tages on its present magnificent site.
                  FOR CENTENNIAL EVENTS

   Among Centennial visitors Wednes-
day will be Mr. and Mrs. Z. L. Rea-
gan and family, Mr. Reagan's mother,
Mrs. Hugh Reagan, and Mrs. Reagan's
brother, W. H. Agee of Lamont.
The Reagan family is one of the oldest
       It pays to advertise. Try it.
  Walking Cane Held
             Sword for Defense
                        of Early Pioneer

   Relic of a day when a walking
cane concealed a steel blade for a
sudden emergency, a bone-headed
cane over 100 years old is owned by
Hugh Reagan of Rogers, who is in
Fayetteville for the three days
Centennial celebration.
   The cane was owned by John Reagan,
who came to this county from
Tennessee in 1828 and settled at
Cane Hill. In 1833 he and John
Alexander of Evansville, James
Brynside of Fayetteville, and J. D.
Dickson of Bentonville represented this
section of the country in the
territorial legislature.
   Reagan's cane is so constructed
that the innocent-appearing bone
handle is attached to the long,
wicked looking steel blade hidden
in the wood from which it may be
pulled for defense.
 1 DEAD, $100,000 LOSS

By Associated Press
SYRACUSE, N. Y., July 3-Henry
Kappesser, 19 years old, of Cicero,
was killed, James Kanaley, 65, was
seriously burned and property valued
at $100,000 was destroyed in an ex-
plosion and fire which swept the
yards of the Sun Oil Company today.
 |             OH, PIONEERS!          |
Alfred M. Wilson, son of James Wilson and Martha M. McIlroy Wilson (spelled McElroy at that time) and grandfather of the present mayor, Allan McIlroy Wilson, was one of Fayetteville's pioneers. He was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., June 8, 1817 of Scotch-Irish descent. His grand- father, Captain William Wilson immigrated in 1782 from South Carolina to Kentucky There he became intimaet of Daniel Boone, cousin of the ancestor of Mrs. Nora Boone Carlisle of this place, with whom he shared frontier-Indian war adventures. He finally lost his life in an Indian battle. He is descended from James Wilson of revolutionary fame, a signer of the Declaration of Indepen- dence. On his mother's side he is related to Governor Proctor Knott of Kentucky and to the late Mr. U. M. Rose of Little Rock. In 1837 his par- ents immigrated to Washington County where he borrowed law books from Governor Yell, his warm personal
friend and educated himself in the legal profession. He was admitted to the Fayetteville bar in 1839.
The Lollar family of this place are
descendants of Henry and John Lollar,
members of the Immigration Train of 1811 that left Charleston, South Caro- lina, on April 3 that year. The 26 trave- lers appointed John Jenkins pilot and started at Memphis, where they cross- ed the river on a flat boat drawn by horses on a tread wheel. They floated down the river and landed 15 miles below Little Rock, where they killed deer and turkey and caught fish for food. They built a fort here on June 23,
1811 for protection. On June 27 four gave battle to Indians and two, John Jenkins and Lee Smith, were killed. Disheartened the party crossed White river at a point near Buffalo Shoals and entered the Territory.
"Uncle Ed" Sharp belongs to the good old days when marshals were men, murders many and hangings  events of public attendance.
For 42 years Uncle Ed has served the county as deputy sheriff. In 1874-5-6 he was a deputy United States marshal.
   Mr. Sharp was present as a scaffold guard when five criminals were hanged in Fort Smith inside the old garrison wall  where a crowd of 12,000 gather- ed to witness ceremonies. He lived in a day when it was "every crook for him- self," when bandit hunting was not a safe job, when weapons of officers were shotguns and old cap-and-ball six-shooters. Refugees from a dozen states took refuge in this section and men of all classes were here. Uncle Ed remembers the hanging of Henri Stew- art, Frenchman and Yale graduate, for the murder of a man at Atoka in the Choctaw nation.
              OF FAYETTEVILLE" TO
                            BE OFF PRESS SOON

  "One Hundred Years of Fayetteville,"
volume recording the important events
in Fayetteville's life during the past cen- tury, and beautifully illustrated and bound
written by W. S. Campbell and expected to be ready for distribution Centennial Day, has been delayed at the publishers and is expected to be ready for distri- bution about July 15 or 20. It will be the most permanent feature of the Centennial celebration.
                       HAS ILLUSTRIOUS NAMES

   Charles E. Butterfield of stagecoach
fame, E. C. Boudinot of national fame
and other illustrious names of early
days are recorded on first city records
of Fayetteville.
   P.V. Rhea, (Ruled Fayetteville as
"alderman" from 1841 to 1859 before
city government was organized under
   J. W. Walker. First official mayor
under charter, was the uncle of Vol,
Wythe, Dave and Miss Sue Walker.
Elected mayor in April 1859. His
councilmen included J. W. Washbourne, C. E. Butterfield, owner of the old Butterfield stage line; P.P. Van Hoose, J. B. Simpson, Addison Crouch, J. H. Stirman, and E. C. Boudinot, young Cherokee Indian of national fame.
   Stephen Bedford, (City government was suspended during the Civil War shortly after Bedford's election.)
Colonel M. LaRue Harrison, commander of the First Arkansas Cavalry during the Civil War, 1868.
E.I. Stirman, 1870
T. Murray Campbell, 1871
J. R. Pettigrew, 1872-73
George A. Grace, 1873-74
R. J. Wilson, 1874-6
A. M. Wilson, 1866-7
A. S. Vandeventer, 1877-80
J. H. Van Hoose, 1880-1
W. C. Jackson, 1881-3
C. W. Walker, 1883-4
Samuel E. Marrs, 1884-5
W. C. Jackson, 1885
R. J. Wilson, 1886
O. C. Gray, 1887
E. B. Wall, 1887-8
J. H. Van Hoose, 1888-89
F. M. Goar, 1890-91
J. T. Lusk, 1891-5
W. S. Pollard, 1895-7
Jack Walker 1897-1901
J. T. Eason, 1901-5
C. A. Mulholland, 1905-9
W. H. Rollins 1909-13
Guy Philips, 1913-14
Tom Taylor, 1914-17
Allan M. Wilson, 1917
J. M. Phillips, 1917-21
Allan M. Wilson, 1921-28
             GIANT PARADE
           (Continued from page 1.)
north on Block to Dickson, west on
Dickson to Arkansas, and north on
Arkansas to Maple.
Band Concert at 2 p.m. Wednesday
Following a 2 o'clock band concert at
city park by Barr's band, the pageant
will be presented Wednesday at 4 p.m. at the great natural amphitheatre in the Trent "bowl." The pageant is under the direction of Miss Jobelle Holcombe, pageant master, and Miss Ruth Cranz, director of staging. Music is under F. J. Foutz, direc- tor of the University of Arkansas band.
Dances to Herald 8-Episode Pageant
Heralded by a prelude featuring dances
of nature spirits and Indians and by the procession of the 100 golden years, the pageant will include eight major episodes: The Early Settlers; The County Seal and Auction of Lots; the Development of Agriculture and Horticulture; The Devel- opment of Business; Industry; Profess- ions; Religion; Education. Two interludes will include the statehood group, and a series of negro spirituals.
       History of Education Retold
   The last episode, the Development of
Education, will show growth of higher
education here, launched in 1836, and
continued from Miss Sawyer's Female
Seminary to the University of Arkansas.

  Democrat classified ads get results

   The gist of the world's news each day in the Democrat  

                    WITH SHOES OF PAST

   Old-fashioned shoes of half a century or more ago are contrasted with those of the present at the Rogers Slipper Box on East Center street, where a futuristic tower de- signed by Jimmy O'Brien of Fayette
ville bears modernity in footgear for women.
   Colored lighting effects are ob- tained in Mr. O'Brien's display stand, a squaty skyscraper for slippers with its height increased by the long tri- angular designs of futurism.
   O'Brien is a former student at the
University of Arkansas, and form- erly made his home in Fort Smith.
             GIVEN TO COUNCIL
                            FOR DIST'S 38-39

   Estimated cost of construction for
work in districts 38 and 39 was
$12,750 each, according to a report
filed by commissioners with the city
council last night. District 38 was for
curb and gutter and 39 for paving.
J. M. Phillips, W. E. Graham, and
Jim English were named assessors for both districts.
                       WIFE IN SUICIDE

By Associated Press
  CHICAGO, July 3-John F. Isbell,
wealthy investment broker of Chicago,followed his wife in death through suicide last night.
  He died at a hospital 15 hours after
he fired the bullet into his head. The
suicide is attributed to despondency
over marital difficulties and ill health.
  Mrs. Isbell ended her life with gas
a month ago.
Washington-owned cherry wood of pre-Revolutionary growth is used in making a cherry bureau for Rebecca Washington, ancestor of Miss Sue Walker, and on exhibit at the museum.
            FATAL TO OFFICER
                          WHO SLEW BANDIT

By Associated Press
   FORT SMITH, July 3-Robert Blassingame,aged 57, night marshal at Wiser, Oklahoma, died in a hospital here today from gunshot wounds received in a gun battle at
Wiser on the night of June 17.
   He was shot when he resisted an attempt to hold him up by two men, one of whom was killed.
                   REPORT CONDITION

By Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 3-The comptroller of the currency today issued a call for statement of condition of national banks at the close of business June 30.
Venizelos Again
           To Form Cabinet
                        for Greek Gov't

By Associated Press
   ATHENS Greece, July 3-Elutherios Venizelos, former premier and dominant factor of the Liberal party, has been entrusted with for- mation of a new cabinet.
   That parliament will be dissolved on  return of Venizelos to guide the destinies of Greece, is just another incident of the dramatic career of this man whom President Wilson described as "one of the greatest
statesmen in Europe."


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